Guy: 4785 4221 0610
Are there people here autistic enough to complain about 31/even/30/30/30/even bold yamask with nasty plot and pain split?
Exabytez !EXABytzGzI
>>16903709 Wait a few days until Kyogre and Glameow models are live at Serebii, already collected the full national dex models except for those two
Since I'm done with the Kalos Dex now, continue breeding Chinchou or finally EV training my UT box?
I also have 2 imperfect 4IV Mudkips and an imperfect 5IV Mudkip left, adamant natured and knowing Avalanche, Yawn and Curse. Anyone want one of them?
Pete [0104-0499-3702]
Quoted By:
>>16903670 To the bro that wanted miltank, I added you
Can anyone trade me a Larvesta please? The lower the level the better. Not looking for special IV's, or egg moves etc. Just want to use Larvesta on my new run. :3
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela)
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela) Thu 26 Dec 2013 19:51:43 No. 16903796 Report >>16903773 Sure! What'd you want for em? I've got some 4 IV noibat/shroomish around still I think.
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Thu 26 Dec 2013 19:51:48 No. 16903798 Report >MM'ing skitty >hatch a batch >check their iv's >holy shit a 6iv! >male >mfw i am using a 6iv foreign male riolu to breed >mfw skitty has only a 25% chance of being male Rng Y u do dis?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Thu 26 Dec 2013 19:52:12 No. 16903804 Report >>16903773 I'd love one. Need anything? I have HA chimchar and a few other bank mons, plus some 4Iv jolly sneasels.
>>16903764 pretty sure the atk needs to be odd if you're going 31 hp not 31 def.
>>16903798 you have a 6IV male in the field group, I don't see the problem. 6IV males are preferable for breeding anyway
Guy: 4785 4221 0610
>>16903819 no it's even. I've went through this hell before. I wonder where the damn all 30 dittos are though
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Thu 26 Dec 2013 19:55:09 No. 16903849 Report >>16903825 but i already have a 6iv foreign male in the field group.
and if i got a 6iv female skitty, i would be shitting out 5iv skitty, and have a 1/32 chance of getting another 6iv
Quoted By:
>>16903840 Ah you're right, I think I was looking at another one, seems the atk is inconsequential to HP Fight.
Exabytez !EXABytzGzI
>>16903796 Got both of them already, anything else? If not, you'll get it for free.
>>16903804 Got a female 5IV an hour ago or so. Do you by chance have a female Misdreavus/Feebas? If not, you'll get it for free, too.
Added both of you
Worldwibe 3480-3805-5217 [Espurr, Drowsee, Duosion]
Worldwibe 3480-3805-5217 [Espurr, Drowsee, Duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 19:56:49 No. 16903877 Report Anyone got any adamant Synchronize Ralts or Munna? I'll trade you a Big Nugget for it
Quoted By:
>>16903849 it's not too much of a waste. you can trade for another 6IV father from another egg group unless you already have the hexaperfect 7
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg Thu 26 Dec 2013 19:57:58 No. 16903897 Report Anyone has an extra Ekans/Arbok?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Thu 26 Dec 2013 19:58:42 No. 16903906 Report >>16903875 I can breed one if you don't mind waiting a few minutes?
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela)
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela) Thu 26 Dec 2013 19:59:27 No. 16903915 Report >>16903875 Just random bankmons unfortunately. And POSSIBLY an Eevee but I would have to check.
M \n
>>16903897 I do, I think it might be in a shitty ball though.
Griffin (Dragon: Gabite/Noibat/Sliggoo)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (Dragon: Gabite/Noibat/Sliggoo)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Thu 26 Dec 2013 19:59:49 No. 16903925 Report >Rebreeding Snivys because Jolly is ass on Snivy. >First egg hatches Shiny. >And I wasn't even MMIng. Welp... Oh, and here's my shitty list.
Griffin (Dragon: Gabite/Noibat/Sliggoo)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (Dragon: Gabite/Noibat/Sliggoo)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:01:11 No. 16903943 Report >>16903925 And I forgot my list AGAIN...
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:02:58 No. 16903961 Report >>16903917 I don't care about balls, I want it to give my Snivy glare.
>>16903906 Do you still want a Rattata?
Exabytez !EXABytzGzI
>>16903906 Sure. Which one? If you have both, I'd rather like Misdreavus.
>>16903915 Take it for free, I would have released it anyways.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
Hello guys Christmas is almost over, and western bank is about to happen I hope you all had a great time so far
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Does ANYONE have drill run karrablast or earth poewr deino / gible? I'll offer a 31/x/30/30/30/30 which becomes HP fighting litwick for one of them
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
Quoted By:
>>16903943 Hey, can I give you an Adamant 5V Bagon in return for one female HA Bunnelby? It has Dragon Dance and Sheer Force.
>>16903977 hp fighting litwick? is it male? I have an hp fire magnemite
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela)
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:05:50 No. 16903996 Report >>16903970 Alright, thanks. What's your FC?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:05:58 No. 16903998 Report >>16903970 Ah, sorry, only have feebas.
>>16903961 Yes, could definitely use one. What are you seeking?
M \n
>>16903961 Cool, looks like I hatched a male when I was going for dex anyway.
I doubt it has any IVs though.
Looks like you're busy at the moment, so just send a TR when you're ready, name is Kari.
Guy: 4875 4221 0610
Quoted By:
>>16903994 I have a male but I don't really want a magnemite. Sorry about that
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim)
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:07:08 No. 16904017 Report Does anyone else find shinies really easy to get in this gen? I've hatched about 1000 eggs and had a random lucario, mm manectric, mm greninja and mm camerupt already.
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:07:15 No. 16904018 Report >>16903709 I'd like to join the WFG League.
Pic related. Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:07:53 No. 16904031 Report >>16903998 Nothing actually, I just wanted to help. You don't mind it in an egg right?
>>16904007 Ok I will trade you, I was searching for stuff at GTS.
Worldwibe 3480-3805-5217 [Espurr, Drowsee, Duosion]
Worldwibe 3480-3805-5217 [Espurr, Drowsee, Duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:08:08 No. 16904036 Report Quoted By:
>>16903943 I'll give you a Big Nugget for an Archeops
ASD 1993-7359-5685
Does anyone have a Switcheroo Cottonee/Whimsicott? I'll trade a 4iv Timid Misdreavus with Memento/Nasty Plot/Curse for it.
