[14 / 1 / ?]
Just a heads up, there is a japanese shiny whimsicott for trading in the GTS, it wants a reshiram, but I also found someone that wants to trade his reshiram for a victini, for those who want go get rid of that thing. also, if anyone has a whimsicott, can I get an egg?
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
>>16872617 Yo I have some Calm Infiltrators if you'd like. Only got one Prankster out of the entire batch and it's the one I'm using.
(IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>16872871 Could I pick one up?
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
>>16872921 Sure, I gotta finish my Le Wow run first though. Prefer M or F?
(IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>16872977 Female I guess, doesn't really matter.
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
5300 - 9586 - 906
Quoted By:
>>16872871 May I have one?
Jordan, IGN: Jeb 2165-5651-9364 (Pyroar, Braixen, Pansear)
Jordan, IGN: Jeb 2165-5651-9364 (Pyroar, Braixen, Pansear) Wed 25 Dec 2013 06:56:45 No. 16873241 Report >>16872871 can i get a female one? i need one with prankster but i can breed it.
5300 - 9586 - 9063
>>16872871 Could I get one?
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
Corey 1907-8820-9917
>>16872871 Can I get one of any gender/ability?
Morgan 3754-7610-6964
Quoted By:
>>16873317 Sure, you okay with either Rash or Impish?
Jordan, IGN: Jeb 2165-5651-9364 (Pyroar, Braixen, Pansear)
Jordan, IGN: Jeb 2165-5651-9364 (Pyroar, Braixen, Pansear) Wed 25 Dec 2013 07:09:02 No. 16873445 Report Quoted By:
>>16873313 thanks a bunch.
Desu 0318-7166-6602
Quoted By:
Can I get one?