>>16822501Really interesting blend of pokemon you've got going there - a lot of very masculine and very feminine pokemon on the team.
Ninetales and Sylveon both have a very graceful, feminine thing going on. On the other hand, its hard to be more tough and brutal than motherfucking Tyranitar, and I've always personally seen Lucario as a masculine pokemon, albeit in a sort of weeaboo way. Togekiss is adorable and embodies a sort of innocence. I think the most telling choice is the male gardevoir, which you specifically called attention to.
I'm going to guess that while you might not have any out-and-out "issues," you might have some hangups about gender/roles/societal expectations. You're probably looking for a balance of masculine and feminine in your life that isn't quite the same as everyone else's. You probably either think about sex all the time, or the complete opposite and never think about it at all.
As a trainer, like one of the other people, you like to win, but you want to do so with style, using your favorites. You're less about beating down people with brutal sweeps and more about keeping your pokemon alive while grinding your opponents down. You like to be tricky and unpredictable.