ToTT Trips go anon and tell us which other trips you hate.
Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
>>16662986 ToTT:
The sex triad Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>16662986 Waayy too circlejerky there, anon Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16663001 That's not anon.
Nox: 1478-4411-6879
Looking for 4/5IV phantump/duskull/pumpkaboo line. Can trade 4/5 IV gastlys/dratinis/noibats/eevee/snorunts.
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari] !FAGGOTXBuk
Quoted By:
>>16662986 ToTT:
Mostly Ramsey. Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>16663031 >implying Ramsey would anon himself Ramse[Y] 0791-1639-1174 !RamseyTHy6
Quoted By:
Hayda pls send trade request
>>16663055 >not just taking your name off and leaving the trip {3818} Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
{3818} Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:43:50 No. 16663076 Report Is Kirzi here? I got my perfect Froakie in 7 eggs. So fuck you.
Quoted By:
>>16662986 ravi is useless !RamseyTHy6
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
>>16663073 Well hello there.
Everyone thought you died.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16663073 Online please.
>>16663076 What did I do?
{3818} Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
{3818} Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:45:51 No. 16663119 Report >>16663109 You said it'd take me 60 eggs :(
>>16663050 if you don't know, you're still WFG Virgin Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>16663133 must be lima ravi and soem other fag
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16663090 Ramsey pls yourself
>>16663107 Really? Surprised people cared. That's nice.
>>16663109 Onlining.
I'm sorry for not being here for a while. Very busy with real life stuff. ;_; Raul: 3668-8534-7343
Quoted By:
>>16663035 I've got some Phanthumps, Do you have HA Snorunts?
Just hatched a 6IV male Lileep. Now I can breed all the fossils and Staryu's and Crawdaunts I want.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
Quoted By:
>>16663119 I did that to throw off the RNG. If I said you would get it in a batch or two, it'd take 60 eggs. So I said the opposite. You're welcome.
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig)
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig) Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:48:48 No. 16663173 Report >>16663035 Do you want HA or is frisk for a female huge Pumpkaboo enough?
Thanks for taking my shit guys~ Uguuu~
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>16663107 Thanks for the Panda!
Hope you like the Zubat,
Nox: 1478-4411-6879
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16663161 Got your Icy Vivi - am I right in thinking you wanted it nicknamed? Trade me whenever you're ready. Give me a derp please - no funny stuff. Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:51:00 No. 16663216 Report >>16663180 Thank you for the Berry!
And the Tangela, I-I guess. [Lop] 1693-0641-5260: Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260: Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:51:12 No. 16663219 Report I'm making a Medicham and need some advice. Right now I've got one with Drain Punch, Psycho Cut, Bullet Punch and Calm Mind. EVs are max in Attack and split equally in Speed and HP. Wondering if I should readjust EV spread and attacks or not. Still not battle tested so I wanna get some advice before I waste anymore time fucking it up.
Quoted By:
>>16663183 Forget I ever said that.
Geren 1005-9416-8092 SV: {1595}
Looking for a regen foongus
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
>>16663184 You're welcome.
Zubat is great, I didn't have one yet.
>>16663161 Real life is overrated. !RamseyTHy6
>>16663216 I knew everyone just wanted the berries ;_; Sucks my next give away will be Maison items
Joseph-Louis 5327 - 0923 - 9344 [Ghost] (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Dusclops)
Joseph-Louis 5327 - 0923 - 9344 [Ghost] (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Dusclops) Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:52:37 No. 16663262 Report Does anybody here have a 4IV Murkrow? I need it for my Ultra Ball Vullaby breeding chain.
Quoted By:
>>16663248 Goddamn I actually wanted a tangela ;_;
>>16663219 Calm Mind is doing nothing for you.
And you probably should redo those EVs since it has low health to begin with.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:54:13 No. 16663290 Report >>16663248 Give the Maison items to Luvdisc.
>>16663290 >implying they're not going on Snovers for Christmas. Wow Zach get gud pls
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus]
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus] Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:55:04 No. 16663309 Report >>16663234 I can breed you a 4IV Sassy Regen Foongus if you are willing you wait.
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:55:20 No. 16663315 Report >>16663262 I have a Jolly Prankster Male left with Brave Bird if you want it.
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
>>16663248 >Maison items >sucks wut that sounds great.
Nox: 1478-4411-6879
Quoted By:
Cheers Tim, if your're around in this thread! enjoy smogon tears!
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16663199 Thanks Kirzi. Sorry it took so long for me to pick up, and thank you for the lovely name too!
>>16663238 Agreed. If only pokemonning forever was acceptable.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:56:27 No. 16663341 Report Quoted By:
>>16663307 >Snover >not Delibird Pine trees exist beyond December 25,
I think Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig)
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig) Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:56:37 No. 16663346 Report Quoted By:
>>16663248 Power Anklets on Slowpoke.
Layne 2895-7619-5056 [Sunkern/Sawsbuck/Maractus]
Layne 2895-7619-5056 [Sunkern/Sawsbuck/Maractus] Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:56:41 No. 16663348 Report Quoted By:
Anybody packing a female squirtle these days?
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260: Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260: Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:56:44 No. 16663349 Report >>16663286 I'm fucking retarded and typed Calm Mind when I meant Ice Punch, holy goddamn wat.
