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102KiB, 1191x670, tengen_toppa_gurren_bisharp_by_silver_blur_x-d4kojgf[1].jpg
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I started playing Pokemon again for the first time since Ruby. Breeding is pretty easy, and initially I was against people that talked about using shit like Pokegen to make perfect Pokemon, but then I learned that some Pokemon can only get moves from specific gen tutors.
That has got to be the most retarded, bullshit thing I've ever seen a company do. So you're telling me I have to buy not one game, but multiple games, and then used a paid service to get something like Knock Off on Bisharp? Yeah, I'll wait until Pokegen comes out and just play on simulators until then.
I know Night Slash is pretty fucking nice with the critical chance buff, but still, it's pretty annoying.
That has got to be the most retarded, bullshit thing I've ever seen a company do. So you're telling me I have to buy not one game, but multiple games, and then used a paid service to get something like Knock Off on Bisharp? Yeah, I'll wait until Pokegen comes out and just play on simulators until then.
I know Night Slash is pretty fucking nice with the critical chance buff, but still, it's pretty annoying.