Jolly Iron Fist Thunder Punch Fire Punch/Flare Blitz Close Combat Whatever
infernape doesn't really have anything interesting to use, it just does what it does best which is fast attacking with great STABs. it's basically the same as it was last gen
>>16895908 Hey OP, if you want, I can hook you up with one of these, good IVs, too.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>16895954 Could I also have one of those? I'll trade you a 4 IV piplup for one or just one that's female
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>>16895954 You have Iron Fist chimchars?
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 26 Dec 2013 07:52:09 No. 16896000 Report >>16895942 >>16895908 What about these guys?
Inon - 1564 2718 3364
>>16895986 Sure thing. Added. Not sure if I have females though.
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 26 Dec 2013 07:53:11 No. 16896009 Report >>16895954 what would you want?
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what IV spreads are you Iron Fist chimchars apparently i missed a giveaway earlier
Casey 4210-5276-6788(Spritzee, Dedenne, Floette)
Casey 4210-5276-6788(Spritzee, Dedenne, Floette) Thu 26 Dec 2013 07:53:39 No. 16896020 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have spare Iron Fist chimchars? I just found out about them 15 minutes ago. I have some 3-4 IV Pokes I can send over for your trouble.
Bruno 4296-3357-7761
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>>16896001 I can give you a 4IV Mudkip with Avalanche for one of those.
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
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>>16896001 If not that's okay too. Ditto can pass on the stat right? I just need a chimchar with at least hp and att in that case
Inon - 1564 2718 3364
>>16896009 Any Bank mons, or route 2 trash if you dont have any.
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 26 Dec 2013 07:56:48 No. 16896055 Report >>16896039 I dont have any bankmons but I have a 5iv fennekin if you want it
Makes a fun lead Iron Fist Fake Out Thunderpunch U-turn (replaceable, I just run half my mons with switch moves) Fire Blast/Flamethrower
Inon - 1564 2718 3364
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 26 Dec 2013 07:59:01 No. 16896079 Report Quoted By:
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 26 Dec 2013 08:02:58 No. 16896130 Report Quoted By:
Bruno 4296-3357-7761
>>16896069 Please add me too
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Classic Mixedape for best ape From smogon: Hasty/Naive @ Life Orb 180 Atk 76 spa 252 spe Fire Blast Close combat Thumderpunch And hp ice is preferable, but if you dont want to breed for hp ice u turn is great. Better than mach punch I think
Inon - 1564 2718 3364
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Thu 26 Dec 2013 08:06:57 No. 16896197 Report >>16895954 Hey man, would you like some AgiliiPiplups for one of those?
Bruno 4296-3357-7761
Wray 3497-0562-6817
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It's pretty late, but later on today I'll be giving out roughly 60 Iron Fist Chimchars with Thunderpunch and Fire Punch bred onto to them. Be on the lookout for the thread later today.
Casey 4210-5276-6788(Spritzee, Dedenne, Floette)
Casey 4210-5276-6788(Spritzee, Dedenne, Floette) Thu 26 Dec 2013 08:09:36 No. 16896231 Report Do you think you could abuse Mach Punch to any good extent? Even if he is a speedy ape, Priority Punch is fun. And maybe Power-Up Punch as an additional idea for an Iron Fist set?
Inon - 1564 2718 3364
>>16896197 Ofc, though I did a giveaway earlier today so I'm running low on monkeys give me like 10 mins to breed some more.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Thu 26 Dec 2013 08:11:15 No. 16896253 Report Quoted By:
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Thu 26 Dec 2013 08:19:44 No. 16896360 Report Quoted By:
>>16896244 Thanks a lot, man
>>16896244 Hate to piggy-back this guy's thread, but I would would love a monkey like that too.
Inon - 1564 2718 3364
>>16896431 On it.
This is an odd request, but do you have a Skuntank laying around? I need one for the oval charbut I can't look for it on the GTS.
If you don't, send whatever.
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>>16896456 I don't sadly, just got online.
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>>16896456 Thank you sir, much appreciated.
dante 1821 8905 6527
>>16896456 could i also get one?
>>16896000 >Using Emboar, the shittest starter next to Meganium Lel
Inon - 1564 2718 3364
>>16896535 I only have two Thunder Punch left and both have Blaze. The only Iron Fist one doesn't have it but can relearn it.
Still want one?
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wanna use a swampert competitively any tips on the build and moveset?
dante 1821 8905 6527
>>16896585 I'm ok with that
>Use Cofagrigus >Infect opponent with Mummy >Cofagrigus dies / predict incoming Ghost attack and switch to Slaking >Slaking uses Pursuit and acquires Mummy >The rapetrain has no brakes Also the Hoenn starters are fucking monstrous. My Swampert tanked a critical Power Whip from Ferrothorn after SR damage and Iron Barb recoil.
Inon - 1564 2718 3364
>>16896599 Okay. You want the Iron Fist one, right?
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 26 Dec 2013 08:44:16 No. 16896626 Report Quoted By:
>>16896584 I meant any of the three, I don't usually play competetive, I just wanted to see if I could be competitive but with my bro's
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Do people prefer jolly or naive? I'm going to start breeding chimchars once I get egg moves and I want to know before doing giveaways in the future. I kind of like the mixape set with overheat but I don't know.
dante 1821 8905 6527
dante 1821 8905 6527
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>>16896616 thanks, i really wanted one
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>>16896612 holy fucking shit, I'm so doing this
3711-7231-8368 - Paulo
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>>16896057 This works best with overheat. Deals more damage, and you shouldn't really be using it more than once anyway.
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>>16896584 >comparing emboar to meganium lel fucking scrub couldnt spent 10 minutes for the brick break tm
>>16896612 >critical Power Whip from Ferrothorn after SR damage and Iron Barb recoil. Bullshit
Ferrothorn's attack must not be very high
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>>16896231 He doesn't have the defenses for stat boosting moves, i'd just make him straight up offense.
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>>16897409 4 Atk Ferrothorn Power Whip vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Swampert: 384-456 (95 - 112.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock