IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
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I'm currently still missing HA Mudkips and Piplups. I can offer other HA starters except for ones that haven't been released officially.
Sonja 4038-6331-9328(Cascoon,Garbodor,Muk)
Sonja 4038-6331-9328(Cascoon,Garbodor,Muk) Fri 27 Dec 2013 10:20:10 No. 16920542 Report IGN is Sonja
Put a luvdisc up and I'm looking for a bunny. ign is Jacob. I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me out.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16920542 What is it are you looking for? I'll try breeding for 'em if I can. Can I add you for your safari btw?
Sonja 4038-6331-9328(Cascoon,Garbodor,Muk)
Sonja 4038-6331-9328(Cascoon,Garbodor,Muk) Fri 27 Dec 2013 10:26:14 No. 16920610 Report >>16920590 oshawott, and sure
Quoted By:
>>16920559 Thanks to whoever traded me
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16920610 Added and Oshawott sent. Gonna be breeding Misdreavus for now while the thread builds up
Sonja 4038-6331-9328(Cascoon,Garbodor,Muk)
Sonja 4038-6331-9328(Cascoon,Garbodor,Muk) Fri 27 Dec 2013 10:30:33 No. 16920651 Report Quoted By:
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Well, my internet is being an unstable piece of shit again, but I'll try my best. Can breed any regular breedable bank mon and the following HA starters: Unburden Treecko, Iron Fist Chimchar, Shell Armor Turtwig. What I've got ready:1x Shell Armor Turtwig, 2x Overgrow Turtwig, 4x Overgrow Treecko (1 female), 1x Unburden Treecko, 1x Koffing, 1x Mudkip, 1x Bouffalant. Please take them, I'm almost out of box space ;_;
>>16920662 can I disc shell armour?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>16920694 Yeah, just give me your IGN.
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365 Fri 27 Dec 2013 10:35:03 No. 16920705 Report >>16920662 fuck forgot stupid email feild
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16920705 Set up the disc and I'll send it over.
IGN Brian 5300 - 9586 - 9063
>>16920662 Could I get that Koffing? Putting up a disc now thanks
Shura 2750-1424-2684
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365 Fri 27 Dec 2013 10:39:45 No. 16920747 Report >>16920724 Sorry, 3ds took forever to connect, the disc is up now
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16920747 Sent yours too.
Anyone else?
IGN Brian 5300 - 9586 - 9063
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN : Marco
>>16920662 I'll grab that bouffalant thank you
Daniel 2680-9726-7501 Braixen
Quoted By:
put up a luvdisc for a porygon, thanks
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Anyone happen to have ES Dratini? IV/Nature/Gender doesn't matter. I just need a slate to start with. In the meantime, I have some Misdreavus ready for those putting up discs for one. Just leave your IGN so I can fork some over
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16920662 Can I disc an overgrow Turtwig?
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365 Fri 27 Dec 2013 10:58:31 No. 16920948 Report Quoted By:
>>16920862 Putting a disc up for one of those QTs
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16920937 Yeah, set it up and I'll send it over.
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill)
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill) Fri 27 Dec 2013 11:00:53 No. 16920970 Report Coming over from my glameow thread. Anyone want left over glameows? Still looking for Chikorita Elgyem Tynamo Frillish Cottenee Baltoy Rattata
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16920937 Sent.
Just got a Sinnoh Hoothoot from a Jap on WT. Any reason for me to keep it?
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16920970 I can get to any of these if you need 'em. Just make a post on what you're looking for and put a disc for it. I'll get to it asap.
Chris 1392-4275-3204
>>16920862 giving you that marvel scale dratini. may i get a misdreavus in return?
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill)
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill) Fri 27 Dec 2013 11:08:55 No. 16921029 Report Quoted By:
>>16921014 >16921014 Ah alright I understand. Sorry i mistook the point of the thread. Many thanks will do so.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921008 Not sure tbh. It seems JP gets exclusivity of Pokémon Bank, those who downloaded it already anyway...
Also Chris, thanks for the Dratini. I got a bit confused about the trade offer haha.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921022 I've missed that memo on the Misdreavus. I could still give you one if you're up for it
Chris 1392-4275-3204
>>16921032 Ahhhhh misdreavus! Haha thanks much!
