Official Forum (Discussion happens both here and there! Polls are also here!): ?
Official Game Name: Pokemon Opal (since no one is willing to discuss I'm making an executive decision.)
Official Region Name: Nullos
"Is Lamoby a starter?": No. We voted, it's a route-mon if anything.
"Is Hokus a Pokemon?": No. We voted. It's to be scrapped.
"Foxhound / Rabbit rivalry?": Maybe. We voted, it was split. Archives: Collected Art (An archive of images people have posted - we're working on cleaning up the ones that don't belong to us!) Music: ( creator is on hiatus) Possible Pokedex outline?-extreme WIP:
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Leopillar or Cateleo for the first stage of the caterpillar line.
was hoping for an opinion on an idea I had for a Rock/Ghost type.
>>16658433 and a rough idea of the color scheme
>>16658458 What even is it? What's its concept?
you faggots should just join forces with the other vp game lord knows you'd get the fucking thing finished a lot faster
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>>16658474 Sort of an undead aquatic dinosaur such as a Kronosaurus, whose fossils have been found in Australia
>>16658433 >more underwater pokemon Anonymous
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>>16658574 Well, since it's a ghost, I thought it would more or less just float through the air
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If theres no new eeveelution called cunteon in the dex you should all kill yourselves
>>16658479 I actually moved to help the Hoenn Remakes group. They're getting a ton of stuff done, while these guys are kinda just stagnating in both designs and inspiration.
You should join us!
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>>16658479 >gen/vp/ doesnt take new design ideas or story ideas no thanks
>>16658713 It's always in dead hours. All day, every day. There's like, an hour in between each reply. By ton of stuff you basicaly mean revising pre made maps and remaking songs. Your efforts will be worthless when GF actually announces remakes. Taking images from deviantART and google is also really hard work huh. I'm not gonna say we've got tons and tons of inspiration for mons (the majority of it rots in the dropbox never to be mentioned again) but we're basically in a similar stage with the music and mapping. We're getting there , it will be revised once we've bot the basics laid out. It's really just the pokemon, stroy and characters we're fumbling on (but we can't really get much of the characters and story done without the map competed).
>>16658458 I like it, especially the eyes. Not sure about the moss though
>>16658934 Well, feel free to let me know when you guys finish anything!
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16658934 >(but we can't really get much of the characters and story done without the map competed). I'll try and work faster, then.
Speaking of the map and how it relates to the story - would everyone be cool with the Darwin Gym Leader's badge being the one you need to use Cut? I was thinking of sticking some Cut Trees on Route 5 to act as a broken bridge.
>>16659026 Didn't it take gen/vp/ almost a year to get their dex finished?
>>16659022 yeah, the moss is kinda to show that it's really ancient and the rocks are possibly kind of wet from the fact that it was aquatic before it died. I suppose the whole pokemon itself could also symbolize extinction in general.
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>>16659064 it is not finished yet Anonymous
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>>16659054 As long as the cut hm doesn't suck complete ass, then yeah, it's cool
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
Damn, posted in the old thread. What typing are we giving this?
>>16659107 Electric/Poison?
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
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>>16659163 Blue ring octopi are known for their sting.
I mean, it's venom, but it's an idea.
>>16659107 flying/dark.
They'll never expect an octopus to fly up in their face.
>>16659219 sage has a floating sqid, but whatevs
I like the notion that its dark and the spots function like spotlights in the dark. and ground type works better than water, because octopi rarely actually swim.
though it could get water absorb? Anonymous
>>16659107 Electric makes no sense. Yellow =/= Electric.
Poison/Water or Poison/Psychic works for me.
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>16659445 I drew this a long time ago.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
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...Been a few days. Legit sorry everybody. Having a lot of family and personal issues along with shitty college stuff. Don't hate me
Sion2619 !H7ZJGz53MQ
So I was thinking hard about the music. All main series games have just had lots of different tracks. None really relate to each other so I was thinking, why not have a main theme for Pokeaus and base the music around the main theme. I would still keep what I have, but I think that the underlining theme could work. Opinions on this? Oh yeah, an example would be the Halo 2 ost.
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>>16659496 >Conker's Bad Fur Day >All themes within the game are different styled vesions of the same thing LOVE IT
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16659496 Glad I came back right now, that's a great idea. I'd definitely go with it.
>>16659107 I am loving this idea. I love octopi/squid so much
Not in that way, l-lewd-baka . Poison/Psychic would be the best route to go with it, IMO.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16659464 >>16659464 Poison/Psychic works.
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>>16659496 I don't know, depending on how many songs are going to be made it could get hard to keep remixing the same theme or if they do all get made, it could get tiring to listen to.
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>16659496 I was wondering something.
Are you going to be making the pokemon cries too, or who's doing that?
>>16659568 >>16659553 >>16659464 Poison/Psychic
Alright, it'll be easier to base a design off of that now.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
Anything you guys want me to help draw? Did I come in when you guys already got everything under control?
>>16659626 Kangaroo. Wombat. Rainbow Serpent. Minka Bird. Anything that isn't a fish or bird (other than Minka)
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16659626 Someone suggested having a Hopping Mouse grass starter. Want to try your hand at that?
>>16659663 >hopping mouse >not jacky dragon (tree dragon) >not trying to make a grass-type charizard what the fuck is wrong with all of you
>>16659677 >not poison >blue ringed octopus is one of the most venomous things alive what the fuck is wrong with all of you
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16659663 >>16659656 Hopping Mouse --> Kangaroo maybe? I want opinions on this idea before I start doodling it.
Sion2619 !H7ZJGz53MQ
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>>16659592 I will try to make cries.
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>16659681 >wanting two lizard starters The grass starter fits better as some sort of mammal.
>>16659677 I can try both.
>>16659705 no, no, no, no, NO. NO KANGAROO STARTER
>>16659729 >wanting two lizard starters you mean like gen 1 that had three reptiles? gen 2 that had two? gen 3 that had two?
No. Grass starters are always reptiles except for Chespin. It does not fit better as some sort of mammal.
Taking the Jacky Dragon and turning it into a sort of grass Charizard would be different enough from the Thorndle line where it can be justified, and it would be absolutely fantastic.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16659705 You could go Hopping Mouse ==> Tree Kangaroo. Tree Kangaroos and normal Kangaroos are different enough from each-other that it shouldn't be a problem.
>>16659790 Is the only reason you want a reptile starter to fit with the "gamefreak does it" pattern? The problem with making a "grass charizard" is just that - it would be seen as a grass-typed charizard ripoff, NOT its own pokemon. Why would you want a shitty ripoff for a starter?
>>16659807 no, they're not different enough. a tree kangaroo is just a mini-me version of a kangaroo.
please stop, for the love of god please.
look at this thing as grass-dragon inspiration.
start as a jacky dragon, become something like this.
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>>16659704 Poison/Ground then?
The venom could be what causes the spots to grow.
also pokemon aren't limited by their inspiration. at all. Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16659735 Alright, alright, yeesh. I got a good idea I'm gonna try working with right now.
>>16659807 Dropping the idea of it turning into anything else, I kinda wanna work with the Hopping mouse alone. Besides, we need more GOOD mouse Pokemon.
>>16659843 Not a big fan of a grass dragon starter. Falling on deaf ears on this part.
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>>16659842 you're not being imaginative enough. aside from patterns, which for certain things really SHOULD be followed, an actual grass dragon is something that gamefreak has never done. there are NO dragons within pokemon with grass/tree/flora inspiration.
it'd be brilliant if we came up with something, AND we have an animal that works. the jacky dragon, or the tree dragon.
