Pervious thread here
>>16716030 This is a tournament over what will be the Christmas Holiday for most folks on /vp/. It will start on December 20, and rounds will occur every 2 days, until it has completed.
The rules for this double elimination tourney are simple.
1. You have a team of 6 pokemon, but the actual battle is 3v3. Finals will be 4v4.
2. Pokemon on your team must all share a chosen type. Your type will be made public. Megas that change type are valid for ALL possible type teams.
3. Flat rules. So no special pokemon
4. Matches are best out of 3 battles. Substitutions are limited to your team of 6, but are allowed.
5. Be as assholish and dastardly as you want to be. There are no bans on any pokemon or moves, aside from the legendaries, as per flat rules.
6. Disconnects will count as draws, unless the players decide to redo that particular battle. Having a record of repeated disconnects may result in a disqualification.
7. Unplayed rounds count as a loss. More rules on this forthcoming
8. Mons obtainable in gen 6 only. This shouldn't actually be an issue though, as everyone should have their teams assembled before pokebank is up and running.
9. NO SIMULATORS! Let's do this all through the 3DS and then post up the battle videos for everyone to watch!
10. There are no prizes. If you hack to predict moves, all you're doing is cheating yourself out of any sort of real victory here. This is for fun.
Preliminary registration form is HERE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We have 100+ entry's. Who will prevail?
>>16742490 >100+ people >double elimination >1 round every 2 days So this tournament will go on for... like forever?
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
for any grass or people who just want a 5 IV in the field group for breeding: I am TRIPPING 5 IV skiddos. They're up for grabs. Come get your goats
Kieran 4468 0946 1713
>>16744716 fuck yes.
pls add.
Papes (Y) 1993-8230-7212 [Seviper, Whirlipede, Ariados]
Papes (Y) 1993-8230-7212 [Seviper, Whirlipede, Ariados] Wed 18 Dec 2013 07:32:35 No. 16745190 Report >>16744716 Hey if you're handing em out, I have a loving home. Take an Ice Punch/Shard Sneasel.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
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>>16744777 >>16745190 Here's my info:
Kyuven (IGN: Akiha)
Just add me and send a trade request and i'll toss one of the can eaters up.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16744777 your FC is showing up as invalid
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16745321 okie dokie, one moment.
>>16745190 make sure it has 5 IVs. I bred so many of them a 4 IV may have snuck in there.
To give you an idea how many skiddos i have right now...I got a shiny. Without MMing. By accident.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
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>>16745321 alright, added, send when ya see me.
Papes (Y) 1993-8230-7212 [Seviper, Whirlipede, Ariados]
Papes (Y) 1993-8230-7212 [Seviper, Whirlipede, Ariados] Wed 18 Dec 2013 07:50:32 No. 16745415 Report Quoted By:
>>16745372 Dude I don't give a shit if its 5 or 4, I'm just happy I got him at all.
Honestly, I accidentally just completed a monograss team just by hanging out on /vp/ and collecting 4IV leftovers. I have a Gourgheist, Cacnea, Roselia, Bulbasaur, shiny Weepinbel and now Skiddo all at 4IVs and up, and I didn't have to do jack shit to get em.
Feels good man, I'm ready for this Gym Leader tournament AND the next one.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16745402 i wanted a 5 IV gogoat. The thing has the most HP out of any grass type, learns horn leach, and has good type coverage and recovery.
Only downside is being slow as hell and not having stellar actual defenses. Absorbing grass attacks entirely is another plus.
Some would also put "It's also got bad defensive typing" in there but that seems like a silly assertion.
He also learns aerial ace, something nice for dealing with other grass types and evasion spammers.
tl;dr: He's baaaaaaadass.
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>>16745522 >good type coverage I've been using a Gogoat for a few weeks. It doesn't have good type coverage.
He's not as good as I was hoping.
darkfag here again Now I got 7 pokemon and I don't know who to trim out - mandibuzz (main defensive one) - sableye (annoyer and burner) - bisharp (got really damn good this gen) - greninja (delicious coverage) - hydreigon (great attacker but doesn't have much coverage) - ttar (ground/rock coverage) - houndoom (fire coverage and a bug/fairy neutrality) ;__;
>>16745993 From all of those, I'd say either Houndoom or Bisharp. They both have are neutral to Bug and Fairy, so it comes down to what coverage you need. Fire would be more important for coverage than Steel, but you can always give Hydreigon Fire Blast to cover that angle. If you aren't using Mega TTar though, then I'd say go with Mega Houndoom.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16745993 personally, and this is just me, i'd drop houndoom. hydreigon covers a lot of his bases, and bisharp is better for fighting fairies
>>16746107 What about bugs? hydreigon has all of the normal dark weaknesses + a 4x fairy one. Houndoom is neutral to two of them
>>16746094 so houndoom instead of the bisharp?
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16746167 bisharp has the same neutrality to bug that houndoom has, and he learns a few rock type moves for dealing with bugs.
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>>16746193 True. I've just got to watch out for fucking heracross
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>>16746167 You've already got one poke that easily covers your bug weakness in TTar, so your main concern should really be Fairies. Bisharp has better offensive presence against them, yes, and gives you a lot of other viable resistances as well as a second physically offensive Poke, but gives you a second Poke with 4x weakness to Fighting. Houndoom overall deals better with Steel types, and allows you to give difference coverage to Hydreigon, but gives you another Poke weak to Rock and Water.
It's a toss-up, really, between just those two. The attraction of Mega Houndoom's higher stats, though, might tip the scales, especially that Speed stat, which your team sorely lacks. Mega Houndoom also has the excellent advantage of outspeeding Mega Lucario so long as you pick a +Spd nature - since Mega Lucario WILL destroy your team, consider that.
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Also, Houndoom can learn Sludge Bomb, helping you deal with Fairies in that regard.
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>>16745993 I feel like it goes without saying that Mandibuzz, Sableye, TTar, and Smogfrog all deserve a spot on that team.
Since it's a monotype tourney, I would definitely bring Bisharp to stop Fairy teams.
Then it's Hydreigon and Houndoom, two of my personal favorite Pokemon.
If I'm being unbiased, though, MegaDoom has been an absolute tank for me in online battles.
