Before hacked shinies start floodng, let's have a few more good shiny trading threads. I've got a few shinies I'm looking to exchange: Careful Male Eevee Hasty Female Froakie (Torrent) Adamant Female Hawlucha Serious Male Sawk (FS Encounter) I'm looking for Magnemite, Duskull, and a few toher shinies in particular. List what you're offering and I'll let you know if there's something I want. All are welcome to trade though.
I might have a shiny Emolga for trade. How serious is your Sawk?
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
Quoted By:
>>16903985 Not really interested in an Emolga. Got anyhting else?
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16903956 Wanna trade that hawlucha for shiny 4 iv modest goomy/shiny 4 iv modest litwick/shiny 3 iv pupitar/shiny 2 iv skarmory?
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16904142 I'm very interested. Should I check the Hwlcuha's IVs? I don't know them, but I can check for perfect ones.
Bleeker 1418-6767-6193
I have a friend safari shiny Slugma has two perfect IVs but not sure which will trade it for a shiny skiddo or gogoat
>>16904161 Sure, which one would you like? Because the goomy and litwicks I have them with different abilities and 4ivs varieties
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16904195 The Hawlucha has perfect HP, Def, and Sp. Def, but has really shitty speed. If you're still up to trade a Goomy, I'd like one with Gooey.
>we will never see shiny Xerneas, Yveltal, or Zygarde in action
>>16904244 It doesn't matter the speed, just that I don't have any with gooey, only with hydration and sap sipper.
Al 3282 2362 5943
Quoted By:
I have a lvl 100 shiny breloom, someone interested?
Quan - 4983 6346 7773 [Fighting - Meditite, Pancham, Breloom]
Quan - 4983 6346 7773 [Fighting - Meditite, Pancham, Breloom] Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:23:03 No. 16904311 Report >>16904163 I got a shiny Sawsbuck from the Friend Safari. It also has pokerus, if you're interested
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16904297 Hydration will be fine. What's your FC?
>>16904278 Do people actually know how Shiny Xerneas / Yveltal / Zygarde look? Is OP for real?
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16904341 Those aren't real, just interpretations.
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:25:38 No. 16904355 Report I've got these spare shinies I'm trying to trade: Chandelure 2 IV(Def, SpA) Sassy Jap Golett Calm Iron Fist Dragalge Modest Poison Point Looking for: Pumkaboo Woobat Nidoking (sheer force) Zangoose Croagunk Rapidash Offers Not too picky about stats but I am partial to being able to nickname.
Bleeker 1418-6767-6193
Quoted By:
>>16904311 hm i like Sawsbuck but isn't his shiny just a slightly lighter brown coat?
Got a shiny Rain Dish Blastoise. Want another shiny or a pokebank legendary in return.
Quan - 4983 6346 7773 [Fighting - Meditite, Pancham, Breloom]
Quan - 4983 6346 7773 [Fighting - Meditite, Pancham, Breloom] Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:27:14 No. 16904389 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>16904354 I really really really hope the real things are somewhere near those interpretations - color swap between Xerneas and Yveltal would be SO GOOD.
I fear that if we ever get to see them Nintendo will have fucked them up with dumb variations, but we can dream.
captcha: prayers
>>16904325 Inn Bego 3024 5256 8144
Damn I thought I still had one with hydration but no ;_; I have
X/31/31/x/31/31 male sap sipper
31/31/31/x/31/x male and female sap sipper
Do you still want one?
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
[H] Shiny Marill 31/31/31/xx/xx/31 Shiny Timid Frog 31/31/31/31/31/xx Shiny Gardevoir 31/xx/31/31/31/xx I will trade any of these for a Nicknameable Female Eevee
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:34:22 No. 16904545 Report >>16904478 Is the frog protean?
>>16904244 If you have another goomy whats it like?
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16904449 I'll take the first one, and could you nickname it Jupiter? Thanks. Do you want the Hawlucha nicknamed?
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:37:59 No. 16904600 Report >>16904558 heliolisk friend safari for it?
probably a little off topic but does anyone have that guide for shiny hunting in the friend safari?
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
Quoted By:
>>16904600 Sorry, only a Female Eevee will peak my attention
>>16904594 Nope and sorry, that goomy was a trade, I'm not the ot
>>16904478 Does the Eevee's IV's matter? If not, I'd like the Marill
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16904632 Kay, then I'll just take the other male one.
Rich: 4699-5922-9443
>>16904478 Is the Marill nicknamable? Does he have belly jet? Would you trade him for a 31/31/31/31/31/xx Azumarill with belly jet?
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
Quoted By:
>>16904640 They don't actually
Whats the nature and is it nicknameable?
>>16904609 You search. The end.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
Quoted By:
>>16904651 Not nicknameable
>>16904656 no there is a method to it
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:44:11 No. 16904698 Report Quoted By:
>>16904673 Illuminate, thats about it. It increases the rate you find pokemon, not shinies.
Jacob FC: 4639-9376-9561 (Wooper, Diggersby, Camerupt) Anonymous Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:45:59 No. 16904726 Report Quoted By:
I have a shiny Ninjask I'm willing to trade. I'm looking for a shiny female Ralts. I don't care about the stats or anything.
I have a shiny shroomish + shiny Politoad Looking for a shiny Zorua, eevee or lapras
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16904744 I'd like to trade my Eevee for the Politoed, just a few questions:
1.) Gender?
2.) Nature?
3.) Can it be nicknamed?
Quoted By:
>>16904765 Thanks for the hawlucha
Rich: 4699-5922-9443
Quoted By:
I have an EV trained (HP and Attack) 5IV Azumarill, missing speed. Has belly Jet Looking for a comparable shiny marill line that is nicknamable, with belly drum and aqua jet.
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Flying: Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Flying: Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:51:03 No. 16904807 Report Have: Shiny Pancham Shiny Breelom Shiny Ponyta Shiny Slugma Want: WINTER 2013 Events.
Got these: Venipede (M) - Jolly, Speed Boost, 31/31/31/X/31/31, nicknamed "Zhuang" (toxic spikes) Quick Ball, OT: Leo Goomy (M) - Modest, Gooey, 31/X//31/31/X/31, Pokéball, OT: Wilson Goomy (F) - Modest, Hydration, 31/X/31/31/31/31, Pokéball, OT: Tails Fletchling (M) Adamant, Gale Wings, 31/31/31/X/31/31, Quick Ball, OT:Neil Shuppet (F) - Brave, Frisk, 17/31/31/X/31/0 (Destiny Bond and Phantom Force), Pokéball, OT: Dash (me) Bisharp (M) - Adamant, Inner Focus, 31/31/X/31/31/31 (Sucker Punch), Dive Ball, OT: Korozo Froakie (M) - Timid, Protean, 31/31/25/31/31/31, Dive Ball, OT: Joel Want others. Looking specifically for: Chespin Noibat Fletchling I'm only interested in nicknameable shinies.
