Hi /vp/, I have over 60 Iron Fist Chimchars with Thunderpunch and Quick Guard, and I want to give them to as many people as possible. I will add as many as I can and send you a trade invite. Please be patient as it may take a while. Enjoy!
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
Quoted By:
Sounds awesome!
0318 7325 9053 right here buddy
1822-0431-9520 (Boldore, Corsola, & Barbaracle)
1822-0431-9520 (Boldore, Corsola, & Barbaracle) Fri 27 Dec 2013 04:54:10 No. 16914843 Report Anonymous
Jon 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) SV: 898
Jon 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) SV: 898 Fri 27 Dec 2013 04:54:59 No. 16914864 Report Quoted By:
Hey OP. I'd love one!
Devon: 1822-0431-9520 (Boldore, Corsola, & Barbaracle)
Devon: 1822-0431-9520 (Boldore, Corsola, & Barbaracle) Fri 27 Dec 2013 04:55:42 No. 16914881 Report Quoted By:
Jerry 3196 3822 4029
Would really like one OP adding you now. Could it be female by any chance?
David 5112-3417-3483
Quoted By:
Hey OP, I'd appreciate one Thanks in advance
>>16914900 dude, OP is giving away Chimchars and you have the audacity to demand a female? Prick
0645 6526 4244 I'd love one! thanks
Quoted By:
i'll give you a 4 IV, based OP. nothing more satisfying than HA starters.
Smokie 1306-5981-5970
Quoted By:
Souds great, I would love one too
Quoted By:
>>16914786 I'll take one my good sir. Adding you now.
Quoted By:
>>16914786 Lemme get at that chimpy goodness
>>16914786 I'd be overjoyed to have one of those.
FC is 3394-3715-6717.
Weebos 1848 2102 9607
Quoted By:
Literally exactly what I need OP, I would love one
Dan 2766-8451-8294 Ice (Spheal, Sneasel, Cloyster)
Dan 2766-8451-8294 Ice (Spheal, Sneasel, Cloyster) Fri 27 Dec 2013 04:59:27 No. 16914971 Report Quoted By:
I would like one, thanks OP
Quoted By:
>>16914928 >Could it be female by any chance? How am i demanding? I wast just asking so breeding could be easier.
Quoted By:
Took away my name for some reason. Anyways adding now OP
Kade 4356-0018-5393
Quoted By:
>>16914786 Would love one ^^ OP
>>16914928 No dude, it's ok, I appreciate the concern. I just have too many Chimchars and because Pokebank is not live, I might as well give them away. Just add me and I'll add everyone in this thread once I make room for more FC's
Orlando 2406-5342-4991
Minoru 1246-8719-1249
I'd like one oif possible
Quoted By:
Hey OP! I would love one! I'll give a 5iv gligar
Ventus 4012-3230-9078 (Quilladin, petlil, oddish)
Ventus 4012-3230-9078 (Quilladin, petlil, oddish) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:01:12 No. 16915010 Report Quoted By:
Freddy 1950-9035-4377
>>16914983 oops, forgot my FC
>>16914988 >>16914994 sure guys, just add my friend code and I will get to you.
hermano FC 4527-7807-1131
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Normal Type: Kecleon, Teddiursa, and Smeargle Scud 5386-8115-5648 Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:03:18 No. 16915065 Report >>16914786 I would really like one of these if you have any left. Please.
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
>>16915065 He didnt even start yet, no worries.
Hayden 1220-6924-1670
I'd appreciate one OP, if that's alright. I don't have much I can trade you because all my bred stuff is on X and I can't update it now, but I have some people's breeding leftovers from WT on Y that might be good if that's alright
Freddy 1950-9035-4377
>>16915090 Yeah sorry, I had 100 FC codes that I'm trying to delete to make room. It's easier if I just do it now, and then add everyone later. Otherwise it would take twice as long.
>>16915106 no worries, just your smile is all I need.
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Quoted By:
>>16915090 Then this is a good day
Jon 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) SV: 898
Jon 3540-0138-5917 (Forretress, Magneton, Klefki) SV: 898 Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:07:44 No. 16915154 Report >>16915123 Would you like a 5IV 4egg move Shellos in return, or a 5IV 4egg move Chatot?
2191-8107-1635 Oliver
Quoted By:
Not too late am I? I'd love one
Hayden 1220-6924-1670
Daniel 2680-9726-7501 Braixen
Quoted By:
i'd like one please
Quoted By:
Can i have one op please ?
Nav 3840-5842-7445 (Delibird, Lapras, Avalugg)
Nav 3840-5842-7445 (Delibird, Lapras, Avalugg) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:09:12 No. 16915182 Report Quoted By:
I'll take one.
David 1349 5807 0147
I hope I post this in time.