He's constantly mowing teams down, I feel he is severely underrated. Plus, he gives you added insurance against Bug AND Fairy teams, and provides a fast attacker where your team is rather slow otherwise
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
Anyone else coming up with ridiculous nicknames for the members of their team? So far I've got Mowtom and Top Lil
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Wed 18 Dec 2013 12:18:36 No. 16747558 Report Battle Meister is kill?
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Wed 18 Dec 2013 12:28:32 No. 16747632 Report >>16747172 Of course!
Vagicicle for Cloyster, Heicenberg for Avalugg (pic related)
Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16747558 battle master probably has what humans call a "sleep and work cycle" they must attend to. It is a foreign concept that interferes with the internet.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
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>>16747632 I was going to complain you spelled heisenberg wrong til i got the joke.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Wed 18 Dec 2013 12:36:11 No. 16747687 Report Quoted By:
>>16747643 Oh there you are!
>>16747646 Well I was worried since every thread I attended to in a while was always started by someone who was not him.
work and sleep cycle is what will interfere with my battles during this gym leader challenge, I hope they can shut down that interference! And yes, the "c" is intentional.
>implying avalugg is made of ice >implying it isn't made of blue meth Anonymous
>2 days left >still need to breed two 'mons and train them >still need to find a TM for a third Oh god why did I do this.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Wed 18 Dec 2013 15:40:39 No. 16749215 Report Quoted By:
>>16749111 I know that feel.
Dammit, Neopets, stop distracting me! Anonymous
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>>16749111 >All trained up Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
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>>16749111 Luckily for me i'm on my last "need to breed," and training them up isn't too difficult.
Still gotta get a TM or two, though, so I feel your pain.
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Fuck, I saw this an got super interested until >Singles Fuck me sideways. Nothing against singles, it's just that I've been building a team for Doubles, and most of them happened to be Normal type. They wouldn't work in Singles. Have fun guys ;_;
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Wed 18 Dec 2013 17:48:27 No. 16750850 Report Quoted By:
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Wed 18 Dec 2013 19:24:43 No. 16752357 Report Quoted By:
Farming BP.
Question Can you fuck around with the movesets/items based on who you're fighting next? example,say you use a hyperoffense espeon one round and then get paired with a steel type user. Could you set up said espeon as a dual screener for that round?
>>16752699 Moves n' items are supposed to be set for the entirety of the tourney. Dunno how they'll enforce that, though.
>>16752699 Short answer:
Long answer:
Gym leaders don't change their movesets and items to suit their needs against different challengers. The reason why they're gym leaders in the first place is because their teams are well-rounded enough to be able to deal with most threats without changing it around.
>>16752794 >The reason why they're gym leaders in the first place is because their teams are well-rounded enough to be able to deal with most threats without changing it around. >gym leaders >well rounded Do we play the same game?
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>>16752812 I'm going off of my in-universe headcanon here, you know what I mean.
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>>16752781 Thats kind of shitty really.
Would add a layer of unpredictability to it since you could theoretically scope out what future opponents have.
Now I need to decide between flame orb psycho shift or weakness policy Blood Totem. Fug
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>>16752781 I'm assuming that since we'll be sending in our battle videos Battle Meister can go through them and confirm movesets and items.
Or he could just make us send in our confirmed rosters and go from that.
>mfw Electric pokemon only have good attack and nothing else Why did I choose this type
>>16752898 >Galvantula for Sticky Web >Rotom-W n' Zapdos for Ground types >Electivire >Mega of your choice >filler That's all you really need.
>tfw considering Delphox for my psychic team Someone please tell me this is a terrible idea and to stop immedietly. The fire coverage is so tempting but Delphox is so painfully mediocre
>>16753163 >implying most of our teams don't have to carry mediocre mons just for coverage What do you need the fire for that your other types can't do?
>>16753163 >White Herb Magician Overheat Delphox to deal with Steels You must do this.
MegaCham suffers from 4 moveslot syndrome so im unsure if I should put fire punch on it
>>16753301 what moves does it have already?
>>16753249 Thats actually not awful. I'm already set on 6
Blood Totem
I'm already considering dropping someone for prankstercat but is anything worth losing for Lelphox?
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Wed 18 Dec 2013 20:40:46 No. 16753562 Report Quoted By:
>>16753384 Only one guaranteed on it right now is Drain Punch. Leaning on bullet punch for muh priority. Probably ZHeadbutt for the secondary stab. Been leaning on ice punch for the final move since literally nothing else I have gets that coverage unless someone lands hp ice
>>16753443 It looks like you've got Steel covered with Megacham n' Malamar, at the very least. I think Delphox's best niche in your team would be as an anti-Bug 'mon, since your only counters to them right now are Blood Totem's neutrality and possibly Fire Punch on Megacham.
If you drop anyone, I'd drop Espeon. I don't expect many entry hazards to be thrown around for it to Bounce back, and you could always use Totem as a status absorber.
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>>16753615 bullet punch has shit priority though
is drain/fire/thunder/ice punch not good or...?
>>16753743 >drop espeon >spent like 7 hours chain breeding it T-thanks
Out of Lelphoxs egg moves which ones are worth getting? I have a feeling its too frail to run wish effectively and hypnosis is an unreliable fucker.
Also timid or modest
>>16753949 Timid for the speed, you'll have Overheat for the power.
I'd go Will-o-Wisp over Hypnosis (can also work as a pseudo-screener with that n' Light Screen). Magic Coat is an option if you trust your prediction. So basically:
-Filler offensive move
-Light Screen/Magic Coat
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Wed 18 Dec 2013 21:12:48 No. 16754119 Report Quoted By:
Bug gym here. My team is ready to go. Anyone care for a practice round? I got an hour to blow.
>>16754046 Dont trust my prediction for shit,already considering the totem for psycho shifting a burn but a 2nd never hurts
>>16753031 >>16752898 Don't use Zapdos. Too hard to get what you want and no Heat sucks. Other Pokemon can fill its role.
>>16754139 Personally I'd go with Psyshock for getting past anything specially-defensive, but it's up to you.
>>16754186 It was really just an example. All an Electric team needs is a 'mon or two to deal with Grounds, Galvantula with Silly String, Electivire or Luxray as a strong physical attacker helped immensely by said Silly String, and a Mega.