>>16659735 >>16659843 Tree Kangaroos look nothing like kangaroos and totally feel like starter material.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16659870 >Hopping mouse >alone ...intriguing.
>>16659870 >Besides, we need more GOOD mouse Pokemon. >golden-backed tree rat Anonymous
>>16659896 they definitely do not.
more inspiration. grass dinosaur to fit in with bulbasaur, chikorita, sceptile
>>16659921 >they definitely do not They look more like bears than kangaroos, mate.
And for someone hoping to get an idea through, you aren't exactly setting an example for an open ear.
>>16659953 this looks like a small, fat, furrier kangaroo.
>>16659919 i support the golden-backed tree rat.
i'm going to push for a reptilian grass starter to no end.
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what about Hopping Mouse -> Bandicoot -> Tree Kangaroo then?
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Tree-Dragon. Literally.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16659909 I looked at flora that's native to Australia, and I found the Callistemon, otherwise known as the "bottle brush". I was going to run with the idea of it starting out looking a bit like a Bottle Brush seed and then when it has its' final evolution, it would have several thin hopper tails that it could use like whips. I want to find a secondary typing to give it as well, so I'm gonna need to look more into Callistemons or hopping mice in general.
>>16659919 >>16659995 I made a quick attempt at a golden-backed tree rat, but it's looking rather generic right now. What typing are we looking for here? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be gearing toward, I know what animal you guys want but not how you want it.
I love rodents, can you tell? Anonymous
>>16660068 golden-backed tree rat isn't a starter idea, it's an exp-yielder idea
>>16660060 this sound pretty interesting imo
>>16660068 i like it, could perhaps go a rock direction for the gold. make it either look really fast or really good at hiding. also take
>>16660104 into account.
>>16660104 Oh, I'm not trying to make a starter. My starter concept is still this.
>>16660184 Alright, I'll try to make it a rock-type!
>>16660238 so shaymin, then
>>16660238 >Alright, I'll try to make it a rock-type! Thanks! I'm not the anon who brought it up, but the point of the rat is that it was thought extinct and finding it was a huge deal. The guy posted a mineral sounding something like "tranquil"
I couldn't find it which was also a mineral thought to not exist on earth and finding it in Australia was a big deal. So it should look rare, valuable, but also really subtle and undercover.
Giving it a spacey meteorite feel like gold from space might add the spice the concept could use? Sion2619 !H7ZJGz53MQ
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Not a good drawer, but have an idea: A bug/ground pokemon which is one of those wasps that builds large nests out of dirt and wood, possibly has a wooden exoskeleton and has mud dripping from mandibles.
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
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Quick question, why again did we replace this design?
>>16660263 Huh? What makes it look like Shaymin other than the fact it carries foilage and has a snout?
>>16660449 It looks literally identical to shayin with its head up.
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>>16658458 >>16659073 Got a Kronosaurus skeleton for reference. I thought it was a good base because Kronos has to do with time which goes back to the whole extinction theme. What do you guys think?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16660685 And in relation to everything else...
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16660718 >>16660685 Actually, quick question.
Which do you guys prefer for Route 6? With path, or without?
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>16660896 I'd say with, but only up in the area in the grass, and the path in the sand thrown out.
It kind of looks out of place.
>>16660319 Hmm, for something with a "hidden" feel I might want a slightly different shape... I don't really know how to get a spacey meteorite feel, but I'll try to look it up.
Anyway, attempt 1. Still very plain-looking to me, needs a lot of tweaking. Thoughts? No-go, needs some fixing, try a different approach?
>>16660467 Hmm. How would I fix that then? If it even is fixable.
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
I'm really at a loss for where to go with this thing.
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>>16661088 I like the face of the original one. no bulbousness to it, it just looked like the tentacles were a mustache or beard and that its eyes were sunken in.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16660974 Like this, then?
>>16661313 Oh look, you completely ripped off a section of Johto's Route 34
paprika (IGN: Jonny) 3523-3375-9977 !EvBfxcIQ32
paprika (IGN: Jonny) 3523-3375-9977 !EvBfxcIQ32 Sat 14 Dec 2013 03:20:33 No. 16661462 Report ?
>>16661010 I actually REALLY like it. The design shouldn't be too fancy anyway.
Maybe give the eyes a subtle but eerie gem-look? and the tip of the tail could loosely resemble the trail of a shooting star, I wouldn't take th spacey part much further than that.
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>>16661384 I'm not seeing it. Routes tend to look samey when they serve the same purpose.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
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>>16661462 The one on the left is the most terrifying design in Aus to date. I love it.
On a side note, almost done with my design. Didn't come out as well as I wanted, but they never do.
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>>16661384 >>16661384 Let's just compare, shall we?
Johto Route 34
>forested >borders the sea on the west >twisty-ass path that has no clear straight line through it >secret passage via the sea to a hidden section at the rear >80 tiles long Nullos Route 6
>arid desert >Relatively straight >120 tiles long The only things they have in common are the fact that they're both daycare routes, and they're north-south oriented. That's it. You don't even travel the same direction on the two when playing through the game in sequence - Route 34 is travelled south from Ilex Forest through to Goldenrod City, while Route 6 is travelled north from Darwin through to Alice Springs.
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>16661313 That looks good, do you happen to have any way of marking off NPC placement?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
Here's my basic idea. Again, not as good as it was in my head, but I still like the concept. Thoughts?
>>16661703 final stage looks a bit too weak. give it more body, more bulk, or more presence.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
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>>16661768 Definitely will. This page was mainly for just getting it down on paper, I wanted to get the three stages onto one page, so when I go and give each one their own page (If more of it is requested) I'll definitely add on to it.
>>16661484 Do you mean something like this? The eyes probably count as eerie if they're made out of gold like the rocks on its back, so that's not hard to do.
>>16661953 Perhaps the back could be a little rounder. What colour do you have in mind for the main fur?
Eyes look good like that and that's exactly what I menat with the tail.
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>>16662010 Didn't put much effort into the back for that sketch, but that does explain why it felt a little off. Thanks! I'll make a "final" image for the guy to put on the dropbox/use when talking about it in later threads.
I don't have any color in mind for the fur, honestly. All I know is that it should be a dark color, to help bring out the gold and eyes. Its belly might be a lighter color, for contrast, but not too light. Claws would probably be white or grey, it'd be too much gold if they were golden.
>>16662425 Yeah, I like that! I'd say not to give him a different belly colour, so he can hide better on brown ground by lying on the back?
>>16662425 >not giving this a preevolution named Silveratto. Anonymous
Y'all better have a shrimp barbecue pokemon.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16662697 We call them prawns here, actually. Not shrimp.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16662636 What if it had a reference to El Dorado in it's name? It's a city made of Gold, man. Come on. There's gotta be something to this.
Goldorado? Eldorato? I dunno, I ain't the name guy.
>>16662636 yeah, i'm backing up my name here.
i now want this to be a three evolution line. you run across the bronze version early in the game, silver version middle of the game, gold version by the end.
Silverato (Silverado + Rat) has to be the middle stage.
Redraw this so it looks bigger.
>>16662729 Silverato and Eldorato
>>16662744 The concept was a single stage rare encounter exp-yielder. Not sure how well that translates, and how much people want a three stage mouse line.
Though I guess they could give exponetially rising exp, in proportion to their rarity.
