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No.16619722 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Pokemon X2/Y2, 2 stylized like Zygarde
>AZ Champion
>Malva new boss of Team Flare, who is after whichever Legendary wasn't in the previous game (Yveltal in X2, Xerneas in Y2)
>Gym Leaders, AZ, and Emma as a detective all play an actual role in the story
>Trevor is Professor's Assistant, Tierno involved with some new competition made to replace Contests/Musicals/Whatever, involves dancing at some point
>Shauna a wandering character akin to Steven in Emerald
>Just one rival, because there are enough characters as is
>Pacing akin to the first three gyms of XY
>Lysandre leads a new team, with a new mission of bringing order through Zygarde. This team is kind of in the background until a little over halfway through, when Lysandre appears to shut down Team Flare
>Seasons so you can Sawsbuck
>Have the unused train station take you to a real post game area
>Fill in the unused map space, add stuff in between Kiloude and the rest of Kalos