>>16500992The appearance of the Magnezone changed the situation greatly, the Goldduck lighting up from the blast as it stumbled backwards as the bolt of lightning caused all of the spotlights to redirect directly upon it another clicking noise coming in from above.
The remaining guard and pokemon would hold the line either way the Dog pokemon avoiding the Weavile to try and finish the ghost off with another crunch.
The soldier himself would take close his eyes for would smash into the soldier, most of his heavy clothing taking the blast but leaving the guy almost stumbling where he the other guards blowing a whistle as the Magnezone appeared, the soldier almost sliding away from the gunk covering him, giving him just enough to toss something directly at the oncoming steel type. The Weavile only seen too by the final retreating soldier who could do little more than shout at it.
>Crunch>Fire Bomb>Follow me>>>>16501100The duo of attacks where definitely enough to cut the guard down where he lay in a splatter of blood. The guards inside merely responding by taking advantage that they no longer had to worry about injuring their comrade outside, one tossing a smoke grenade to land right outside the door while the other tossed a pokeball to join the Sableye, the other tossing out a Seviper.
The first joining in attempting a faint attack on the Kabutops while the other simply coiled up for it's next attack.
>Smokescreen>Coil>Faint attackOutside the attackers were divided, the Electric type heavily injured by the strike which caused it to focus on the mage and heading off into a last second full charge at him.... the Zangoose simply turned to the flying type and attempted another Crush Claw.
>Crush Claw 2,8 lower defense>Wild Charge 4 para faints if hits >Got 16501711