Russet 3110-4679-4745 !92mk8AnWmg
>>16662761 I think Eldorato works, but I don't think it needs a prevo. It's supposed to be like a special EXP giver, right, like Audino or something?
or am I behind now? Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16662761 My only problem with it being a 3-stage Pokemon is the fact that it's an EXP-giving Pokemon. It's like giving Audino an evolution, just seems a bit odd.
>>16662785 Yeah, this is the EXP Pokemon.
I think. Anonymous
>>16662783 that was my idea, thought i typed it out but i guess i forgot.
it can still be like audino, just broken up. early game itll give you high exp, mid game it'll give you higher exp, and end-game itll give you astronomical exp.
could be a cool way to prevent people from having to e4 grind
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>>16659921 Why not a kangaroo then? Kangaroo are just t-rex deer.
Gow 0404-6851-0762
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Just stopping by, that fucking drop bear made me laugh so hard it fucking hurt
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>>16662785 If we wouldn't have the cutter rabbit already, having a counter mon that's got like copper on it's back and is absurdly common would've been fun and better than a prevo, imo.
From what we have, single stage works better, though I guess it depends on resonance.
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Now it's time for us to shitpost YOUR threads!
We honestly don't have that many confirmed fish, and even then, not many unique ones. Why not the Water/Fire Clown fish to Lion fish? Nice design, evos don't look too similar, unique typing.
>>16662859 its ugly as shit and we have a ton of water stuff
>>16662785 >>16662806 It is.
>>16662812 It would have to get stupidly rare, or even have a conditional spawn or something. I don't mind the idea, but three stages for this gimmick in a limited dex may be pushing it a bit.
>>16662425 I like it!
>>16662539 It wouldn't be a different color so much as a slightly lighter shade, so its ability to hide wouldn't be affected.
>>16662744 >>16662812 Wouldn't giving it a prevo early in the game undermine the whole "rare" thing? It'd end up being common as dirt, but the entire concept is that it's rare and difficult to find.
Also I'm awful at drawing large bulky things.
>>16662878 stupidly rare for the final version is fine. moderately rare for the middle version, relatively rare (audino rare) for the first stage.
im in love with this right now, but i cant think of a bronze pun
>>16662909 at the VERY least make it cousin pokemon like illumise/volbeat, silverato and eldorato.
but i would love them to have evolutions with exponential exp yields
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ahhh man. You guys changed the one pokemon I was actually looking forward to bubbalo
>>16662872 What don't you like about it? If you actually contribute to the thread we can improve.
And we only have one find of fish, a jellyfish, a water starter reject, and an octopus.
>>16662909 This guy
>>16662907 has a point though. There would need to be a evolution condition or something, otherwise the prevo will lead you straight to the rare evo (albeit in your team).
I think I prefer different versions than an evolution line, but that's adding another two or three single stages to the dex.
That will likely turn out unviable as heck. Anonymous
>>16662944 the rare evo being in your team is irrelevant. you dont get exp of your own pokemon.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16662917 I'm not TOO on board with this idea (or the idea of Silverato in general), but what if Silverato gave out money? Like, the only move it ever learns is a Multi-hit move that drops money every time it hits, like a multi-hit, weaker Pay Day? And it has Skill Link, which means it could always hit 5 times.
OR! New Ability: Jackpot
All 2 to 5-hit moves hit 7 times
>>16662962 Yeah, but it would still not be rare. Every trainer could potentially have one, and if, say, they were to systematically train and release them, the place would be full of the 'rare' mons.
If we reduce it to a game mechanic, this matters little, but I'd rather imagine it actually being rare, and actually a huge deal upon encounter.
>>16658458 Anyone have any opinions on this? I feel like I posted it at a bad time. Any constructive criticism would really be appreciated
>>16662985 It would be rare in the wild. Audinos are stupidly common amongst trainers. The point is still relevant. It could evolve via stone, or some other condition. Or maybe in the wild it's rare because only a few survive in the tougher environments.
>>16658458 In all honesty, I like this but I'd rather only have one skull fish in the dex and would vote for the algae pollution fish Sedinja dropoff
apfSd for short over this one.
If we push it as a fossil I'd be more prone, though. Likely it would loose its ghost type for water then.
>>16662982 Sounds really neat, though tough to coordinate. Sounds like this could be the first game to let you easily max out your wallet infinite times.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16663006 I feel like it's a bit cluttered. You have the idea of the rocks and the skeleton (In fact, I love the striped fins giving the impression of a line of bones there!) but I feel like it's a bit too much. Perhaps you could make the skull only one part of the jaw? Maybe only the top, Cubone style? And then you could make the back parts a bit more linear and focused - like a Stegosaur frill. Linear, but tilted backwards.
>>16663085 He also has a really good point.
>>16663085 >Likely it would loose its ghost type for water then How so?
>>16663029 I guess it could work if it gets used to domestication instantly and looses all hiding instinct unless it naturally evolves in the wild [spoilerwhich only happens when it chances over a evolution stone lying around and touches it?[/spoiler:lit]
The stone would have to be Tranquillityite-based, which is what the anon who brought this up associated with its concept.
I found it, it could easily be interpreted as the mineral form of the tree rat Anonymous
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>>16663135 >revive a fossil >its a ghost type >but i revived it why is it still a ghost hurr
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>>16663110 Alright, I suppose I could try that.
>>16663135 Ghost type would be really weird for a revived fossil.
Or perhaps not?
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>>16663147 >first failed spoiler on 4chan It hits everyone. Damn.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16663168 I think it could only work well if it was called for by the creature itself, and this one doesn't seem like it would necessarily be a Ghost-type. It would obviously be water.
>>16663147 BronzeMouse is relatively rare in the wild because it likes to hide. If you find one and defeat it, you get high exp.
Silverato is very rare in the wild, because BronzeMouse has a hard time defeating those around it. Those that don't hide evolve.
Eldorato is exceptionally rare in the wild because it not only hides, but to evolve it must chance upon an evolutionary stone.
It being not-rare because it's in your party is a really bad argument.
>>16663168 I've thought about this. What if the fossil was broken or damaged in some way so that the revival process doesn't quite work all the way and it comes back as undead?
>>16663029 Are Audinos stupidly common among trainers? I admit I skipped black/white, but in X/Y only certain high-level trainers in the Battle Mansion have Audinos. They're hardly a common sight.
For me, having an evolution line like that would be kind of like having access to, say, a Deino right at the start of the game. You can't find Pigeot anywhere in the wild, but because you catch a pidgey near the start, nobody considers Pigeot rare at all.
I'd be all up for Silveratto as a volbeat/illumise or plusle/minun counterpart though.
If you do end up with the evolution line, why not have it evolve by leveling up while holding a Big Nugget or something? Anonymous
>>16663197 Since it's a ghost, I pictured it as "swimming" through the air. Perhaps levitate as an ability?
>>16663212 >It being not-rare because it's in your party is a really bad argument. No, it's not. Because it could be in everyones party. And if the big plus (in real world pokemon) would be exp, you would gain that by battling against eldorato trainers too.
Of course it would still be special to actually encounter one, but not nearly as special than if it were new and unseen by you before.
Guess it's a matter of taste though.
>>16663231 This could be intereting, yes. Though again, we would have two skeletal "fish" that are part-ghost type. Not sure how that will go.
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>>16663250 Yes, lots of trainers have Audinos. Even then, they're not all that uncommon in the wild, especially in XY. They're also pretty terrible battlers.
This would be a unique evolutionary line as well as Audino-clone. An exponential exp-yielder is genius.
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>>16663250 This looks absolutely perfect. Thanks man.
I suppose you could say it's
golden Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>16663168 Vampire bat Jeholopterus?