Should I invest everything in HP then or just thrown em in Speed to give it a little more?
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16663248 Breed something useful then.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Geren 1005-9416-8092 SV: {1595}
>>16663309 That would be awesome. Looking for anything?
I got chespins, magikarps, klefkis, squirtles, charmanders, noibats, ferroseeds, mienfoos...
>>16663161 I might have missed you.
Ramsey, did I give you a 4 IVer?
>>16663349 Normal sets would be all attack and all speed, It's generally a good idea to boost what you'll be relying on most and for a pokemon like Medicham you'll be wanting to hopefully outspeed and put down the competition.
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus]
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus] Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:59:13 No. 16663434 Report >>16663382 I'll take the chespin. Give me a moment to breed it as I have none in stock.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16663331 No problem, hope she helps you out.
Totally understand real life getting in the way, no worries. Joseph-Louis 5327 - 0923 - 9344 [Ghost] (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Dusclops)
Joseph-Louis 5327 - 0923 - 9344 [Ghost] (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Dusclops) Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:59:41 No. 16663448 Report >>16663315 Yes please.
I have Bulbasaur, Drilbur, Shellos, Swinub, Charmander, Chespin, Slowpoke, Froakie, Honedge, Larvitar and Fletchling. Most of them have competitive abilities and egg moves.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Sat 14 Dec 2013 04:59:46 No. 16663450 Report Quoted By:
>>16663352 Everything is useful
~ 4184 2512 2540- ign calder {1443}
Quoted By:
>>16663349 the mega has 100 base speed
i'd really recommend jolly with 252 speed just because of the sheer number of mons in that bracket
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260: Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260: Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:01:06 No. 16663475 Report Quoted By:
>>16663422 Thanks, I'll go back and redo my EVs now. Hoping to find a go niche to use him, his mega is pretty cool imo
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:01:13 No. 16663476 Report >>16663331 Heya Cedar, glad to see you around. Think you might be up for a
casual Battle tonight?
Mikeh 2337-4392-0530
Hey guys I came here a lot back in gen 5 and I really wanna get back into breeding now that I have a copy of y finally. I just don't know where to start we used to use pokecheck but that's obviously not a thing anymore.
>>16663324 ;_; I just meant the Snovers will probably into trash.
Geren 1005-9416-8092 SV: {1595}
>>16663434 Sure thing. I'll be waiting around. Thanks again
Boo 2836-0149-1371 [Ice: Delibird, Bergmite]
Boo 2836-0149-1371 [Ice: Delibird, Bergmite] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:03:00 No. 16663508 Report What do you guys think about my Hawlucha? Unburden/Power Herb/Jolly Bulk Up Hone Claws High Jump Kick. Do I get Bounce or Sky Attack?
>>16663352 I'll breed
your mom Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>16663406 <3 >>16663439 Thanks, and she will!
>>16663476 Not tonight, no, sorry. ;_; Not much time for Pokemon at the moment.
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
>>16663498 >trash If you're releasing good Snovers, I'll adopt one or a pair.
>>16663508 sky attack obviously, go big or don't go at all
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
>>16663508 Gimmick/10
>Bulk Up AND Hone Claws Pick one, and good luck getting either off.
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:04:48 No. 16663547 Report Quoted By:
>>16663483 beat the E4 first
>>16663184 Still online?
Battery just went to red.
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ
Phyrro [3DS][X:Dylan]1907-8194-5337 !wJaxeehRtQ Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:05:03 No. 16663551 Report Quoted By:
>>16663529 Ah, no worries then. Hope things clear up for you soon!
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:05:14 No. 16663557 Report >>16663448 Female Slowpoke would be nice, otherwise a derp'll do. Gimme a sec and you can have him. He was a parent so will have to be re-taught Brave Bird.
>>16663508 >Using both Bulk Up and Hone Claws on the same set Boo 2836-0149-1371 [Ice: Delibird, Bergmite]
Boo 2836-0149-1371 [Ice: Delibird, Bergmite] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:05:33 No. 16663563 Report >>16663541 >>16663535 >>16663557 Oh god damnit I'm retarded.
High Jump Kick
Hone Claws
So, Sky Attack?
>>16663533 I won't be releasing them they'll just be very niche Brave ones that people won't want but will probably take to get a Maison item.
>>16663549 Yeah I am, tried sending you a TR before but you never responded.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
Quoted By:
>>16663527 1/10 comeback. I'm disappointed. You can do better.
Waffle 5370-1445-6499
Quoted By:
>>16663563 Ah, that's a bit more reasonable.
Still, pretty gimmicky, but I like it.
Definitely Sky Attack, you only get one shot with that set.
4184 2512 2540- ign calder
Quoted By:
>>16663508 i think you should
cry and wait for gems to be released >>16663529 glad to see you're not actually dead
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:07:11 No. 16663603 Report >>16663564 Can I ask: why Brave over Quiet? Are there any KOs you miss out on via Ice Shard/EQ/Wood Hammer that you wouldn't be able to get with a Quiet nature and Blizzard/Energy Ball?
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:07:10 No. 16663605 Report >>16663557 Hayda, I have reasons to believe I gave you one of my two Marills that had Thick Fat instead of Huge Power. Let me retrade and give you a proper one.
