>>16886134>>16886139Except Pokegen doesn't interact with the games in any way, unless you're playing on an emulator and are altering the save directly.
Pokegen creates a .pkm file, the same file type the games create. How that .pkm file gets on the game is up to the person trying to put hacked Pokemon on the game. In Gen IV and V the main method was using the GTS spoofing method, which was a non-invasive measure that didn't alter the game in any way, and was basically analogous to receiving an event distribution Pokemon.
Head way in Gen VI is being made through both Wonder Trade and the GTS again, but they used encrypted channels this time (while the battles and trades did not, which is how the Battle Analyzer and Instacheck programs came about). However if encryption is broken, and a Pokegen like program for Gen VI is made (since Codr isn't working on it anymore), then it would be possible to Pokegen for Gen VI. Game Freak could hypothetically patch this new hole in the encryption, but that would require a whole new encryption, which costs time and money, and could be as easily broken as the last one.
tl;dr: hackers gonna hack, and if GF tried to patch it, hackers would just keep hacking
>>16886310Speak for yourself, faggot.