>>16663294 I was more trying to go for an an aquatic carnivorous dinosaur, so it would look a lot like a fish I suppose. Any other Ideas to make it a bit less fish-like?
>>16658393 Why are we still using bias dex?
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16661703 So I've been thinking about working with this design a bit more...
I was thinking about trying for a Grass/Fairy and giving it a bit more of an innocent look. I could also go Grass/Electric or I could just aim for pure Grass
Although that's pretty boring Anonymous
>>16663359 >im gonna just add my own art to the dex! nope.
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>>16663359 >every sea route mon is two-staged Yeah, no.
>>16663353 To me it looks like an aquatic thing in a reptilian skeleton. The big fishlike features only come about when you know it's supposed to be swimming around.
>>16663338 This looks amazing. Not to mention that having a vampire (aka. undead) fossil would be wonderfully ironic.
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>>16663384 And ya took
>>16663359 's bait, m8
>>16663250 I think a red tint to the gold version would look nice.
>>16663437 What if I tried to make the inner (black) part more ghostly or whispy?
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16663477 Seems a bit too bright. A dark red could look good. Hell, maybe even a super-dark purple would compliment the yellow and help it pop even more. I dunno, that red just seems off.
>>16663496 Either that, or make it more obvious that there's something in there (not all ghosts are whispy). Give it a shot!
>>16663497 I feel the red will look better than dark purple. I actually find it a really soothing colour combination.
>y no gold/silver claws? Anonymous
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>>16663555 Okay! brb doing some revisions
>>16663497 does shading help
Russet 3110-4679-4745 !92mk8AnWmg
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>>16663608 I think that purple one is kind of strange-looking, but the red looks nice!
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16663555 Then just make the red a bit darker, in my opinion. We need the gold to REALLY pop.
>>16663369 Still hoping to get some feedback on ideas for my Bottle Brush mouse as well.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
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>>16663608 Wow, yes, the right one looks fantastic! Exactly what I was thinking.
Russet 3110-4679-4745 !92mk8AnWmg
>>16663668 I am all about the one on the right. Maybe make one where it's got golden claws as well?
>>16663668 IIt reminds me of a warm fire-lit cave or something, and it fits awesomely with the gold so I agree! This looks great!
Purple is my favorite color, but it definitely doesn't fit it...
>>16663555 >>16663696 (Artist here) I considered giving it gold claws, but it feels like it'd make it a bit TOO much gold and would take away from the gold on its tail/back. Besides, it'd cripple the poor thing's survival capabilities since gold isn't good to dig or fight with.
>>16663668 Would it look better if it wasn't so covered in gold? More a 'diamond in the rough' thing, where it has one precious gold tail as its prized possession
Russet 3110-4679-4745 !92mk8AnWmg
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>>16663727 That's true, hadn't thought about it that way.
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>>16663702 I think the gold is prominent enough, even if the read isn't too dark. Though I don't really have a strong preference, think about how rarely GF has really dark colours for major body parts.
>>16663727 >it'd cripple the poor thing's survival capabilities Hence it's rare. Nah, just kidding I thought the same.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
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>>16663735 No, it's based on LITERALLY a golden-backed tree rat. We can't take away the gold back.
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>>16663727 >Purple is my favorite color Anonymous
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>>16663735 >golden-backed tree rat The golden back is vital, I'd say. Though I like your thinking.
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>>16663760 The right looks very much like an artifact, which is honestly quite interesting. But I suppose the whole space-thing is referenced a-plenty with the shooting star and the possible evolution stone (thouh a special nugget would be neat too).
Russet 3110-4679-4745 !92mk8AnWmg
>>16663760 Awesome, thanks. Seeing these, I think the "dark" one with white claws looks best. Sorry for asking you to color the claws, it does tip it into too much gold, I think.
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>>16663760 >>16663820 Agreed, Dark with white claws looks the best.
>>16663250 please draw silverato
>>16663869 So, Silverato is the prevo our the cousin?
I feel we need to get this straight, since the implications differ greatly.
>>16663869 I'll be happy to, but right now it's past 6 AM so I need to get to bed. And as
>>16663901 said, the design will differ significantly depending on if it's a prevo or a cousin, so it'd be good if we could decide on that. (My vote is for cousin.)
>>16663901 draw a version for each and see which looks better, but i really like the idea of it being a prevo. even if we dont go all the way to bronze, exponential exp is a unique feature that would be cool
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>>16663917 >>16663914 is the artist, not me Anonymous
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>>16663914 make it a pre-evolution, please :)
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>>16663914 Even if it's an evo, they could literally be almost the same, different only in mineral and rarity. And if the evo is hard to get, then cousin and evo options would be almost the same.
>mfw I imagine the rarity of Eldoratos shiny Anonymous
Alright I'm back! anybody still here? I made the back a bit more stegosauruslike as was suggested and gave it a bit more of an actual mouth.
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>>16664420 reminder: we already have a skeleton fish and that will get my vote before this ever does.
draw something that lives on land please
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
So, I've done a full version of Route 11 and put in placeholders for Routes 10 and 12.
Thoughts? Note that the map is now over 3MB in size.
>>16664420 Personally this is my pick for skeleton fish
>>16664647 Well I was more or less pitching this as a fossil idea. Assuming there will be 2 single-stage fossil pokemon, I thought this could maybe be a standalone 3rd one, like aerodactyl.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16664641 Also, question for everyone:
Right now, I'm (more or less) following the map layout agreed upon in early threads. However, right now, I'm seeing potential to create a double-loop and link Route 12 through to Pink Lake. Since you probably wouldn't get surf until at least the 4th badge, it shouldn't create any sequence-breaking issues. What do you guys think of that?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16664677 Don't you mean two 2-stage fossils? Like Kabuto/Kabutops + Omanyte/Omastar, or Anorith/Armaldo + Lileep/Cradily?
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>>16664708 link them through a dungeon in the nullarbor cliffs.
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>>16664721 err yeah, that's what I meant
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>16664708 If you do, it should be a secret area.
There's prime locations for two more on the map, probably the other legendary trio?
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Few people ever reacted when I brought up the exp-yielder golden-backed tree rat idea, and yet this thread had a whole part devoted to drawing and discussing it. I love you, anons! Sorry I couldn't be there.
>>16664749 >other legendary trio one legendary trio, not two. we're not going crazy with legendaries
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
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>>16664904 Still a good location.
>>16662931 >4 water route lines What gen has had more than that?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16665130 Well, Generation 1 had the Psyduck, Poliwag, Tentacool, Slowpoke, Seel, Shellder, Horsea, Goldeen, Staryu and Magikarp lines.
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>>16665130 did you even play genIII
Wingull, carvhana, spheal, relicanth, wailmer, clamperl, lotad, barboach, corpish, luvdisc.
AND a fucking water legendary.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16665130 Gen 5
Panpour, Tympole, Tirtouga, Ducklett, Frillish.
I think we're okay with adding another water route, if necessary.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16665212 Speaking of water routes...
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16665530 Now with 100% more Kangaroo Island!
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16665962 Better version.
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>16666163 Do those dive spots go under the pink lake, or they go straight down in a well, or what?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16666173 The current plan was for them to lead to an undersea cave. That undersea cave may or may not lead out to an area next to Pink Lake. Haven't decided yet.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16666182 >>16666173 And by "undersea cave", I mean a cave which has an underwater entrance, but which heads northwest and leads beneath the continent
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>16666189 >>16666182 Now I'm picturing an underwater version of sinnoh's Underground.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16666285 Maybe not that elaborate. Think more like Rock Tunnel, but with occasional underwater sections.