M \n
>>16904017 yes, they increased the chances.
>>16904018 Best you can do is wait and hope Xyvre shows up, I put it there in hopes that he would.
It will probably go the way of the ME tourney however..
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:08:58 No. 16904056 Report Quoted By:
>>16904031 No problem! And thank you! I'm ready to trade when you are.
Quoted By:
>>16904017 800 eggs and no Amaura, Tyrunt, Scyther or Heracross.
Coolbear (IGN:Sugar) 1220-7286-2937
Hello /wfg/
>>16903971 Anything on my list you'd want for a female Spritzee?
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
Infernape Adamant>Power Up Punch >Fire Punch >Thunder Punch >???? Which move?
Exabytez !EXABytzGzI
>>16903996 4441-9487-1231
>>16903998 Feebas then. Female, please.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:10:42 No. 16904088 Report >>16903970 Okay, hatched a female feebas. What's your FC?
Quoted By:
>>16904072 fake out or u-turn
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:12:41 No. 16904127 Report >>16903943 Anything you might want for a 5IV Archeops? I also can breed 5IV adamant turtwigs with 3 egg moves. Specifcally, close combat, stockpile, and seed bomb.
Donkis 4914-3687-4335(Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Donkis 4914-3687-4335(Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:13:33 No. 16904140 Report Quoted By:
Should I go for 31 spA ivs bold/calm Whimsicott?
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:14:04 No. 16904147 Report If the WFG League is still a thing, who do I need to talk to to join?
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:14:13 No. 16904151 Report >>16904053 Wuffy Gee style.
Still looking for someone to help me get the 'dex entries for Articuno and Zapdos.
Check my list.
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig)
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:14:47 No. 16904158 Report Which Pokemon in the Field egg group have cool looking shinies? I was thinking Azumarill, Meowth and Sylveon. Any others you guys like?
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>16904063 hehe
the only thing I don't have at 5IV already is your feebas
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>No Misdreavus on Dusk Ball tonight becaue delay >>16904158 Ponyta
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela)
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:16:12 No. 16904184 Report Quoted By:
>>16904085 Thanks a ton, man. Really appreciate it
>>16904151 Could I get a Purrloin and a Druddigon?
Anyone will to trade a 4-5iv Turtwig for a 5iv Timid Cyndaquil?
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:16:47 No. 16904191 Report >>16904158 poochyena, eletrike
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:17:25 No. 16904200 Report >>16904186 If you're willing to wait a few I can get you a 5IV, otherwise I have a few 4IV's spare.
Coolbear (IGN:Sugar) 1220-7286-2937
>>16904162 I have a 5IV male on hand, can breed you a female if you would prefer that.
Izix 3797-7218-3175
Quoted By:
>mfw pokebank still isnt out yet
Exabytez !EXABytzGzI
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:18:13 No. 16904219 Report >>16904031 Thank you! Enjoy the mystery egg
Quoted By:
>>16904200 4iv is fine adding now
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:19:00 No. 16904234 Report >>16904185 Sure. FC?
If you happen to have Articuno/Zapdos I'd trade it right back to you after getting the 'dex entry.
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:19:48 No. 16904249 Report >>16904018 Funny enough, that pastebin is outdated as fuck.
>>16904147 Xyvre, if you find it online.
He is disappears as Nimble >>16904127 C-Can I still have that torterra? I can trade now.
>>16904219 Thanks! I'm gonna hatch it right now. Enjoy your rattata~
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681 Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:20:28 No. 16904265 Report I can't breed these damn porygons anymore. Does anyone have a 4IV bold trace porygon? I can trade back a 31/x/31/31/31/x Bold download porygon and some other things, can even add a jap zygarde or something, I just want a porygon 2 ;_;
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig)
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:20:36 No. 16904268 Report Quoted By:
>>16904168 >>16904191 >>16904199 I like all those, they go on my list of future MM projects.
Although Nidoking is hit or miss.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16904234 Sorry, forgot to put name in field.
I would, but I haven't caught Zapdos yet. I don't know what nature/IVs I want to fish for on it and I don't think i've encountered it in the wild 7 times yet...
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:20:54 No. 16904274 Report >>16904018 >tfw I wanted to be steel type U lil s hit Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>Want to train Attack EV >It's raining fucking EVERYWHERE FUCK
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:21:35 No. 16904284 Report >>16904249 Only for a 6IV shiny.
Yes, you can. You do mean turtwig right? Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:21:36 No. 16904285 Report Quoted By:
M \n
>>16904249 >Funny enough, that pastebin is outdated as fuck. I know, would you happen to have the latest link?
>>16904274 As momiji said, that's the old bin, many of the spots are full up already/
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>16904205 the male is fine
I will add you in a minute
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:22:04 No. 16904293 Report >>16904281 Doesn't Sunny Day work in the field?
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:22:43 No. 16904304 Report >>16903943 Could I get a Bunnelby? Heres my lisy
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:23:06 No. 16904312 Report >>16904289 Where's the updated paste?
Worldwibe 3480-3805-5217 [Espurr, Drowsee, Duosion]
Worldwibe 3480-3805-5217 [Espurr, Drowsee, Duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:23:36 No. 16904320 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>16904281 I don't get the problem, can't you just do it with trevenants in forest route?
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig)
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:23:59 No. 16904330 Report Quoted By:
>>16904293 Nope, I tried that.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16904304 If he doesn't want to i'll trade a 4 IV Bunnelby for a Manectric or Shellder.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby)
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:24:43 No. 16904339 Report Still looking for all Pokébank mons, specially my bro Cyndaquil and the other Kanto starters. If you have anything to offer just say so, I'm not at hoome so I'll have to type a list
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>16904289 I'm pretty sure that pastebin has never been updated. At all.
Coolbear (IGN:Sugar) 1220-7286-2937
>>16904312 Come pick-up your Ghandi .
M \n
>>16904312 Well I obviously don't have it since I posted the old one to begin with.
>>16904340 I wouldn't be surprised, he comes around like once a month.