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:54:55 No. 16904881 Report >>16904807 Anything from here
>>16904355 interest you for the Ponyta?
Krystal [3437-3138-5209 - Slugma, Pansear, Braixen]
Krystal [3437-3138-5209 - Slugma, Pansear, Braixen] Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:54:56 No. 16904882 Report Quoted By:
Gentle Inner Focus Shiny Drowzee (M) [31/x/31/31/x/x] Hardy Intimidate Shiny Sandile (F) [LOLNOPE] Not really sure what I'm after. I'd like to see a Goomy or Bergmite in particular, though I'm open to offers of any kind.
Quoted By:
>>16904765 Female Naive and yes
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Flying: Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Flying: Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder Thu 26 Dec 2013 20:55:53 No. 16904895 Report Quoted By:
Chris 2337- 3124-0113
Quoted By:
I caught a shiny Durant yesterday while I was leveling up another pokemon. I'm not so hot on Durant, so would anyone like to trade for it?
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
Quoted By:
>>16904744 what are the stats on shroomish? nature ability?
P-P-Postan'. JPN Mild Miltank Serious Golurk (2IV) Modest Healer Aromatisse (FS) Adamant Aqua Jet DD Dratini (4IV) Quirky Volcarona (FS) Timid Hustle Nidoran (5IV) Lonely Spiritomb (FS) Bashful Super Luck Unfezant (FS) Hasty Proakie (perfect for either attacker) (5IV) Docile Covet Eevee (5IV) Bold Blitzle (4IV) Careful DD SR Pursuit Larvitar (3IV) Modest Poliwag (HP IV is 31) Impish Gligar (4IV) Offer away.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
>>16905033 gender on Eevee?
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:05:09 No. 16905060 Report >>16905033 Is the Poliwag swift swim?
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:06:26 No. 16905084 Report Quoted By:
>>16904600 What IVs does your heliolisk have?
>>16905060 Water Absorb sadly. The guy I got it from sucks at IV and DW breeding.
Rich: 4699-5922-9443
>>16905033 Chatot for Aromatisse? Is it nicknamable?
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:07:28 No. 16905103 Report >>16904744 ivs/ability on your shroomish?
>>16904381 Bumping this. I'm not looking for much so feel free to offer.
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:08:06 No. 16905109 Report >>16905086 Poop. Oh well, if you're interested would you trade for either a Chandelure, Golett, or Dragalge?
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
Does anyone have a Shiny Female Eevee? I have 5IV shiny ProteanFrog 4IV shiny Female Gardevoir
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16905104 Op here. Want anyhting I offered already? (Except Hawlucha)
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
>>16905114 i have a 5iv shiny female eevee for the frog
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
>>16905133 Is it nicknamable?
>>16905109 For the Poliwag or something else?
>>16905097 Aromatisse is not nicknamable. Would your Chatot have Boomburst?
Quoted By:
I got a 6v shiny balltoy for trade level 100 though
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
Rich: 4699-5922-9443
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:12:02 No. 16905196 Report >>16905033 I have a 31/x/31/x/31/31 Medest Torrent Froakie
and a x/31/31/x/x/31 Impish Harvest Trevenant
are you interested in either for your Dratini?
Quoted By:
>>16905103 Adamant, quick feet not sure on IV's i don't think they're that good
>>16905183 I'm sorry, but I'll have to pass today.
>>16905196 Dratini for Trevenant sounds nice.
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16905189 Sure, sure. could you nickname the Blastoise Raphael? Also, do you want the Eevee nicknamed?
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:15:34 No. 16905268 Report >>16905236 Word, whats your FC and IGN?
>>16905249 Its not nicknameable, sorry.
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:17:34 No. 16905307 Report >>16905236 And can you nickname the dratini Shenron if possible?
>>16905268 My IGN is Vozenta, and my FC is 5300-9159-3811
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
Quoted By:
>>16905289 Sorry, it's kind of a dealbreaker. Just a preference I have.
>>16904807 What fucking events? Torchic.
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
Quoted By:
>>16905150 i can throw in an ability capsule
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:20:43 No. 16905394 Report >>16905158 Yeah if you want. I like the color on shiny Politoed so I'll probably sill use it
Quoted By:
I have a shiny Floatzel Accepting any offers that aren't fishing
>>16905394 I was just making sure it was okay with you. I love Chandelure, so if you're willing to part with it, that would be wonderful.
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Flying: Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Flying: Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:23:12 No. 16905438 Report Quoted By:
>>16905318 Garchomp and Scizor.
>>16905307 If you want Shenron soon, you best get on.
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:26:24 No. 16905501 Report >>16904872 Have
Heliolisk (F) - Lax, Sand Veil, x/31/31/x/x/31
Salamence (M) - Rash, Intimidate, 31/31/x/x/x/x
zach 3995-7922-3484
>>16904872 would you trade the froakie for a 5 iv smeargle or any of these?
all the res are 3-4 iv
all shiny of coarse
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:27:38 No. 16905522 Report >>16905416 Works for me. What's you FC and IGN?
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:29:22 No. 16905558 Report >>16905033 I have
>>16905501 anything for proakie?
Quoted By:
>>16905501 >>16905507 Sorry, can't say I'm too interested.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
Quoted By:
Still looking for a Shiny Female Eevee that must be Nicknameable I have Shiny Protean Frog and SHiny Female Gardevoir
Quoted By:
got like 10 5 iv raltz and silly ammounts of 4iv klefkis
>>16905558 If nothing better comes up by threnody the thread, sure.
Quoted By:
>>16905591 *the end of the thread
zach 3995-7922-3484
Here is my list
>>16905507 looking for 5-6IV Froakie, Charmander, Ralts, Beldum or Evee. basically want one for comp.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
>>16905636 >> Is the eevee female and nicknameable, if so i have a shiny protean Greninja or Gardevoir
Milan - 2723 9746 0688 (Mawile Forretress + Bronzong) Anonymous Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:38:23 No. 16905707 Report Quoted By:
Have 2iv Aipom + Trapinch (Is EV trained 252 atk, 252 speed + 4hp)
>>16905636 I have a 5IV Proakie, what moves does. Tyrant have?