Joseph-Louis 5327 - 0923 - 9344 [Ghost] (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Dusclops)
Joseph-Louis 5327 - 0923 - 9344 [Ghost] (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Dusclops) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:07:31 No. 16663609 Report >>16663557 I'll just re-teach BB myself, I don't really that move right now.
Quoted By:
Looking for a female bulbasaur with some ivs. or a gastly with some egg moves willing to trade 4iv eevee, 5 iv dieno, and 4 iv speed boost torchic
>>16663603 It's for doubles so Earthquake will hit harder.
0387-9077-5880 E.HOBA
From old thread I made Krabby (IV is HABDS or HACDS) I'm waiting for Cory.
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:09:52 No. 16663659 Report >>16663605 No worries; I'll be using it as a parent to other Fairy-group 'mons anyways. Thanks though!
>>16663609 Gimme a sec to give anon his Coba Berry.
>>16663629 Ah, I hadn't considered doubles. Makes sense then I guess.
Quoted By:
Anyone have a HA female roselia preferably 4IVs none in attack. I have 4IVd Pokemon I would trade for it.
Cory 4141-3140-6537 (marowak, trapinch, gastrodon)
Cory 4141-3140-6537 (marowak, trapinch, gastrodon) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:10:20 No. 16663670 Report Quoted By:
>>16663641 I just poked my head in just so I didn't miss you, I'll be ready whenever you are
can you EV train a level 100 pokemon?
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:11:13 No. 16663693 Report >>16663641 I'd love a krabby but I don't understand your notation.
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:12:03 No. 16663706 Report Quoted By:
>>16663659 Hmm. I might be wrong. I think I gave it to Edgarska instead.
Edgarska, you here? Let me give you two new Marills just to be sure nothing's wrong.
>>16663690 Super Training.
0387-9077-5880 E.HOBA
Thank you Cory.
>>16663693 >I'd love a krabby but I don't understand your notation. Krabby is male Sheer Force Naive 5IV(HACDS)
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus]
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:17:03 No. 16663790 Report >>16663505 Alright Just hatched it. Adding you right now. Sorry for taking so long.
>>16663779 He probably meant HABCDS
>>16663693 H for HP, ABCD for the 4 IVs in the middle, and S for Speed.
Cory 4141-3140-6537 (marowak, trapinch, gastrodon)
Cory 4141-3140-6537 (marowak, trapinch, gastrodon) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:18:13 No. 16663809 Report Quoted By:
>>16663779 no, thank you! I love krabby so much!
>>16663579 Sorry about that, the connection was schvitzing a bit with ramsey too.
Geren 1005-9416-8092 SV: {1595}
>>16663790 Thank you so much! The chespin is pentaperfect with HA and egg moves. Hope it's useful to you.
Quoted By:
>>16663835 It's fine, thanks for the snow, I should really get more of the battle items, not just the berries.
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:22:24 No. 16663873 Report >>16663779 >>16663799 Yes, thanks for clearing that up.
Are you willing to part with krabby for 4IV yanma or regen slowpoke?
I have some ok HA rufflets now but I just started breeding
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260: Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260: Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:23:33 No. 16663895 Report Someone name my Medicham and Slurpuff.
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus]
Neer 1547-5497-6263 [Grass: Pansage, Swadloon, Maractus] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:23:45 No. 16663898 Report >>16663858 Jeez, I feel bad since I just quickly bred it quickly and the Chespin is way to good.
Quoted By:
>>16663728 >>16663690 As of BW and newer games, EVs are no longer applied when you level up and are instead applied immediately; thus, you may EV train even with wild Pokemon at level 100.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16663895 Tiger and Lollipop.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>16663895 Nipple Knee and Marasino or whatever those sweet cherries are called.
Geren 1005-9416-8092 SV: {1595}
Quoted By:
>>16663898 Don't worry, it's just what I needed, really. I've been trying to catch one to no avail.
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:25:44 No. 16663928 Report Quoted By:
>tfw trying to breed a decent female tyrunt with a male 4iv tyrunt and my only 3iv ditto. I've breed an entire box of tyrunts and I only got ONE female with shit iv's hold me vp
Jamen 1521-3659-9310
And time to put my list up again.
Quoted By:
>>16663895 They both look like tits
0387-9077-5880 E.HOBA
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:28:19 No. 16663975 Report Quoted By:
Is the anon who wanted the Coba Berry still here? I added your FC, but I'm not sure what your IGN is.
>>16663950 >complaining after one box >>16663919 >>16663895 nipple knee is the only acceptable Medicham name.
Rothion 3797 6627 6044
Evening, everyone. I'm looking on making a Nidoking, but I'm not sure if I should go regular Modest or spice it up with a physical moveset instead now that his Atk has been buffed. All I can think of, however, is EQ (no Sheer Force support there), Poison Jab, Stone Miss and Shadow Claw/Sucker Punch.
Kainé 1134-7577-1294 {2488} X {1357} Y
Quoted By:
I've got a few shinies from Friend Safari to trade: Kecleon Teddiursa Lapras Looking for a shiny Ditto.
