Last thread here
>>16677778 This is a tournament over what will be the Christmas Holiday for most folks on /vp/. It will start on December 20, and rounds will occur every 2 days, until it has completed.
The rules for this double elimination tourney are simple.
1. You have a team of 6 pokemon, but the actual battle is 3v3. Finals will be 4v4.
2. Pokemon on your team must all share a chosen type. Your type will be made public. Megas that change type are valid for ALL possible type teams.
3. Flat rules. So no special pokemon
4. Matches are best out of 3 battles. Substitutions are limited to your team of 6, but are allowed.
5. Be as assholish and dastardly as you want to be. There are no bans on any pokemon or moves, aside from the legendaries, as per flat rules.
6. Disconnects will count as draws, unless the players decide to redo that particular battle. Having a record of repeated disconnects may result in a disqualification.
7. Unplayed rounds count as a loss. More rules on this forthcoming
8. Mons obtainable in gen 6 only. This shouldn't actually be an issue though, as everyone should have their teams assembled before pokebank is up and running.
9. NO SIMULATORS! Let's do this all through the 3DS and then post up the battle videos for everyone to watch!
10. There are no prizes. If you hack to predict moves, all you're doing is cheating yourself out of any sort of real victory here. This is for fun.
Preliminary registration form is HERE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>16716030 First to toast new bread.
Is Zapdos not allowed in this and at what time will it start on the 20th?
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>>16716151 Yes i believe the birds are allowed, and I dunno about the specific time.
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>>16716151 Well since the real OP hasen't been around to answer a lot of questions we've just been going off what's implied from the rules.
I'm not sure about Zapdos but I don't see what you wouldn't be able to use it.
For the time, the real OP has tried to figure it out at one point but we never got anything set up.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Mon 16 Dec 2013 23:44:39 No. 16716246 Report Quoted By:
Toastin' in new bread, trainin' shellder
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Flat rules would allow the legendary birds. The Battle Maoson uses Flat rules and allows the birds
I fogot to ask when I made the thread. How's the team building going for everyone? Are you all set for the battle?
>>16716301 I only heard about this yesterday so I'm still building mine
dark is pretty difficult to work with. Lots of neat things you can do but not much you can do against teams that are SE against you
Mes 1564-2231-4319 (Electric)
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>>16716301 Just finished getting my electric team together. Now I just have to do a couple of runs at Battle Mansion and gets some items and then I'll be set
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16716431 All I see a threat would be fighting and fairy and for fighting you have dark/ghost types.
For fairy you have bisharp.
For bug I'm not to sure, but how often will you get hit hard with bug unless it's volcarona. And even then all you have to do is stop it from setting up.
I guess Galvantula is a threat as well in that department. Anonymous
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I would join in on this, but I doubt I could make a cohesive team in 4 days with work n' shit. If you do another tournament like this I'll be all over it though.
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>>16716474 I have ttar for volcarona
I don't really have anything against fighting types besides sableye though. I'm thinking of a greninja with extrasensory though
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>>16716301 My team is all set, just battling with them on online to practice. Mono ghost is a little hard to run against any dark type, especially T-tar. I'm really interested to see how this is gonna turn out, especially for mirror match ups.
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>>16716301 I've had my Water team ready for a while, looking forward to giving it a go in a more serious format.
I am terrified of seeing Mega Kanga though. Water has no real practical answers to it without access to Jellicent.
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Just finishing breeding my last poke then working on ev training them and I'm done. I feel like dragon isn't the strongest choice for mono though
>>16716301 >Have been EV training all day >Only have 3 of my pokemon done Anonymous
>>16716696 Do you have pokerus?
If you don't I can send you something with it so it speads up your ev training
>>16716709 Nah, super training.
I get bored easily Kieran 4468 0964 1713
I need serious help for breeding. Anyone have some leftover 3IV-4IV fodder for Electrike, Elekid, Magnemite, or ROTOMs, I would appreciate it. I can also probably help you out with Dittos/good project mons I have lying around.