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:39:05 No. 16905718 Report >>16905549 Appreciate the trade.
zach 3995-7922-3484
>>16905657 boy =/
but nameable
I have a 6v shiny I will take the first offer from a pokebank exclusive
>>16905636 > Well have plenty of raltz u lookin for male or female all modest natue btw
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
Quoted By:
>>16905735 6v shiny gengar***
Milan - 2723 9746 0688 (Mawile Forretress + Bronzong) Anonymous Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:40:52 No. 16905759 Report Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:41:20 No. 16905769 Report >>16905475 sorry, got stuck in the restaurant, i'll be on in 2 mins
zach 3995-7922-3484
>>16905710 Dragon tail
Thunder Fang
Ice Fang
It Also knows fire fang just go to move tutor. I just had him like that for a Low lvl comp lol
Also he is Adamant
Quoted By:
>>16905759 I'll do it 4184-2576-9490
>>16905735 Oshawott and Buneary? Are you asking for them shiny?
zach 3995-7922-3484
>>16905772 Alright, I'd like to trade. My FC and IGN are
>>16905309 Anonymous
>>16905803 My FC is: 5043-2787-3150
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16903956 Op again, just bumping. Still have a Froakie, Sawk, and Eevee I'm looking to trade.
zach 3995-7922-3484
>>16905868 and what would you like my friend?
Quoted By:
>>16905718 Agreed.
>>16905769 It's fine. Thanks for the tree.
zach 3995-7922-3484
>>16905897 just realised I must have gave all the modest ones away.
I only have ralts with 5 ivs in sassy and naughty dunno how that happened. soz man
zach 3995-7922-3484
>>16906001 it's cool man/ if you get anything else let me know. added anyways
Quoted By:
>>16906026 well still have a few females and males so will try breed the 2 see if i can get amodest out it
zach 3995-7922-3484
>>16905836 h/o. gotta get lucky egg. only one lol
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 21:58:53 No. 16906107 Report >>16905885 Dragalge for Sawk?
>>16906026 Shouldnt take to long to get a 5iv modest from 2 5iv parents tbh....
whats ur fc ill trade ya when i get.
>>16906071 Thanks for the trade, however, I don't know what you were trying to do afterwards.
zach 3995-7922-3484
>>16906131 it's in my name subject
Quoted By:
>>16906169 haha sorry cheers
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
Maybe. Not really looking for fishing shinies, but I might considerif nobody else wants it.
zach 3995-7922-3484
Quoted By:
>>16906161 see if you wanted any others or had anything else for trade thats all.
ty for trade as well
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:03:39 No. 16906196 Report >>16904355 I can give you my shiny Croagunk for your Dragalge. What nickname do you want?
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16906169 Added
My FC is: 5043-2787-3150
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:07:42 No. 16906288 Report >>16906196 Wow awesome!! Is it male or female?
zach 3995-7922-3484
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:08:52 No. 16906313 Report >>16906288 Female naive anticipation. Unfortunately it is x/x/x/x/x/x when it comes to IVs.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
Quoted By:
Still looking for a Nicnameable Female Eevee I have SHiny Protean Frog and SHiny Female Gardevoir
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:13:51 No. 16906415 Report >>16906313 Can you name her Michiko?
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
Have: metagross aegislash psyduck exploud chandelure poliwrath menectric klefki zorua ferrothorn garydos scoliopede cloyster durant chesnaught gabite gourgeist rotom ninjask emolga tyrunt charmander torchic eevee LF Starly line, Bank legendaries, offers
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:17:11 No. 16906493 Report >>16906415 Consider it done. Dragalge nameable?
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:18:31 No. 16906521 Report >>16906493 Sadly no. It was given to me by someone who was just fishing up shinies.
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16906421 Shit dude, there's a lot of stuff on there I'd like. Will you trade any of them for a Froakie, Sawk, or Careful Eevee?
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:20:14 No. 16906567 Report >>16906521 So it's just named Dragalge? That's fine. Whenever you're ready.
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:22:08 No. 16906610 Report >>16906421 I'll give you shiny Seaking for the Gyarados... that's the best offer you're gonna get, seeing as postbank it will be practically useless.
Quoted By:
looking for bank shinys/ legendaries have a 6v shiny bold eevee 5v shily skill link shellder 5v shiny scizor 5v modest shiny rotom 5v shiny aegislash , 5v shiny larvesta, 5v shiny noibat, 5v poison heal gliscor, 6v shiny bisharp, 5v huge power azumarill with egg moves and 5v shiny charizard with egg moved
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
>>16906561 what were you interested in?
>>16906610 the same could be said for your seaking.
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 {3686} (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:25:36 No. 16906684 Report >>16906567 Thanks. Hope the Heart Scale is at least helpful.
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:26:22 No. 16906705 Report Quoted By:
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16906660 Any of these:
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:27:47 No. 16906736 Report Quoted By:
>>16906684 Thanks, that was a happy surprise. Enjoy!
>>16906421 >Exploud, Charmander What're the IVs, nature, ability, ball, etc. like on these two, and are you interested in anything here:
>>16904872 Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
>>16906713 whats the deal on the froakie, protean?
Quoted By:
>>16906421 i have a shiny scizor nicknamed bananas for your charmander or zorua if it is timid or modest?
So I recently hatched a shiny totodile and raised it to a feraligatr. It knows dragon dance, aqua jet, ice punch and superpower and has 31IVs in Atk and Spd. Since it's hatched it also has the blue pentagon thingy. What does that buy me here? Also got a Sap Sipper Azumarill and a Infiltrator Noivern.
>>16906804 Perhaps something here?
>>16905033 A few are gone sadly.
>>16906804 5v adamant blaze charizard with dd and dr?
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16906757 Nope. Female with Hasty nature. Pretty shitty, thats why I'm trying to dump it.
Quoted By:
>>16906804 a shiny hasty greninja?
>>16906421 Stats nature and all that on metagross?
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
Quoted By:
>>16906756 exploud is utter shite in a ultra ball, i just have him becasue i like him. charmander is modest in a pokeball with 4 ivs and eggs moves dd dp and outrage.and id be intrested in the froakie.
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
>>16906841 rotom for sawk?
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16906903 What's Rotom's nature?
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
Quoted By:
>>16906869 calm, and i think he has an iv in spd. hes ev trained but from fs, so idk
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>16906947 Done. Can you nickname him Sparky? Also, do you want Sawk nicknamed?
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
Quoted By:
>>16906977 cant nickname him unfortunately.
Rich: 4699-5922-9443
Quoted By:
>>16906804 5 IV huge power Azumarill with belly jet and super power, fully EV trained level 40?
