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249KiB, 600x465, brave_helioptile_by_superiordragonfan-d65bih3.png
Quoted By: >>16543637
Dear /vp/
What is wrong with you people? I mean seriously, why are we not all worshipping the greatest legendary pokemon ever put in any game as of yet, Helioptile.
Just look at this cute little lizard dog shit. Not only is he the perfect pokemon but when you get a shiny one he gets the best color change of any shiny ever.
Fuck Diggersby, he's awful. We should all be worshipping the almighty Helioptile.
Helioptile is love
Helioptile is life
What is wrong with you people? I mean seriously, why are we not all worshipping the greatest legendary pokemon ever put in any game as of yet, Helioptile.
Just look at this cute little lizard dog shit. Not only is he the perfect pokemon but when you get a shiny one he gets the best color change of any shiny ever.
Fuck Diggersby, he's awful. We should all be worshipping the almighty Helioptile.
Helioptile is love
Helioptile is life