>>16743415>>16743422Here we go...
After creating the Creation trio to form the universe, the Spirit Trio to form embody spirit and the Weather Trio to mould the Earth, Arceus created the Mew to inherit the world for their own.
Over time the Mew mutated, developed and evolved to match their surroundings which was spurned onwards by their adaptive genetics, and their mutated descendents evolved further. As time passed the diversity of Pokemon exploded, creating the foundation for the world we know today. As the world became more complicated Arceus created more legendaries to govern different aspects in an attempt to maintain order. Some followed their directive, others turned on the god who created them, and the world.
Rather than stay on Earth, some Pokemon took to the stars and founded life on faraway planets, far from where Arceus can monitor them; as he was too busy maintaining Earth. Fearing those who he can't observe, he created the Deoxys species, who's purpose was to watch over the other alien species of Pokemon and make sure they stayed out of trouble.
One particularly advanced and technological species of Pokemon, the Beeheeyem, rediscovered Earth. Being warmongers under the guise of friendly traders, they sought to invade the Earth and enslave it for their own, and with a massive fleet of ships they set towards the planet.
Naturally the Deoxys retaliated in our defence, and a lengthy war between the two species begun. Being legendary in nature and having regenerative properties, the Deoxys had an advantage. So long as the crystal or heart at the centre of their body remained unharmed they could quickly heal and continue fighting. But the Beeheeyem developed a EMP-like weapon that could destroy their heart and instantly kill the Deoxys, swiftly turning the war into an extermination.