Touching on the grass starter, a Kangaroo would make quite a lot of sense. The native Kangaroo Paw plant and all. It'd tie in nicely.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16666163 I have to ask, why are the dive spots so disjointed? They could be thicker/wider/larger as the shape of dive route patches normally correspond to what the area caved around it look like underwater. Apart from that, I absolutely love the rest of the map so far.
>>16666285 If that was the case, that would be really cool. But maybe a bit too complex.
>>16666294 I can picture this.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16666318 The reason the dive sections are so small is because I was just dicking around when putting them in; I made them look like a face. I'll fix up proper ones before I move onto the next route.
Anyway, here's the overworld map so far, with Route 12 and Kangaroo Island included: Card !TEXkrYZRw2
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>>16666294 >>16666318 Oh alright, that works out better.
Sion2619 !H7ZJGz53MQ
>>16660365 Bumping for opinions.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16666315 That is a pretty good tie in. It seems a much nicer choice than the grass lizard in my opinion. I like the current direction of it.
I actually don't see how it closely resembles Shaymin, a point which others brought up. It reminds me of when people brought up the lizard/dragon tree having the Sceptile face. Card !TEXkrYZRw2
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>>16666342 Not sure how much you can work with that.
Seem's like there's not enough variation to base off of, or is that how it's meant to be?
RPGMaker is shit-tier. Just saying.
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>>16666401 And what do you suggest instead?
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16660365 Eh... I honestly don't like it too much. It seems really bland and drawn out. I really don't think having all the tracks based around one base theme working very well here. I say, stick to and continue to revise what you've got.
In the main series my favorite OSTs were probably from d/p/pt (for the overall really nice jazz theme going on) and b/w (mostly due to how well they used a large variety of instruments and each song managed to carry a good feel of what the area was themed/about). Perhaps an overarching style used in most pieces would be good. Anonymous
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>>16666401 Give us some options then fuckhead.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16666401 Maybe, but we decided to go with RPG Maker as opposed to a romhack because RPG Maker would make it easier for us to implement the Fairy type.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
Quoted By:
>>16666512 RPG maker + Pokemom essentials seems pretty good to me. It's one of the easier things to work with and implementing coded events will be simpler than in ROM hacking. Besides, the sprite color limit isn't exactly set in RPGmaker
we still shouldn't use more than 14 - 16 though like in the actual games. Anonymous
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>>16666315 i dno dude already got a grass kangaroo
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
I made a rock. Not sure what to do with it, though. Like, should I stick a couple houses to the east (since IRL there's a village just to the east of Uluru)? Or should I leave that empty? I think leaving as much empty space in this area would be best, in order to emphasise the size of Uluru
>>16667070 I like that boulder
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16667227 It's not just a boulder, Squidward... It's a rock
>>16666315 I drew this but didn't get any replies, which is fine. But I think the tail idea from this would be good to cannibalise for a Pokemon that has a tail which eventually blooms into a kangaroo paw.
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>>16659496 ultima noline did it I think
>>16667384 I like it, my art was poorly received so I'll let you drawfags do your thing but I'd like to see this made more start-ish
SunWukong !KGDlKt1uNQ
>>16667384 >>16667524 Fuck it I tried it anyway
>>16667646 A..a..are we kawaii anon-kun~?
>>16658458 Looks perfect. It must be included!
>>16658458 I like this one too. Maybe tweak it a little bit. Could be a cool standalone single stage pokemon.
>>16663267 is an interesting concept. I can imagine it floating through a graveyard or a dark cave.
>>16664641 Looks great as usual.
I just had a thought - wouldn't it be cool to have a mini-oasis in the middle of one of the desert routes? Some palm trees and (unfishable) water. And the only pokemon available is a Psychic or Fairy trickster pokemon, because the oasis is actually a mirage created by that pokemon?
>>16664708 I think areas connecting makes a lot of sense, personally. It would even be nice to have a reason to go back there in gameplay terms. Regardless, it would be a shame for the areas to be so close to each other and NOT connect.
>>16666163 I feel like there needs to be a house or an island or a grass patch at the end of the route to make it less... empty? I know the Dive spots are important but it feels a little bare. Otherwise, great.
>>16666294 I love the idea of this.
>>16667384 I am curious and want to see evolution ideas. I wonder if little Emolga-style glider flaps would look interesting on it?
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>>16668001 >>16662425 I meant this one looks perfect!
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16667689 Nigga, that shit's kawaii as fuck.
>>16668001 Thanks. I will keep your mirage oasis idea in mind, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to implement. And I might throw in an extra island on the end of Route 12.
SunWukong !KGDlKt1uNQ
>>16667689 This reminded me that Thorndle has been on his hind legs for far too long, so I took a shot at fixing that.
>>16668001 your taste is so shit I just ignored anything you said beyond "looks perfect"
So, which old pokemon are you going to include?
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>>16668168 Rather than clog up the thread with meaningless statements that don't help anyone, justify your opinions and say what needs work/doesn't need work.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668168 If you look at the post immediately after, you'll see he misquoted. He meant to call
>>16662425 perfect.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668210 We haven't decided yet. We've only really decided on the limit on the absolute number, which will be between 20 and 40.
Personally, I think Pokemon like Vulpix and Swinub should appear (as analogues to feral foxes and hogs), as should Kangaskhan. But that's just my opinion.
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>>16668234 that's even worse. It got fucking gold nipples.
SunWukong !KGDlKt1uNQ
>>16668167 >>16667689 These are looking great, if I do say so myself.
>>16667384 If you're wondering why I butchered your design, I made the pink tufts less ear-related, since that's kind of Fennekin's thing. And then I made the proportions more fitting for starters. I do love your design, but it has the proportions for a mid-stage. I also made the tail a bit larger and more pronounced.
>>16668246 >>16667689 >>16667646 >>16667384 I feel if you want it to end up flying type with wings, you need to have some sort of hint of that in the first stage so it isn't too out of the blue.
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>>16668261 >wings m8, do you know what a sugar glider is.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16668246 I added in Bubbalo's current design just to see how it would look. I guess it fits in?
imo, Bubbalo still needs some work but it's heading in the right direction. Love the grass starter, looks adorable and it was about time someone drew Thorndle on all fours. Anonymous
You guys accepting pokemon ideas?
>>16668333 Would you guys like to hear some I'd this isn't a bad time?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668323 Sure. We're still in a rather early stage of things. Current focus seems to be on figuring out what the hell's happening with the starters, but if you've got ideas for other kinds of mons, have at it.
A note, though. We seem to be getting a lot of bird and fish-based suggestions recently. If you want to mix things up, try suggesting something mammalian, reptilian or vegetable in nature.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668339 It's pretty quiet right now, but activity will start to peak in a few hours. Unfortunately, that's the time that shitposting seems to peak, too.
Either way, this thread'll still be alive for another 12 hours or so, so at least some people will see your post.
>>16668352 >activity will start to peak in a few hours Strange, that'll be wee hours here in Melbourne.
Where are most people from?
>>16668333 >>16668344 Alright I was thinking of a sewer gator/snapping turtle pokemon
First stage is basically a turtle with a concrete shell that sticks its head in it all the time. Maybe have little yellow eyes showing in the dark shell. The second stage is when the shell gets bigger and it finally sticks its massive head out with huge jaws.