Thomas 3995 - 6637 - 0180 [Lampent, Phantump, Golurk]
Thomas 3995 - 6637 - 0180 [Lampent, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:30:34 No. 16664012 Report Does anyone ever trade to try to get the lotto ID for that day? If so, I'm looking for 39983.
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:31:20 No. 16664025 Report >>16663970 cool, what do you want?
Layne 2895-7619-5056
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:32:05 No. 16664038 Report >>16664002 I've been wanting to run a Nidoking lately as well. Hasty Mixed attacker or something, but Sucker Punch being its only priority is somewhat problematic. Also, I'm too lazy to breed it.
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
4 hours and 25 encounters later, still no Sturdy Carbink. Do many people here have one?
mato 5000-3178-0088 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:32:24 No. 16664044 Report >>16663955 would you take a 4IV gible, axew or deino for a dratini? I really need one with marvel scale
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig)
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:32:30 No. 16664046 Report >>16664012 I don't think you can use the Lotto twice in a day, precisely to avoid this.
Thomas 3995 - 6637 - 0180 [Lampent, Phantump, Golurk]
Thomas 3995 - 6637 - 0180 [Lampent, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:33:00 No. 16664056 Report >>16664046 Save and soft reset, like with legendaries
Joseph-Louis 5327 - 0923 - 9344 [Ghost] (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Dusclops) {SV: unknown}
Joseph-Louis 5327 - 0923 - 9344 [Ghost] (Shuppet - Pumpkaboo - Dusclops) {SV: unknown} Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:33:13 No. 16664057 Report >>16663955 I'd like a female Venipede
>>16663448 This is my pseudo-list
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:33:26 No. 16664063 Report >>16664040 You need help with that? I've got some time to burn before my O-Powers recharge for another Le Wow run.
0387-9077-5880 E.HOBA
>>16664025 >cool, what do you want? Male POKEMON. I just want to do the Masuda Method.
Geren 1005-9416-8092 SV: {1595}
>>16664034 What are you looking? Nature? Ability? egg moves?
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig)
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:34:07 No. 16664075 Report Someone please tell me if I'm missing something. I'm breeding 2 penta perfect mons with the same IVs 31/31/31/X/31/31, and so far I've gotten 5 offspring with Special Attack and no Attack, and one with 0 Speed and 3IVs. Is this normal?
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:34:38 No. 16664083 Report >>16664046 Edgarska, I'm not sure, but I may have given you a Thick Fat Marill the other day. Could you check if that's the case?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
SD Crawdaunt is really good this Gen. It's like a better Azumarill.
>>16663983 That or a generic Indian name like Vajra or Asura or some terrorist jargon.
I hit 415 DL for reps today. P-Pls 'mire. ;_; Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
Going to do this one more time. Free 5IV imperfects (except the Vivis are 3-5IV). After this, I'm probably going to delete the save. Everything is 100% free. As in if you don't take them, they're just going to be erased forever. Save them from that fate.
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
Looking to trade my 3IV shiny Tyrunt. Looking for shiny and non Shiny offers.
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
>>16664063 You have leftovers? Any would be great, as long it has Sturdy.
Jamen 1521-3659-9310
>>16664044 I don't think I have an Axew yet, were you after male or female dratini?
>>16664057 Do they have decent IVs too or just ability/egg moves?
Layne 2895-7619-5056
>>16664073 Nature and Egg moves are irrelevant due to the ease of breeding those, but I'm after 4 or 3IV females.
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:36:00 No. 16664109 Report >>16664088 Could I have the Houndoom if it's Female please?
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:36:10 No. 16664110 Report Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:37:04 No. 16664118 Report >>16664092 Well, no. I mean that I could go look for one and send it to you if I find it.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:37:06 No. 16664119 Report >>16664089 which 3IV? Gender? Nature? Egg moves?
>>16664085 Nice, guessing the knee healed up fine?
And yeah, SD Daunt is 2good.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664075 Two pentaperfects with the same spread can't produce anything lower than 4 IV. Check your parents.
Rothion 3797 6627 6044
>>16664038 Yeah I thought of Hasty as well, since his special movepool is much better than the physical. I think the only high power physical move that could be semi-decent is Iron Tail.
>>16664085 >That or a generic Indian name like Vajra or Asura or some terrorist jargon. I called mine Gurkha.
;_; >>16664088 Alright, I'll bite. I guess I can take two Smeargles with different spreads (one missing atk and one missing spatk ideally)
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260: Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260: Munna, Wobbuffet, Gothorita Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:37:36 No. 16664130 Report Decided to name them Nipple Knee and Maraschino
>>16664088 I'll take a Smeargle
Geren 1005-9416-8092 SV: {1595}
>>16664106 I have 4 IV female, but with torrent.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Does anyone happen to have a Vullaby with foul play and knock off? I'd be willing to trade a breeding reject for it!
0387-9077-5880 E.HOBA
>>16664110 No
I'm from JAPAN
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
Quoted By:
>>16663529 What's your plan right now for the hex seven?
I just hatched a 6IV male Pancham, would that be useful for you?
Kail 3995-6740-2844 Ferroseed, Klang, Bronzong
Kail 3995-6740-2844 Ferroseed, Klang, Bronzong Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:37:56 No. 16664140 Report >>16663955 Male Mawile for Male Brave 31/31/31/x/31/x Ferroseed?
