Hard working- Along with his determination, Daigo is a hard worker. He will never leave the work to someone else when he can do it himself. Or he will volunteer to do hard tasks. All his hard work comes from the hopes of becoming stronger and stronger.
Stubborn- He won't take no for an answer. If he wants something, he is determined that he will get it, one way or another. He also will not do things he doesn't want to do. There's pretty much nothing you can do that will make him do it if he doesn't want to.
Self conscious- He may like to look like the tough guy but he is actually quite self conscious. He's always worried about what others think of him. He tries not to let this show though. He tries to deal with it by telling himself how awesome he is but he has a hard time with that sometimes.
Held Item: None
A little background info: He was born on the island like all other poke-cats. He was born into a villager family, to old parents and has lived as a villager his entire life. His father died shortly after he was born in an accident. His mother followed a few years later and he stayed by her side until she finally died. He was saddened greatly by the loss of his mother. She was the nicest poke-cat he knew and was always encouraging him in everything he did. He still misses her greatly but he continues to strive harder for his goals, not wanting to disappoint her.
Daigo has always looked up to trainers and admires them greatly. His most idolized being Marten. He trained hard and made it to the elite 4, something Daigo was sure he could only dream of. He secretly has the desire to be a trainer and learn to battle and get stronger like Marten. Something though, has always held him back from pursuing this dream. Probably his lack of confidence and self consciousness that strongly tells him he won't be able to succeed as a trainer.