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
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>>16754257 Yeah, I guess since I have been theorymonning all week about my own Electric team, I came to that conclusion rather quickly.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Wed 18 Dec 2013 21:36:33 No. 16754557 Report What I like about this thread is seeing how everyone is busy choosing what they should include in their teams, and wondering if something is better than something else. In the meanwhile I train a team with no choice whatsoever, there are only a few decent ice types and I don't even bother with coverage since I can't effectively cover everything even if I wanted to.
>>16754557 Yeah, the only real choice for Ice is to power through with Blizzards in hail.
>>16754557 >Ice Oh man, good luck buddy. I don't have any, but I'm sure someone will give you a perfect eevee for a glaceon.
You're still going to die first Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Wed 18 Dec 2013 21:46:18 No. 16754764 Report >>16754557 I have a icicle spear/shell smash/rock blast/rapid spin jolly shellder for you if you need it. It's 4IV
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Wed 18 Dec 2013 22:07:18 No. 16755279 Report >>16754764 Thanks, but I already have trained one
>>16754684 That would be useful, I still have to breed for eevee.
Of course I'm going to fall first, but I'll be remembered as "that guy who picked Ice without fear".
>>16754628 Yep, there aren't many choices
IGN: Serena FC: 0490-5593-3525 SV: {905}
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I have some 4 IV Mawile's if you guys need one for your team.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16755279 The best choices you'd have for ice would be Avlugg, Cloystar, Mamoswine and Rotom Frost.
And Frost roms only stab is good only in blizzard, so you'd have to waste your first slot on abomnosnow ether way.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Wed 18 Dec 2013 22:17:04 No. 16755481 Report >>16755440 I prefer froslass over rotom. The others are already in my team since there's nothing else I could put!
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>16755481 Rotom frost has that steel resestance for neutral damage on it.
It was mostly a thought.
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>>16755481 Also, Volt Switch Rotom....huge for momentum!
>ice teams complaining about having a: Froslass @ Leftovers / BrightPowder Snow Cloak - Substitute - Thunder Wave - Confuse Ray - Blizzard / Ice Beam / Shadow Ball niggas can't even touch you
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>mfw I just found a pentaperfect timid protean froakie in my boxes >mfw dark HOW DID I FORGET ABOUT THIS
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
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>>16756382 it's just too bad Froslass lacks the bulk for that sub to last longer than one turn...
Personally I'd rather run it with a Focus Sash and Destiny Bond, but that's just me
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim)
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim) Wed 18 Dec 2013 23:24:27 No. 16756744 Report Was just breeding my last pokemon for this and got this on the very first egg. my first shiny other than red gyarados when ive played around 100 hours on every gen prior to this and 140 on this one. So lucky it has usable ivs for the first egg which i was just putting egg moves on between a 2iv lucario and 3iv hitmonchan.
>>16756744 >rash Is that intentional?
Grats either way
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
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>Want to nickname my Ludicolo Lou Bega >It's female >MFW >Her name is now Samba No. 5
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>16756744 >4 great IV's >Descent nature You taunt me.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16756744 ...I'm almost inspired to keep a tally of all the shinies that have popped up while prepping for this tournament.
So far we have your Riolu and my Skiddo.
Any others?
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim)
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim) Wed 18 Dec 2013 23:31:07 No. 16756872 Report Quoted By:
>>16756808 na man i had 2 females in about 40 minutes of safari and neither got my timid from synchro so was gonna use a male with everstone after it had the egg moves.
Still quite happy with the nature, means i could run some interesting sets in future.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
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>>16756863 I got a Golett from my last breeding.
Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
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I am contemplating the idea of accelerated rounds: 1 round every day. But actually double eliminations could be over in as short as 4 rounds(8 days), if my calculations are correct. And I expect that list of 100 to pare down to like 50 on round 1. So we'll see what happens with the current pace.
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Ugh, spent all day building up a physical wall in hopes of stopping Megamom. I have reasonable answers to the other OP Megas, but Megamom has so few reliable checks as is that some types just have nothing reliable. But, I'd rather be overprepared than have nothing that can stop her in case someone actually is enough of a dick to use her.
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>>16754557 i've just been trying to assemble a ghost team that won't be wrecked by dark types
i kind of wish i had super trained sableye before getting it up to level 90
i also didnt bother with ivs or egg moves and had my entire team sweeped in a test battle Anonymous
Are there any other good places to horde EV train DEF besides geodudes/nosepass? Sturdy a shit
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16757630 Nope. besides geodude and durant.
Geodude does the same as nosepass but with magnitude so they kill each other.
Durant is your best bet and gives more defense EVs.
>>16757668 aren't durant hordes pretty rare though?
>>16757687 Not really. Geodude is common, Durant is uncommon, Larvitar/Aron are rare
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16757687 It's a nice bonus if you do get them.
Plus their in the same area as geodude so it helps.
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>>16757708 >>16757723 and right as I asked that I found a durant horde in the same area
>mfw I just realised my perfect IV larvitar didn't have its egg moves because of fucking daycare TIME TO BREED A NEW ONE
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>the two dont seem to like each other very much
>it's raining in the area I need to train in >the fallback area gives me nothing but the hordes I don't need
>>16758576 Did you take him out? The egg moves stay the same as the ones they had when you left them. The daycare still deletes moves though, so you gotta leave 'em in there.
>>16759091 >nothing but wismur hordes when you need speed I fucking hate those little pink shits holy hell
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>>16759147 Go wingul hordes on the route after the 3rd gym.
>>16759145 I did but completely forgot about that and put them back in without thinking
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 01:20:57 No. 16759260 Report Only working on breeding my 3rd Pokemon for this now, wonder if I can make a full team in time.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16759260 I'm still EV training and hoping I have time to level everyone to 50 or more depending.
I don't have lucky eggs up my ass.
I don't trust myself in le wow.
>>16759288 >tfw found a lucky egg on the gts that someone forgot to take off their mon while filling the regional dex Nothing but triples in le wow with MMewtwoX earthquaking everything
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>tfw you finished your team so long ago that you're breeding random mons for kicks because of nothing else to do being autism is suffering
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 01:28:51 No. 16759464 Report >>16759401 I spent about 15 minutes last time I had a Chansey safari to acquire 5 lucky eggs. Give them all to my other pokemon in Le Wow while Greninja sweeps.
