Even if ALL the current gened pokemon get banned, GF can not stop someone figuring out how to make a gened mon from Sapphire (or whatever the earliest coded allowed is) trade up to BW2 and then make it over.
Even worse, let's play this scenario
>Little Timmy, Age 7
>Playing Soul Silver he got for Christmas
>Really wants that cool Deoxys
>Goes to GTS
>OMG! Shiny Deoxys! But I have my favorite bro, Lugia
>Hastily makes the trade
>Few seconds later the regret sets in. That was too impulsive. His bro....gone
>Animation off a pokeball flutters down....*ching*! shiny Deoxys!
>New bro of life
>Little Timmy, Age 10
>Get's Pokemon X for Christmas
>Two days later the Pokebank opens up
>First order: Get his bro onto his new game! Best day ever!
>Uploads Deoxys to pokebank
>Pokebank: Sorry little Timmy, your bro is a fake. I sent to the gas chamber. Next time, don't fucking cheat
>Little Timmy is now inconsolable
>Parents have no fucking clue what's going on other than Nintendo made him cry and deleted his sparkling Duckus or some shit
>Every forum and website explodes with similar stories
>Googling Pokebank results in frustrated parents annoyed over their crying kid getting fucked over somehow in their kids game