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God damn rich friends

No.16855676 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Like many of us, played pokemon all my life
>fondest gaming memories are beating red on pokemon crystal
>Played 3rd gen on an emulator and now own cartridges, good stuff
>4th gen. Did not like Diamond/Pearl. Hated the rooster of catchable pokemon pre-national dex. Thats just me though
>get glorious nostalgia boner when me and uni friends buy HG/SS. So good man
>5th Gen, hey, all new 150? Fun was had. Haxorus is a boss nigger
>Poor post-grad, getting by but no luxury cash.
>X/Y come out, so much new things to play with, Stadium style grahpics, much want
>God damn I need a 3DS
>make it my goal to save up for it (wont ask parents for christmas, they haven't got alot of money either bless them)
>A friend who lives at his parents bill/rent free buys a 3DS just to play pokemon
>he has never played a pokemon game
>He has always told me how sad I am for still playing them
>Seriously, it made him angry to see me play it
>wont shut up about how great the game is
>Iets me look at his game, he had it for 3 weeks. caught 8 pokemon, his team was barely lvl 20
>"yeah man got bored of it"
>"if you don't wana play it anon... can I? Just to test out all the new stuff?"
>"no man buy your own"

MFW I have rent/bills to pay and I didn't even want to erase his game, just lvl his team a bit and catch pokemon for him.

I needed to vent somewhere /vp/. Post douchebag friends stories.

Tell me straight guys. Is X/Y worth getting the 3ds for when one is a poorfag?