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>>16716722 >super training christ
get pokerus and power items and sweet scent. Fully EV trained in ~15 mins depending on your luck with hordes
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
>>16716722 I just HAVE to reiterate to do horde training. Super Training would have been fine had Horde abuse not been so awesome, but you'll see that you'll have everything done tonight ready to playtest with Hordes.
>>16716755 I've got some Ice Punch/Hammer Arm Elekids, gimme a few minutes.
Mes 1564-2231-4319 (Electric)
>>16716755 I have a spare rotom with outstanding potential in HP,Atk and Speed if you need that
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>>16716811 >>16716813 This would be amazing guys. Seriously.
I'm still at work but I'll be home in an hour if you are around...forgot to mention that. I'll post in the thread when I'm home but feel free to add me if you are feeling generous.
I will make sure to pay you back with something. Are you guys done with your teams?
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Super Training should only really be used to hit certain specific values that aren't multiples of 10 (and thus can't just use vitamins), and even then you want to combine vitamins, berries, and hordes to shorten the process
>>16716791 Well I guess I could to it on the last 2 pokemon. But I don't know which hordes to grind for HP, Def, and SpDef EVs though
>>16716866 Whismur (Connecting Cave), Geodude/Durant (Terminus Cave), and Mime Jr. (Reflecting Cave), respectively
>>16716866 Seriously, a Google search will help you right out.
Horde EV training
>>16716898 I don't give a fuck
>>16716891 Thank you
>>16716946 Well...what the fuck man, I have god damn clue what they are on the top of my head. Don't be a dick, just trying to help.
Txn 4339 - 2627 - 8716 [Magneton / Klang / Klefki]
Txn 4339 - 2627 - 8716 [Magneton / Klang / Klefki] Tue 17 Dec 2013 00:28:26 No. 16717041 Report Quoted By:
>>16716301 Don't know. I already have like 5 EV trained pokes, but I don't think any of them actually work together.
Kyle (1977-1205-0529
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim)
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim) Tue 17 Dec 2013 00:41:53 No. 16717279 Report >>16716946 haha what a cunt
>>16716977 >>16717279 Being a dick is in the rules, deal with it
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>>16717307 Deal with getting bounced out of the tournament in two rounds because you obviously don't even know how to EV train properly.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle, SV: {771})
Heather 2895-6998-6566 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle, SV: {771}) Tue 17 Dec 2013 00:48:25 No. 16717413 Report Anyone have any sableyes?
Here's what I've got: Anonymous
>>16717413 I've got a safari with some in it, I could throw some at you.
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>>16717307 17edgy9000lel
captcha: gobak 2lelditt
Heather 2895-6998-6566 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle, SV: {771})
Heather 2895-6998-6566 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle, SV: {771}) Tue 17 Dec 2013 00:55:15 No. 16717537 Report >>16717434 U-uh no thanks, I mean like one that already has egg moves and stuff
>>16717537 But egg moves aren't hard to get
>>16717583 harder than ivs
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>>16717622 I've got more problems with IVs than egg moves
Heather 2895-6998-6566 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle, SV: {771})
Heather 2895-6998-6566 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle, SV: {771}) Tue 17 Dec 2013 01:00:32 No. 16717648 Report Quoted By:
>>16717583 I know but I don't have the time to deal with starting another breeding project from scratch
Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
100 ENTRANTS! Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR Tue 17 Dec 2013 01:20:56 No. 16718082 Report HOLY FUCKBALLS, GLISCOR! Expect the pairings to go out afternoon/evening on Friday. Entries will STOP being accepted on Thursday at 5PM CST, to facilitate organization. When I get home from work that afternoon, I will send out email invites to the tourney google doc, which will keep people posted on what's going on at any time. I will put up a google doc when the first round comes so you can list your team. I'd like to gain some stats from this. You should also be considerate of your first round partner, since there will probably be less than a little surety. The official pairings doc will have more info. Not even going to list types, because every type has quite a bit of representation, now. Seriously. I was not expecting 100 entrants. This will be interesting!
Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
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>>16718082 Oh yeah, I also opened up an IRC channel to talk in at #GymLeaderChallenge on It's pretty quiet and full of idle, but that's because everyone gets impatient after like 1 minute of silence and logs out. Feel free to use it for discussion, trashtalking, trading, speculation, and the like.
>>16718082 Shouldn't be too hard to make this an annual or seasonal thing with this much interest.
Kieran 4468 0946 1713
>>16717225 >>16716811 >>16716813 Are you guys still around?
I need help. I can try to help you. What do you need?
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Just a reminder that moody is not banned
>>16718275 Still here. Doesn't matter what you send back, I've got plenty.
Wes 1564-2231-4319 (Electric)
>>16718275 Happen to got any spare electric pokemon with good ivs, maybe a Galvantula or anything. If not then I don't really need anything
Kieran 4468 0946 1713
>>16718346 I have Pichu/Pikachus I think. That is really it.
>>16718339 Adding you.
Wes 1564-2231-4319 (Electric)
>>16718367 Already got myself a Raichu so have the rotom for free.
Kieran 4468 0946 1713
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>>16718428 OK. I'll look for something for you though.
I have a shiny outstanding Raichu that I have big plans for. I'm excited, its my favorite Pokemon. Kieran 4468 0946 1713
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>>16718428 Also, I had already added you.
>>16718339 Really appreciate it.
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Does anyone need an Adament Growlithe? I've got 4 spares with Close Combat and Morning Sun. IVs aren't that great though and I think 2 of them have Justified
Chris SV{3644}{2450} 4484-8980-7606(fire growlithe, ninetails, charmeleon)
Chris SV{3644}{2450} 4484-8980-7606(fire growlithe, ninetails, charmeleon) Tue 17 Dec 2013 02:01:19 No. 16718958 Report Quoted By:
Anybody have any good meditites with egg moves or any good psychics. i ahve some gibles with pokerus to offer
>>16718275 Hey I'm still here. Got plenty of rotom
Kieran 4468 0946 1713
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>>16719152 >>16719152 I appreciate it but I got one already. Thanks though man.
>sableye >gengar >froslass >aegislash >trevenant should I use chandelure or golurk last?
Kieran 4468 0946 1713
>>16720431 Tough to say. Chandelure might hold up better to bravestbird with and good chemistry with Trevenant. I'd say that Golurk may be more versatile all around though.
>>16720538 >Bravestbird >Not Staraptor ;_; Anonymous
>>16720431 Minimize Chandelure.
Go full asshole.
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>>16720823 Yes, please feed me wins
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
I still need Gogoat and Mowtom, but otherwise I'm nearly ready. My "First thoughts" team (Ludicolo, Lilligant, and Ferrothorn) are definitely done, though. Then I just gotta test em :P
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>>16720823 >not using Minimize Drifblim It's like you want to lose.
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>>16720608 who ever said that??
fucking implying jessus christe
Glad to see this competition is alive and well! Got my team done, now I'm just level grinding at le Wow for the few that have level-up moves. Can't wait!
>>16721413 >inb4 your two round elimination Anonymous
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>>16721441 >tfw will probably be two round elimination Aniny
>>16721441 Who cares if I lose? Still the most fun I've had in a while.
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>>16721501 >dat pathetic response just giving you a hard time. good luck Aniny
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hey btw did y'all send out any emails yet? haven't checked my spam filter yet.
>>16721070 thanks for proving me right last thread.
here's the ultimate version of that team:
-Focus Punch
Ditto, Imposter
Liepard, Prankster @ Leftovers
-Foul Play
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16722478 That's a gimmick, not a viable strategy. You're sacrificing the movepools of your entire team to get off a sleep. Something completely undone if you're facing any of the following:
Mega Absol
ANY grass type. At all.