>>16906834 what's the IVs on Larvitar and Eevee?
>>16906837 what's dr supposed to mean? good offer though, need to think about that.
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
>>16907110 ffs its only 4 iv. neing in hp spatk psdef and speed, and my retarded mind saw dr to mean dragon pulse
>>16907110 Eevee is 31 in everything but Def. and Larvitar is 31 in Attack, Sp. attack, and Speed. If neither of these pique your interest for Feraligatr, keep me on the list for Noibat.
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig]
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:49:16 No. 16907210 Report Got a shiny timid froakie, 31 in sp. attack & speed. You can even choose a nickname, sadly no protean. Trading it for pretty much ANY Gen VI shiny (except fishing). Can throw in charizardnite X or Y to sweeten the deal
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig]
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:51:10 No. 16907255 Report Quoted By:
>>16907210 btw, its ev-trained and hatched today.
>>16907110 it was a misstype
>>16907210 I'll give yu 5iv golduck for it, or modest espurr male
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig]
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:54:27 No. 16907313 Report >>16907290 What are the espurrs ev's? not really interested in golduck, sorry
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig]
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:55:39 No. 16907343 Report >>16907313 Obviously meant to write IV's
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
Quoted By:
>>16907343 obviously you didn't
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:57:21 No. 16907381 Report Quoted By:
Also got shiny horsea and braixen for any offers.
>>16907313 But golduck is better! it haves 5 ivs and its modest
come on, just take it fag
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:58:45 No. 16907400 Report >>16907210 Might be hard to part with my shiny braixen, but I'd say that charizardite Y would sweeten the deal.
>>16907173 >>16907258 ah ok then. I'm still interested in the charizard though. I guess I would be up for a trade for the charizard.
>>16907184 Those are great deals but I do like the Feraligatr quite a bit so sorry.
I would trade you the Noivern for the Larvitar though if you're interested.
It's nicknameable and has some decent stats (31 IVs in HP, Atk and Spd i think)
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig]
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig] Thu 26 Dec 2013 22:59:48 No. 16907423 Report Quoted By:
>>16907395 well, i could pokegen it, and soon pokebank is open.
Especially want a Gen VI
fag.. Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
>>16907400 Is braixen female? Nickameable?
Sadie 2552 -1704 - 6819 [Fire: Growlithe, Larvesta, Braixen]
Sadie 2552 -1704 - 6819 [Fire: Growlithe, Larvesta, Braixen] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:00:46 No. 16907444 Report >>16907290 Fuck off Mouske, everyone knows that Goluck has no perfect IVs and your espurr changes itself in everyway, every single time you offer it.
Fuck off you scamming, cumshitting prick.
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:00:57 No. 16907446 Report Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:02:00 No. 16907469 Report Quoted By:
>>16907446 Also it has (healed) pokerus.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:03:59 No. 16907502 Report >>16907290 ahahahah that Golduck you got like four days ago for your one espurr? It magically has 5 ivs now? Wow man, you must be some kind of wizard
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:04:44 No. 16907515 Report >>16907493 Unfortunately no perfect.
>>16907290 >>16907395 Summing shit, don't trade with this motherfucker
>>16907417 That sounds great. I've been wanting one for a while. If you could name it Echo, that'd be great.
zach 3995-7922-3484
>>16907395 you are a fucking scammer. You tried to pawn that golduck off the past 5 days now and it magically has 5 iv's? yeah fuck you
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
>>16907515 4IV Adamna tHuge Power, BelyJet, and SuperPower Marill for it possibly?
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:07:05 No. 16907563 Report Anonymous
>>16907535 I'm assumiing you're refering to the Noivern.
Sure I'll nickname it, Larvitar isn't nicknameable is it?
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
>>16907574 It actually is. Got a preference?
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:08:34 No. 16907587 Report >>16907575 Sounds like a deal to me. Whenever you're ready, just gotta enter in your fc.
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
Stuart/red 3411-1589-3215
>>16907417 as in you wanna trade?
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:10:22 No. 16907627 Report >>16907608 Oh, and do you want any specific nickname?
And is marill nicknameable?
>>16907444 >>16907502 >>16907524 >>16907540 guys pls dont shit up my trades, just shuit the fuck up
if they want to trade me they will just deal with it
Jeremy 3153 4598 0387 !!EIgFGlFvEzu
>>16907627 No nickname for Braixen and I cant nickname marill
Kyle (4828-4572-4938) Kakuna/Ariados/Drapion
Kyle (4828-4572-4938) Kakuna/Ariados/Drapion Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:11:27 No. 16907657 Report Hey bonelords, I hatched a shiny Electrike, has 4IVs - HP/Def/SpA/SpD Timid nature andddd Lightningrod anyone interested y/n?
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:12:13 No. 16907673 Report Quoted By:
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig]
Kilian 0388-0173-3993 [Psycho: Espurr, Grumpig, Girafarig] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:13:10 No. 16907690 Report Quoted By:
>>16907653 hf gathering bad karma in a kids game
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:14:05 No. 16907710 Report Trying to finish off my regional dexes before the Pokebank (Might have longer than I thought now) Theres a shiny Hariyama for anyone who's willing to let me dex; Roserade, Wigglytuff, Aromatisse, Kingdra, Rhyperior, Steelix, Slowking, Huntail, Gorebyss, Politoad
>>16907579 Hmm crap I can't think of any good ones right now. Can you just think of a decent nickname? I'm sure it'll be fine. I just don't really like unnamed mons.
IGN: Flemming
Code: 5300-9502-6208
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:15:52 No. 16907744 Report >>16907710 Shiny dex or regular? Got shiny horsea if you're up for it. If regular, I have a steelix with your name on it.
Vozenta [5300-9159-3811]
Quoted By:
>>16907710 I've got Gorebyss, Wigglytuff, and Aromatisse.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:17:12 No. 16907775 Report >>16907744 regular dex, the shiny hariyama is for anyone who can do em all at once tbh
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:18:12 No. 16907792 Report Quoted By:
>>16907775 aight, i wish you the best of luck.
Vozenta [5300-9159-3811]
Quoted By:
>>16907738 I can name it after my Jap. TTar. If you ever want it changed, just retrade me and show me a poke with the nickname you want.
>>16907417 I'm the charizard guy still want to trade?
>>16907798 >>16907624 yup still interested. Who of the two of you is the guy who wants to trade it though?
>>16907864 the 5v charizard wanting feraligtr
Vozenta [5300-9159-3811]
>>16907738 Never thought I had you already. Also, supposedly, Masubosu means "Final Boss" is nip nop, I thought it was pretty badass when I put it in Google Translate. Thanks for the trade.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>16907710 I`ve actually have all of those.