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
>>16664118 Oh right, my bad. If you feel like it, that would be cool.
Otherwise I have full O-Power at the moment, I'll gib.
mato 5000-3178-0088 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:38:35 No. 16664150 Report >>16664099 either would be fine, a female one would save me a lot of time tho, I'm good with trading a axew, what gender would you like?
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig)
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:39:04 No. 16664157 Report >>16664056 In that case no, sorry, I went through all my traded mons and none match.
Layne 2895-7619-5056
>>16664131 That'd be great, since I'm using mega. Are you after anything in particular?
>>16664133 I should have one, though it's a 5 perfect, would you really feel right sending a reject my way for it?
Matthew/Sylias 3282-3090-2662 (Fraxure, Dragonair, Sliggo)
Matthew/Sylias 3282-3090-2662 (Fraxure, Dragonair, Sliggo) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:40:08 No. 16664175 Report >>16664137 what egg groups do you have 5IV stuff for? i have a 6IV male joltic and a 6IV helioptile i could offer
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664127 I know I don't have any left missing SpA, but there are some in there missing Att. I just don't know which ones. I can give you a few more and hope that one is -Att?
>>16664130 Sure, adding.
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
>>16664119 Atk,Def,Sp. Atk, Male, Adamant. No egg moves. Got it out of the WT.
Thomas 3995 - 6637 - 0180 [Lampent, Phantump, Golurk]
Thomas 3995 - 6637 - 0180 [Lampent, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:40:31 No. 16664180 Report Quoted By:
>>16664157 Ah, well thanks for checking. Maybe one day ;-;
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:40:43 No. 16664184 Report Quoted By:
>>16664123 Cool, added.
>>16664144 Let me try to find one and you can send me O-Powers if I'm successful.
Also, still looking for the anon who wanted the Coba Berry.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16664171 Oh wow, no I would not! I have a 5 IV Timid Noibat with Switcheroo. Would that be fair?
Geren 1005-9416-8092 SV: {1595}
>>16664164 Nope. Adding you now
>>16664178 Ill give you a shiny audino for it
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig)
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:42:08 No. 16664204 Report >>16664083 It's Huge Power.
>>16664126 Goddammit, I accidentally switched the markings with the 31/X/31/31/31/31.
Good thing I didn't wait until I got too many eggs.
Jamen 1521-3659-9310
>>16664150 Male would be fine.
>>16664140 No thanks, already got a good Ferroseed.
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:43:01 No. 16664220 Report Quoted By:
>>16664137 ooundedf quid
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:43:40 No. 16664229 Report Quoted By:
>>16664204 Great, then all is well. Thanks for checking.
Rothion 3797 6627 6044
>>16664176 Alright, that would be cool.
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari] !FAGGOTXBuk
>>16664198 I was joking, you can have it for free, please don't send Noibat, already have a perfect Noivern.
Want a nickname for her?
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
>>16664203 whats the specs on it?
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664231 How many would you want?
mato 5000-3178-0088 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:45:38 No. 16664263 Report Quoted By:
>>16664206 aight, shoot me a trade request when you're good
Layne 2895-7619-5056
Quoted By:
>>16664199 I'm in the middle of a battle, so I'll add you when I'm out and TR you. Thanks a tonne dude, you're a life saver.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
Quoted By:
>>16664130 Either your IGN isn't Lop or you're not showing up as online for me. Trade me whenever.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16664236 Oh wow, that's really generous of you. I appreciate that a lot.
What's her ability? It'll probably affect the nickname, oddly enough.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>16664122 Knee still aches up from time to time but my doctor says that my meniscus is all healed. B^) It doesn't hurt much either. Especially since I took like 3 weeks off of lifting to make sure it wasn't permanently fucked. W-Want a leftover Phish maybe?
>>16664127 Wow racist. B^(
Rothion 3797 6627 6044
>>16664262 4 total sounds fine?
0387-9077-5880 E.HOBA
>>16664175 I have these 5IV
I want male Joltic.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664303 Sure. Any gender/ability preferences?
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari] !FAGGOTXBuk
>>16664285 Big Pecks
>>16664298 That's good to hear m8, and no to the phish already rocking a Crawdaunt, damn near swept a passerby today.
Matthew/Sylias 3282-3090-2662 (Fraxure, Dragonair, Sliggo)
Matthew/Sylias 3282-3090-2662 (Fraxure, Dragonair, Sliggo) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:48:52 No. 16664325 Report Quoted By:
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:49:04 No. 16664327 Report >>16664206 ign is Tuna btw
Rothion 3797 6627 6044
>>16664313 Males if possible, ability not important.
>>16664258 I have 2, one is docile healer 31 in def and s.def and the other is hasty regenerator attack and speed
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
>>16664320 Hmm, name her... Skyla!
Adding you now.
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
>>16664338 I'll go for the healer
Quoted By:
Should I run dragon dance or swords dance on crawdaunt?
Quoted By:
>>16664378 Cool add me
Ben yo 4355-9876-8611
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16664320 Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, I really really do.
>>16664298 Do you think naming one of the Deino line, Klaus, is racist?