Also, no Nimble so I still have your eggs if you wanted them back.
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:26:34 No. 16904374 Report >>16904284 Yeah I mean Turtwig, let me go and add you >>16904289 I just did a search for it and found this. . I don't have the latest one but that seems close enough. I'm the Ice Gym leader btw
Unless Xyvre added me as E4, which I doubt. Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig)
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:26:41 No. 16904379 Report I'd never seen shinies of the Swinub family. What the fuck was gamefreak thinking>
Ryan [0834 - 2182 - 1247] !FLV.VnLsyk
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:26:49 No. 16904382 Report Quoted By:
>>16904349 Oh yeah, sorry I bailed last night. Nigga was tired and shit.
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:28:04 No. 16904403 Report Quoted By:
>>16904379 too many shiny pokemon are baby barf green, or yellow green.
its a terrible color to go on 90% of the pokemon
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb]
Ki - [X]: 2079 - 6275 - 9199 / [Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb] Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:28:23 No. 16904409 Report >>16904249 Someone's kidnapping our organizers.
>>16904273 Added. Mind trading later though?
Something came up.
>>16904274 >>16904374 >Cal > ASD 1993-7359-5685
>>16904042 does anyone have any whimsicotts at all for trade?
M \n
>>16904374 thanks I updated it.
I guess never trust nate's pasta.
>>16904379 goldenswine is best swine.
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>16904363 Unless you really can't be bothered with hatching you can just release or keep what's inside
John 4527-8700-4039
>>16904291 Could I get a penta Scyther for a penta adamant Swirlix with HA and belly drum caught in a normal pokéball? That's currenly the only penta I can offer. If it won't do I have plenty of 4 IV pokés I could offer instead for a 4 IV Scyther.
3093 7346 2223 Tavo(Pansage/Swadloon/Quilladin) Anonymous Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:29:22 No. 16904429 Report >>16904380 Are you giving these away? because in that case I'd love a porygon egg
Donkis 4914-3687-4335(Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus)
Donkis 4914-3687-4335(Oddish, Sawsbuck, Maractus) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:29:38 No. 16904434 Report Quoted By:
>>16904419 I do, adding you
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
>>16904409 Oh for sure, no sweat.
I'll be around.
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig)
Edgarska 4897-6203-6157 (Espurr, Abra, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:30:15 No. 16904446 Report Quoted By:
>>16904424 I don't really mind Piloswine, but Mamoswine is awful.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:30:22 No. 16904452 Report >>16904363 M, I am MMing for Koffing, can you breed me 5 IV parents?
I already have the parent's of course -IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
>>16904380 Tynamo, Piplup and Turtwig, please!
ASD 1993-7359-5685
Quoted By:
>>16904419 give me a minute, finishing le wow
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:31:06 No. 16904465 Report Quoted By:
>>16904424 Also Zayne was as Fairy Gym Leader if I remember right.
>>16904409 I just wanted a ME Tourney, is that difficult to get?
M \n
>>16904425 I'll hold them until he comes back and says it officially over/
>>16904452 Sure, I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one anyway since no bank indefinitely anyway.
>>16904339 I have a 4iv Cyndaquil left over you can have
Alberta 2852-7489-4731
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>16904427 after this trade
added you as well
Bill X
>>16904481 Hows it going M?
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681 Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:33:36 No. 16904525 Report Quoted By:
Ryan [0834 - 2182 - 1247] !FLV.VnLsyk
>>16904429 >>16904454 I'm not giving them away.
3668-8703-2650 G.
>>16904042 Hey I need a misdreavus but dont have a cottonee. Anything else you might want?
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:34:42 No. 16904550 Report >>16904500 Pick me!
Dubs get Alberta 2852-7489-4731
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
>>16904538 Ah, okay. Then will you give me at least a Tynamo for any of the following?
5V HA Bagon
5V Snover
5V Abra
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681 Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:36:15 No. 16904577 Report >>16904550 You mean these dubs?
M \n
>>16904514 Hey Bill, doing well, just waiting on the bank now to finish my national dex and start some MM probably.
Wish I didn't give away my illegal DWFs since the hack checks are a joke.
How you been?
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:36:44 No. 16904583 Report >>16904577 Congrats. But no fgt, I meant her dubs.
Ryan [0834 - 2182 - 1247] !FLV.VnLsyk
>>16904575 No thanks, don't need those.
Mike 0946 2690 3950 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Mike 0946 2690 3950 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:36:48 No. 16904588 Report >>16904539 hey i have a timid misdreavus i can breed for you. IVs are random and no egg moves though. If interested im looking for anything pokebank besides the starters (unless they have HA), koffing, meowth, porygon and feebas
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:37:15 No. 16904590 Report Quoted By:
>the passerby Jake has challenged you to a battle! >accept >choose battlebox >notice its on no restrictions I'm not falling for this shit again
John 4527-8700-4039
>>16904501 Do you want a male or a female? I also have impish pentas if you'd rather take one of those.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:37:59 No. 16904599 Report >>16904335 Alright Ill take it
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
Quoted By:
>>16904585 All right, thanks for listening.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby)
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:38:20 No. 16904608 Report >>16904485 Adding. I have these for trade, most of them are 5IV:
Timid Hustle Nidoran
Jolly Scraggy (Drain Punch, Dragon Dance, Ice Punch)
Timid Eevee (Curse, Yawn, Wish)
Volbeat/Illumise (Encore, Silver Wind, Baton Pass)
Brave Snover
Timid Snorunt (Block, Spikes, Disable, Weather Ball)
Calm Slowpokes wth Regenerator
Calm Shellos
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681 Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:38:31 No. 16904610 Report Quoted By:
>>16904583 Whatchu got against muh dubs
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:38:47 No. 16904612 Report >>16904581 The Female is 5 IV with 00 Atk and the Male is 5 IV xx Atk with the egg moves.
I gave them berries for your troubles. You probably had those anyway Anonymous
Hey, /vp/, I got 5 IV Adamant Charmanders, Adamant HA Torchics 5 IV, 5 IV Adamant Fletchings and 5 IV Jolly Gibles. I also have a 6 IV Careful Aron if any of you are interested. Let me know if any of these interest you, and we'll trade.