>>16759464 Arent lucky eggs only a 1% chance?
Compound eyes then switch to a frisker?
>>16759509 compoundeyes + a frisker with thief (the two ghost/grasses have that)
I got 5 in about 30 mins. Fucking lucky punches go away
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 01:32:15 No. 16759544 Report Quoted By:
>>16759509 5% chance, and yeah fainted compound eyes lead with Thief frisker second.
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>>16759509 >>16759532 oh and have the compoundeyes lead fainted. That way you don't need to waste time switching, and you'll still get the item chance boost
>>16759230 Move relearner. I just had the same issue, and an anon told me that you can relearn egg moves this gen, if they were accidentally deleted.
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>>16759802 I know. I'm rebreeding some more now, it was an accident, I fucked up
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
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>decide to run some fights in battle chateau for money and exp >Malva shows up >entire team is grass and underleveled, decide to fuck it and try anyway since I'll have this exact situation late. >Get swept by Pyroar cuz I decided to dick around with Giga Drain rather than Petal Dance.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 01:58:45 No. 16760104 Report 2 more Pokemon to go for my Psychic Team.
>>16760104 which ones do you need?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 02:02:31 No. 16760170 Report Quoted By:
>>16760139 Filling my last 2 slots with Metagross and Mega Medicham.
>>16760104 Oi m8 matchin types
Im being a retard and not running a slowbro,only tanky thing I have is a blood totem and maybe metagross.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 02:06:34 No. 16760264 Report >>16760204 Sigilyph was my first Pokemon done, mainly because I was actually breeding them before I joined this. Love this fucker.
>>16760264 You doing flame orb psycho shift or weakness policy whirlwind? I cant decide which to use
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 02:12:35 No. 16760383 Report Quoted By:
>>16760287 Flame Orb Psycho Shift for me, we'll see how it goes.
So since our whole team is based around one type, would it be best to have every pokemon with a move of its type for STAB or have some pokemon with lots of different moves that aren't the same type as it is for coverage?
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>>16760396 Cant go too wrong with STABs except when you're against an immunity. Only have one thing on my team that cant cover the immunity so if im against that type chances are good im not using it. The more coverage for something that works the better though,dualtypes help loads
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 19 Dec 2013 02:26:05 No. 16760709 Report Anyone want to have a practice battle?
>>16760709 I would if my last mon would hatch 5Iv with its fucking HA
87.5% male is bullshit,this is the primary reason im getting fucked over
Wes 1564-2231-4319
>>16760709 Sure I'm up for a practice battle
>>16760709 i have nothing trained up and no held items so sure why not
might as well see if these hours of super training have paid off
i can usually beat most of the games within 30 seconds now from all the practice Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16760709 i would, but while i have team members whose training is complete, the rest of the team...isn't -_-
Stupid battle maison...gimme bp
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 02:35:33 No. 16760889 Report >>16760810 >Super Training Horde training is so much faster though
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 19 Dec 2013 02:36:15 No. 16760900 Report >>16760810 You could have done horde training and done it in an hour... I'll still battle if you want, or you could use your normal team. I just need to gauge my team strength
>>16760801 Cool, I'm ready whenever
>>16760769 You could just... not use 5IV pokemon?
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
>>16760845 if you still have a skiddo i could get you a battle mansion item i have over 200 bp so and i don't really need anything in the near future.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16760810 horde training really does work a lot better, especially since you can horde train up to 6 at once (though you should stick to 5 or less, since you gotta have something to actually kill things quickly. I usually use Venusaur because it learns Sweet Scent and Petal Blizzard naturally with the raw power to OHKO every horde battle that doesn't have sturdy)
If you want a guide: granted to get the most out of it you gotta have the power items.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16760929 I'm still TRIPPING 5 IV skiddos. Hell the only thing I'm close to running out of are 5 IV Petilils
I need Focus Sash, Life Orb, and Assault Vest at this time.
>>16760900 >using anything below 5IVs Im tempted but the HA is what makes it and the best female I have is 2 IVs. The GTS is infested with liars and jews so I have to breed up myself. Right now Im suffering through breeding a 3IV HA male with my ubermensched ditto but the females are all defective.
Quoted By:
>>16760889 but this way uh
i can get uh
specific stats i suppose
goddammit anyway go ahead and add me back and i'll challenge you once i get my team in order
>>16760958 i pretty much have no held items except the ones you pick up in the main game
i'm just using the level 3 training to maximize the most important stats for each one
Wes 1564-2231-4319
>>16760900 Wow I got shit on
Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Less than 24 hours left! Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR Thu 19 Dec 2013 02:45:11 No. 16761055 Report Registration ends TOMORROW at 5PM CENTRAL. At that time, I'm going to compile our sheet, and the first TWO rounds worth of pairings will be shown, for the next FOUR days, so that you can try to get a head start on completing your matches. ...We can get this head start thanks to it being double elim, so no eliminations in the first round, which should speed things greatly. Spectation is encouraged! Become versed in your Battle Recorder usage, so you can post the matches and show off for the rest of /vp/ and the internet!
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 19 Dec 2013 02:45:41 No. 16761071 Report Sorry for using 4, Wes. I thought you were going to use all of yours. Good battle though, thank you
>>16761002 I know that feel. Hope you get it before the dead line
Quoted By:
>>16742490 Not sure if this is the same thing from around 3 weeks ago, but if it is, how can I forfeit? Because, after checking back frequently, and not finding a thread about this, and also not getting any emails about it after registering with my email, I assumed it ended, so I didn't do anything.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
Quoted By:
>>16761055 Also remember to make sure you have free space in your friends list and/or battle videos. That can...put a damper on things
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 02:47:23 No. 16761102 Report >>16761002 What Pokemon are you breeding, I just might be able to give you one.
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 19 Dec 2013 02:48:19 No. 16761130 Report Quoted By:
>>16761021 My little Liligant is my pride and joy
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
>>16760998 could i grab a skiddo and i'll just trade a focus sash on some random mon
Quoted By:
>>16761071 Im working with a 5IV ditto. In theory it shouldnt be so bad but holy shit I want the RNG to kill me now because of the fucking ability. I wont even mind if it takes the imperfect IV on the ditto since its 30SpD which is close enough
>>16761102 Magician Lelphox
If you have a half decent female I would appreciate it immensly
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
Quoted By:
>>16761142 Sure. My info is:
Kyuven (IGN: Akiha) 1848-2127-4536
>>16761191 i might actually have one of those, i'll have to check my PC
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 02:55:03 No. 16761267 Report >>16761191 Nope don't have one of those. Good luck, starter gender ratios are bullshit.
Quoted By:
>>16761267 no worries,hatched a 4IV male,now it just comes down to destiny knot shenanigans. And hidden ability shit of course
>>16761223 no females, I have a male with magician caught in a net ball if you want it
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16761142 make sure it's 5 IV. I have so many sometimes i accidentally deposit a 4 IV.
>>16761371 IVs? It would speed up the egg production if anything
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 03:06:42 No. 16761478 Report Time to slog through Beldum breeding, then onto Meditite
>>16761478 want a hand with that? I know what kind of hell breeding beldums is and I have a shit ton of 4IV beldum plus a 4IV female meditite with a few egg moves.
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
Quoted By:
>>16761417 this one's 4 iv re-trade for a 5iv?
>>16761422 it's a safari pokemon, so it has two perfect ivs, in attack and speed
probably not that useful but at least it can breed down it's ability with an everstone
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 03:14:33 No. 16761631 Report >>16761564 The Meditite would be nice, but I've got everything I need for the Beldum, just gotta hope I get the spread I want sooner then later.
>>16761595 all you need is a half decent ditto. Name the IV's the ditto has and I could probably find a beldum that could benefit from it
Seriously I have a little over a box of them
Nanners 3153 4147 0711 SV {24}
>>16761632 urkadurka wrong I cant read names,ignore that. Thanks for the offer but nah
>>16761631 Ill throw the meditite your way,give me a few minutes
>Spent all week breeding and leveling team of 6 >Alright I should be good now >Yesteryday >Someone suggest going online and playing some matches to see how they do >Do so and get completely shit on >Realize that some pokemon could be replaced with other pokemon that are better and can do more >Only have a day to do this Fucking Fighting type
Quoted By:
>>16761679 well, if anyone else wants this thing go ahead and give me a friend code, otherwise i'll probably just send him off on wonder trade
i've sent so many solar power charmanders through that it's rediculous
Nanners 3153 4147 0711 SV {24}
>>16761631 I have 3
Missing attack,speed and SpD,which would you like?
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 19 Dec 2013 03:24:13 No. 16761842 Report >>16761691 >Try my team online >Loss to everyone because fire and steel Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 03:26:49 No. 16761900 Report >>16761828 I'll take one missing SpD.
Nanners 3153 4147 0711 SV {24}
>>16761900 k,trade me whenever
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 03:31:01 No. 16761987 Report >>16761953 What would you like in return, I can give you a 5 IV Bellyjet Super Power Marill, 5 IV Jolly Close Combat Feint Pinsir or a 5 IV Jolly DDance Poison,Ice and Thunder fang Tyrunt.
Nanners 3153 4147 0711 SV {24}
Quoted By:
>>16761987 Ooo the pinsir please
>>16761691 >tfw I only have 1 mon
>>16762043 is it good enough to sweep an entire team?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 03:36:44 No. 16762097 Report Hmm, this Meditite has Drain Punch, rethinking having HJK as my fighting STAB on Megacham now.
Nanners 3153 4147 0711 SV {24}
>>16762097 Sorry about that
I know im for sure running Drain instead of hijumpsuicide
Quoted By:
>>16762185 >my nigga 252 atk jolly drain punch OHKOs mega milf not even worried about online play.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16762185 actually a good idea in this tournament since one of the "easiest" ways to overcome type weaknesses is to abuse evasion. Which is why I'm STRONGLY considering moves like Aerial Ace
Quoted By:
>>16762073 Nope. I also just hatched a shiny Croagunk, awesome.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 03:52:36 No. 16762324 Report Quoted By:
>>16762185 Yeah should probably stick with Drain Punch, knowing my luck HJK will cost me the match first round.
Nanners 3153 4147 0711 SV {24}
>>16762289 >evasion sweet shit i might keep whirlwind on my sigilyph now,i dont want to deal with evasion garbage
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Thu 19 Dec 2013 03:53:38 No. 16762346 Report Quoted By:
>>16761842 Mine is bug. Everyone starts with Talonflame then switches to Garchomp.
>>16762326 i'm running minimize chandelure just for fucking with teams Nanners 3153 4147 0711 SV {24}
>>16762350 Ill fokin rek you m8
At least I would if my type wasnt psychic. I need taunt it seems.
Wait does topsy turvy work on evasion boosts?
>hatch hexperfect female firefox >blaze I almost my threw my 3DS at a wall holy fuck WHY
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 04:09:51 No. 16762606 Report Quoted By:
>>16762547 are you breeding with an everstone?
everstones make pokemon pass down the ability most of the time
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
Quoted By:
>>16762386 it does, actually. But i think they have a mechanic in there for making it so hit %'s can't reach the point of a 100% chance of an OHKO move (like guillotine) working so I dunno.
Nanners 3153 4147 0711 SV {24}
Quoted By:
>>16762623 Male HA ditto breeding
Im calm now because 5 eggs later I got a female magician missing only hp
Everything will go far better for breeding now
Clipzle 4270-1495-7347 (Water) {1749}
>>16762547 you should probably aim for the lowest ivs in attack because that can be used against you with confusion and foul play.
Nanners 3153 4147 0711 SV {24}
Quoted By:
>>16762689 Im banking on the rng for the attack stat to go low. Ill accept whatever 5IV mage I get though. I did hatch a hexperfect ralts already though,considering using the 5IV one I got 2 eggs beforehand because of fp though
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 04:17:24 No. 16762744 Report Well got my Beldum, all that's left is Meditite. Gonna breed Ice and Fire Punch along with Psycho Cut onto it.