Maybe steel/dragon for typing
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>>16668239 >20-40 I think you shouldn't limit yourselves to such a low number just yet. Pokemon I would consider including would be a lot of water types, like both seadragons, Sharpedo and wingull. Other than that, surely some desert mons (like Flygon), Mareep, Numel, and- If you're still going with the rainbow snake/ mythological mystery theme- Unown and some other psychic types that hang out in strange places. These are of course just my suggestions and probably someone said most of this already somewhere.
>>16668356 Melbourne Australia or Florida?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16668356 I'd say the majority of people working on PokeAus are American. I'm Australian myself, though. I tend to sleep through the peak.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16668368 Australia, most likely. It's currently 9:30am in Florida, and 1:30am in Melbourne, Vic.
>>16668357 Sounds like a cool concept
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16668356 While I assumed most people working on this are American, I know that sion2619 is from New Zealand and SEQguy is Australian.
I'm not going to say where I'm from but it isn't America. Anonymous
>>16668403 Another idea I had was a fire/bug type bombadier beetle pokemon. First stage has a small sprayer on it, second stage has a minigun like tail, and the third evolves into a stealth bomber beetle
>>16668437 >stealth bomber beetle Someone draw this
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668437 >>16668446 mite b cool
Also, new map. Was thinking of making Route 13 a Rock Smashy route, since I figured the Rock Smash HM would be available by this point (and it'd be cool if you actually acquired Rock Smash in Coober Pedy as part of some kind of mining sidequest). Would also prevent players from going to Uluru too soon.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668465 Also, should I have that oasis in Route 13? I figured it looked a bit bland, but I wasn't sure what else I could put in to mix things up. Maybe some kind of hills, or a house?
>>16668479 Maybe a small house
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16668479 Maybe have a small standalone house in the middle of an oasis' lake, surrounded bu a few trees. It could be a bit like meister's house on route 226 in d/p/pt. Route 13 and Ayer's rock are looking good.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668486 Like this?
>>16668524 I'll try that.
SunWukong !KGDlKt1uNQ
I spent way too long on this considering how little I like the outcome. But oh well, I tried my hand at the evo. The tail is becoming bottlebrush for the final evo and I did try leafwings but it seemed too busy. Hit me with your best shot, I'll read it in the archives in the morning.
>>16668531 maybe something like this? did it quick in mspaint.
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Just passingby, but if that first stage kiwi hasn't been named, it should be called Kiwick.
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Had an idea for the water starter. It's based on an Echidna that gets more Gator-like as it evolves, eventually it would be standing on it's hind legs with gator jaws and icicles sticking out it's back. Bad description, I know.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668656 You mean like this?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668656 Oh, wait, you want it in that pocket. Alright. Just so you know, I'd been working on
>>16668699 since just after I posted
>>16668531 .
>>16658393 >making executive decisions Original OP from gen vp, is that you?
Leave the name for now.
You guys need to expand your influence from basing the entire thing on Australia. Who actually gives a shit about Australia outside of the country? BW and XY are hardly influenced by NY and France, and Gen VP isn't influenced too much by South America. And at least South America represents a bit of variation from the norm for Anglos.
I like the idea behind this project and it reminds me a lot of Gen VP in the early days but to me this is starting out too narrowly focused to get far. Instead of thinking ahead to games and such you need to focus on putting as much thought into what you have now as possible. Scrutinise your mon concepts. I think at the moment you have too many different ideas and 'ideas guys' to really get much done. You might start drawing in the practical types though, which i think has already begun really.
But yeah I'd say ditch the flag and carry on.
As far as design critique goes, to me you're turning animals into pokemon rather than making pokemon inspired by animals.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668711 >>16668711 >basing the entire thing on Australia. But that's pretty much what the point of this game project has been from the word go. PokeAus is not Gen/vp/. We didn't set out to say, "let's make a game, and let's just use X real-life region as a loose basis". It was more like, "Hey guys, what if Australia was pokeymans?" Or at least, that's how I think it went down. It's been almost a month since this thing started.
>you're turning animals into pokemon rather than making pokemon inspired by animals A fair point.
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>>16668168 At least I'm contributing opinions and critiques. You're just being a pathetic troll. Why don't you tell me what you disagreed with in my post, instead of spouting nonsense that doesn't help anyone?
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16668711 >You guys need to expand your influence from basing the entire thing on Australia. We really should-ish, especially since the point has been brought up a few times. However, in a poll that was taken, the majority said only about 10% should be foreign inspired mons. Problem is, we really haven't gotten too many suggestions. I mean, cutter rabbits are inspired by the European rabbit pests that came to Australia and Bubbalo is based off a water buffalo, an animal kind that is found in Austrlia but originally came from elsewhere. But as far as I know, that's the only sort of foreign mons I can think of.
>you're turning animals into pokemon rather than making pokemon inspired by animals Yeah... I wouldn't say all of them are though but some, it's pretty easy to see that... We probably need someone to come along and revamp the more real animal look alikes to look more Pokemon.
>>16668710 I actually rather like
>>16668699 but making use of the empty pocket like
>>16668656 could also be rather nice.
>>16668765 Yeah, I suppose you're right. This isn't as serious as gen vp ended up getting. I guess if that's the intention then I can't say much
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>>16668867 >This isn't as serious as gen vp ended up getting I'm kind of interested to know what you mean by that...
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668857 How about this?
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16668884 That does look rather nice. It fits in well and uses up the empty space. The map looks pretty good, what's next on your list?
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>>16668884 Yep, looks fine to me!
>>16668884 Is there a rock missing north-west of the house? Looks like you can walk through. (nitpicking I know)
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16668903 I could go a few ways.
One, I could map up Melbourne and Hobart, and link them into the mega-map.
Two, I could start linking together Victory Road/ Kosciusko, Sydney, Maryborough and Brisbane and create a secondary, eastern mega-map.
Three, I could fix up Routes 5, 7 and 10 on the current mega-map.
Which would you rather see me do first?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
Quoted By:
>>16668931 I actually only caught that myself just as I uploaded it. Good eye.
When it comes to mapmaking, there's no such thing as "nitpicking". Merely good attention to detail.
>>16668932 I think completing the areas on the current map makes the most sense logically. If you finish those, you'll have a fully completed section.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16668932 I think fixing up routes 5, 7 and 10 and putting them on the meg-map. But I agree with
>>16668949 . The second linkage of Victory Road/ Kosciusko, Sydney, Maryborough and Brisbane can come afterwards.
What is the final Pokemon in the OP image based on? The lizard looking thing that looks as if it has wheels for arms? It looks like the result of licking a toad. Is anyone working on the whippet/rabbit idea? People were discussing the types of them, and the idea behind them. I thought that the rabbit could be Grass/Ground, representing its introduction as a food source and it burrowing underground, and the whippet could be Ice type, because it would be 4x effective and I think Ice type suits a slick hunter shape. It is hard to think of an Ice type that would be native to a hot region like Nullos, so it would make a lot of sense to have the whippet be an Ice type introduced from a cold faraway land (PokeBritain)
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
Quoted By:
>>16669016 That red creature is based off of the Yara-ma-yha-who, a mythical creature in some instances of Aboriginal folklore which eats people, vomits them up, and turns them into more of its own kind.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
Just woke up everybody, what's going on? Today I'm planning on continuing to work with my Bottlebrush line seen here
>>16661703 so any critique there would be nice.
Anything else people would like me to work on?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16669089 Well, this guy
>>16667646 >>16667689 did up a kawaii as fuck grass starter thing. Might want to look at that for ideas and comparisons.