>>16907943 yeah thanks for the trade man. Masubosu is a really badass nickname. I might take your offer on renaming though since it's a female.
IGN: Flemming 5300-9502-6208
>>16907920 ok let's trade then.
Vozenta [5300-9159-3811]
>>16908031 Alright, just initiate a trade whenever. I've gotta shovel my porch, but I should be on for the rest of the night.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:34:45 No. 16908112 Report >>16908006 would you care to help me out then? I'd be ridiculously greatful
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>16908112 Sure. Can you give me a sec. getting those items. If I could get the huntail gorebyss and politoad back for my poke dex that`ll be great too.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:39:58 No. 16908208 Report >>16908155 No problem whatsoever. Thank you so much man, when this is done I just need to get good enough at the gallade balloon and earn a dawn stone for floette.
I'll addja and be on shortly, anything else you wanna tradeback for to evolve i'll help out with too.
I'll send over a shiny poliwhirl initially as collateral, so that you don't risk getting ripped off
I have a level 100 shiny baltoy for trade
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>16908208 I have a gallade and that 3rd evolution of that fairy too. Basically Ive completed the first 150 and i^`m working on the 2nd 150 for coastal. Gonna add you in a sec.
IGN: Flemming 5300-9502-6208
>>16908107 You don't need to wait man, I've just considering renaming it and if I decide to do so I need to think of a good one first. I'll probably leave it as it is.
>>16908153 added
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion]
Naked 1993-7318-8435 [abra, espurr, duosion] Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:42:25 No. 16908255 Report Quoted By:
>>16908220 I guess I would trade my shiny seaking for that.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:43:44 No. 16908278 Report >>16908244 I've got a shiny floette I want to evolve anyway, so I don't mind having to earn the last one, I've spent the last few days breeding and levelling up the 200 or so I was initially missing
Thanks so much!
IGN: Flemming 5300-9502-6208
>>16908182 sorry man it knows waterfall so I wasn't able to trade it.
>>16908352 trade when you can
Kyle (4828-4572-4938) Kakuna/Ariados/Drapion
Kyle (4828-4572-4938) Kakuna/Ariados/Drapion Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:51:32 No. 16908456 Report Quoted By:
>>16908130 No thanks, sorry man
IGN: Flemming 5300-9502-6208
>>16908372 I forgot to ask you whether you want a nickname or not since it's not the english version of the name. We can retrade it if you want a nickname.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>16908278 Are you matt? I'm trying to grab the deepsea items in azure bay right now
Quoted By:
>>16908470 I'ts okay thank you
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:55:05 No. 16908524 Report >>16908492 Yup, I am, sorry, I hadn't realised.
Gimme a ping when you're ready
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>16908524 Unsucessfully hit so many trainers on the way.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Thu 26 Dec 2013 23:59:32 No. 16908645 Report >>16908559 No problem man, It's worth waiting for!
I've managed to win a dawn stone as well, so happy days
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 00:05:41 No. 16908772 Report Have: Charizard (Quirky, Blaze)* Blastoise (Quirky, Torrent)* Venusaur (Adamant, Overgrow)* Blissey (Gentle, Natural Cure, 31HP) Ferrothorn (Brave, Iron Barbs, Seed&Pebbles) Ambipom (Bashful, Technician, 31sp.def) Poliwrath (Hasty,Damp) Jolteon (5IV, Timid, Quick Feet)* Gliscor (4IV, Impish, Sand Veil)* Alakazam (Modest, Inner Focus, 31hp/def) Klefki (Timid, Prankster, 31def) Ursaring (Impish, Guts, 31 spatt/spdef) Chandelure (Quiet, Flame Body, 31 att/def)* Kingdra (Sassy, Swift Swim) Reuniclus (Quiet, Magic Guard, 31hp/def/sp.def)** Trevenant [nicknamed 'Spooky Tree'] (Careful, Harvest, 31 att/def/speed) Goodra (Timid, Gooey, 31def/sp.def) Vivillon (Quiet, Shield Dust)** Clawitzer (Modest, 31sp.att) Hawlucha (Adamant, Unburden, 31def) Carbink (Docile, Clear Body)** Spritzee (Impish, Healer, 31 att/dp.def) Pangoro (Mild, Mold Breaker, 31att/def) Gogoat (Jolly, Sap Sip) Greninja (Modest, Protean, 31def)* Tyranitar (Adamant, Sand Stream, 31 sp.def) Spiritomb (Timid, Pressure, 31def/sp.def)* Clauncher (Relaxed, Mega Launcher) *asterisk indicates pokemon that are much harder for me to trade, so come with a good offer if you're interested. I have a particular want. I'm looking to trade my extra clauncher to someone who has an extra shiny skrelp they can fish up. Other than that, I'm looking for a Female Budew/Roselia, Female Purrloin/Liepard, and Rotom.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>16908645 whenever your ready I guess
(IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>16908772 Would you do a 2 for trade if the Rotom I am offering is Perfect?
Modest 31/x/31/31/31/31
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 27 Dec 2013 00:13:35 No. 16908971 Report >>16908809 I cant trade huntail from my party cause it has a HM, gonna put it in the box then rejoin
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>16908971 LOL crap. I thought i was smart giving it surf so I didnt need to take another poke.
(IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>16908885 >>16908772 btw the mons I am interested in are Vivillon, Hawlucha, and Spritzee
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 00:17:31 No. 16909064 Report >>16908885 Depends what two you want. I can offer two of Ambipom, Ursaring or Blissey. Other than that I'd have trouble letting go two mons.
>>16908972 I've been wanting a Noibat/Noivern, but I can't trade my Charizard for it. Sorry man
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 27 Dec 2013 00:17:44 No. 16909071 Report Quoted By:
>>16908995 I thought I was smart putting it in the party so it didn't waste your time, best laid plans and all..
I don't currently have a slowpoke to hand I'm afraid
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>16908971 Let me retrade the slowpoke last. LOL made another mistake woops
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 27 Dec 2013 00:19:09 No. 16909102 Report >>16909073 Its easy done, nintendo never made it especially clear with that line, I was trying to evolve one with water stone earlier today
(IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>16909064 I'm really only interested in
>>16909004 I could throw in an X Mega stone if you need any?