Nanners 3153 4147 0711 SV {24}
>>16762744 it learns the elemental punches from the relearner when it evolves though
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 04:20:38 No. 16762786 Report Quoted By:
>>16762772 Huh, so it does. Less work for me.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Thu 19 Dec 2013 04:20:48 No. 16762793 Report I've got 5 of the 6 guys bred, I just need a good IV Magikarp to finish the team off. Gunna be working all day tomorrow EV training .. fuck
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 04:24:31 No. 16762849 Report >>16762793 I've got a 4 IV jap female one if you want it.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Thu 19 Dec 2013 04:25:33 No. 16762864 Report >>16762849 That'd actually be wonderful, I can give a 5iv Pawniard in return
So... when exactly does this start? I haven't even submitted (or had the chance to) my team yet.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 04:27:46 No. 16762905 Report >>16762864 Alright, added.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Thu 19 Dec 2013 04:35:30 No. 16763007 Report Quoted By:
>>16762905 Added you as well, just had to put sucker punch back on the pawniard
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Thu 19 Dec 2013 04:39:52 No. 16763054 Report Quoted By:
>>16762905 sorry, have to take destiny knot off
>>16763050 I was more curious about the team submission. I was under the impression we'd know each others teams before the first round started.
>>16763065 Not to my knowledge.
A lot of us are sharing our types but some aren't.
>>16763065 well technically you will know when you battle them since it shows you the opponent's team
>>16763089 >>16763116 I remember reading the organizing saying he'd be compiling a list with all the teams.
Quoted By:
>>16763157 I think he meant telling use how many of what type is being used.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
So my shiny count for this prep is at 2 now. Just found this little guy as I was leveling my mono team.
Nanners 3153 4147 0711 SV {24}
Quoted By:
>hexperfect Mage firefox I guess foul play wrecks its shit but I really dont give a fuck at this point
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16763582 >OMG shiny eevee >Crappy nature >Bleh Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
>>16763753 It'll make an okay Leafeon.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
Quoted By:
>>16763810 yeah...come to think of it, if i were to run a sun team, leafeon wouldn't have been a bad idea.
But this dance party lives to sing in the rain.
Hm, hyper voice...
Steel leader reporting. The lack of empoleon is so painful. So very painful. Currently got a stable of steel types all ready to go though Metagross Smogonsword Jingly keys Skarmory Eviolite ferroseed Ferrothorn Mawile Aggron Bisharp And soon anal probopass Halp plox>16764275 If you still have a skiddo kickin around, I can offer u brave bird zubat, rock blast shellder, sneaky pebbles ferroseed... Lots of stuff. All good natures and usable IVS
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16764694 i've got the skiddos. Scroll up for my info.
BB Zubat would be nice.
Quoted By:
>>16764994 Okay, ready when u are
Quoted By:
>>16764994 Nice. Many thanks
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
taking on the elite 4 with an underleveled monotype team...ADVENTURE HO!
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
Quoted By:
>>16765639 also found out that Trick Or Treat on a non-ghost type changes how curse works...that's something interesting to consider for double or triple battles
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16764694 OK I'm curious...Eviolite Ferroseed?
Remu 4871-4498-7869 !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Quoted By:
Alright I have my team ready for battle. I feel I'm going to fail but I'm ready.
dragon fag here, pic related is exactly how it's going down on friday
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16766816 that's not true. I think fairies are a bigger problem for you :)
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
Quoted By:
>>16767008 Fear the cuddles. Fear them.
Quoted By:
>>16766816 Blizzard+Dazzling Gleam gg
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???)
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???) Thu 19 Dec 2013 12:23:46 No. 16767495 Report bumping for rock types being completely walled by phyiscal walls. time to raise an aurorus
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 12:39:51 No. 16767616 Report >>16767495 Hi there Parham! Do you have any spare time to help me evolve my Kadabra?
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???)
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???) Thu 19 Dec 2013 13:02:56 No. 16767811 Report >>16767616 sure thing buddy. if you;re on now, lemme know, i can do it for you.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 13:04:49 No. 16767820 Report >>16767811 Yep, I'm online now (breeding snorunt)
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???)
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???) Thu 19 Dec 2013 13:07:46 No. 16767841 Report >>16767820 swell. do you have any 4IV leftovers you could give me? i just want one with HP.
anyway, i'm online but don't see you. either i've deleted you by accident or you're not online.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 13:09:43 No. 16767852 Report >>16767841 With HP? As soon as I find one I'll give it to you!
I'm online and I don't see you, check if you see me in the friend list
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???)
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???) Thu 19 Dec 2013 13:12:53 No. 16767869 Report >>16767852 yep i probably deleted you. gonna re-add now.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 13:19:40 No. 16767917 Report Quoted By:
>>16767869 Thank you Parham, as always you are a life saver! Stay online, as soon as I get that hp snorunt I'll trade to you
Quoted By:
Woah, first time I hear about this. I would join (I've been pondering a mono-flying team anyway) but I only have half a team of not-EV-not-IV mons. I'm not sure I can get the other half done at such short notice. Ah well, next year I'm in for sure!
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 13:44:42 No. 16768105 Report Quoted By:
I think I am extremely unlucky today, every snorunt I hatch has only 2 max IVs, only 1 has 3. This is absurd.
Just found a shiny mareep while horde training a replacement poke. Mareep is my favorite pokemon. This is my first shiny since shiny gyarados. This tournament is blessed.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 14:20:45 No. 16768349 Report Quoted By:
Parham I'm trying to trade you the snorunt, come online. it has HP, def and two more.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16768212 Given how many shinies have been reported so far, that's a pretty fair assumption.
Also, I finished getting items for my team: just gotta level a STRAGGLER to 50 and i'll be set.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
Quoted By:
>>16768357 also after finding that video, i'm suddenly disappointed Rotom can't learn Cut
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 14:29:00 No. 16768391 Report >>16768357 I'm more like this at the moment, since i can't breed a damned female snorunt, I still have to breed eevee and get an item at the maison Kyle/Nips(1977-1205-0529)
Quoted By:
>>16766581 Oh yeah. Standard subseed set. You get a lot of HP back due to its low base hp, and catches a surprising amount of people off guard. Hugely a gimmick mon
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16768391 Y'know, I have a female snorunt. Several, in fact. With Moody.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 14:50:13 No. 16768534 Report Quoted By:
>>16768503 I've got a good female snorunt in the end (and I'm ev training her now), thanks for the offer. But I still need Eevee.
