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Oh and if anyone wants a machop with elemental punches, I have several to spare.
>>16710102 If you're serious about competitive, then run Bullet Punch for faries.
Are you using a Guts set? If not, why not DynamicPunch instead of Cross Chop? Machamp has access to No Guard. Same damage with additional confusion.
>>16710102 shouldn't you be carrying stone edge for flyers, too?
>>16710168 samefag. forgot you said you have elemental punches for coverage.
Anyway, I'm planning to build a No Guard Machamp, but I am undecided on the moves. So far, I'm considering Dynamic Punch as a staple, stone edge, bullet punch, and ???
Should I carry Payback, EQ?
>>16710131 What do you suggest, NG, or Guts? I'm liking the effects of both of them, not too sure what I want.
>>16710130 I didn't even think about that, that's perfect.
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>>16710193 I thought No Guard was the standard. Machamp can really take advantage of it with DynamicPunch and Stone Edge.
The moveset that dominated the gen 4 metagame for me was D-Pawnch Payback Ice Punch Bullet Punch @Lum berry 0 Spe IV 252 ATK, I forget the split between SpD and HP>mfw 6-0'ing scrubs on PO with a suicide lead Machamp is literally my favourite pokemon but I don't really use him in competitive anymore. He just doesn't compete on the level he used to. Actually now that I say this I realize I should give him another shot in gen 6. >mfw second favourite Scrafty is now raped by 4x Fairy
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
i have a box full of machokes with all the elemental punches plus bullet punch,if anybody is interested let me know (all 4 iv)
>>16710223 which IVs? I'm interested, buddy. Machamp is my broest of bros.
D-Stacks Normal [Eevee, Loudred, Dunsparce] 1435-4837-2983
D-Stacks Normal [Eevee, Loudred, Dunsparce] 1435-4837-2983 Mon 16 Dec 2013 17:11:03 No. 16710247 Report >>16710202 Ice Punch might not be as necessary anymore cause D-Nite use as a lead seems to have dropped off, so maybe stone edge would be better. Have a look at usage stats if they're available for gen 6.
>>16710223 31/31/31/xx/31/xx ?
if that's the case I'm definitely interested
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16710238 There is a range,most are missing speed or Sp.Def,i have never used machamp before but he sure has potential
>>16710247 yep got that
I use this set: Machamp@Assault Vest Adamant/No Guard 212 HP / 252 Atk / 44 Spe ~Bullet Punch ~Dynamic Punch ~Stone Edge ~Thunderpunch
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>>16710261 Usually after getting Web or a Tailwind, I send in this guy and start to rektd. Bullet PUnch revenge kills weakened Fairies and thanks to Vest, let's him tank a hit or two.
Stone Edge is for those pesky Draon/Flying types, while Thunderpunch hits bulky waters
>>16710261 Looks like a solid set, actually. I didn't even consider Assault Vest for him either. What's with the 44 Speed though?
>>16710260 I'll take any that has IVs on at least HP/Atk and Def.
I dunno what I can offer, though. I would have to check first.
I added you btw
D-Stacks Normal [Eevee, Loudred, Dunsparce] 1435-4837-2983
D-Stacks Normal [Eevee, Loudred, Dunsparce] 1435-4837-2983 Mon 16 Dec 2013 17:14:45 No. 16710285 Report >>16710260 sweet, adding. it's gonna take a minute for me to get the update.
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16710285 Cool
>>16710280 come on guy
you need to other me something first
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Anyone happen to have shiny machops?
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>>16710279 He's pretty bulky with HP and has great Atk. The 44 points into Spe is for outspeeding and punching holes in B-Passers, Hazard set ups, etc. Machamp needs some Spe to get the job done, its also what his UU spread was for the B/W meta
>>16710300 Japanese Mienfoo with HP, Atk, Spd.
French Eevee with HP, Def, Sp.Atk, Spd.
eh, not so impressive on second thought, my bad
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16710367 I'm feel generous,i'll trade one for the mienfoo
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>no dynamic punch
Stef27: 1075-2049-9629
>>16710238 Could i get one of those please, man? I'm assuming adamant nature right?
D-Stacks Normal [Eevee, Loudred, Dunsparce] 1435-4837-2983
D-Stacks Normal [Eevee, Loudred, Dunsparce] 1435-4837-2983 Mon 16 Dec 2013 17:27:31 No. 16710423 Report >>16710300 added
I started a new playthrough so I don't have too much to offer at the moment. Two 3 IV Dittos (atk,def,spe) (hp, spa,spd). I also have a JPN one, but I'd prefer to keep it. I cna also offer Ocean Vivillons. Or shitmon?
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16710408 Yeah it's adamant.
>>16710423 Atk,Def,Speed ditto sounds great
>>16710392 I'll be online to trade in a couple of minutes im currently having diner
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
>>16710223 Adding you now Oliver!