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>16909102 k did I show you politoed yet?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 00:23:34 No. 16909188 Report >>16909127 Rotom is one of my favourites for sure, but I think I'll hold off and wait until I can make a deal with one with less IVs. The one you have is great, but I don't care too greatly for IVs, so i can't make the deal you want. Plus I'm also trying to collect gen6 mons
Sorry Serena
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 27 Dec 2013 00:24:15 No. 16909198 Report >>16909179 not yet, him and slowking to go, then I'll trade you the hariyama for the poliwhirl
(IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
>>16909188 Its cool, I understand.
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
>>16909198 to be honest I woulda been content if you showed me some mountain pokedex pokemon but I'll take the hariyama
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 27 Dec 2013 00:31:47 No. 16909339 Report >>16909255 I'll be hanging around the next few days in this thread, If you're about I can definitely see my way to helping you out.
THANK YOU, MY DEX IS ONE SHINY STONE FROM COMPLETION! and the tododile was an unexpected bonus, thanks again!
FranKie: 1521 4014 2106
Quoted By:
I have a shiny poliwrath. What could i get for that?
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Quoted By:
>>16907653 tfw blacklisted and delusional, we'll keep warning people until you fuck off.
I'm looking for a 6iv goldduck
>>16909511 I have a 5iv one, interested?
Quoted By:
>>16910209 Mouske pls go, you're not fooling anyone
>>16909511 don't listen to that faggot he's a confirmed scammer.
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Fri 27 Dec 2013 02:26:03 No. 16911856 Report >>16908772 Interested in Goodra
What are its stats
Aiolos 3394-4166-7858
Just caught a shiny modest eevee any offers?
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 03:03:41 No. 16912637 Report >>16904872 I'm interested in your Venipede and Froakie. I have the following nicknameable shinies:
Gible (M) - Jolly, Rough Skin, 31/31/31/x/x/x
Honedge (M) - Sassy, No Guard, x/x/31/31/31/x
Dratini (M) - Jolly, Shed Skin, x/x/31/x/31/31
I also have a Japanese Golurk (no perfect IVs) and a Sassy Swellow nicknamed Wright. I'm willing to go 2:1 for either.
>>16912562 What are the IVs and ability on it?
Aiolos 3394-4166-7858
Quoted By:
>>16912655 HP,SP atk,SPD IVs max and adaptability
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
trading shiny shuppet 2IV noivern 3IV bulba 1IV florges 0IV
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 03:21:29 No. 16913026 Report >>16905033 Are the Proakie and the Eevee nicknameable? Would you take any combination of these
>>16912637 for either of them?
X 0963-0276-2416 [SV 738]
>>16905033 What are the IVs on Miltank, Nidoran and Gligar?
X (CXH) 4098-3482-7158
Postin' my Shiny List!! Adamant Marill 5IV (31/31/31/xx/31/31) (Aqua Jet/Belly Drum) Timid Glaceon 4IV (31/xx/xx/31/31/31) Adamant Scizor 4IV (31/xx/31/31/31/xx) Jolly Tyrantrum 4IV (31/31/31/xx/31/xx) (Egg Moves) Modest Chandelure 4IV (xx/xx/31/31/31/31) Timid Greninja 3IV (31/xx/31/xx/xx/31) (Torrent) Naughty Ferrothorn 2IV Lonely Beartic (No IVs) Difficult To Trade… Adamant Dragonite 4IV (31/31/31/xx/xx/31) Modest Volcarona 4IV (xx/xx/31/31/31/31) Adamant Metagross 4IV (31/31/21/xx/31/31) Looking for: Deino Vaporeon 5th & 6th Gen Shinys!
I have a shiny Female Delphox, timid, 31 HP and SpAtk, 26 speed. Any offers? I'd love a nicknamable Froakie with protean if anyone has a decent one.
yung gummie 5043-2814-1837 (Snover, Sneasl, Cloyster)
yung gummie 5043-2814-1837 (Snover, Sneasl, Cloyster) Fri 27 Dec 2013 03:59:02 No. 16913749 Report Quoted By:
hey someone wanna give me a free shiny?
Corey - 4398 - 9950 - 0986
Easy to part with: Gentle Male Effect Spore Amoonguss (xx/xx/xx/xx/xx/xx) Calm Male Sand Force (HA) Probopass 2IV (xx/31/31/xx/xx/xx) Mild Male Early Bird Girafarig 2IV (0/xx/31/0/31/xx) Hard to part with: Rash Female Competitive (HA) Meowstic 2IV (31/xx/xx/31/xx/xx) Level 50 252 Sp. Atk 252 Spd 6 HP I'll 2 for 1 with the easy to part withs. Getting my Female Meowstic will be difficult. Specifically looking for a Shiny good Male, but looking for offers.
I have all 6 generations of starters. Will trade any for a shiny. Any offers?
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>16913808 you have a shiny cyndaquil?
>>16913822 None of them are shiny. I also have a lot of non shiny feebas.
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>16913842 this is a shiny 4 shiny trade thread bud
>>16913852 I'm not your bud...guy...
>>16913644 Wanna trade that metagross for a shiny 4 Iv brave Honedge/shiny 4 iv modest goomy with sap sipper/shiny 4 iv jolly rapidash/shiny 4 iv modest litwick?
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
Quoted By:
>>16913886 I'm not your guy...friend
>>16913801 >>16913900 Oh and also have a shiny 4 iv Impish immunity gligar and shiny 4iv naive super luck absol
X (CXH) 4098-3482-7158
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 04:29:29 No. 16914378 Report Quoted By:
>>16911856 I stated them already. IVs are in defense and special defense, nature is timid, ability is Gooey
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 04:31:12 No. 16914411 Report Quoted By:
>>16913659 Blissey or Ambipom for it?
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 04:32:03 No. 16914426 Report >>16914190 Would you be willing to trade Absol for any of the shinies listed here?
>>16912637 Corey - 4398 - 9950 - 0986
Quoted By:
>>16914190 Thanks, but no thanks.
I should say that I am a sucker for Kalosian shinies.
Daniel 5086-1462-7316
Quoted By:
I have an Outstanding 31/xx/xx/31/31/28 Shiny Protean Greninja Nameable with 252 Speed 252 SpAtk 4 Atk
>>16914274 Impish immunity 4 iv gligar or 4 iv super luck absol for your metagross?
>>16913065 (IF you're still here)
Miltank's IVs supposedly are 12/6/29/30/22/14. Nothing cuh-razy. Nidoran is 31 in everything but S. Atk and Gligar is 31/xx/31/xx/3131.
>>16913026 My Proakie is gone, but my friend has my other one so if you wait a day, you can have him.