Anyone with a Lum berry
Fucking Delibird
There's a difference between a gimmick and a strategy. This is a gimmick, not a strategy.
>>16723042 >not a viable strategy It kills 6-poke teams all by itself.
>>16723042 none of those counter it though
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16723168 Yes, gimmicks players are not expecting can manage to pull that off. If the entire team is composed of Zygarde, Yveltal, Xerneas, Blaziken, Greninja, and M.Kanga, I totally believe you could pull that off. Hell I'd be surprised if you didn't. But 5 of those and DELIBIRD would give you trouble. Think about that.
But again, a single grass type or someone with a lum berry can wreck the entire thing.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16723201 they're flat-out immune to it. You don't need to counter something that doesn't work in the first place.
If that first sleep goes off, switch to literally anything from that list and go to town.
>>16723590 >delibird Yeah no. You're an idiot.
>>16723646 >immune to substiute and foul play I think you're seriously retarded.
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Seems like it might b fun,good excuse to breed some shit I've been slacking on for a while. Is it best to go have bulk or speed spreads for Malamar?
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16723732 they're not immune to sub and foul play, yes. I was just using delibird as an example of something that COULD cause problems.
Foul Play, though? doesn't work too well on things that rely on special, or on non-ghost walls.
Again, gimmick, not strategy.
>>16724146 >Foul Play, though? doesn't work too well on things that rely on special, or on non-ghost walls. >SWAGGER Jesus, you're either fucking new as hell to Pokemon or you're just trolling at this point.
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751
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>>16716301 About halfway there, I've decided to re-breed a pokemon with a different nature and spread, and I'm still missing some key pokes
My first hexperfect is Rotom. Awesome..but C'MON.. at least make it something I can breed with.
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>>16725715 Lol. The RNGods are 'aving a giggle.
>>16722478 >>16723042 If you want an assist strategy to spam, use priority assist whirlwind instead. Use a ditto to transform into the opponent's hazards setter, set your own hazards, then spam whirlwind to win.
Doesn't work very well against wifi random retards in 3v3 though.
Everything's auto-levelled to 50, right? Including things below 50?
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Tue 17 Dec 2013 08:32:58 No. 16726077 Report >>16726050 Nope, only things above 50.
>>16726077 dammit, now I have to train things up to 50 at least
>>16726098 Can we change movesets between battles?
>>16725992 >prankster whirlwind are you retarded? whirlwind always goes last.
That is an awesome Leader Castle!
>>16726297 It's from pokemon stadium
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Tue 17 Dec 2013 09:18:07 No. 16726427 Report I have entered with my all shiny bug team. All mons are nicknamed with with the genus of the real life invertebrate they were modeled from.
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>>16726319 i love pokemon stadium
>>16726427 >all shiny You felt the need to make this a big deal because...?
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Tue 17 Dec 2013 09:23:40 No. 16726482 Report Quoted By:
>>16726465 eh, get in the spirit.
I've had the team for a short while now and I either steamroll the other team or I get steamrolled by Talonflame
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Tue 17 Dec 2013 09:25:07 No. 16726492 Report >>16726465 autism, just that Anonymous
>>16726492 hey, don't put down autism like that.
you're just a fuck hat.
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Tue 17 Dec 2013 09:37:56 No. 16726590 Report Is anyone else doing bug? Or using a mon with bug as the second typing? I might have a leftover for you.
>>16726590 At this point in the tournament, if you're not already done with your team you might as well forget about entering at all.
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>>16726427 Yo. That naming system is awesome. I'm naming my Psychics in a way that seems kind of random by comparison. They all just have names that have something to do with their design...
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Tue 17 Dec 2013 09:40:44 No. 16726612 Report I'm up for a practice battle if anyone wants. I don't know how my team will hand another mono team yet.