Also, I made Uluru, Route 13, and have stuck them both into the Mega-Map. Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
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>>16669145 Personally I'm not a big fan of the green mouse but I'll do my best >>16668437 This is something I'd like to try to work on though, so that's gonna go on my list.
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Projects you wipe your ass with general?
>>16669089 I think the legs on the first stage could be reduced - you could even give it Piplup-style stumpy feet. The elongation of the legs could wait until the evolution.
As for other ideas... I'd love to see animals in different environments to real life. Like how Hippowdon lived in sand instead of water. Could we get a sand shark?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>16669250 Isn't Gible already kind of a sand-shark? Still, good direction of thought.
>>16669250 how about a water human?
>>16669296 >gen /vp/ water starter Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 14 Dec 2013 16:23:19 No. 16669436 Report >>16669383 ...If you need a good water starter, I've got an Albatross starter I've been working on...
>>16669436 very interested, even if it is not a starter
>>16669436 Is it an albatross wearing a captain's hat? We hate birds with hats
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>>16663477 now stylize the gold or at least give it a defined shape instead of literally tiny rocks. Get rid of the droopy gold nipples.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 14 Dec 2013 16:28:57 No. 16669527 Report >>16669464 It's also inspired by WWII-style Flying Fortress bombers. It starts out looking like an Albatross, with bad eating habits at starting with Barrage...
...and ends up a 22-foot armored Bird(Biggest burd, cuz Albatross) with huge cannons that learns more attacks like Searing Shot(Probably requires Heart Scale), Seed Bomb, and Aura Sphere(Known as "Wave Bomb").
Water > Water/Flying > Water/Flying
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 14 Dec 2013 16:30:09 No. 16669544 Report Quoted By:
>>16669484 Maybe some armor plating around the head, but no hat.
>>16669527 >22-foot armored bird Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 14 Dec 2013 16:34:11 No. 16669603 Report Quoted By:
>>16669560 Albatress: "The Biggest Bird Pokemon in the sky, flocks of migrating Pokemon have been known to take a rest on its back."
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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So I was looking around at wildlife documentaries for ideas, and apparently there's a species of ant in Australia which displays a most peculiar set of traits: This Australian ant can not only swim and skate across water, it also builds its nests in the tidal zone and has designed the nest such that it can be inhabited, even when the water rises above the entrance.
Water/Bug ant plz?
>>16669527 Dude draw the art already. Also make sure to sugi it so it will get in
>>16669089 A Fire/Flying Legendary or Fossil inspired by a Leafy Seadragon?
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 14 Dec 2013 16:46:46 No. 16669794 Report >>16669663 I'm having trouble pinning it down, though. The base pic I have for its base form looks too much like Starly and Piplup mashed together.
The middle-stage will DEFINITELY be a variant of the "MINE!!" Seagull from Finding Nemo (It helps that I've declared "Simple" as its HA).
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16669794 What if it was named Tatatross (Onomatopoeia gatling gun sound "Ratatatatata" + Albatross)? I'm gonna get to drawing some stuff (Grass starter idea tweaking and the bomber ant possibly) as well, so I'm just gonna leave that idea there.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 14 Dec 2013 17:00:43 No. 16669969 Report >>16669922 Tatatross actually sounds good for the Mid-stage.
????? > LV16 >Tatatross > LV34 > Albatress
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>16669969 How about Albaboot?
Albatross + Soot or Boot. Soot from Sooty Albatross, Boot from the German word meaning Boat (as in, U-Boot). Maybe go for a submarine theme with that one?
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16669969 Bultross (Bullet + Albatross)?
Fitross (Fire + Albatross)?
Sootross (Soot + Albatross)?
Okay, I looked at the dex. At this point in time, we have WAY too many two-stage Pokemon, and are lacking in three-stage. We have a few options: -Expand the dex (allowing for more designs) -Give Pokemon some evolutions (for example, the Bilby looks like it could evolve) -Fill some spaces with 3-stage families. I personally think we should expand the dex to have at least 110-120 Pokemon instead of only around 90-100. This way some designs that are liked but aren't included could have another chance, like the battle axe ox, albatross, or the water/fire lion fish.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 14 Dec 2013 17:29:28 No. 16670385 Report Quoted By:
>>16670262 >>16670217 >>16670274 "Albatress" is based on the Flying Fortress plane, hence the Albatross+Fortress combination.
Need something cute for the base form, perhaps lacking an Albatross pun.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
Just got done drawing and coloring the first stage of my Bottlebrush mouse idea. I wanted to go with a very plain color because the first form is influenced by the seeds and the brown branch that the bottle brush grows off of. The next forms would become a bit more vibrant and such, of course.
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>>16668601 I really like the pink colouring in the design. Most Grass-type starters are green or brown (with the exception of Treecko's red colouring) and this is a nice change from the norm.
Really interested in the final stage ideas.
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>>16670400 My brother of African descent, that think is adorable. It should be our grass starter.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 14 Dec 2013 17:38:46 No. 16670526 Report >>16668601 Or you could rejigger it into the Pika-mon for this generation
Grass/Electric with Levitate. Mmmmmm...
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16670526 An electric-type mouse that is based on flying squirrels/sugar gliders that's the Pika-mon of this generation reminds me a bit too much of Emolga.
>>16670338 I think:
> Bilby could get an evo > Dyngheist could get a pre evo > Gumnut plant thing could get two more evos becoming a three stage >The boomerangs becoming a three stage Anonymous
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There's a 'living fossil' from the plant world called the Wollemi Pine - it was previously known only from fossils, but was discovered growing in Australia, Could be a good idea for a Rock/Grass Relicanth-like pokemon...
>>16670940 I agree.
Maybe the boomerang could be another pseudo? Or something strong, like Aegislash?
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16671187 That sounds pretty neat. Something strong like Aegislash is what I'd say (but maybe not the differing forms). If we had it be pseudo legendary I guess there could be a Salamance/Metagross thing going on with Scrynk/Boomerang mon.
We should definitely extend the pokedex to around 110 - 120 Anonymous
>>16671277 Regarding your second point, I think we should just keep creating pokemon for the moment, and hopefully we'll naturally settle on a good figure.
>>16670672 Ar you still around?
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16671310 >hopefully we'll naturally settle on a good figure Yeah. That sounds like a reasonable way to go
as long as we don't got around 200, that seems like a bit much imo. Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16671344 Sure am. Just got back from playing a round of Binding of Isaac, wanted to see the discussion go a bit further before I posted. What do you need me for?
>>16671356 Yeah, 120-130 would be good.
>>16671533 I tried to revise the rock ghost type with some of your suggestions and just wanted your opinion.
>>16664420 Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
>>16671559 That sounds perfect to me. 125 or 126 would be what I would suggest.
>>16671583 The head is a bit strange, it almost looks like it has two jaws, which is kinda making me tilt my head a bit every time I look at it. But I like what you did with the skull itself and the spikes down the back. Looks pretty cool!
>>16671621 I thought you might not like the idea of the teeth overlapping the skull's jaw, so I drew one with the lower jaw gone entirely. Also, with the moss, the backspines look like tombstones which I think actually worked out really well.
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>>16671621 Probably 125 for dat perfect number.
These guys should be included.
>>16671742 Show me the favorability being like > neutral/dislike throughout the threads. We're trying to not make anything lean towards a bias.
