>>16651404>RocksVolcarona, Talonflame, Rapid Spin. Don't bother with SR weak Pokemon if you don't know how to deal with it. Guess what Salamance and Dragonite x2 to Stealth Rocks, it's not x4 but that's also fucking bad.
>Sp.Def It's a late game sweeper, who gives a shit. It's not like priority is special other than vacuum wave, M-Lucario
>SpeedIt has base 100, just like Salamance. Guess what Salamance is x4 to ice, SR weak, weak to Fairy, doesn't really make use of flying stab most of the time and only uses it to be immune to EQ. Meanwhile, Char x is not weak to Water, Ice or Fairy and is only x2 to rock at that point. Anything that would have killed Char X would sure as fuck kill Salamance and It makes use of both STABs as well. Confirmed for not knowing shit.