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>16921043 You don't happen to have an Extremespeed Dratini would you? Haha. I got pretty confused about the Dratini trade and assumed as such. It's cool if you don't. Just enjoy the Misdreavus. :)
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Hello again guys. I have some new pokemon tonight to share with those who need them. I also need a few myself. I have: - Mudkips (FUCKTONS OF MUDKIPS. Most with 3+ IVs on them. Most with avalanche and yawn) - Chikoritas - Snivys - Tepigs - Buneary - Chimchar - Cyndaquil - Totodile I need: - Mismagius - Cottonee - Darumaka - Piplup - Oshawott - Turtwig - Slakoth - Ratata Priority will be given to those who can send me something in return, or to those who want mudkips (because I have so fucking many of them). I'll try to get to as many people as I can though. Reply if you need something!
Quoted By:
>>16921036 You still doing the Misdreavus?
I got a disc up if yes
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921065 Do your Mudkips happen to have HA? I don't mind breeding for most of the ones you're missing. I can breed pretty much what you've listed if you gave me some time.
Also, I'll give you a Misdreavus but not a Mismagius lol. It's pretty troublesome getting a Dusk stone while fulfilling the lists
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN : Marco
>>16921065 I can give you rattata and cottonee. I don't really need anything you have, but I'll take a mudkip
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921032 It appears to have no bank only moves, so it's heading to the trash unless someone wants it because it's bank.
Still have:1x Overgrow Turtwig, 4x Overgrow Treecko (1 female), 1x Unburden Treecko, 1x Mudkip.
I'm trying to clear up some box space, but if people need something bred, I can get started on that while I do. Can breed any regular breedable bank mon and the following HA starters: Unburden Treecko, Iron Fist Chimchar, Shell Armor Turtwig
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16920970 Could I possibly get a glameow? I can put up a disc for it. I can also send you a chikorita if you put up a disc in return. :)
>>16921081 Unfortunately they don't have their HA:(
>>16921090 That would be wonderful. I can send a 4IV male or a lower IV female your way if you'd like
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>16921110 That's alright. Just put up a disc of whatever it is you're looking for. I'll just try to get to it ASAP. I'm sure people will help fill the missing bank.
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill)
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill) Fri 27 Dec 2013 11:21:54 No. 16921123 Report >>16920970 Alright have a disc out for elgyem, hopefully get a trade for it tomorrow. Dead tired now so will head out for the night but will try to be more helpful in these threads tomorrow.
>>16921110 Oh sure ya I can do this quick before i head out. Send a disc and ill do the same
>>16921092 I would love a mudkip, putting a disc up anon.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921123 I'll put up my disc now for the glameow :) TYVM I'll look out for your chikorita disc
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill)
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill) Fri 27 Dec 2013 11:24:19 No. 16921135 Report >>16921123 Huh...i cant see Chikorita in the options under the C...
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN : Marco
>>16921110 Thank you, my mons have no IV at all though. I'm adding you
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921135 You need to type it manually by choosing "What Pokémon" while doing the search
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>16921135 You have to go to the very bottom of the letter selection and you'll see something like "What pokemon" and you have to manually type it in if you haven't seen the mon yet
>>16921136 That's absolutely fine. It may take me a moment to add you
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill)
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill) Fri 27 Dec 2013 11:26:14 No. 16921150 Report >>16921141 Thanks.
>>16921134 Sorry will put my disc up in a moment.
I need a chikorita please. IGN Andrew. My disc is up now. :D
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>16921127 I can, but
>>16921065 has a lot nicer ones if you'd prefer one of them.
>>16921065 Oh, I have a luvdisc up for mudkip! Can I have one anon?
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill)
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill) Fri 27 Dec 2013 11:28:57 No. 16921165 Report >>16921150 Its up. After im gonna put one for elgyem back up then probably head out for the night.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921165 I have an Elgyem ready for you if you wanna just do a direct trade
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
I'll try to get the people I see asking for stuff.