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>>16671796 I don't know the favorability towards the ostrich and the grass bird, but last thread people loved the lion fish and this thread, people like the bird and the rock/ghost fish.
paprika (IGN: Jonny) 3523-3375-9977 !EvBfxcIQ32
paprika (IGN: Jonny) 3523-3375-9977 !EvBfxcIQ32 Sat 14 Dec 2013 19:09:14 No. 16671963 Report >>16671742 >grass/fairy guy love this thing pretty sure it was meant as an evo to the potted plant thing thats in that dex image
>casoveriegn perfect name, love the design but maybe it needs to be toned down slightly also dat gap
>lion/scorpion fish this is alright not too huge a fan of the second stage, tbh considering its basis i think its way underdesigned
>bird is a bird
>whale eh this seems a bit....unnecesary? i acctually think having a water based fossil would work well to highlight the barrier reef but this just feels like ... iduno definately needs somethingmaybe try different body shapes or sizes
imagine it without the rock or bones, then build everything on top of that Anonymous
>>16671963 What could we do to improve the lion fish?
paprika (IGN: Jonny) 3523-3375-9977 !EvBfxcIQ32
paprika (IGN: Jonny) 3523-3375-9977 !EvBfxcIQ32 Sat 14 Dec 2013 19:20:58 No. 16672136 Report >>16671989 well look at this thing for a start aha
but id say
>its body is too big and its fins are too small >its not patterned enough, they use the patterns to tell predators 'hey im poisonous stay away' same in principle to being reall hot >also a fire/water fish? i know its pokemon but fire underwater? maybe change it from straight flames to plasma or something the little one is nice cos its like a clown fish so maybe combine it with anemones since theyre poisonous too
or can sting or whatever Anonymous
>>16671679 prefer the one before. looked more interesting.
>>16671742 >no tree rat Anonymous
>>16671742 Is that rock/ghost thing a fossil?
>>16672442 That's the idea. A standalone one like Aerodactyl.
>>16672483 Asking because I find the rock parts of it kind of tacked on. If it is a fossil it doesn't really need to have literal rock on it for it to be rock type. In fact not all rock types need to look like literal rock. Is there any reasoning behind the rocks?
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
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>>16670400 So I still haven't gotten many opinions on this drawing besides one anon
Thanks for saying it looks great, man . Should I work on evolution tweaking, do people like this, what?
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>>16672527 Well, I think the tombstonelike spines on its back are a nice reference to its whole theme of death and extinction. Also I think it just makes the design a little more interesting to look at. I could try to make it just a skeleton, but...
1. I may look kind of boring
2.People might start to complain that it looks ever more similar to the skeleton fish
>>16672260 No the one after that, here
>>16664420 Anonymous
>>16672754 What do you like better about it? because honestly it's barely different from my most current redesign
>>16671679 Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16669794 It looks really sweet, also, loving the concept. I'd gladly train one (as well as see what the evos could look like). I went ahead and redrew it (I gave it possible color schemes?). I see where Paprika
>>16671963 is coming from with "is a bird" but then again, a lot of first stage bird Pokemon do. Nothing a few touch ups by others can't fix.
We're getting some pretty good looking mons in this thread! The hard part is deciding which ones I like the most. The lineart's there on its own if anyone wants to go ahead and color it differently I'm not sure if I sway more to the starter of a misc bird though.
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>>16672968 I'm liking that 4th one's color scheme
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
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>>16672968 I prefer the one on the far right. A very steely-blue color makes it perfect for the later evolutions.
>>16672794 The fact that the upper jaw is over the skeleton lower jaw (making teh mouth look closed), while still having an actual lower jaw. I think that looks vry intriguing from a design point of view.
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>>16672968 Looks great. I do love Pelipper, so something new would be interesting.
>>16664420 I'd like to see some tweaks to the head section - I can't make out how it's meant to look, if that makes sense?
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>>16668246 That's looking really neat. I thought the tufts were looking too sideburn-ish so it's good that you did that.
I might try and do some more drawing when I'm back from work this afternoon. Got a couple days off after that so I'll be able to help out a bit more here rather than spouting ideas.
>>16673096 Yeah, I thought that might look interesting, but
>>16671621 pointed out that it looks kind of confusing and I can definitely see how it could be confusing. I might try coloring it at some point to see how it looks then.
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>>16673182 i don't find it confusing, but i can see that one could.
>>16671742 Eudisia is something I really want in too. Maybe a shiny or sun stone evolution to the gumnut Pokemon.
I'm not sure about the cassowary though, I saw another design for one which I kinda liked better (with some more colour to it). I just feel this one needs different legs, ones that probably matched more to what an actual cassowary's looks like.
The clownfish I'm eh on. I'd really like to see that idea that was brought up a before of a clownfish/sea anemone Pokemon.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16673252 >I'm not sure about the cassowary though, I saw another design for one which I kinda liked better (with some more colour to it) I looked into the drop box and I found these similar ones. Are you perhaps referring to any of pic related or something completely different?
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>>16670338 You are aware the vast majority of pokemon are 2 stage right?
>>16673377 I like the head of the one on the right, but the body of the one on the top.
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>>16673595 Actually I meant the head of the left one
paprika (IGN: Jonny) 3523-3375-9977 !EvBfxcIQ32
paprika (IGN: Jonny) 3523-3375-9977 !EvBfxcIQ32 Sat 14 Dec 2013 20:58:46 No. 16673680 Report okay did some sketches i spose the bird isnt tooooo bland, maybe the beak was just a bit big also inb4 over designed on the fish apart from the actual animal being over designed itself, i was just tryna throw the anemone in there and bigger fins/spinesi want the birds to have dungarees thoughts? sorry for the no colour like
uh so hello :^) so here's the changelog: - complete redesign of mid-evo - - no longer bipedal - - still has sassitude but changed up the eyes to be more pokeymanz - - introduced things that better link it to the final evo, while still introducing things that make it unique to both, ala pignite, wartortle, prinplup - - added snorkle thing people asked for??? definitely thinking of omitting or going for the collar version idk. - simplified final evo - - god rid of the sea debris concept - - lightened up on the back coral, omitting the brain coral and algae and going more for an "armored look" (great BARRIER reef get it get it) - - added armor to the outside of the hooves - - evolved the blade coral tail so it can have a cool water rocket spread thing maybe - - edited the horns a bit to go for a more queensland water buffalo direction, although I'm more than down to revert back to super horns. likes comments subscribe??
Katz !irLEKoTW8w
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>>16673680 Holy shit that top lion fish is AMAZING.
10/10 would train in a heartbeat.
Tro !CaeG7wdLJI
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>>16673680 I love the idea of dungarees on the bird. Looks adorable. I might take a shot at drawing some stuff for it myself.
Still hoping my grass starter is gonna be the one we pick though... The lion fish on the top, like Katz said, is fucking great. 10/10, love the eyes. I just love those kinds of eyes, really.
>>16673691 Always surprises me how someone turns out an objectively shit design and are satisfied with it. Makes me very afraid of what we might end up with.
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>>16673377 The one at the top. Could use a bit more colour though.
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>>16673691 We need to go in a completely different direction with this...
Why does everyone keep using brown? Teal and brown can go together but any other shade of blue looks terrible.
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>>16673798 honey, I'm never satisfied.
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Here's another possible design that I drew. I tried to make more like
>>16671963 suggested. I also tried made the front fins a little more like bat wings as a nod to
>>16663338 Anonymous
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>>16673680 Creator of the clown/lion fish line here. These look great! I love the redesign.
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>>16673691 that mid stage look awesome, actually. your style doesn't feel very pokemon, I'm afraid, but the mid-stage I think would turn out great.
not sure I even understand the third stage.
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>>16672968 Didn't turn out how I would have liked but had a go anyway.