Jamen 1521-3659-9310
>>16664327 I was wondering if that was you. Anyway, enjoy.
>>16664406 No problem and enjoy, Mandibuzz is too bulky.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>16664320 Bretty good taste/10.
Knock Off is pretty fucking stronk too. >>16664409 Naming anything anything is racist. Check your ethnic privilege.
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Sat 14 Dec 2013 05:59:05 No. 16664469 Report Quoted By:
>>16664410 yea I could have sworn that i've updated my name, oh well thanks
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664337 Something didn't want you to have that last Smeargle.
Hope those work. They should all be males. Let me know if you want any more.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16664428 Hoping for it to support my shiny M-Pinsir. Just need to find the rest of my team, now.
Rothion 3797 6627 6044
Quoted By:
>>16664480 I know, right? I'll hatch these right away.
Quoted By:
>>16664378 Oh joy an instacheck leftover
>>16664429 knock off oneshot his Zygarde, would have got the sweep if not for a rocky helmet on his Tyrantrum.
>>16664481 Good luck with that.
>>16664482 I have your Sneasel ready, in a
regular pokeball Anonymous
Quoted By:
Is Adamant the way to go on a Gallade or can you actually out speed anything going Jolly?
>>16664528 >in a regular pokeball Did I ever tell you that you're my favourite shitposter~
Let me breed out some pinsirs and we can trade~ Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664528 So I managed to get another Starf berry. Want it?
>>16664546 I don't even know how, but my only female was in one despite my perfect Weavile being in a Luxury Ball...
>>16664550 Definitely, what would you want for one?
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 {105} {1591}
first time usin a scizor. what should i EV it in? already put 252 in attack.
>>16664569 While I remember, would you like a penta impish magikarp as well?
I'm breeding the hexa seven and have one leftover~
>>16664576 252 HP
160 SpDef
Rest in attack.
Ya blew it Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664569 Depends. If you were going to plant it to get more, I'd love one of the newly grown berries. Otherwise it's free.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 {105} {1591}
>>16664590 anon are you trying to trick me
>>16664584 No thanks, already have one.
>>16664593 I will be planting it eventually, all my Kee and Maranga are in the ground right now so I'd need to wait on those so I can get some amaze mulch.
So I should be able to plant them Sunday which means I'd need a few more days to return one to you.
0147 0119 5227 - Agent Q - Charmeleon, Ponyta, Fletchinder
0147 0119 5227 - Agent Q - Charmeleon, Ponyta, Fletchinder Sat 14 Dec 2013 06:10:40 No. 16664620 Report Really need a magic bounce Absol. Gale Wings Fletchinder in return. Don't care about IV's I'll take care of it myself.
Cory 4141-3140-6537 (marowak, trapinch, gastrodon)
Cory 4141-3140-6537 (marowak, trapinch, gastrodon) Sat 14 Dec 2013 06:10:41 No. 16664621 Report Quoted By:
>>16664576 I gave mine a choice band and split the EV's between hp and attack
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>16664593 Hey Kirzi, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, but I was just curious; is there any chance you'd be up for trading more Scatterbug eggs?
I ended up with nothing but 3-4 IV ones . If not its totally ok, and I don't want to waste your time if you're busy. I'm just in love with that color scheme and you've kind of made me excited to try raising one.
>>16664550 What did you have to do for that one?
>>16664611 No.
It depends on what you want it to do, 252 Hp/Atk is an alright choice bander, for instance.
Quoted By:
>>16664620 I hate to burst your bubble but Absol doesn't get magic bounce. It only gets it as a mega evolution. Shit I know.
Quoted By:
>>16664620 Magic Bounce is only for Mega Absol
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
Quoted By:
>>16664619 That's fine, whenever works. Trade me when you're ready.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664632 Sure. Let me finish off a couple trades first, though. How many would you like?
>>16664634 6IV Farfetch'd.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 {105} {1591}
Quoted By:
>>16664635 im going for life orb so i guess i should put the rest in hp
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>16664666 I feel greedy asking, but how many would you be comfortable giving out? 10 more, maybe? Or is that asking too much? I don't want to be a bother at all.
And please take your time, I'll be up for a long while.
>>16664666 Hmm Thanks, now I hope these berries grow quicker so I can get some Amaze Mulch!
>>16664619 The Amaze mulch has the effect of the three other mulches.
The boost mulch is the one that dries out the soil, making you water more, increasing the amount of berries.
I think the starf and lansat berries make the berry juice that is basically a rare candy.
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 06:17:04 No. 16664704 Report >>16664144 Jesus the encounter rate for Carbink hordes is crap. Anyhow, I found the Sturdy one and am breeding it with a Calm Ditto as I type. I'll send you the first Sturdy offspring that spawns.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664697 I'm going to delete the save probably immediately afterwards, so you can have every single one if you want it.
>>16664701 Anytime - hope so too.
>>16664702 Yeah it's 1-5 levels I think.
And I had good luck with the Amaze mulch last time, got me 5 Lansats, so I think I'll wait on the other berries to grow before I put this one in the ground.
If I get 3 you're going to get the third.