>>16710392 Awesome. Do you need any Megastone, by any chance? i'm not using Megas, and I'd like to pitch in something for your generosity.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
>>16710446 Oliver, I can trade you a 4IV Calm Natural Cure Chansey with Seismic Toss. It's even in a super sexy Premier Ball.
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>>16710183 >Should I carry Payback I used mine with payback to great success last gen, but I'd probably use something else now since personally I hardly seem to run into psychic types now-a-days
Stef27: 1075-2049-9629
>>16710443 Added you, i have 4 iv false swiper paras to offer.
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Guts is better in this meta where everyone packs WoW and Twave, also works for a great surprise since everybody expects Machamp to be No Guard I usually run Machamp (F) @ Choice Band Ability: Guts EVs: 252 Atk / 172 HP / 84 Spd Adamant Nature - Close Combat - Knock Off - Ice Punch -Sleep Talk/Stone Edge As a lead, Rotom burning you is a free OHKO, predicted Gliscor switch in is a free OHKO, predicted Trevenant is either cleanly KO'd or crippled without his item depending on it's defensive investment. Sleep talk is pretty situational, for Spore leads, but hilarious when it works.
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16710450 I have all the stones but i'd love a exclusive stone (anyone will do)
>>16710478 sorry man but i recently got someone else chansey leftovers with toss and aromatherapy
>>16710558 I will no one condition,tell me how you run paras (my nigga since gen1)
Stef27: 1075-2049-9629
>>16710617 Haha it is pretty shitty competitively but i have two types. You can have one which has dry skin and spore for competitive or a damp one with spore and false swipe and sweet scent for hoards and false swiping etc. i don't know how one would be used competitively but it has spore so
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
>>16710617 5IV Protean Froakie?
How about a 4IV Timid Dry Skin Helioptile?
A 5IV Espurr?
A 4IV Adamant Charmander with Outrage and Dragon Dance?
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16710450 Added
>>16710654 added
>>16710659 Ehhhhhhhh,anything else?
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
>>16710745 Uhh..
5IV Heracross?
4IV Slowpoke?
>>16710617 I can give you a Charizardite Y. Is that good enough? Or are you running Y as well?
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
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>>16710745 In fact, on second thought, I don't think I will take a 4IV Machoke.
You're bordering on being a jew, bro.
Just accept the guy's Mienfoo.. Don't start trying to take a fucking Megastone.
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16710787 Running Y as well,i only want a stone i can use as a bargin chip in other trades. SO literally anything you are willing to trade away
>>16710781 Sorry man it's just i have a load of other breeding leftovers from other people who i've traded my own leftovers with,i just happen to have all the ones you offered
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>>16710820 ALright, then. I cancelled your request earlier because i was still giving the stone to Mienfoo. I'm ready now
>>16710820 If you have concerns and want a trade-back let me know
D-Stacks Normal [Eevee, Loudred, Dunsparce] 1435-4837-2983
D-Stacks Normal [Eevee, Loudred, Dunsparce] 1435-4837-2983 Mon 16 Dec 2013 18:04:44 No. 16710854 Report >>16710820 I've still got that ditto and ready to trade whenever. IGN TayTay
>>16710223 if you have one missing speed and special attack left I'll give you a 5 IV eevee or magikarp
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16710858 If that makicarp is HA then you have yourself a deal.
>>16710854 Sorry about that i completely forgot about it
>>16710852 Same here
>>16710875 Nope, I use intimidate
Eevees are HA with wish though, I also may have some technician scythers left if you'd preffer that
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Mon 16 Dec 2013 18:11:38 No. 16710916 Report >>16710875 still have any 4iv machops?
tyrunt with fangs DD
trapinch with superpoewr
growlithe close c.
roselia leaf storm/giga drain
snorunt w/spikes
gligar HA
marill belly jet
riolu blaze kick bp, hi jump
squirtle aura and dragon pul
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16710903 I'll cut you a deal,i already have a Tech syther but its a male with all ivs expect Sp.atk,so if you a have a female with any at least 2 perfect Ivs then you have a deal (without Sp.atk iv of course)
>>16710916 you have quite a lot im interested in to be honest so how about a (all 4iv) timid gastly,jolly teddiursa (with play rough) and impish noibat for yanma,roselia,trapinch and snourt. with machop of course
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Mon 16 Dec 2013 18:21:59 No. 16711037 Report Quoted By:
>>16710984 sure adding right now.
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>>16710183 If this is gen 6, then payback will be extra useful, since it now goes through steel types.
I normally wouldn't recommend bullet punch on something that isn't an anti-lead set, but since fairies resist both fighting and dark, and are weak to steel, you might find it somewhat useful.
Or consider using substitute. Machamp can use sub to great effect with the confusion, but it guards him from status effects (namely, burns). Could also protect him from otherwise simple revenge kills, like from faster flying types.