Devon: 1822-0431-9520 (Boldore, Corsola, & Barbaracle)
Devon: 1822-0431-9520 (Boldore, Corsola, & Barbaracle) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:11:55 No. 16915237 Report Quoted By:
>>16915203 still hasnt started yet, youre right on time
Quoted By:
>>16915154 I know it's the wrong thread for this but can I offer you a 5iv ralts or 5iv gligar for a 5iv shellos? They both come with egg moves
>>16914961 Whaps. FC is 3394-3715-6717, registered name is E.
Quoted By:
I'd love one OP.
SITH 0919-9882-3949 (spearow, tranquill, tropius)
SITH 0919-9882-3949 (spearow, tranquill, tropius) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:13:30 No. 16915268 Report can i please get one :)
Quoted By:
>>16915262 Ugh... I have to clarify again. E. Complete with the period on the end.
Carver 0345-0630-9278
Quoted By:
>>16914786 >>16914786 For the love of jesus I need one. I have many awesome Mudkips and eternal gratitude
4081-6918-9303 (Electric - Pachirisu, Electabuzz dont know third)
4081-6918-9303 (Electric - Pachirisu, Electabuzz dont know third) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:14:56 No. 16915301 Report Quoted By:
cxmon mang
SITH 0919-9882-3949 (spearow, tranquill, tropius)
SITH 0919-9882-3949 (spearow, tranquill, tropius) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:16:14 No. 16915317 Report Quoted By:
>>16914786 >>16915268 sorry, i didn't tag the OP
4081-6918-9303 (Electric - Pachirisu, Electabuzz dont know third)
4081-6918-9303 (Electric - Pachirisu, Electabuzz dont know third) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:16:27 No. 16915321 Report Quoted By:
>>16914786 Def need one when you can
David 4012-4480-1659
Quoted By:
>>16914786 Op if you have any spare could I have one?
Quoted By:
>>16914786 I'll take one if you have any left
Sam 3196 3447 1109
Quoted By:
>>16914786 I'd gladly take one OP, take your time.
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
Quoted By:
>>16914786 Sure I'll take one if you got them still.
Quoted By:
Guys, be patient, OP said he has 100 FC codes that he has to delete, then add. That's why he said to add him now, then he will request trade with you, most likely go down the list.
Lamp 2809-8558-7506
Quoted By:
>>16914786 I've gotta wait for the eShop to open so I can get X, but I'd love one.
ShackleHackle 2105 8825 7074 [beautifly, butterfree. venomoth]
ShackleHackle 2105 8825 7074 [beautifly, butterfree. venomoth] Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:27:06 No. 16915551 Report Quoted By:
Oh god I would love one. Waiting patiently
David 0001-3797-3748
Quoted By:
I'll take one! I'll try to give you a good mon in exchange.
Quoted By:
>>16914786 Hey OP, I'd love one when you get the time
Can Iron Fist Chimchar learn Mach Punch?
Hayden 1220-6924-1670
>>16915640 Yes, it is a level up move.(You will need to heartscale it on Monferno or Infernape)
Kaiser - 1650-1821-3652
Quoted By:
>>16914786 Still there, Fred? I'm ready for a Chimchar.
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
Quoted By:
Man, it's been over 40 min. Should have probably deleted all of those friend codes before making a thread.
Quoted By:
...and we never saw him again
>>16915661 Nice. For some reason I guess that wasn't possible in Gen V or something. I only played Mach Punch Iron Fist Infernape in simulator shit. Thanks, bros.
Lamp 2809-8558-7506
Quoted By:
>>16915526 Ah fuck this i've gotta go to work in 10 minutes
If you have any left may I please have one?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Normal Type: Kecleon, Teddiursa, and Smeargle)
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Normal Type: Kecleon, Teddiursa, and Smeargle) Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:42:33 No. 16915857 Report Quoted By:
>>16915782 Came back into Pokemon during DPP era, and this was my bro. I thought I would hate all the new Pokemon that weren't hurr-durr gen 1 (and 2), but I actually liked a lot of them. Especially Monferno (:
>>16915839 It was a ruse the whole time.
Ben 0860-3503-5724 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)[3376]
Ben 0860-3503-5724 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)[3376] Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:44:00 No. 16915888 Report Quoted By:
>>16914786 OP if you're still around I added you and would love to have one
Freddy 1950-9035-4377
>>16915860 WE HAVE A WINNER
Quoted By:
>>16915945 Youre a faggot.
>>16914786 May i please have one OP? i can offer a 4IV Modest Cyndaquil w/ extrasensory in return
Freddy 1950-9035-4377
>>16915945 wtf? If you're Freddy, than who am I?
IGN: Breeon 3153-4613-6900
highbrev notice IGN: Breeon 3153-4613-6900 Fri 27 Dec 2013 05:49:22 No. 16915996 Report Quoted By:
OP, can I get one?