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
>>16664704 Sweet, mirin luck.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sat 14 Dec 2013 06:20:02 No. 16664739 Report Quoted By:
>beginning the heart break of MM'ing my 2nd Shiny zubat, but this one with Infiltrator and the correct Egg Moves (first one was Pentaperfect with Inner Focus and only Brave Bird) >put 2 4IV parents into the daycare >VERY FIRST EGG is a Female with 6IV and Infiltrator Dis is good sign>Male is a 4IV Japanese Zubat (missing Def and SpD)
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>16664731 >every single one Oh God, I mean...if its not too much of a hassle, I would love that, or at least as many as you're cool trading until you get bored.
You're a gem of a human being.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161 {105} {1591}
Quoted By:
anyone got bronzor? those are available right?
Kainé 1134-7577-1294 {2488} X {1357} Y
Eevee - Brave, Adaptability, 31\31\31\29\31\31 What's the best course for this guy, as far as Eeveelutions are concerned?
>>16664770 >Brave Curse Umbreon, that's about it.
Quoted By:
Hey guys I'm looking for a kind anon with togepi on friend safari, anyone?
Quoted By:
>>16664770 >Brave The trash
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664753 I've got an entire box full plus some more. 40 total. You're completely welcome to all of them.
Did you say you'd be up awhile? Let me shower really quick
(actually not all that quick) first and I'll start sending them over.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sat 14 Dec 2013 06:26:52 No. 16664833 Report >>16664770 Umbreon or a very slow Flareon
woah, i went with this as lead just for fun and didn't expect it to give me the game QG5G-WWWW-WWW3-LTZH
Kainé 1134-7577-1294 {2488} X {1357} Y
Quoted By:
>>16664784 Had a feeling it might be that but wasn't wholly sure, thanks for the advice.
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992
>>16664824 Oh my gosh, I'd honestly love to have all of them, but only if you were totally ok with it. And please take your time, I have Mystery Science Theater to keep me company.
>>16664839 Let me guess?
Kainé 1134-7577-1294 {2488} X {1357} Y
Quoted By:
>>16664833 Gotcha. Thanks for the input on that.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
Quoted By:
>>16664851 I'm beyond okay with it, would be glad to see them go somewhere.
Quoted By:
>>16664854 a galvantula actually fucked it super badly when I tried the same thing again, same for rotom-w
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 06:32:15 No. 16664909 Report >>16664737 I got the Carbink. Now to try and determine which one of the countless Calems on my Friends List you are.
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
Quoted By:
>>16664909 Heh, I'll TR you.
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
>>16664909 Thanks a ton, appreciate it.
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir]
Wields/Hayda 4742-5802-5865 [Illumise, Paras, Pinsir] Sat 14 Dec 2013 06:37:13 No. 16664964 Report Quoted By:
>>16664946 Cheers! Good luck breeding it; genderless 'mons are a pain in the ass. And you can keep the O-Powers; I think I'm done for the night.
Quoted By:
Does anyone know if there's a Gen 6 team builder that's not utter trash like Marriland? I just wanna see resistances my team has.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664946 Did you ever get your Magnemite?
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
>>16664977 Not sure what you mean. I bred a bunch of perfect HP Fires and gave them out.
Haven't bred them in a while now though.
>>16664735 Why are you still awake?
Quoted By:
>Get a lot of PokeMiles >Gamesync >Spend them in-game on >Go to Global Link >Buy reduced price items >Get essentially 50% bonus. Am I being optimistic, or does this not work?
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16664996 You were going for a perfect HP Fire one for you. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but you still hadn't gotten whatever one you wanted yet.
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16664088 Can I get a Litleo & a Shinx or is it too late?
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
>>16665018 Nah, I ended up getting mine. I moved onto HP Ice Litleo, but stopped when I realized 30Def spreads were possible, rather than all the the 30Spe spreads I bred.
HP a shit.
I really wish this thing hadn't gotten the short end of the stick. He's so much better looking than that fucking dumb ass X. He should've been Dragon/Fire as well, and kept drought. I would've actually liked Charizard then. But nope.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16665033 Not too late. Trading you in just a bit.
>>16665039 Haha, I bet.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16665033 >>16665061 Or well, I would if I could. I don't see you online - trade me whenever.
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16665061 Also is there a female Litleo available? Dunno their gender ratios.
Kuzuri 2552-0946-0561
Still getting my toes wet unfortunately :(
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
Quoted By:
>>16665083 It's 75% female, so yep, got some.
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16665082 Now THAT'S what I'm talking about. Time to breed HP Ice Litleos and give one to Calem, if he still wants them.
Thanks a lot.
>>16665043 He's not bad though, in fact Smogon tends to like Y better. It's an immediate nuke with Drought, Solar Beam, Fire Blast and one of the highest special attacks in the game. It's also only weak to electric (decent Sp.Def for this) and of course rocks, because Water is x1 when the sun is out. It also can use Flamecharge or Tailwind (Pokebank) to increase its speed, it's far from a bad mega.
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Sat 14 Dec 2013 06:51:31 No. 16665113 Report Quoted By:
Nimble, you around? Have all the 3d sprites been ripped? If so, could someone post a link? I've still got the one without all the sprites.
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
>>16665105 tfw have 31/x/31/31/31/30 spreads rotting in my PC.
I-I didn't know.