>>16921150 Also, chiko sent
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill)
Magcarbro 3695-0579-1062 ING: Topple (Ferroseed, Fortress, Excadrill) Fri 27 Dec 2013 11:30:36 No. 16921175 Report Quoted By:
>>16921172 Awesome. Give me a moment or two and I will offer you a trade
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>16921136 Ok, I'm going to add you now. Still going to send you a nice mudkip :B
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 - Pancham, Mienfoo, Riolu
Chard - 1822 0252 7039 - Pancham, Mienfoo, Riolu Fri 27 Dec 2013 11:33:15 No. 16921192 Report I not sure I fully understand this thread (I'm literally seeing it for the first time); Is this supposed to be a more efficient way of obtaining the X/Y unobtainables compared to using GTS or /vp/ 's WiFi general thread? Why Luvdisc? Does it need to be holding a heart scale? Sorry for the ignorant noob questions
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921192 Think of it as basically a way for people to share and give people a chance to get the mons they want. You just post a Luvdisc on the GTS named "vp" then ask for what you want.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN : Marco
>>16921173 Somehow you popped into my passerby list. Do you also want Misdreavus?
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921205 That would be great.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN : Marco
>>16921208 Anything else? Got some Phiones
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>16921198 Posting here will be easier to discuss with people what you want and be easier to find your over the GTS if ever.
I've gotten quite a few breedable bank mons save for a selected few thanks to these threads and I'm helping out my breeding more of what people want the most
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>16921220 Oh wow, you're really making my night. One would be great. I'll send you over a 5IV ponyta for your help
I put up a disc for a Treeco. I hope some anon can give me my final Hoennmon. Thanks for mudkip anon I love you.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>16921220 Thanks so much :)
To all others that I may have missed before, I'm still available for the next hour or so to give out mons via discs on the GTS or via FC.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921237 Did you want one with Unburden, or just an Overgrow one? Either way, what's your IGN?
Clinton: 4468-1422-4591
Just put up a Disc for Chikorita I need it for my last Johto starter
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921159 Did I get you or did I miss you? There were a few people on the GTS asking for kips and I sent them off. I can always send another if you tell me your IGN
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921252 It's Ozai.
Either is fine, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>16921256 I got one anon, thank you.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>16921153 Chiko also sent
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921269 Don't see you. Did you get one? Otherwise, check that you spelled Treecko right.
Alex (IGN Helios) 3497-0835-5015 steel (ferroseed, forretress, excadrill)
Alex (IGN Helios) 3497-0835-5015 steel (ferroseed, forretress, excadrill) Fri 27 Dec 2013 11:48:32 No. 16921298 Report Replying for a HA Treecko. I have already put the disc on the GTS. I would appreciate it so much
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921297 Rofl I'm an idiot.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921065 Updating my list:
>I have: >- Mudkips (FUCKTONS OF MUDKIPS. Most with 3+ IVs on them. Most with avalanche and yawn) >- Chikoritas (2 Left) >- Snivys (3 Left) >- Tepigs (1 Left) >- Buneary (2 Left) >- Chimchar (3 Left) >- Cyndaquil (3 Left) >- Totodile (3 Left) NOW BREEDING:
>I need: >- Piplup >- Oshawott >- Turtwig >- Slakoth - Meowth
>>16921297 Alright, I put one up with the right name now.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921337 Sent
>>16921336 I still have a Turtwig left if you want it. It's Overgrow, though.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921336 I'll get you an Oshawott and Slakoth in a bit. Gonna be taking a break for a while since I've been doing this since morning haha. Need to pass the torch to someone else being really active with this.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921353 That would be great. Can I get you anything in return?
>>16921358 Thanks so much and take your time. I appreciate it. Do you need anything?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921366 I've already got everything, so just set up a disc.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>16921372 Thanks again. Doing that now. IGN is Liziilla
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921366 Not at the moment unless someone happens to have Stantler or some really elusive breedable bank mon haha. I'm also looking for an ES Dratini so we can expand the variety of bank mons we can pass around. I'll be breeding for HA Piplups when I get back since I finally managed to luck out on one on the GTS.
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I have a NAIVE disc up for a totodile, but it has a heart scale and a heart container and it's extra special.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921329 Just sent you a totodile
>>16921388 This idiot thanks you.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921379 >HA Piplup Hot damn. That would be awesome. Now all we're missing is HA Mudkip.
I can breed Stantler. What other elusive mons were you talking about?
I might actually have an ES Dratini. I vaguely remember one from a previous thread. Let me see if I can find it in. I finally freed up some box space, so I can breed again.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
>>16921336 Got Meowth if you want.