>>16726595 Lol sure buddy. I still have 4 to breed and I'll be done with plenty of time to spare. And entire team can be bred and trained in a single afternoon if you know what you're doing and have the egg groups covered with 5/6IV fathers.
>>16718082 >>16718224 Really though, with all the people that have been in and out of these threads saying "ohhh i can't get a team together in time" or "if only I had my b2/w2 monoteam", it should be REALLY easy to keep interest going.
I think a Seasonal Gym Leader Challenge is a GREAT idea. I'd join every round, and I know my three friends who have monoteams in older games would love to as well once the bank is out.
can protean froakie be on a bug team if he knows u-turn?
>>16726695 >actually having enough free time to set aside an entire day just for Pokemon >>16726707 I would definitely join in. If this was a regular thing then it would give me the time to breed more mons of other types, which would mean more team variety. Bug is fun and all but I've been playing Bug since god knows when and a change every now and then is never a bad thing.
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751
>>16726612 I'm up for it, though maybe a bit later. Still building the team.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16726853 What progress have you made? I'm just about done breeding my last pokemon and then it's on to the mansion for items.
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751
>>16726870 Done about 3/6. Just gotta raise the other three, though the first team is fine.
You're bug, right? we can still practise, but my team is rock so I have an inherent advantage
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16726878 No mine is Ghost.
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751
>>16726887 oh snap, i was replying to remu - i thought i was talking to the other guy. yeah, anyway, it's all going good. i'm just trying to work out a counter for mega-lucario, i don't think rock types have one.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16726962 Mega Aero isn't weak to fighting and it gets earthquake. It can take out Mega Lucario easy with speed. Plus Fly
sadlly its only good flying stab move Can be used with its speed and hit hard as well on any fighting type.
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Can we get a list of the gym leader types running in the tournament? I thought it was crazy when I saw like 10 fairy leaders.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16726292 When called by assist, Whirlwind ignores the normal priority list. While a bit more viable than assist prankster sleep methods, it's still gimmicky as hell.
>>16724258 Still a gimmick. fails if the opponent has a brain. get over it. move on.
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751
>>16727062 Mega Aero is a revenge killer at best. I've run the calcs - there isn't a bulky spread in existence that can switch in on a max attack jolly CC and not get 2hko'd.
Making things worse is that regular aero can't switch into it without any defensive investment. Mega Aero can take it, but it needs to be in for a turn to evolve. Not to mention, if that thing uses flash cannon or something i'm in trouble.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16727224 Very true... I really can't help you there but I do have a question.
Do you want to name this Golett I MM'd on accident?
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16727251 That's funny. I'm doing it.
Might use it for fun in the tourny but... It only got IV's in the defenses and 0IVs in attack... Dah fuck.
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751
>>16727263 >shit IVs Not called MR ACCIDENT for nothing
once i accidentally hatched a shiny when i was in the 2IV~ phase of breeding. sucks, sista. Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>16727273 What's fucked up is the egg before it got 4 IVs
>>16727273 I hatched my first shiny ever when I was just breeding egg moves onto it.
It has 0 IVs
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Tue 17 Dec 2013 11:25:08 No. 16727327 Report Quoted By:
>>16727287 I suppose I was lucky with my larvesta in black since it has 4 maxed out IVs. But luck always retaliate since I found a shiny phantump with horrible IVs/Nature.
>>16727273 Hi Parham, how's going? I'm breeding for swinub, I love that pokémon since the first time I saw it in Gold!
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | !P61YFsEmnw
>4 days >training intensifies
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16731179 You're telling me.
I have 6 pokemon to EV train still and to get to 50.
Good thing it doesn't take as long as it used to.
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | !P61YFsEmnw
>>16731209 I am also attempting to breed a freaking 5IV Aerodactyl, but keep getting shit like 4IV.
And I still don't know if I should use his Mega or Tyranitars.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>16731322 Mega Aero is good against fighting types.