Firefag, somewhat signing in. I'll post my information later, but I just wanted to see if the thread was up. I have two Pokemon left to breed... hopefully I'll make it in time.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16768649 if ya need help with anything, if i haven't made it clear, I have breeding leftovers coming out my ass for the Field, Grass, Water 1, and Mineral groups
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
So I decided to give my team a test run... And I must say, facing down a Greninja, Muk, and Chandelure, I did very well. I even *gasp* WON! Of course the guy didn't seem to have any fire moves on his chandelure and seemed profoundly confused by my team. Which is...excellent. Most excellent.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 16:25:17 No. 16769284 Report >>16769240 My Ice team shutted down a team with lapras, druddigon and golem, and one with greninja, breloom and gengar.
I can't believe that I've won.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16769284 i lost to a charizard-y (no surprise there, i didn't bring my only mon fast enough to hit it first because i was stupid. also gonna need to redo Mowtom's EVs now)
Smogonfrog is pretty much a sure thing to beat now.
Thought it got really funny when my opponent kept trying to sky drop my Ferrothorn to death. It was actually a good opportunity to figure out how to work around that. Sky Dropping ferrothorn with a rocky helmet is...dumb. very dumb.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 16:53:26 No. 16769571 Report >>16769452 You're not going to believe what I'm going to say, and still I don't believe it, but on showdown I won against a guy using Mega Charizard X. I think that he did not know what he was doing, or maybe he was a kid.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16769571 most charizard-x users tend to be kids. I'm not saying it's a bad pokemon or anything, but Charizard-Y tends to have better utility with Drought and actually having the stats to not get creamed.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 17:28:35 No. 16770012 Report Quoted By:
>>16769824 Surely, having a Drought user is really useful.
Btw now I only have to breed eevee and I'm done.
Nicknamed my Froslass Snow Queen, because Anonymous
Quoted By:
bump because page 5 almost done EV training anyone got a tyranitarite they could trade for one of my other megastones? I've got Y
Quoted By:
Haven't started EV training. Just starting now. ITS HAPPENING
Since you guys seem to be knowledgeable about monoteams I want to ask, how does one build such a team? Do you look through your type's weaknesses and try to cover as many of them as possible or are there other criteria? I want to breed a mono-Ice team, but I'm not sure how I should start.
>>16771801 Ice is doomed from the start, I suspect.
But for starters, I would just look up whats OU on Smogon for your type, and start from there.
In this type of tournament, surprise is key. You can't just use standard builds. Other types will wreck you. You need to use Pokemon in weird ways.
Quoted By:
>>16771869 It's hard to do much when it's only 3v3
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Thu 19 Dec 2013 19:51:21 No. 16772164 Report >>16771801 Don't do it.
I'm using Ice just because I wanted to show how Ice could be cool (ahr ahr), but it is really a doomed type. With other types you can try to cover weaknesses, with Ice you're pretty much fucked.
If you feel like you're a real man though you should try.
>>16771801 Preferably, pick a type that doesn't have many weaknesses: Water, Ghost, Dark, Steel, Electric, etc. Then it's just a matter of picking 'mons that can deal with not only their weaknesses, but also whatever resists your chosen type; Electric would need ways to deal with Ground, other Electrics, and Grass, for example.
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim)
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim) Thu 19 Dec 2013 20:01:35 No. 16772308 Report Quoted By:
I highly recommend play testing your team on wifi if you havnt already. After moving some items, changing moves and switching a pokemon i win noticeably more games than before.
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>>16768864 Whoa, whoa... I could actually use a male in field, with attack in its IV's. I always Wonder Trade away anything but the ones I'm going to raise, like a dumbass, and forget about cross-species breeding.
anywhere else good to train SpD besides hoppip hordes?
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim)
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim) Thu 19 Dec 2013 20:08:11 No. 16772408 Report Quoted By:
>>16772373 I dont know of any others but for hoppip when i do it on the yellow flowers they seem more common than when trying on the purple for me
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Thu 19 Dec 2013 20:16:33 No. 16772554 Report I agree. I realized pretty quickly that I wasnt using Sticky Web on my Galvantula in 3v3. It would just waste a move. I've changed it for Volt Switch now
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>tfw forgot Wobbuffet was a psychic type but your team is all ready to go That fucker could have been golden for trolling,cant believe I missed that
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>>16772164 >>16772207 >>16771861 I just wanted to show my favourite type some love ;_;
In any case, how does Avalugg/Walrein/M-Obamasnow/Mamoswine/Froslass/Rotom-Frost sound?
Fight/Dark types seem threatening, because nothing resists their stabs, not like any Ice type can. Walrein's there to deal with Fire, as it's the only one that resists it. I'm not sure if it's better off with Ice Body for extra healing or Thick Fat for an effective resistance.
If I stick Hail on a few members it could pull through with some Snow Cloak shenanigans, but it's still hoping for hax.
Is there anything else I should consider? Maybe test the team on a simulator?
Chaos 3797-6762-8963
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Oh snaps, it's happening. Here we go. You got a firefag named Chaos registered? I registered a while ago, but I haven't gotten any email.
I wanted to do some team bullshit but there really isn't a lot you can do with dark
>>16772705 Murkrow, Sableye, Purrlion, Liepard, Mandibuzz, Drapion. Maximum stall team
Is it worth running sneaky pebbles at all?
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>>16772803 >purrloin AND liepard I've got mandibuzz and sableye though
I wonder if it's worth trying out prankster double team, but he's pressed for move slots as it is Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808}
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropius] {1808} Thu 19 Dec 2013 20:35:31 No. 16772886 Report >>16772820 No, because I will hate you
dumb question over here: this is a singles tornament isnt't it? Isn't mentioned anywhere but I assumed it since it's 3v3.
>>16772891 >isn't mentioned anywhere "1. You have a team of 6 pokemon, but the actual battle is 3v3. Finals will be 4v4."
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>>16772886 sneaky pebbles it is :^)
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>>16772891 My bad.