Actually a got a couple for anyone who wants 'em
I don't understand how does this work, I put on GTS a Luvdisc named VP and I get a Pokébank mon?But how can you have Pokébank mons, people in the other thread said that it's not up yet ;_;
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921428 I'm actually getting to that and hopefully I'll be able to complete the missing HA starters. Will appreciate both if ever.
I'll have to check my list to make sure what breedable bank mons I'm still missing tbh.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921432 Sorry about the trade- my egg started to hatch when you popped out.
If you could send me one, I'll breed the ever loving shit out of it and love it forever. Meowth is my favorite mon <3
what does "HA" starter means?
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921439 Well... some anons have it traded from JP players or own an imported 3DS when it came out. So there're some availability thanks to the community passing them around for free.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
>>16921443 Anything else? Slakoth?
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921449 HA stands for Hidden Ability. They're only available from Dream World so they can be rather elusive save for the ones that got widespread already like Iron Fist Chimchar
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921353 Thanks for the turtwig :)
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921439 Pretty much. But telling us in the thread what you want and your IGN helps quite a bit.
Japan got Bank a few days ago, these are from what they transferred.
>>16921441 Sweet, let me know what you still need whenever you can.
Quoted By:
>>16921467 I see. Thank you.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921473 Got your Oshawott ready if you've posted it up on the GTS. In the process of hatching Slakoth as well.
>>16921452 Thanks Howell
So it do is down in the US or in Europe?
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>16921466 Thank you so much! I have a lot of breeding projects to do now :)
>>16921480 You're awesome. Gambler1 was nice enough to send me a slakoth, so a piplup would be good. Putting up a disc now
>>16921336 I put up a disc for a snivy, anon. I think it has a heart scale for you as a compensation for the trouble.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921483 For US and Europe, it's delayed and doesn't have a release date right now. It's pretty unfortunate since I was pretty prepared for completing my National Dex when it comes out but what can you do...
>>16921475 ES Dratini and Stantler are on the top of my head so if you have either, I would highly appreciate them! :)
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921480 Shit, I misread that. I accidentally asked for a piplup. Going to take my disc down and ask for the oshawott now
>>16921503 What a shame. Do you know if some Japbro managed to pass through hacked mons?
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921506 Haha, it's alright. I won't have Piplups ready till much later though. Gonna take a dinner break and continue this in probably an hour or 2. Just leaving as much as I can to get people going with their sharing
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921510 Well... I wouldn't doubt it but even if that were the case, I doubt we'd be getting a share of them haha.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921503 Hatching Stantler, and I found the Dratini. I'm leveling it a bit first so it keeps it's awesome egg moves.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921523 Yea but if they could, when they release Pokébank here I can too ahah
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921524 Much appreciated friend! I'll put up a disc asking for Stantler before I attend to dinner. I'll just check back on the ES Dratini later. :D
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921515 Just got the oshawott. Thanks again :)
bkah (IGN:Skellington) 1607-2786-0614 (Gogoat, Oddish, Sawsbuck)
bkah (IGN:Skellington) 1607-2786-0614 (Gogoat, Oddish, Sawsbuck) Fri 27 Dec 2013 12:21:44 No. 16921557 Report Just put a disc up for Porygon.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>16921534 Pretty sure someone with a Jap 3DS already made a thread about the hack check system.
>>16918653 >>16921537 Sounds good, I'll send it along shortly.
Quoted By:
Putting up a disc for tepig. Then I'm gonna start breeding them for you guys so I can help as well.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921541 >>16921557 Yer welcome!
I'll be gone for an hour or so but I'll get started on those HA Piplup as soon as I'm back. Enjoy your mons /vp/!
Jess FC: 5026-4518-5921 (IGN: Zero) (FS: Magneton, Klang, Excadrill,)
Jess FC: 5026-4518-5921 (IGN: Zero) (FS: Magneton, Klang, Excadrill,) Fri 27 Dec 2013 12:25:59 No. 16921583 Report Can I get a Treeko?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921583 I only have Overgrow Treecko hatched right now, but if that's fine, then go ahead and set up the disc.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
Im in the process of breeding some mons, so I'm not sending anything out at the moment. I'll post up an updated list when I'm ready again
Jess FC: 5026-4518-5921 (IGN: Zero) (FS: Magneton, Klang, Excadrill,)
Jess FC: 5026-4518-5921 (IGN: Zero) (FS: Magneton, Klang, Excadrill,) Fri 27 Dec 2013 12:29:21 No. 16921599 Report >>16921590 That's fine guy, thanks a bundle.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
Taking a break from cycling for a bit. I have: 3 Tepig 3 Misdreavus 1 Phione 1 Feebas 3 Chimchar 3 Totodile 3 Rattata 3 Meowth 1 Cottonee 2 Elgyem 1 Baltoy 5 Cherubi 5 Tynamo 5 Koffing 3 Slakoth 5 Piplup 1 Oshawott 1 Cyndaquil Help me make room in them boxes, disc up and reply with IGN!