Quoted By:
>>16914426 Sorry I'm not interested on any of them
>>16914535 Awesome. Which of my shinies would you want for it? And could I get it nicknamed? (Putting my email in the field so we can get in contact again if I'm not online tomorrow.)
X (CXH) 4098-3482-7158
>>16914516 I'm interested in honedge but I don't want to give up my metagross for it...
Quoted By:
>>16914600 It's okay I understand, I've been searching for a shiny 4 iv metagross because it's my bf favorite mon but I know it's hard to let go of it ;_;
>>16914594 I can nickname it and it'll probably be two of those main three with Gible for certain. He won't be too happy losing his Froakie, so he'll more than likely choose the second. 'll shoot you an email when he drops by tomorrow.
Vozenta [5300-9159-3811]
>>16914600 Oh, by the way, here
>>16914535 Anonymous
Caleb 2423-3104-9313 [Mightyena, Crawdaunt, Sableye] Anonymous Fri 27 Dec 2013 04:49:51 No. 16914761 Report H: Sassy Garbodor Modest Rotom Careful Crawdaunt (shell armor) Hasty Goodra (sap sipper) Jolly Heliptile Lonely Gogoat Hasty Masquerain bashfull pumpkaboo W: Combee,gliscor,muk,dusclops,trevenant, offers Would also trade for 4-5 iv non shiny dusclops with painsplit
X (CXH) 4098-3482-7158
>>16914724 um... lol I think you're confused. There seems to be 2 different X's. I'm CXH. The original... that other nigga took my name lol.
>>16914761 IVs nature pokeball on gourgeist?
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 04:55:13 No. 16914871 Report >>16914705 Okay, awesome. I'm assuming it's male with the same nature/IVs/etc as the Proakie you listed?
Vozenta [5300-9159-3811]
>>16914820 Oops, my bad, my bad. I wasn't paying attention fully to names. I apologize.
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 04:56:15 No. 16914895 Report >>16914761 I would sell you my soul for that Pumpkaboo. What are its IVs, nature, and size? Boy or girl?
Vozenta [5300-9159-3811]
>>16914871 Yup, they came from the same batch. I think his def and speed ivs are switched, but still 5IV.
X (CXH) 4098-3482-7158
Quoted By:
>>16914883 no problem. it cool! :^)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:09:39 No. 16915194 Report Quoted By:
>>16914909 Great. I'll probably spend the rest of the night deciding on a nickname for him then.
:'D Anonymous
>>16914836 >>16914895 average size, perfect iv's in sp. atk and sp.def, neutral nature
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:15:39 No. 16915307 Report >>16915263 Is it nicknameable? I could get you a 4IV Duskull/Dusclops with Pain Split for it if so, plus one of the shinies that doesn't get taken during my Proakie trade.
(Also, is it a boy or a girl?)
>>16915307 male and nicknamable
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:21:09 No. 16915437 Report >>16915329 Alright. Are you interested in any of my shinies for it, or would you just want the Duskull?
>>16915437 What shinies you have? I'm not gonna try and super jew or anything, just interested if you have any unpopular shinies you'd be okay with trading
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:25:55 No. 16915529 Report >>16915483 All of my shinies are here:
>>16912637 The Gible and one of the other nicknameable ones are going to be traded tomorrow, but the Golurk and Swellow are definitely still up for trade.
>>16915529 i'll just take the dusclops, man. Did you want it nicknamed?
>>16915529 Also, what nature is the dusclops? I'm preferably looking for bold nature
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:35:53 No. 16915729 Report >>16915604 I'd love a nickname - if you could nickname him Jack and have him hold an everstone, I'd be really happy. The everstone is a must, though, since trade evolutions are automatic. I can give the Duskull an everstone, too, if you only have one of them.
>>16915647 Unfortunately I've only got Careful Duskull right now. Do you want me to try breeding a Bold one? It might take a bit longer.
>>16915729 I'd really prefer a bold one if thats not too much trouble. I'm fine waiting as long as it takes though.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:41:31 No. 16915833 Report >>16914761 Im interested in Helioptile, Pumpkaboo and Rotom.
see anything here you like?
>>16908772 I'd be most willing to trade Ferrothorn, Ambipom, Blissey, Ursaring and Poliwrath.
>>16915798 Sure, that's fine. I just need to breed a Bold Koffing I could use as a father. I'm putting my email in the field just in case we lose contact tonight, but I doubt we will.
>>16915833 Ryan anything for your trevenant?
Have 4iv brave honedge
4 iv jolly rapidash
4 iv modest goomy with sap sipper
3 iv modest fennekin
3 iv pupitar
4 iv super luck absol
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:53:41 No. 16916082 Report >>16916037 The fennekin and honedge are appealing, but it took me forever to find a good harvest trevenant. Let me know if you'd do it for either of them, and I'll think about it cuz I'm not quite sure.
>>16916082 Sure I'm willing to trade anything on my list, let me know what you decide :)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:59:23 No. 16916197 Report >>16916175 is that fennekin male or female by the way? and what is the iv spread if you don't mind
>>16915833 I like the gogoat,greninja,trevenant and venusaur
Quoted By:
>>16914909 Also, would you mind sending an email to me tonight just so I have a way to get in contact with you? Sorry for the inconvenience.
>>16916197 Male modest blaze it has hp Def and speed
Honedge hp atk Def and sp def
I also have a shiny 2 iv skarmory if you want I'm willing to trade the fennekin and the skarmory for your trevenant
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:17:18 No. 16916591 Report >>16916508 Ah, alright. I can do the Fennekin and Skarmory. I'll come across another spooky tree at some point !
Can we do random mon for skarm, then trevenant for fennekin?
Quoted By:
>>16916591 Sure
My fc is 3024 5256 8144 ign Bego
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:27:59 No. 16916812 Report >>16916237 Fuck, would you be willing to trade Pumpkaboo and Helioptile for Venusaur?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:29:11 No. 16916836 Report Thanks Bego !
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:30:19 No. 16916862 Report Quoted By:
>>16916812 I should mention Venusaur is 3IV, in HP, def, and sp.attack.
