[2 / 2 / ?]
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Post post post about about about your your your favorite favorite favorite multi multi multi headed headed headed Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon here here here. But but but there's there's there's a a a catch catch: for for for every every every head head head the the the Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon has has has, you you you have have have to to to repeat repeat repeat every every every word word word that that that number number number of of of times times times.
TL;TL;TL;DR;DR;DR; Talk about multi-headed Pokémon here, but you have to repeat every word a number of times equal to the number of heads the Pokémon has.
I I I think think think Hydreigon Hydreigon Hydreigon is is is a a a pretty pretty cool cool cool guy guy guy.
>inb4 inb4 inb4 inb4 inb4 inb4 inb4 barbaracle barbaracle barbaracle barbaracle barbaracle barbaracle barbaracle
TL;TL;TL;DR;DR;DR; Talk about multi-headed Pokémon here, but you have to repeat every word a number of times equal to the number of heads the Pokémon has.
I I I think think think Hydreigon Hydreigon Hydreigon is is is a a a pretty pretty cool cool cool guy guy guy.
>inb4 inb4 inb4 inb4 inb4 inb4 inb4 barbaracle barbaracle barbaracle barbaracle barbaracle barbaracle barbaracle