Quoted By:
>>16664839 oh fuck it shut down Mega-mom
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16665105 No problem.
Plinkett: Going afk now, be back to give you your 40 eggs.
Quoted By:
>>16665106 Solarbeam is just asking for another weather to switch in, he can only use it on the turn it goes mega reliably. Everything else is just eh.
I agree that he's not terrible, at least I like him so much better than Ninetales
seriously fuck that thing but it still hurts my butt that he could've been so much better.
Fire/Dragon is unresisted STAB save for Heatran. Charizard learns Focus Blast. Sigh~ it could've been beautiful.
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16665119 That must suck. I'll give you a 31/x/30/31/31/31 one when I hatch it.
What time is Brittany usually about?
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
Quoted By:
>>16665142 Will take, good ruck.
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992 (Combee, Masquerain, Vivillon)
Plinkett 0232-8027-7992 (Combee, Masquerain, Vivillon) Sat 14 Dec 2013 06:57:36 No. 16665164 Report >>16665124 Gotcha, gotcha, I'll just be lurking quietly, thank you!
Webs: X (3797 7378 7845)
just started new game... looking for a protean froakie. Ivs don't matter breeding throwaways welcome... i really don't have much to offer except maybe my wartortle
I just started IV breeding and I have no idea what I am doing. I have multiple safari dittos with different natures. I'm just not sure how to continue
Kuzuri 2552-0946-0561
Quoted By:
>>16665189 This is what got me on the right track.
>>16665184 I can probably grab you an egg in a bit.
>>16665189 You don't, quit while your ahead.
If you really want to know more check out the countless number of guides out there, and if you have any questions ask away.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
You still around M? I only had a male pinsir so I had a bit of breeding to do, but I have one now~
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
Quoted By:
>>16665189 Cover a few important natures like Adamant/Jolly, Timid/Modest, Bold/Impish, Calm/Careful.
Search until you have every IV covered. Eventually you'll have good IV egg group males, which you can use over Ditto's.
Webs: X (3797 7378 7845)
>>16665209 ill be lurking let me know thanks!
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross]
Blaine 1693-1979-8759 [Butterfree, Volbeat, Heracross] Sat 14 Dec 2013 07:06:31 No. 16665231 Report Quoted By:
>>16665086 me too
I'll gladly take a 5IV fletch. I can offer two 4 IVs. HA slowpoke and speed bost/compound eyes yanma
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari] !FAGGOTXBuk
>>16665213 Thanks for the bug~
>>16665224 k, I'll let you know when I get it.
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>16665246 Thanks for the edgy furbait~
Quoted By:
Anyone happen¡s to have a Wigglytuff? I just need it for the pokedex, I can give you something with pokerus or just give it back
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Speaking of Charizard Y, what moveset should I aim for? Natures and shit?
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
First batch of HP Ice Litleos, 31/x/30/31/31/31 female. Hmm. Gonna be breeding them for a while, anyone who wants one tell me.
Brittany !!tZZtrZpUdyX
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>>16665147 I'm lurking now. Been busy the past few days. What's up?
Rothion 3797 6627 6044
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>>16665351 I'm pretty sure I could really like one of those! Especially if it's a female.
>>16665351 I would take one but I haven't finished your frog yet :(
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16665383 You'll take this god damn Litleo and like it, Ben.
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari] !FAGGOTXBuk
>>16665224 Alright, adding you now.
IGN: Calem [4398-9590-8447] !6VeyJftc0E
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>>16665351 I'll grab one once you've given a bunch out, any is fine as long as it has 30Def. I'll be rebreeding for a male anyway.
The gender ratio is ridiculous.
On another note.
>252+ Atk Choice Band Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Carbink: 43-51 (27.3 - 32.4%) -- 86.1% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery >0 SpA Carbink Power Gem vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Talonflame: 144-172 (93.5 - 111.6%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO Balk.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16665246 >>16665264 Stupid question: What is the squiggly for?
Webs: X (3797 7378 7845)
>>16665418 right on im gonline after this battle
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16665164 On now, but don't see you online. Trade me whenever.
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari] !FAGGOTXBuk
>>16665430 ~~~ >>16665431 If it doesn't hatch Protean just yell at me, but I'm pretty sure this is the correct one.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
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>>16665439 I know what it is. But what's it for? Besides ñ obviously.
Alice 508620982860
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I really can't/do want to continue getting IVs to stick on Rotom. Does anyone want to trade me a 5 IVs Rotom that's desirable? Modest would be a good nature. Even if it doesn't have the nature.
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari] !FAGGOTXBuk
>>16665431 I don't need the Wartortle if you wanted to keep him, doesn't bother me, just got you the egg for free.
Webs: X (3797 7378 7845)
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>>16665458 alright. time to run in circles fuck yeah!
captcha: ocaole language
No you fuck you captcha
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
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>>16665443 Sorry, I didn't realize I had dropped; thank you so much!
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>>16665400 Oh I will, I've been breeding frogs all day and cat sitting IRL
after I get your frog I want to try to make HP rock roselia but rare hordes suck Webs: X (3797 7378 7845)
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>>16665481 nah im good. i prefer my froggish friend.
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>>16664088 Did you already delete? I'd love a Vivillon and a Shinx.