>>16848444I don't mean to be rude, but have you even played Gen 1 competitively?
Mewtwo is way better than Tauros. Tauros is "just" the best non-uber late game cleaner. It needs Hyper Beam risk-taking to get 2HKOs and is absolutely useless if paralyzed. A full team of Tauros would be shit.
And at your last statement, lel. A team of 6 Mewtwo would CRUSH a team of 6 Tauros. Mewtwo would be able to get off one Amnesia, and then crush the rest of the team with Psychic. If it goes down to extreme luck, then no problem, there are only 5 Mewtwos left.
>>16848714Yeah. I'm not an expert or even GOOD at it, but I used to play it a lot.
It was actually pretty interesting. Only about 17~ or so Pokemon ever saw any use. And out of those 17 mons, eight of them are seen EVERYWHERE, with the rest having some small niches here and there. Almost every single team is so cookie cutter, that there are hardly any room for surprises. As a result, battles come down entirely to skill and Gen 1's fucked up luck formula. Luck will inevitably happened, so you'd best better learn how to play around it.
sorry for the wall of text, i'm kinda tipsy and felt like remembering the good old times