oh for fuck's sake! Genners, even though they obviously obtain their desired pokemon via an external method, ARE NOT CHEATERS If they keep their pokemon within their programmed capabilities. A cheater is someone who hacks a pokemon, gives it 255 EV's (or 252 for retards) on EACH STAT, unobtainable abilities, and other shit that obviously cannot be done by your hardcore breeder. Besides what are their pokemon good for besides battling? NOTHING. NADA. Zero.
I know Breeders use their pokemon in-game from the moment they hatch it from an egg. I know what it's like to see your babymon evolve into it's final stage ready to kick some ass both in-game and out of it while you get it level 100. Hell, you even ride around with him while you collect and hatch another 'mon you want on your team and I know the satisfaction you feel when you finally assemble your dream team.
If you're into breeding, stop hating on the Genners simply because they didn't go through the effort AND LUCK of collecting, hatching and running in circles, that ultimately rewards you with a pokebro you actually spend time with. People will actually make you offers for it. Genners will never have that satisfaction so take pride in that.
>Oh I can beat the game with my hexaperfect shiny Gale Wings Talonflame any time I like
STFU, why would anyone Pokegen anything for in-game use? Genners use their mon's for battling and it's alright. They chose that way and under any circumstances they still have the same chances of defeating your pokebro as You do. The only difference is, Breeders actually give a shit about their pokemon, as we can all see from the many Trade threads here in which people are actually reluctant and reject offers that they know aren't worth their pokemon.
So yes, breeders and Genners stand at the opposite sides of the spectrum but it's bullshit to start unnecessary fights regarding who's better and who's cheating. It's just pointless.