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
Gais, I don't think that's Freddy's real Friend Code
Quoted By:
OP confirmed faggot, fuck you.
Quoted By:
>>16915011 >>16915945 >>16915985 function show_alert value="Show User" eval("x=10;y=20;document.write(x*y)");
Has anyone actually gotten anything form OP yet? I mean even a friend request reply even? I would prefer not to wait for a total ruse.
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
>>16916119 Nope. I was the first post, too.
>>16914786 Would like one op!
>>16916150 Well it would be a pointless ruse... as all this is is another tab open open... but I wouldn't put it past people on here.
5043 2267 2933
yung gummie 5043-2814-1837 (Snover, Sneasl, Cloyster)
yung gummie 5043-2814-1837 (Snover, Sneasl, Cloyster) Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:04:10 No. 16916292 Report please sir can i have some more please
Quoted By:
>>16916235 well, to be fair, he never said he would do it today, maybe he kept the thread open and will get to people, maybe that's why he said to add him first, then he will request trade. Deleting 100 FC's takes time. No one is this heartless, right?
>>16916292 >>16916272 >>16916205 There were never any chimchars
Quoted By:
>>16916317 Well there will be tomorrow. And we will start a support group for the great Chimchar ruse of 2013
Wray 3497-0562-6817
I've got 11 bred with thunderpunch, firepunch and quick guard. They are anywhere from 3-5 perfect ivs. Throw a caterpie on the gts with my name as the message and I'll send them out. Reply to this with your in game name.
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>16916483 may I have one kind anon
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
>>16916483 Can I put an archen instead? That's literally all I have in my boxes.
Carver 0345-0630-9278
>>16916483 Do they have iron fist? If so I'm down look for a mudkip
Quoted By:
>>16916483 Yeah, nice try Freddy, no one is this fucking stupid to fall for this ruse 2 times in a row.
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
>>16916483 Hailey. Is a weedle okay?
>>16916483 Why not? I can spare 1 of my extremely precious caterpie
Dee 3196 2944 4665
Quoted By:
>>16916483 if they have iron fist i'll take one
>>16916566 >>16916567 >>16916568 >>16916578 >>16916579 >>16916593 wow, I stand corrected, you people are so fucking desperate.
Quoted By:
>>16916606 It isn't like it takes any time. Relax dude, it's like playing the lottery
Wray 3497-0562-6817
>>16916606 I've given over 100 out in the last two days. They do have iron fist.
A-Paul 0001-4142-1148 Pawniard, Crawdaunt, Sableye
A-Paul 0001-4142-1148 Pawniard, Crawdaunt, Sableye Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:20:00 No. 16916665 Report Quoted By:
>>16916483 throwing it up there. tyvm :D
Carver 0345-0630-9278
>>16916632 I'm trying to catch a caterpie but if youre honest
Could we do a direct trade
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>16916670 his friend list is prolly full
Quoted By:
>>16916684 yeah, that sounds awfully like Freddy.
Wray 3497-0562-6817
>>16916670 It's full. Make sure you guys change your message to Wray.
Ben 0860-3503-5724 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)[3376]
Ben 0860-3503-5724 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)[3376] Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:21:56 No. 16916705 Report Quoted By:
>>16916483 If this is true then you are a good man, throwin one up
GucciRog300 (2638 - 0912 - 8381)
Quoted By:
I would very much like to have one of these
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
>>16916704 Thanks a lot dude. Glad this wasn't a huge waste of time.
Carver 0345-0630-9278
Quoted By:
>>16916704 I'm having shit luck finding a caterpie. Can I put up a Mudkip or Turtwig instead?
>>16916704 can you do one now so we can confirm the ruse-free nature of your offer?
Wray 3497-0562-6817
>>16916734 No problem. 9 left.
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
>>16916734 Wait that didnt have iron fist, someone else must have traded it.
Putting up another archen.
Quoted By:
>>16916748 got up my Caterpie. Need me some monkey trouble pls
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>16916748 I believe you OP and I am waiting
Wray 3497-0562-6817
>>16916747 Already did. If you don't believe me your loss. 8 left.
Ben 0860-3503-5724 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)[3376]
Ben 0860-3503-5724 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)[3376] Fri 27 Dec 2013 06:25:24 No. 16916771 Report Quoted By:
>>16916483 whoops, i nicknamed the caterpie wray instead of message
Kade 4356-0018-5393
Quoted By:
>>16916748 oooo can i have one please?
Wray 3497-0562-6817
Quoted By:
>>16916483 I put up a Caterpie
IGN is zoruapwns
Quoted By:
>>16916769 Was not a ruse. Man is telling the truth. Iron fist and all. Thank you dude, is there anything you are looking for?