>>16921605 I would love a meowth! Putting up a disc in a sec.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
IGN: Shane 3926-5563-3713
put up a disc for tepig, i'd be breeding heaps to trade/wonder trade out.
bkah (IGN:Skellington) 1607-2786-0614 (Gogoat, Oddish, Sawsbuck)
bkah (IGN:Skellington) 1607-2786-0614 (Gogoat, Oddish, Sawsbuck) Fri 27 Dec 2013 12:33:41 No. 16921628 Report >>16921605 I've got a disc up for chimchar, thank you in advance!
just put up luvdisc for a porygon, trainer name is Jake. thanks in advanced to whoever trades.
Brandon 5429 8138 0332
>>16921605 Throwing up a disc for Totodile. I added you.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
bkah (IGN:Skellington) 1607-2786-0614 (Gogoat, Oddish, Sawsbuck)
bkah (IGN:Skellington) 1607-2786-0614 (Gogoat, Oddish, Sawsbuck) Fri 27 Dec 2013 12:39:29 No. 16921663 Report >>16921569 So i'm looking at this Porygon you sent over right now, and I just realized something.
I have no idea what moveset I should use for it. Should it be a Porygon-Z or a Porygon 2? Any recommendations?
Brandon 5429 8138 0332
>>16921657 Thanks a lot. This GTS thing you guys are doing is a fantastic idea, but I haven't even seen Totodile!
IGN Brian 5300 - 9586 - 9063
>>16921605 Could I get that Baltoy?
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921663 I don't have enough experience to help you out on that sadly. You'll have to consult some guides regarding its usage.
>>16921688 The starters are just on the slow side right now since they were abundant yesterday I think and people are trying to fill the gaps completing the breedable bank mons. I'm sure someone will help you out in getting one. :)
Brandon 5429 8138 0332
Quoted By:
>>16921706 Love you, bro. <3
IGN: Shane 3926-5563-3713
Quoted By:
>>16921657 Thank you kindly!
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
>>16921703 Can't find your disc, could you take it back and up agaon?
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
>>16921703 >>16921743 Nevermind, Baltoy was sent
IGN Brian 5300 - 9586 - 9063
Haendy (IGN : Rinslet) - 1118-0368-3899
>>16921605 can i have tepig? the disk is up yo
IGN: Shane 3926-5563-3713
putting up one more disc for a piplup.
Eric 1650 1682 5916
First time doing this since the eshop was down. I put a Luvdisc up for a Mudkip, IGN Eric
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
>>16921852 >>16921839 Delivered.
Anyone has Glameow/Frillish/Castform/Kricketot/Finneon?
It's all I'm missing
Jen 2363-5698-3761
Quoted By:
I put a disc up for a Glameow. Whoever gave me a Totodile yesterday, thanks!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921883 I've got all of those, but I'm tied up breeding ES Dratini right now. Maybe I'll switch over in a bit if no one else can help you.
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921883 I can send you a glameow :)
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
>>16921928 Great! What do you need? Is Piplup good?
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>16921883 Could I possibly get a tynamo and/or a feebas from you in return? :)
Quoted By:
>>16921634 Howell you beautifull bastard, I will suck your dick any time
Haendy (IGN : Rinslet) - 1118-0368-3899
>>16921882 cek your GTS again, the mudkip is ready
>>16921883 many thx
doesnt have that pokemon that you listed
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>16921943 Thanks again! Could you still spare a piplup? I can give you another 4 or 5IV mon in return
wondering if I can get a piplup just put up luvdisc IGN is Tundra
Eduardo 5257-9652-1068 {3081} - Wartortle, Panpour, Poliwhirl.