So that's safe to consider.
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>>16731209 EV training takes like 20 minutes each
it's the damn planning and breeding that's taking me forever
>tfw dark and nothing good against bug or fairies heracross is gonna be a bitch
>>16731726 For Bug you've got Honchkrow, Mandibuzz, Houndoom, etc. For Fairies, there's really only Drapion, Skuntank, n' Bisharp.
Is using M-Ampharos worth it?
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>>16731179 >4 days left >Almost have my team trained up >>16731726 Well there's Bisharp, but you're still fucked against Heracross
>>16731847 >Honchkrow shit
>Mandibuzz is a wall, not an attacker. Will a brave bird from 65 attack do anything?
>Houndoom I'm considering him but argh too many choices. Plus he wouldn't really work well with my ttar since he only does really well in the sun
>>16731939 >Houndoom Could use him as your mega
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>>16731726 Drapion sucks, probably not worth using unless you want to dabble with Acupressure.
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 17 Dec 2013 19:35:28 No. 16731994 Report Try not to let this thread die again please
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>>16731994 You're not my mom! You can't tell me what to do!
>>16731976 Here's what I've got so far though:
- mandibuzz
- bisharp
- sableye
- greninja (mostly because he can turn into something that's NOT dark, and gives me well needed water/psychic/ice/whatever coverage)
I've dabbled a bit with assault vest ttar before. A focus blast from a life orb gengar only does about 65% to him - he's about the only special wall dark's got, besides maybe umbreon.
Hydreigon hits like a truck and is a great attacker. Problem is that he's relatively slow and doesn't have very many resists to switch into. Also that x4 fairy weakness isn't helping.
Absol's not a bad pokemon but doesn't bring anything useful to a dark team
Crawdaunt and weavile both have good priority
Malamar's a one trick pony
And then there's houndoom. Has a useful bug and fairy neutrality but not very bulky to withstand much of it.
I've never played 3v3 before so I imagine I'm overthinking it too much with needing two walls. Maybe I should just take mandibuzz as the one wall and make the other 2 slots the relevant attackers? I'm not sure
>>16732108 I think Hydreigon is necessary for you. Though you have Greninja, coverage coverage coverage, with Dragon you can hit a lot of things. I'd scarf it.
Crawdaunt isn't an awful idea, but maybe go with Weakness Policy TTar.
>>16732143 >Weakness Policy TTar. Is he fast enough for that?
I do definitely need the ttar since he's basically my rock/ground attacker
>>16732108 >but not very bulky to withstand much of it With his speed you wouldn't have to worry much about his bulk unless you get sticky webbed
>>16732218 Pair it with Rock Polish and watch it go.
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Tue 17 Dec 2013 19:55:52 No. 16732320 Report Anyone interested in a test run? My gym is bug
>>16732223 I mean switching into it if I need to
>sticky webbed Bisharp's Defiant sharply raised its attack! Anonymous
So how's this work? All leaders of a single type fight until ones left for each type, then the final 18 fight?
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>>16732324 That's true, he might not be able to take the hit, but if you can get in a free switch he should be able to fuck shit up
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 17 Dec 2013 20:01:33 No. 16732420 Report >>16732320 Hey, I'm on right now if you're down. Fairy gym here.
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Tue 17 Dec 2013 20:04:31 No. 16732473 Report >>16732420 added. Let's do this
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 17 Dec 2013 20:07:48 No. 16732529 Report Quoted By:
John | 1091-8042-1742 | Beartic, Delibird, Lapras
John | 1091-8042-1742 | Beartic, Delibird, Lapras Tue 17 Dec 2013 20:11:57 No. 16732605 Report Quoted By:
When should we expect an email back?
>>16731849 So much yes.
Gotta make him all about speed, though. Mine has max Speed everything, plus Agility, and once he gets going it's always a hefty sweep. Focus Miss/Thunderbolt/Dragon Pulse
Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>16732327 Random pairings until we need to pare down! Double elimination so a single bad match won't wreck you!