Exabytez !EXABytzGzI
Out of Metagross, Togekiss, Volcarona, Clefable and Cloyster, which four shall I use for Battle Maison Doubles (Clefable is set as a team member)?
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>16904514 Hey Bill. You've been gone a while, if you're the same Bill I'm thinking of.
Bill X
>>16904581 I took a break from pokemon till a few weeks ago, kind of bummed banks been delayed. Managed to get a complete living dex of the new pokemon, so i'm all set when it gets released. Breeding up some Totodiles atm.
And don't worry about the HA stuff, pokemon with unreleased abilities are still iffy to have and males pass down abilities so they're much easier to get.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>16904593 any gender is fine
if you don't care at all I'd rather have a female one
and since it has belly drum I'll also go with the adamant one
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:40:12 No. 16904637 Report >>16904616 I say metagross, cloyster and volcanarona
Quoted By:
>>16904339 Could I get a Snorunt, I don't really care about the IV's
Nicts 3840-5712-0833 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Snorunt]
Nicts 3840-5712-0833 [Bergmite, Piloswine, Snorunt] Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:40:55 No. 16904646 Report Quoted By:
>>16904339 I got a bunch of 5IV cyndaquils if you are interested,no proper nature
Bill X
>>16904618 If you're still the Amoeba who traded me a whole ton of DWF pokemon then I'm the same Bill.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16904599 Uh, I realize I WT'd all my Bunnelbys away.
Lemme breed you one. It'll be quick
M \n
>>16904612 I have every berry, thanks for the thought though.
I'll let you know when I hatch something with a similar spread.
>>16904630 Yeah I guess you're right.
Hopefully they won't take too long to get things running again, can't wait for that Celebi.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:42:19 No. 16904664 Report Quoted By:
>>16904655 kek Alright then im online waiting
My FC: 4699 – 6678 – 5823 STEEL: Ferroseed, Klang, Bronzong
My FC: 4699 – 6678 – 5823 STEEL: Ferroseed, Klang, Bronzong Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:42:58 No. 16904680 Report Quoted By:
>>16904614 Ops, forgot my FC. Here it is.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:43:04 No. 16904682 Report Quoted By:
>>16904659 I just need a 5 IV with XX Atk. Doesn't matter what gender.
3668-8703-2650 G.
>>16904588 I can breed you a porygon. Is that good? It has no good nature nor IVS but its worth the misdreavus. I gotta go out on a run, so breed me a misdreavus, and I'll engage the trade when i got the porygon. Is that good?
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
>>16904650 >implying I'd leave I get to transfer that mew up soon, hopefully~
Thanks again for her!
Don't you leave again~ Stelle 0490-5495-2462
Quoted By:
Trading Random 5 IVs Impish Hippopotas with Body Slam, Curse, Slack Off, Whirlwind, all from SPA game. Want other random 4 or 5 IVs poke.
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
Alright people, I still have 7 Turtwigs that need a decent home. 5 random 31 IVs, Overgrow, Adamant, with Stockpile, Superpower and Seed Bomb. Please take them, or I'll have to give them away to random people over the WT. Anything goes.
Exabytez !EXABytzGzI
Quoted By:
>>16904637 Alright
>First battle, against Porygon2 >Porygon2 hits with Zap Cannon three times in a row, 2HKOing my Clefable and OHKOing my Cloyster If that isn't based RNG
Mike 0946 2690 3950 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Mike 0946 2690 3950 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:45:25 No. 16904716 Report >>16904685 i probably shouldve clarified but what i meant was that i listed stuff i already have and was interested in pokebank mons that i didnt already have. if you dont have any thats fine and ill get started on your misdreavus
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:46:56 No. 16904743 Report Quoted By:
>>16904380 ill take a porygon for a feebas
Bill X
Quoted By:
>>16904692 No problem, thanks for all the DWF again, I'll have pretty much a full set again when bank is released. And a Celebi, my favourite event exclusive
I was around from time to time, but I burn out if I play for too long. I had racked up 150 hours when I took the break. Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby)
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:47:50 No. 16904755 Report >>16904721 Which do you want?
Is it possible to get a female mon if you breed a male mon and a ditto?
3668-8703-2650 G.
>>16904588 >>16904716 Im really sorry anon but I don't have anything from pokebank...I can give you a 5IV belly drum swirlix or 5IV machop with thunder ice and bullet punch though
Thessa 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
Thessa 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:49:36 No. 16904784 Report >>16904755 yo i want a 5IV snorunt, do u want 5IV wooper or magnemite or male nidoran?
3668-8703-2650 G.
>>16904768 Actually I only have 4IV machops left.
John 4527-8700-4039
>>16904636 After looking at your list again as I was about to close it down I noticed you actually had jolly protean Froakies as well which I have been looking for for some time now. I don't have any other 5 IV pokés to offer like I said previously, but I do have enough BP to offer any battle mansion item for 48 BP or less. Would you be interested in making another trade?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:51:40 No. 16904817 Report Quoted By:
>>16904757 Yes, unless the mon is Male only
Fuck rufflet Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:52:01 No. 16904827 Report >>16904799 Are any of them
female with 31 HP? Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby)
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:52:17 No. 16904836 Report >>16904784 I'd like a Magnemite. The Snorunt is Timid and has Ice Body, ok?
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:53:03 No. 16904847 Report VXRG-WWWW-WWW3-VPP9 And that kids, is how you rek someone
Mike 0946 2690 3950 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Mike 0946 2690 3950 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:53:18 No. 16904853 Report >>16904799 yeah a machop is fine. I'll add you in a moment and just lemme know when you're ready
Thessa 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
Thessa 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:53:21 No. 16904855 Report >>16904836 dam i need one with HA =[
Quoted By:
Anyone want a modest Lilligant?
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>16904063 Can I have a female feebas? I'll give you a perfect Bulbasaur with HA.
>>16904380 I really want one Batoy :)!
Anyone have Snivys with HA?
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby)
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:55:34 No. 16904891 Report Quoted By:
>>16904855 Sorry
>>16904861 Thank you so much, finally I can battle with my bro
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:55:44 No. 16904893 Report Quoted By:
>>16904847 Some people are such scrubs at Pokémon.
This guy was my IRL friend as well >76NG-WWWW-WWW3-PKJ6 3668-8703-2650 G.
>>16904827 Yes. with no guard.
>>16904853 Ok. I'll engage trade when I see you
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
Quoted By:
>>16904889 HA Snivy is illegal.
Though that doesn't stop some people.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:59:07 No. 16904954 Report >>16904655 When you come online you initiate the trade
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:59:15 No. 16904957 Report Quoted By:
>>16904911 Looking for anything special?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
>>16904954 Okay got it.
Could I get one of the Shellder? Preferably with a 31 in atk unless you could get me a female, either work!
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>16904804 I might trade it for some 4IV mon
do you have a tradelist or something?
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:02:58 No. 16905025 Report Quoted By:
anyone got porygon to trade? I've got cyndaquil, treeko and feebas
Thessa 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
Thessa 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:03:13 No. 16905028 Report Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
>>16904954 Thank you, I appreciate it!
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
Thessa 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee
Thessa 3067 5803 2260 Kirlia, floette, spritzee Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:08:23 No. 16905116 Report -IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
>>16905049 Added and standing by.
John 4527-8700-4039
>>16904988 Never bothered making one since 4 IVs are not much to show off. What I have:
Adamant male penta Grolithe with Close Combat, Crunch and Flare Blitz (forgot to mention these before)
Adamant 5 IV imperfect Skiddo
Adamant 5 IV imperfect Swinub
Jolly 4 IV male HA Dratini with Dragon Dance and Aqua Jet
Adamant 4 IV female Huge Power Marill with Aqua Jet & Belly Drum
>>16904847 >tflame >gengar >megalutions >losing half your pokemon >rek more like kek
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:10:28 No. 16905162 Report >>16905148 They were worthy sacrifices.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>16905136 actually that growlithe would be amazing
I could make mine with egg moves then :D
you want a jolly proakie right?
John 4527-8700-4039
>>16905171 Yeah. Do you want one with flash fire or intimidate?
>>16905162 but you didn't rek anyone.
looked like a pretty even matchup to me.
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
>>16905116 >>16905132 Cheers guys, enjoy your turtle.
Come on people, only 5 left. They're free, no strings attached.
[Ign Yang] 1907-8648-1812 !FsDITTOm0M
>>16905190 intimidate
send me a TR when you are ready
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:12:52 No. 16905212 Report Quoted By:
>>16905201 When you're me, every victory is a rek.
;-; Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
>>16904072 That infernape is so weak even with Power up punch.
Smogon knows Infernape works.
do you really want to get outsled by Garchomp, not even u turn Close Combat
Flare Blitz
U turn
T punch
Hits hard and u turns the fuck out when I? Trouble
F only nape got ice punch
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
Quoted By:
Would Umbreon be fine on a team with Houndoom or would that be too much dark on a team? If so, how are leafeon and Glaceon? Glaceon especially since it'd double as good bait for fire type moves.
Sivan 3454-1218-4135
LF: rattata meowth unown stantler slakoth baltoy glameow finneon ha piplup ha kricketot ha elgyem
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16905254 Ohey i'd like one!
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby)
Michael 0490-5441-0451 (Phanpy, Camerupt, Diggersby) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:15:54 No. 16905272 Report Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:16:03 No. 16905277 Report Quoted By:
After a mere 63 eggs, i got a 6iv female!time to shit out only 5iv skitty
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:16:27 No. 16905285 Report Quoted By:
How does this set sound? Politoed @ Leftovers Modest, Drizzle 252 SpA / 252 HP / 6 Spe -Surf -Encore -Ice Beam -Toxic
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish)
Noctuidus 0318-7438-2727 (Ivysaur, Quilladin, Oddish) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:16:35 No. 16905287 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a 4IV modest Petilil I have a 4IV Timid Feebas, a 4IV Bold Frillish, 5IV Timid Espurr and a 4IV Modest Chikorita. Also have a 5IV Dratini but it's unfortunately Serious
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:17:08 No. 16905297 Report >>16905265 I only have Meowth and Rattata without good IVs, does it matter?
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
>>16905266 >>16905272 Coming right up.
Probably my own fault for not adding a picture, as nobody reads shit otherwise.
John 4527-8700-4039
>>16905211 Errr, I just found a problem. I have 3> boxes of Growlithes and about 80% have intimidate, but it seems like I've traded all the 5 IV ones with that ability away. I only have penta flash fire ones left.
I think I might have remembered this somewhere deep down as I said I only had 5 IV Swirlixes in the beginning. Would you still like a penta flash fire one or how do you want to go from here? (I believe I have all posible 4 IV intimidate spreads though.)
Sivan 3454-1218-4135
>>16905297 unless youre after rufflet no
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
>>16905302 Thank you so much!
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:22:12 No. 16905417 Report >>16905342 Can I have Munna and Porygon?
White [IGN Tybalt 3411-0952-7044]
>>16905340 Do you happen to have a 4IV Intimidate female?
Sivan 3454-1218-4135
Quoted By:
>>16905417 oh shit full list, give me a minute
John 4527-8700-4039
>>16905429 About 20 of them. Do you want a specific spread?
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela)
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:24:53 No. 16905474 Report >>16905210 I'll take a free turtle if you've got some left
White [IGN Tybalt 3411-0952-7044]
>>16905465 Nope, I'll most likely put something with 5 IVs as a father so spread doesn't matter.
Want a 4IV Sneasel?
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
>>16905474 Got three more, so yes I have one for you, and two others that might want one.
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela)
Piro: 1564 2953 7581 Grass (Gogoat, Sawsbuck, Tangela) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:26:42 No. 16905505 Report Quoted By:
>>16905491 Sweet, added. Thanks!
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681 Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:27:08 No. 16905514 Report >>16905265 Could I please get a trace porygon from you?
I've got HA Turtwigs with stockpile, seed bomb and superpower
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:27:30 No. 16905520 Report Quoted By:
>mfw Diggersby can't learn any punches
John 4527-8700-4039
>>16905490 Not really... What I actually was after was the Prokie...
Since 4 IVs for 5 IVs is kind of unfair, would you be cool with me trading back the Scyther I got from you before instead? That way you get to keep just as many 5 IV pokés but the only difference is it would end up as if I had asked for the Prokie in the first place instead of the Scyther.