Singles yes.
>>16772907 sorry, i wasn't aware that 3v3 is somewhat of a known term for singles. so the finals will be double battle?
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
Matchups are posted tomorrow right?
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>>16772980 On that, I'm not exactly sure. We'll have to wait for Meister to clarify.
>>16773007 I think Meister said he would post the first two rounds of matchups sometime tomorrow.
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
>>16773033 Okay. Any idea how many Psychic trainers there are?
>>16773050 Before Meister stopped posting the type counts, there were 7, tied with a few other types for having the most.
OK everything EV trained time to hit le wow
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
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>>16773072 Weet-woo.... I'm gonna have a hard climb.... I'll just have to hope my ideas work out okay.
>>16773096 Doin' the same thing right now. Then I gotta farm BP...
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
>>16773123 I had to get an Ability Capsule yesterday. I hate the Maison so much....
So what song will you play when you face off against another gym leader?
>>16773137 I just forfeit at the Institute. It's still time-consuming, but 3 BP every time wihtout having to battle is nice.
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
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>>16773189 I might go do that actually. I have to save up enough to grab a white herb.
>>16773123 i'm busy trying to find all the stones i need to evolve everything
>>16773169 the gym leader theme of course
alternatively the elite four or champion themes if i make it past the first battle
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
>>16773204 Tons of stones for evolution? What type are you using? Or, do you mean Mega stones?
>>16773169 Gym leader battle
>>16773169 Gym Leader music for everything before thr finals, E4 music for the finals, and if I actually make it there, Champion music for the final battle.
>>16773242 I kind of sold every evolution stone i had and i needed a dawn stone and two dusk stones to fully evolve my ghost team
that inverse battle asshole keeps giving me berries so i'm stuck using the super secret training
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
>>16773406 Do you want some help? I can try and get a few and trade some to you.
Chaos 3797-6762-8963
>>16773189 Holy shit, that works?!
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>>16772554 I'm gonna use Sticky Web. Might get me out of
sticky situations.
>>16773466 Yep. Enter the five battles, forfeit 'em all, collect your 3 BP, repeat.
>>16773244 I was just going to run with E4 theme all the way through because of how great it sounds, but now that I think about it this is probably a better idea.
For easy reference, what numbers are each theme again? I know E4 is 10.
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>>16773551 Gym Leader is 4, E4 is 10, Champion is 11.
>>16773433 all I need now is one more dusk stone for lampent, but all I really have to give are some solar power charmanders
>>16773501 I might try that out actually, it might help to actually get some held items to use
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
>>16773591 I don't really need anything in return dude, just trying to help.
Chaos 3797-6762-8963
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 21:27:23 No. 16773705 Report My team is all EV'd up with all TM moves taught. All that's left is to level them up in Le Wow. If your main Pokemon in rotation battles holds a lucky egg do the rest of your Pokemon gain 100% EXP instead of 50%?
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
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>>16773591 Dusk stone get o da ze!
>>16773610 i wouldn't want to take anything for free though
also i have over a box of them from shiny hunting >>16773705 I would go to a chansey safari with a fainted compound eyes pokemon in the lead, and a pokemon with frisk+thief next to it, and steal enough lucky eggs for everyone
only took me 15 minutes to get 6 of them
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
>>16773747 Well then, I'll give it to you on one of the Meditite that I was gonna wonder trade. What's your IGN?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 21:32:09 No. 16773792 Report >>16773747 I've already got 6 lucky eggs. Enough to level anything that moves. But I was wondering if lucky egg affects EXP through EXP share, if not I'll probably have to go through twice, not that it's a big deal.
>>16773792 oh shit, i actually dont know
i usually use friend safari audino for exp leveling
>>16773769 serena , it's in my email field
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
>>16773839 Why do you put it in the email field?
>>16773858 because on phones long name fields get cut off, so anyone using mobile would have no idea what my friend safari was in the safari threads
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
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>>16773893 Ah. That's kinda weird, but I guess that the mobile app has been hailed as "buggy" and "A complete piece of shit."
scald, surf, or hydro miss on a smogonfrog?
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>>16773959 surf is always reliable, but scald could be useful
assuming you aren't against a fire type because i dont think fire types can get burned
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
So, I'm wonder trading off my meditite leftovers, and I just got a Xerneas. What do?
jesus christ le wow is good for levelling up
>>16774134 panic.jpg
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
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>>16774235 He hasn't tried to trade me to get it back. I think that it's mine.
>>16774134 >you will never get anything good from wonder trade Anonymous
>>16774404 Wonder trade's been a lot less shit lately. Lots of breeding rejects.
I expect it'll get worse as tons of kids get pokemon for christmas though.
Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
>>16774404 I'm actually getting some okay stuff. I usually do. I doubt that I'll get another legendary though.
>>16774438 >>16774463 all i get are weedles and shit from the first few routes
the best thing i've gotten was my sableye and it was just a random one someone caught that happened to have good stats
and stall Joan 4828 - 5158 - 1743
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>>16774815 That blows. I usually get some pretty good stuff.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Thu 19 Dec 2013 23:12:46 No. 16775383 Report Quoted By:
My team will be either fully done or mostly done after this Le Wow run, then I can test it and get my shit pushed in.
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
>>16774815 i got a 5 IV decent natured japanese Kangamama once.
I think that's also how i got my mawile.
It's also not a BAD idea if you want to MM or just want to breed quickly since there's a good chance you'll get a foreign male.
BTW unfortunately I'm going to be busy the rest of today so I won't be able to do any trades :(
Voice !!ugeajNQsi8Q
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also i'm SO tempted to post some of my test battle videos. Some were so bizarre (because honestly, who the fuck expects a mono-grass team?) that I have an urge to share them, but doing so would reveal my team's entire set up. Not that there's much you can do with a ferrothorn, but still.
Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
New thread, ENTRIES ARE CLOSED Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR Thu 19 Dec 2013 23:38:03 No. 16775788 Report Quoted By:
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>>16775612 I was MMing beldum with a 4IV jap one I got off WT.
Never hatched my own shiny and then instacheck happened. That beldum is lv73 now. The ditto I used is now level 97 since its got baller stats and I use it for almost everything.