>>16732629 So fire could go up against water right away, for example?
>>16732629 Can we at least be guaranteed that we won't face two same-type teams in a row?
Would suck to get two teams you're weak to in a row.
>>16732698 >>16732797 With over 100 entrants and this being the first time this is done, I would accept the fate of the truly random pairing. We are going to have enough problems getting everyone to battle, consensus and reporting results, who is a dirty liar, etc.
I'd keep it as simple as possible right now
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Tue 17 Dec 2013 20:26:49 No. 16732910 Report Quoted By:
4/6 are ready. Blizzarding intensifies
>>16732622 Really...
Hm. It just seems like I should ignore speed and go for bulk. An agility sweeper Ala Agiligross? And in 3 v 3?
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 17 Dec 2013 20:42:27 No. 16733178 Report Quoted By:
>>16732836 Woolie is always a dirty liar, at least we know that much.
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>>16732238 adamant or jolly?
>>16733069 Well, granted, I do use AgilityAmph in OU, in 6v6.
This is an Electric team you're using? Or Dragon? Electric, yeah, you're right, go bulky for dat precious Mega survivability.
On a Dragon team though you'll have other bulkies, quick nasty STAB T-bolt isn't a service any other Dragon can provide
>>16733223 Electric. And I'm thinking Amph isn't the best man for the job. Maybe M-Manectric...
i don't know
>>16733362 m-manectric is just "yet another speedy electric mon" on an electric team
doesn't really cover you for anything and its got a pretty bleh move pool
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>16733394 It does have intimidate for those physical attackers. That most likely threaten it.
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>>16733394 True, but Intimidate + Volt Switch.
I also don't have a true answer to Ferrothorn. I guess Raichu/Amphy with Focus Miss.
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anyone got any good IV'd houndours?
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>>16726816 >single afternoon >entire day fail.
also, what is saturday and sunday
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>>16727062 can't wait til Bank to get my Power Herb Sky Attack Aerodactyl.
>>16727206 >ignores priority list no it doesn't, idiot.
>fails if the opponent has a brain LOL you're retarded. it works because no one prepares for it and has nothing to counter it.
>>16734181 prankster assist whirlwind has +1 priority
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>>16731847 houndoom would be good against fairies
the pokes will be neutral to each other and some of the best fairies dual with steel, so fire will melt them.
>>16734203 no it doesn't fuckhat. whirlwind is ALWAYS -6 priority. fucking do some research idiot.
>>16734336 Yes it does. Prankster gives Assist +1 priority, then Assist copies Whirlwind's effect. It's the same thing with Prankster Riolu using Copycat Roar
Rorix (IGN Tofflesby)(Normal Leader) 5026-4456-8938 (Bug) SV{3057}
Rorix (IGN Tofflesby)(Normal Leader) 5026-4456-8938 (Bug) SV{3057} Tue 17 Dec 2013 23:17:34 No. 16736115 Report Quoted By:
So does anybody have a spare imposter ditto/ ditto safari? I can probably scrounge up something you'd want
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Tue 17 Dec 2013 23:32:38 No. 16736391 Report Quoted By:
So are we able to get some updated statistics to see who's doing what?
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Tue 17 Dec 2013 23:45:53 No. 16736620 Report Could someone help me trade evolve a pokemon?
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16734181 I was holding this back because I honestly didn't think you were that "special"
Open with gyro ball.
Swagger? Please. 50% chance that liepard dies, period, the first round, and that's if i don't give him a lum berry (which I usually don't need to).
Substitute? Thanks to liepard and ferrothorn's speed difference, gyro ball hits the fucker like a truck. You just bought yourself one round and guaranteed the KO on the next round will hurt even more.
And Foul Play? You'll get one. Tops. and that's if you either use it the first turn or got lucky with Swagger.
then there's blissey and chansey, who LAUGH at your tactic.