Sivan 3454-1218-4135
White [IGN Tybalt 3411-0952-7044]
>>16905559 Wait, I have never bred nor shared Scythers on XY, you sure you are not mistaking me with someone else?
Worgit [5284-1411-6146] [Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl]
Worgit [5284-1411-6146] [Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl] Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:34:07 No. 16905639 Report Back & Reposting again. Still looking for pokebank mons. I have all the starters(Treeko has HA, Chimchar has HA & t-punch, Totodile has d-dance, Turtwig has HA & various egg moves), Porygon, Misdreavus, Feebas with d-pulse,Kricketot, Cherubi with various egg moves, Buneary, Phione, Cottonee, Yamask, Frillish, Tynamo, Rattata, Meowth, & Elgyem.
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
>>16905639 What would get me a Tynamo from you if I don't have any good PokeBank 'mons to offer?
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681 Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:35:52 No. 16905667 Report >>16905567 Thank you! You saved me a day worth of breeding with this!
Sivan 3454-1218-4135
Quoted By:
>>16905667 no prob! ive got two 4iv dittos so i feel like i owe something when it comes to genderless breeding
Worgit [5284-1411-6146] [Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl]
Worgit [5284-1411-6146] [Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl] Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:37:21 No. 16905694 Report >>16905663 Anything is fine.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:38:29 No. 16905709 Report >>16905639 I have a 5 IV Bold Koffing and xx Attack with the egg moves:
~Pain Split
Can I get one of those Totodile? Female Preferably
John 4527-8700-4039
>>16905612 I didn't even realize you weren't Yang. Holy moly! I just assumed the person who replied to my post here (
>>16905340 ) was the one I was planning to trade with. (I think it's about time to go to bed soon.)
In either case, not really that interested in Sneasels at the moment. You can have the Growlithe on the house, partly because I have tons of 4 IV ones and partly to apologize for the misunderstanding.
White [IGN Tybalt 3411-0952-7044]
>>16905639 Think I could have one of those Treeckos?
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:39:32 No. 16905733 Report How do I spread Pokerus to another pokemon now? I have a pokemon with Pokerus i just dont know how to spread it
M \n
>>16905709 Got you a male hatched now.
Just come online and you can have all 3 back now.
Worgit [5284-1411-6146] [Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl]
Worgit [5284-1411-6146] [Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl] Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:40:02 No. 16905745 Report >>16905709 >>16905728 I still need to breed those. Sit tight.
Exabytez !EXABytzGzI
Quoted By:
>>16905733 Go and do a few battles, chances of spreading are 1/3 (put the Pokémon that needs to be affected next to the Pokérus mon)
White [IGN Tybalt 3411-0952-7044]
Quoted By:
>>16905715 I'll check if I have something interesting then.
>>16905745 I don't mind waiting at all. Thanks!
M \n
>>16905733 Fight battles, eventually it will spread to your other pokemon as long as it isn't cured.
It's cured when it has the smiley face by the blue pentagon, and that happens when it's outside the pc after midnight occasionally.
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
>>16905694 Then may I please have a Tynamo and Piplup?
MGE 0619-4373-8558
Quoted By:
Does anyone here breed Cottonee?
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:44:08 No. 16905834 Report >>16905736 Can I have a Totodile?
M \n
>>16905834 If I had one I would, I can check the GTS for one though.
Worgit [5284-1411-6146] [Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl]
Worgit [5284-1411-6146] [Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl] Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:45:09 No. 16905850 Report >>16905820 Sit tight, I'm breeding a lot of stuff, and I still need to breed those. I do have some Tynamo ready to go though.
Exabytez !EXABytzGzI
>>16905785 *it might be cured at midnight
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
I'm looking for the following two Mons, female HUGELY preferred, more than 2IVs hugely preferred. Modest Unburden Treecko Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar This is what I got, all 4IV Impish Immunity Gligars Bold and Timid HA and non-HA Eevees Adamant Technician Scythers Adamant Gale Wings Smogonbirds Jolly Rough Skin Gible Adamant Mold Breaker Excadrill (One 5IV female with Sand Rush, too, if you're into that) I understand that these Mons are hard to find and harder to find female, so I'm not really worried about IVs. But if I can find a female with the HA, I'll save hours of time breeding. I'll even trade breeding pairs or Mons + BP items.
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:46:45 No. 16905886 Report >>16905849 I might have read that wrong then. Anyway thanks
M \n
>>16905864 Hence the occasionally.
M \n
>>16905886 You have anymore Oshawott?
Grabbing a female toto now.
Exabytez !EXABytzGzI
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
Quoted By:
>>16905850 All right. I guess I can pick up the Tynamo now. I can wait for the Piplup.
Alex (IGN Helios) 3497-0835-5015
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260
Anyone have Porygon or Cottonee for trade? I've got a couple 4IV pokemon for trade, also got some BP items if you're interested in those.
Fier 0344-9476-0008
Quoted By:
So does anyone have any fodder Cyndaquil and/or Chickoritas? I'd be glad to take one off anyone's hands instead of them releasing a bad one. I can do all the breeding myself, I just don't have a way to get my hands on one of them by myself.
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg
Momiji || [Haze X]: 1650 1197 9281 !!a7knQOE9edg Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:53:18 No. 16906004 Report >>16905922 Yeah I have a lot of Oshawotts and a few Meowths and Rattatas.
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:53:57 No. 16906016 Report >>16905973 I've got a porygon, what do you have?
M \n
>>16906004 I was going to say hit up the gts, but I figured I'd grab it before it disappeared.
Getting some egg moves now and then I'll send you a female.
Momiji !!a7knQOE9edg
>>16906033 Thanks, want me to get you a female Oshawott then?
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260
>>16906016 Got some 4IV Snorlaxes, 4IV Klefkis, 4IV Hippopotas. Also got enough BP for any item.
M \n
>>16906045 I'll take a Meowth actually.
Not in too much of a hurry to get all these pokemon since I have them all already waiting to be transferred eventually.