>>16710984 Nah its cool I'll breed my own in like an hour, to be honest I think you're going the wrong way about things, overall on this thread you've been offered a great number o f 5 IV things that you've rejected. For your 4 IV pokemon. Personally I wondertrade or give away my 4 IV pokemon for free, since they take like half an hour at most to get. You should just be grateful that someone is willing to give you anything for them
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specschamp or bust
>>16710875 I just noticed--are all of your Machops Guts? Is there an adamant No Guard you could spare? but if there's none, then don't worry about it. It was my mistake not to ask about the ability anyway
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16711115 I have more than enough no guard shoot me a request and i'll trade you one
>>16711103 I know what you mean,like i said earlier in this thread i'm only turning down pokemon i already have a 4/5 Iv of
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>>16711148 Thanks buddy. Going back online in a minute or two
Ok scrublords I'm going to give you the hidden tech you're looking for. If you're running No Guard you're running Lum Berry OR using Ass Vest with a cleric (Heal Bell, Aromatherapy etc...) to cleanse Burns and other status effects that would cripple your favorite musclebound legend. If you're using Guts, of course you don't have to worry about status effects as much. Also consider Rest Talk Guts, as you still get the Guts bonus while sleeping, personally I prefer Leftovers, Choice Band, or Life Orb when using Guts. Finally, all this discussion about Payback is rather silly. In prebank OU (what I've used Machamp in with great success) you're only going to really run into two ghosts: Sableye and Gengar. While Payback is nice, Ghosts are the only thing you're really going to be using it against, but there's a better option: Knock Off. 252 Atk Machamp Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Gengar: 320-378 (122.1 - 144.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO The former, Sableye, won't likely die in one hit to anything Machamp can throw at it, however, the loss of Leftovers will dramatically reduce his ability to stay afloat. Gengar on the other hand has much to lose in the face of Knock Off--if he doesn't have a Substitute up, he's dead. In closing I'd like to also add that Machamp is pretty flexible. I can't say for certain what moves you should use on him without looking at what your team lacks, but he's got a fairly good physical move pool along with the awesome Bullet Punch to keep fairies in check, and also finish off weak opponents who would otherwise outspeed him and U-Turn away. Just watch out for Talonflame and you'll be golden.
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C'mon man. No Guard, Dynamic Punch, Stone Edge, Bullet Punch, and one of the elemental Punches.
>>16711208 An elemental punch will do almost as much against monofaries fairies as a bullet punch, has a chance to freeze or burn or paralyze, and won't trigger weakness policy on assholes like slurpuff
Obviously priority is a big deal, but klefki and azumarill and megawile are all neutral to BP anyway
Oliver 2191-8107-1635 Fairy
>>16711208 Want to run no gaurd with lum berry but am not sure about spread
252/252/4 Atk/Speed/Def good or can you suggest somthing better?
>>16711450 so which elemental punch do you think is a better choice?
>>16711526 Not the guy you're asking but Thunderpunch blasts Azumarrill and Togekiss, and since Mawile is neutral to Dynamic punch you don't need Fire punch.
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>>16711490 No Guard Lum Berry is solid; I ran it on Showdown as a lead for a while. It guarantees right off the bat someone is going to get confused, and hit with a 100 DMG STAB coming off 130 attack--no one wants that, even solid physical walls are crippled by confusion.
252 HP 252 ATK 4 SPEC.D. is what I usually ran on most sets. A few posts up someone mentioned a set with a bit of speed, and something like that works too.
To be honest though I wouldn't invest more than 100~ into speed on Machamp unless you're running Choice Scarf to catch people off guard. That's really the only way to remedy his low speed, but it might not be worth running over sheer damage.
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>>16711526 >>16711526 When people use Ice Punch they're mainly using it to thwart Dragons, most of whom are 4x weak to Ice and will nearly be OHKO'd by it.
Generally speaking, however, I believe Thunder Punch is the better option, reasons being listed by this kind anon:
>>16711548 Anonymous
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The Machamp I used for 5th gen OU works great. Asura's (Machamp) (M) @ Lum Berry Ability: No Guard EVs: 252 HP / 160 Atk / 96 SDef Adamant Nature - Dynamic Punch - Payback - Substitute - Encore Never really use sub much so I swap it with stone edge.
Stef27: 1075-2049-9629
So lum berry or ass vest?
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Run Dynamicpunch and Stone Edge with No Guard. Rest is up to you really.
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>>16711683 Depends. Are you goint to use a cleric like Chansey to Aromatherapy your team when status is spread around? If so, Machamp has the bulk to use Ass Vest Successfully. If not, Lum Berry is necessary.
Of course if you're going Guts you can run Ass Vest at all times and care less about status periodic damage--obviously don't use Lum Berry with Guts.