>>16915833 would you be willing to do gogoat or hawlucha for helioptile? I'd do rotom for blastoise or venasaur. Unfortunetly i already got someone breeding a dusclops for the helioptile
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>16912892 long extended bump
Quoted By:
>>16916874 excuse me, i breeding a dusclops for the pumpkaboo
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:35:13 No. 16916988 Report >>16916874 I don't think I can make either of the deals there, and you already promised away the pumpkaboo. I would've done Venusaur for Helio and Pumpkaboo
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:37:30 No. 16917045 Report >>16916882 2IV impish guts ursaring for Florges if the nature and name are okay
>>16916988 4iv's on rotom btw
>>16915924 Shot you an email, hope you got it
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>16917045 ;-; i'm good ryan
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:40:21 No. 16917107 Report >>16917061 I was looking for more of a trophy shiny Rotom, IVs aren't too big of a deal to me, and since yours has 4IVs, it'd take too much to make a deal. My Venusaur offer is on the table, but that's only if you wanna go back on your word for the other guy
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:41:39 No. 16917138 Report >>16917087 you wouldn't happen to have the Florges named 'FIFI', do you ? ..
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
Quoted By:
>>16917138 not even close
I've come across a ton of FS shinies but absolutely 0 RE mons. It is upsetting to say the least.
>>16917107 My appologies then, gonna have to pass. I can do helioptile for blissey or ferrorthorn, but thats about it.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:47:48 No. 16917259 Report >>16917225 Is Helioptile from the friend safari? I can probably do it for Blissey if he is
Caleb 2423-3104-9313 [Mightyena, Crawdaunt, Sableye] Anonymous Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:50:45 No. 16917315 Report Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:56:21 No. 16917420 Report Quoted By:
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:56:35 No. 16917428 Report >>16917085 Yup, I got it. Also, I just got two Bold 4IV Duskull, take your pick: a boy with Def/Sp Atk/Sp Def/Speed and a girl with Hp/Def/Sp Def/Speed. Take whichever one you want. Do you want a nickname?
Also, remind that the Pumpkaboo should be nicknamed Jack and holding an Everstone so it won't evolve during the trade. I really don't need a shiny Gourgeist.
>>16917428 Awesome, let me quick nickname it and grab an everstone. I'd prefer the one with hp,def,spdef and speed. Add this FC for the trade.
Alex 2852-7529-8488 [Crabby, quagsire, frogadier]
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 07:03:34 No. 16917569 Report Quoted By:
>>16917514 Okay, awesome. I've added you, so just add my FC and send the trade request whenever you're ready. Thanks again, bro.
Coco 4012 - 4835 - 0966 (Steel Safari) Anonymous Fri 27 Dec 2013 07:16:59 No. 16917776 Report two shiny corsolas, one from the friend safari, a shiny female pyroar, and a shiny toarkoal. if you have something nice, i might give away my shiny vaporeon.
>>16917776 nature and iv's on torkoal? I'm very interested
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 07:25:29 No. 16917945 Report >>16917776 I can offer Ambipom or Ursaring for the Pyroar, maybe Ferrothorn with egg moves for pyroar and another
>>16917834 Rash nature, and no perfect ivs
>>16917945 super interested in ambipom
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 07:29:39 No. 16918016 Report >>16917987 Willing to trade pyroar for Ambipom then?
>>16918016 yep! adding you now
>>16917987 Lonely Gogoat
Hasty Masquerain
Careful Crawdaunt (shell armor)
Sassy Garbodor
Any of these for torkoal
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 07:33:27 No. 16918097 Report >>16918026 err.. is there any way you can change the nickname? If you can, just Pyroar is good
Coco 4012 - 4835 - 0966 (Steel Safari)
>>16918097 it was traded to me, so i cant. its cool if the trade is off
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 07:35:13 No. 16918131 Report >>16918107 sorry about that
Coco 4012 - 4835 - 0966 (Steel Safari)
>>16918076 totally up for the masquerain
>>16918131 nah i understand
Caleb 2423-3104-9313 [Mightyena, Crawdaunt, Sableye] Anonymous Fri 27 Dec 2013 07:38:07 No. 16918178 Report Quoted By:
Kyle 0662-3809-4298
I have: Careful spinda Mild druddigon Gentle Dunsparce Impish metagross Lonely swirlex Jolly froslass Quiet garchomp Naive mawile Bold klefki Impish hydreigon Naive kingdra Adamant banette(6iv) Jolly tyranitar Adamant lucario(6iv) All pokemon are kalos born, shiny, and most are mm or fs. If you're interested in iv's just ask! Looking for skarmory, female ralts, jirachi. And of course offers.
Kyle 0662-3809-4298
Quoted By:
>>16918254 Oh and by the way, the farther down the pokemon is the more I like it.
Coco 4012 - 4835 - 0966 (Steel Safari)
>>16918254 anything on my list above for the spinda?
Kyle 0662-3809-4298
>>16918288 Hmm only thing that really interests me on your list is vaporeon..
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 07:47:54 No. 16918371 Report >>16918254 I've got a skarmory. Any chance you'd go 2 for 1? I really want the swirlix
Coco 4012 - 4835 - 0966 (Steel Safari)
Quoted By:
>>16918335 would you be willing to trade the banette for the vaporeon?
Kyle 0662-3809-4298
>>16918371 What's the nature and gender on skarmory? And 2 of mine or 2 of yours?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 07:56:02 No. 16918512 Report >>16918461 It's sassy with IVs in attack and Sp.def, and it's female. Also caught in a premeir ball.
How does Skarmory + Ursaring for Swirlix and Metagross sound?
Kyle 0662-3809-4298
>>16918512 I'd be more than happy to include the metagross in the trade, but what about skarmory and carbink?
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 08:01:13 No. 16918594 Report >>16918562 Gah, Carbink is my favourite gen6 mon. I can do Ferrothorn and Skarmory. Ferrothorn has leech seed and Stealth rocks, brave nature. That's probably as good of a deal as I can make
Kyle 0662-3809-4298
>>16918594 Haha can't blame me for trying, right? What about just metagross for skarmory? Metagross has max iv's in attack
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 08:05:23 No. 16918678 Report >>16918629 I think I can settle for just skarmory for Swirlix, actually. Does that sound okay to you?
Kyle 0662-3809-4298
Quoted By:
>>16918678 Hmm I actually really do like my swirlix. Plus i kinda only want to trade gen 6 shinys for other gen 6 shinys. But I'll definitely think about of it.
Kyle 0662-3809-4298
>>16918678 And I know you like your carbink, but I could do my swirlix and metagross for it. If not that's okay
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 08:27:05 No. 16919085 Report >>16918865 I can't let go of my little carbink, even if by all logic I should, given your good offer. I think I can do the metagross for skarmory trade though. I was holding out for the Swirlix, but I'll go with your second offer
Kyle 0662-3809-4298
>>16919085 Okay, cool! I have you added.
And I don't blame you, if I had a carbink id never let it go.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Fri 27 Dec 2013 08:32:55 No. 16919195 Report Quoted By:
>>16919116 awesome, thanks for the Metagross !