Might take a bit if you want ice punch on there, if not I can get you the first female I hatch with aqua jet and dd.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
why is mega mawile so good
anyone have any wish eevees? I can offer jolly darumaka's with 4IV's
Bill X
I'm looking for HA Chimchar, I have Totodiles with Aqua jet, ice punch and dragon dance (Jolly). If you have good IVS or egg moves then I have 5V Perfect Totodiles.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>16906095 got ya right here
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:59:34 No. 16906118 Report >>16906073 I guess ill take an upgrade from battle tower
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16906095 I do, please, I want one.
Boo 2836-0149-1371 [Ice: Delibird, Bergmite]
Boo 2836-0149-1371 [Ice: Delibird, Bergmite] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:00:13 No. 16906128 Report Dead hours are over? Reporting in to ask if anyones breeding Poliwags
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260
Quoted By:
>>16906118 Cool, added ya.
>>16906114 >>16906119 alright sweet, i'll get you both one, just let me get a second egg hatching
>>16906102 I could give you a 4IV Female Chimchar w/ egg moves and Iron Fist for one of those Totodiles.
Nikki - 2981 6163 5188
Quoted By:
Has anyone brought over hacked hidden power IV mons for breeding yet? I desperately want something in the grass or fairy egg group with 30 special attack and speed. A ditto works too. Willing to trade bred 5IVs, BP items, and certain X exclusive mega stones.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>16906128 didnt you already get one you wet fuck
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:01:56 No. 16906158 Report >>16906082 but its easily predictable.
>setup against sucker punch usually twice >then attack when they notice you'll just keep setting up on them also, just caught a shiny
hoppip while horde training. what do i name it?
Boo 2836-0149-1371 [Ice: Delibird, Bergmite]
Boo 2836-0149-1371 [Ice: Delibird, Bergmite] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:02:05 No. 16906160 Report >>16906151 He had a shitty 4 IV male
Momiji !!a7knQOE9edg
>>16906075 I can wait if you don't mind giving him Ice punch. I can also wait for some pokemons to be transferred but if I can get some now,
it won't be that annoying to do the R4 to Official Game to Pokebank to Pokemon X with a friend. Also finally got a Fire Pig, yay!
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
>>16905884 I'm also looking for a Modest Ditto. I have a male Treecko I can work off of if I had a Modest Ditto. 2IVs would be nice, but I'll settle for just about anything right now.
... Anyone?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16906141 Thank you so much.
Just toss me your FC when you're ready!
frz 4613 - 7488 - 9543
Quoted By:
hey /vp/ I need to evolve my electabuzz and i am looking for a trading partner, i'll give away some breeding leftovers in exchange
Bill X: 5198 - 2738 - 2835
>>16906146 Sure, what moves has it got? (I'd trade a 5 either way)
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260
>>16906179 Lemme check my ditto box, one sec.
Douglas | 2251 4854 8988
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Spritzee holding a Sachel? Willing to trade my Swirlix holding a Whipped Dream. I'm very close to having all the Gen VI pokemon
M \n
>>16906160 But breeding is easy now!
>>16906162 >it won't be that annoying to do the R4 to Official Game to Pokebank to Pokemon X with a friend. Yeah that must suck for all you guys using flashcarts, I imagine gen 5 trades will pick up again when the bank finally launches because of it.
Also, the totodile might have to wait for later if you'll be around, might have to do some things pretty soon.
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:04:57 No. 16906230 Report >>16906179 do you have any other pokebanks?
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16906179 I could get you one.
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:05:34 No. 16906247 Report Quoted By:
Anybody have a King's Rock? Also, hab: Starf Berry Pls gib: Leftovers (Item) Pokemon from your competitive team
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
>>16906158 >mfw 8pp >sucker punch anyway send it in on any physical attacker youre guaranteed a SD.
name it Saladbar
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
Quoted By:
>>16906230 No, I'm afraid I don't. That's the reason why I'm okay with trading 4IVs and Breeding Pairs for one shitty Mon. That Pokebank swag is hard to find right now.
Keenan 0344-9522-7999
>>16906210 T-punch, Encore, Fake Out and Quick Guard.
Momiji !!a7knQOE9edg
>>16906224 Yeah I'll be here.
I might go and draw some stuff since I almost got everything I'm interested in Unless Love Ball Buneary, Nest ball Cottonee appear . 2466-2311-2091
>>16906201 No problem, i'm happy to settle with any one as long as its got wish going, preference of gender?
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
>>16906244 >>16906211 Getting a Modest ditto from either of you guys would be really great, thanks.
I think I have a long night of breeding ahead of me. 12.5% chance of female, and then trying to keep the HA passed down? Ooh... Rough.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:08:16 No. 16906303 Report >>16906275 what exactly are you breeding?
M \n
>>16906268 >Love Ball Buneary I should abuse the swarms in HG to get those pokemon in neat balls.
Wish I actually made some Apricorn balls now.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16906269 Female would be nice!
>>16906275 Sweet, I have a spare for you. 2-3 unmarked IVs.
Yeah, that doesn't sound fun. Honestly just getting a Treeko with HA would be enough~
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
Quoted By:
>>16906303 I'm trying to breed a female, Modest, HA Treecko with any IVs so I can then breed that shit with my 5IV Charizard missing attack. I have a HA Treecko, but it's male and Timid. I think Modest works better with Unburden.
Quoted By:
>>16906297 >>16906323 just going to get a second female then, IGN is Tony. I'll trade you both when ready.
Momiji !!a7knQOE9edg
Quoted By:
>>16906312 If you could get me one, I would be in eternal debt with you.
Bill X: 5198 - 2738 - 2835
>>16906267 Great, I've added you, I'll send a trade request in a second
Nervarus 5069-4911-6261
I have some 4IV HA Chimchars and a 6IV HA CHimchar, if anyone wants one, please reply.
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
>>16906323 Cool! Want anything from my list? (4IVs)
Impish Immunity Gligars
Bold and Timid HA and non-HA Eevees
Adamant Technician Scythers
Adamant Gale Wings Smogonbirds
Jolly Rough Skin Gible
Adamant Mold Breaker Excadrill (One 5IV female with Sand Rush, too, if you're into that)
3093 7346 2223 Tavo(Pansage/Swadloon/Quilladin) Anonymous Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:11:55 No. 16906381 Report >>16906359 I'd love a 4 IV chimchar
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
>>16906359 Check my list:
>>16906372 I'm desperately searching for that shit.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
Quoted By:
>>16906312 i caught a skarmory in a heavy ball yesterday. gastly and quags in a moon ball. koffing in love.
waiting on this guy and his dream ball riolu ;-;
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16906359 I want one!