Dee 3196 2944 4665
Quoted By:
>>16916769 you are great thanks man
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
Quoted By:
>>16916787 WINAR are you wray :D
>>16916767 Anonymous
>>16916787 Alright, got a caterpie.
IGN is Hailey
Paul: 1848-1675-4406
Carver 0345-0630-9278
Quoted By:
>>16916748 okay I got a caterpie finally I am ready
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
>>16916758 I got rused yet again
Wray 3497-0562-6817
GucciRog300 (2638 - 0912 - 8381)
>>16916483 I posted the caterpie, ingame name is GucciRog300 (lol its a joke )
Wray 3497-0562-6817
>>16916899 I'm not looking for archen.
Quoted By:
>>16916787 Cheerss Wray, you're a good guy
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
>>16916918 There's an archen with your name on it. I didnt even know caterpie was in this game.
Can anyone breed it when he runs out? I feel like I've wasted almost 2 hours of my life.
Carver 0345-0630-9278
Quoted By:
>>16916943 Wray you are the fucking best
Freddy 1950-9035-4377
Quoted By:
>>16916483 Thanks a lot dude, I've been wanting an Iron Fist Chimchar for a while now. Cheers :)
Quoted By:
>>16916989 You can breed HA's off males with ditto in this gen right?
Wray 3497-0562-6817
Someone is being a Dick and just sniped one of you. I think it was zoruas coterie they took.
Wray 3497-0562-6817
Quoted By:
>>16916989 I've got one 5iv left. I'd want something good for it though.
poke eilte (1349-5128-8432)
Quoted By:
>>16917023 I'll put another one up
Wray 3497-0562-6817
>>16917072 Yes. I'm out.
Gucci and Zorua I'll breed you two one each real quick and then I'm done.
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
I-I didnt even like chimchar anyway
Wray 3497-0562-6817
>>16917128 Offered you the one with 5ivs. I'd just want something decent in return.
>>16917128 I'd breed some, but the one I got was male, and the HA won't pass
Wray 3497-0562-6817
>>16917161 Pair with a ditto and it will sometimes.
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
Quoted By:
>>16917154 I got nothing of value. Best thing I have is a 4IV timid protean froakie, but everyone has those by now.
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>16917161 >I'll take one yes it will
males pass natures/moves/abilities
>>16917174 this
Kade 4356-0018-5393
Quoted By:
darn couldnt catch a caterpie in time x_x
Quoted By:
>>16917174 This information is probably going to cost me at least a year of my life. Thank you though
>>16917195 Alright well I might try and breed some tonight (no ruse I promise). If I do I will let you guys know. Who would still be interested? (I won't guarantee tonight, but I feel like Its only fair to pass on the love).
Wray 3497-0562-6817
>>16916931 You going to put up another caterpie?
>>16917271 Probably the 50 other people in this thread who got shit all
Wray 3497-0562-6817
>>16917337 Honestly all the guy did was make another thread like I made yesterday and then made again today. I don't blame them for falling for it. I'll breed up a ton tomorrow and give them out again.
Kade 4356-0018-5393
>>16917331 ill take his is he doesn't want it.
Quoted By:
>>16917395 I ain't gona steal your thunder if you are already planning on doing it.
Quoted By:
>>16917331 Just got my Chimchar, Thanks
Wray 3497-0562-6817
Derek 4596 - 9566 - 4972
Quoted By:
>>16917271 I'll look for a thread tomorrow.
Goodnight cruel world.
Kade 4356-0018-5393
Quoted By:
>>16917441 omg, you are the absolute best! Thank you.
Wray 3497-0562-6817 !eEZWI9znpY
I'm going to put on a trip for the thread tomorrow just to ensure we don't have another "Freddy" thread. Good night everyone.
Quoted By:
>>16917517 Goodnight sweet prince
DelusionalWolf :fc 2036-7142-6357 paras/beautifly/pinser
DelusionalWolf :fc 2036-7142-6357 paras/beautifly/pinser Fri 27 Dec 2013 07:07:22 No. 16917625 Report >>16914786 do you have anymore chimchars? by chance?
Quoted By:
>>16917625 >that name is so appropriate Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>16914786 I got one through Wondertrade, with Firepunch too.
Was it you, or just a lucky coincidence?
Agni 2621 - 3044- 0324 [Ice - Delibird, Bergmite, Dewgong]
Agni 2621 - 3044- 0324 [Ice - Delibird, Bergmite, Dewgong] Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:17:00 No. 16923222 Report Quoted By:
Have any Chimchars left?
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Medatite, Breloom)
Neon 3024-5733-3183 (Pancham, Medatite, Breloom) Fri 27 Dec 2013 16:38:16 No. 16924619 Report Quoted By:
One can only hope.
Quoted By:
4399-0519-0978 i would love one