Every time I see a Hilda thread, it makes me sad.
It makes me sad because I know
>I will never be a pokegirl in the pokeworld
>I will, for that matter, never be a girl
>I will never be like how I imagine Hilda and pull up my panties and realize that my butt is getting too big for them as they stretch tauter than the day before
>I will never slip on my tiny, tight denim shorts and feel my massive, smooth, firm, soft butt fill them out all the way, even enough to make sound from the friction as I slide them up and struggle to zip them up because they've gotten so tight
>I'll never be able to go out with my pokegirl friends and do fun things in the pokeworld
>I'll never have a hot, sweaty, lesbian session with my best friend Rosa[, who has the boobs I never had, as we compliment each other, ass and rack together
Help me, anons