Hmm, you know what...
I have myself most of that.... I think a 5 IV sand rush Excadrill sounds nice, if you'd do that. I have a mold breaker one, sand rush could be fun.
Keenan 0344-9522-7999
>>16906356 Thanks a bunch.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
Quoted By:
>>16906372 >>16906409 Forgot to quote you.
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365 Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:15:16 No. 16906449 Report Would anyone be so kind to help me evolve my Feebas?
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
>>16906409 What are the exact IVs on the Modest... If one is Sp. Atk I'd for sure do it. Otherwise a 5IV seems a little extreme, but I'll still consider it.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:15:31 No. 16906455 Report Trying to finish off my regional dexes before the Pokebank (Might have longer than I thought now) Theres a shiny Hariyama for anyone who's willing to let me dex; Roserade, Delcatty, Chandelure, Wigglytuff, Slurpuff, Aromatisse, Kingdra, Rhyperior, Steelix, Slowking, Huntail, Gorebyss, Politoad, Weavile, Gliscor and Scizor If all of ems a bit demanding, I'd be incredibly grateful for any help you'd be willing to give
Bill X: 5198 - 2738 - 2835
Quoted By:
>>16906427 Thanks man, this is one pretty baller monkey mama. I'll breed me some chimps when i'm done with the gaters (trying to get that sweet perfect female)
Nikki - 2981 6163 5188
Coolbear (IGN:Sugar) 1220-7286-2937
>>16906449 Need to evolve mine, add me.
Nervarus 5069-4911-6261
>>16906381 Sure, if you want one, just trade me a decent IV mon that you like.
>>16906372 >>16906396 Would you trade me an Excadrill, I need one.
Rosa 3282-3075-0161
>>16906455 i have about 5 of those. you can keep your shiny
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16906450 Ooof, right, it's atk/def.
Never mind, I don't wanna jew you out of that.
Could I get a 4 IV adamant female Technician Scyther?
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:18:12 No. 16906512 Report anyone have darumakas, tynamo, koffing, rattata, yamask, or meowth for trades
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
>>16906479 Yes, absolutely. What kind of Drilbur do you need? I can trade a 5IV, but it will be Sand Rush. Otherwise it'll be 4IV. I can trade breeding pairs / BP items for a female too.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16906455 If you have collateral so I know you won't run away, I have Weavile, Gliscor, Scizor, Delcatty, Chandelure and Slurpuff.
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365 Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:19:06 No. 16906538 Report Quoted By:
>>16906469 Thank you for offering to help butr I think it's better if I traded with
>>16906471 Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:19:17 No. 16906543 Report Quoted By:
>>16906497 Thanks, that would be super :)
Ill add you and jump online?
Nervarus 5069-4911-6261
>>16906523 I would prefer a female to bread it, but sadly I do not have any spare female HA Chimchars...
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:20:38 No. 16906576 Report >>16906527 I'll use a shiny poliwhirl as collateral?
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
>>16906503 Sorry for my reply speed, I'm working with Chimchar guy too. My friend is actually going to lend me a 4IV Modest ditto now, but if you need the Scyther I can still trade it for something. Doesn't need to be something I want either, since you've been really patient with me.
I might need a Jolly ditto in the near future.
Tony 2466-2311-2091
>>16906512 I got two male darumakas currently, what are a few things you have?
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365 Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:22:27 No. 16906614 Report Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
>>16906574 You can have my last female. It has all IVs minus SpA and Def.
Coolbear (IGN:Sugar) 1220-7286-2937
Quoted By:
>>16906614 not sure, first time that happend to me
Nervarus 5069-4911-6261
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16906576 The things i'll be trading you are fully trained. If that Poliwhirl is something that you don't want to lose, then sure.
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
>>16906586 >>16906503 FUCK nevermind, my friend doesn't have his Ditto anymore. He traded it and forgot. Yes, you can have a female Tech Scyther.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:24:49 No. 16906664 Report >>16906650 I have plans for this little feller, I aint gonna rip you off
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16906652 Alright, sweet. Adding.
Jasper 5386-8382-2787
>>16906664 Fair enough, adding. Lemem trade this other man his Ditto first, don't wanna keep him waiting for too long.
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:27:09 No. 16906718 Report >>16906587 ive got porygons, cyndaquils, treeckos, could get you something from battle tower
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:27:23 No. 16906725 Report Quoted By:
>>16906694 No problem, You're being very helpful and generous, so I aint exactly gonna complain
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
>>16906718 I'm looking for HA Treeckos. I got this shit:
>>16906372 Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:29:27 No. 16906776 Report Quoted By:
>>16906587 oh and some random 4 iv trapinch's
Tony 2466-2311-2091
>>16906718 I'll go for a Cyndaquil then
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
Quoted By:
>>16906671 Thanks. Let the RNG grind begin.
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:31:02 No. 16906815 Report Quoted By:
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:32:44 No. 16906851 Report >>16906760 sorry man don't have HA treeckos
Alebon (IGN: Calem) 1864 - 8942 - 2029
Quoted By:
>>16906851 Np mayne.
>>16906640 Thanks a bunch man,
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:39:30 No. 16907003 Report >>16906694 Thank you SO much, You've been really helpful.
Grats on the sweet shiny slurpuff btw, she's awesome looking
Quoted By:
>>16907003 Of course man, it's my pleasure!
Aha, thanks, she's interesting. Modest with 31/xx/xx/31/xx/xx so i'm just running a CM/draining kiss set.
I hope you finish your dex soon! I need to finish mine...
Quoted By:
are there any good sites for breeding info alone or something less cluttered than serebii or bulbapedia
Eric (IGN: Sammy) 0044-3313-9949
Quoted By:
Anyone have any Clear Body Klinks or Klinklangs?
Quoted By:
>>16903709 Where the fuck is Zygarde
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
Quoted By:
So what are the unavaliable Starters with HA? 2nd and 5th gen?