Then there's Talonflame with a lum berry.
3/4 of those are fairly common, and don't even need to really catch on to your gimmick to render it useless.
>found a 4 IV ralts with egg moves on the GTS >5 hours later im still breeding it with my 5 IV ditto Why are the RNG gods such dicks sometimes,i still need to breed 2 more things after it.
>>16736620 s-sure, what are you planning on evolving?
>>16736904 >breeding with ditto I found your problem
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 18 Dec 2013 00:03:49 No. 16736987 Report Quoted By:
>>16736923 I need to evolve my Phantump
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>>16736951 The eggs come at a decent rate since the ralts isnt mine,that isnt the problem.
Im just getting screwed on the speed 90% of the time. Other times it just doesnt take Attack as the random stat.
>>16735781 what is -6+1?
still fucking negative 5 you goddamn moron.
whirlwind always goes last.
>>16736753 >ferrothorn >Liepard used Hypnosis >ferrothorn's asleep >Liepard took it's time and put up a sub and killed ferrothorn sweet secret weapon.
>blissey, chansey They're asleep, liepard used substitute, liepard killed them with swag/foul play
>talonflame >lum berry LOL 10/10
wow you're bad at pokemon
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>>16737247 Assist overrides any move it calls with its own priority
you can't be serious man. I'm not the guy you are talking to but...>LOL HYPNOSIS Relying on Hypnosis is not a valid strategy, and if you don't think you are going to see a hefty dose of Lum in the tournament then you are crazy.
How about this for mega houndoom? - Dark Pulse - Fire Blast - Sludge Bomb I can't decide on the last slot. Either destiny bond, nasty plot, or sunny day. All of them have their upsides
>>16737995 I'd go for nasty plot
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>>16738073 Whoa, I didn't want to post that
I just saw this thread and I can't help but think about making a team of 6 Smeargles. Is someone already doing that, or would it even be allowed?
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>>16738303 >There are no bans on any pokemon or moves, aside from the legendaries, as per flat rules. Doesn't look like it
Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
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>>16738303 Flat rules have an Identical Pokes clause.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16737302 So you're using hypnosis now? what happened to spore?
It's one or the other. Hypnomiss or spore.
>>16737351 ^what he said.
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 18 Dec 2013 02:00:24 No. 16739304 Report Will no one help me evolve my pokemon?
Wes 1564-2231-4319
>>16739304 What pokemon do you need help evovling?
>>16739304 Didn't someone already agree to help you?
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 18 Dec 2013 02:03:23 No. 16739357 Report >>16739339 Phantump, it's a trade evolution
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 18 Dec 2013 02:04:51 No. 16739383 Report Quoted By:
>>16739341 Agreed, but never did it
Wes 1564-2231-4319
>>16739357 Easy enough added
>>16739290 >lum berry >talonflame >being this retarded Anonymous
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>3 Days to get team ready >Can't decide on whether I want a certain pokemon on my team or not
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 18 Dec 2013 02:10:36 No. 16739500 Report Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
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>>16739426 i never said that was a good idea, it's why i said 3/4 of the ideas were common.
I was merely suggesting that something THAT retarded could destroy the gimmick. That is all.
Wes 1564-2231-4319
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pls post types so far OP
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
so while breeding skiddos, I hatched a shiny. ...but it only has 4 IVs. And it's missing 2 of the ones I needed most. Who wants to name my shiny skiddo?
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 18 Dec 2013 04:18:41 No. 16741944 Report Quoted By:
Anyone want to have a practice battle? My team probably doesn't stand a chance
Is there a ground leader still around? Just popping in to say, I'm rooting for you.
>>16742005 There are a shit ton of leaders for every type at this point
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>16742222 Quads know the truth.
Might need to make a new thread soon.
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 18 Dec 2013 04:56:39 No. 16742565 Report Quoted By:
>>16742511 We're not even past the bump limit