Eduardo 5257-9652-1068 {3081} - Wartortle, Panpour, Poliwhirl. Fri 27 Dec 2013 13:16:07 No. 16921975 Report Quoted By:
4ivs Unaware Quagsire with Ice Punch .HP, Atk, Def and S.Def I'm willing to give a 5iv Eevee with 4 egg moves or a 5iv Zubat with 2 egg moves, it's the best that I have to offer.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921925 Thanks for the Stantler Shura. I'll post another disc up for an ES Dratini if you don't mind.
I'll get to breeding HA Piplup unless someone else had something in mind. I'm only missing Krikekot as a breedable bank mon I think
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
>>16921943 Thanks again! You're super duper awesome dude
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Fri 27 Dec 2013 13:17:47 No. 16921986 Report Quoted By:
Putting up a Disc for HA Piplup please IGN: Noah
Eric 1650 1682 5916
Quoted By:
>>16921964 Thanks a million!
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
Quoted By:
>>16921970 I'm on it
>>16921981 You're welcome!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16921976 Just hatched a few, would you prefer a male or female? All of them are Adamant and have Marvel Scale so far, and hopefully got some nice IVs from their parents.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16921997 I'll accept a male since I'm pretty anal with the Pokéball haha. I already have a female Dragonite ready for breeding that I got from the Safari
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16922019 Sent him.
I've got three more, all female, and all with Marvel Scale if anyone wants an ES Dratini.
Should I keep breeding these, or switch to something else?
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>16922062 Much appreciated Shura! I'll just drop one more disc to hopefully get a Kriketot. I'll be on all night to breed bank mons to giveaway so hold tight!
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
>>16922062 Pleease do Castform
[Sherie] 1822-0223-6189
Quoted By:
I've put up a disc for totodile, Thanks in advance!
>>16921997 can I get an ES dratini just put luvdisc up ign is Tundra
Haendy (IGN : Rinslet) - 1118-0368-3899
>>16922062 can i have it dratini female, many thx
Quoted By:
is Seed Bomb the best move for cherubi if so I might start breeding Seed Bomb Cherubi to trade off
Quoted By:
I just put up a Luvdisc, looking for a Totodile. Secret Santa will be hugged.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16922092 Put it in the Daycare.
>>16922146 >>16922147 Alright, I'll get these in a moment.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
Just finished hatching Buneary and Stantler.
Also, most of this
>>16921605 is still in my boxes. Next up is Darumaka
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Current extra mons for sharing: 2 Iron Fist Chimchar (Fake Out+Elem Punches) 2 Buneary (Elem Punches) 5 Porygon Slakoth 2 Elgyem 2 Oshawott Mudkip What I'm looking for: Kriketot I'll proceed to breeding Defiant Piplup tonight and share to whoever wants one. Don't forget to name your Luvdisc "vp" and leave a post so I know who I'm giving to!
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
>>16922219 Sure, disc it up. IGN?
Quoted By:
To whomever sent me that Totodile - come here and let me hug you.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
Quoted By:
>>16922260 In Game Name. Something to help me recognise you in the billions of Luvdiscs on GTS
Shura 2750-1424-2684
So I've got some really nice news: I found someone with a Damp Mudkip, and traded for one. I'll put it in the Daycare and get them out ASAP.
>>16922281 >Damp I take it its a good thing?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>16922284 It's the last released HA starter we needed.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>16922281 Lol will appreciating splitting the work! xD
I'm busy with Defiant Piplup right now. Even though I completed the starter set, it'll be hard breeding for those who want their starter bros.
Quoted By:
Any chance someone out there is breeding Lugias?
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Fri 27 Dec 2013 13:51:04 No. 16922303 Report I've got: 1 Treecko 1 Elgyem 3 Cottonee 1 Snivy 2 Slakoth 3 Porygon 1 Mudkip 1 Totodile 2 Misdreavus 2 Glameow 4 Cherubi 2 Kricketot None of them are anything special, but if you just need the species, leave a reply and I'll get to your Luvdisc.
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Fri 27 Dec 2013 13:52:07 No. 16922313 Report Quoted By:
>>16922303 And also 6 Yamask.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
>>16922303 My D
isc is ready for Kricketot
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16922303 Oh, please fill a Kricketot for me if possible. I'll have to fix the one I put up on the GTS. Seems I misspelled it...
>>16922303 I need a Cherubi, a Glameow and a Kricketot, will put one up for Kricketot.
Also, I have 4 Finneons
>>16922303 Could i get the treecko? I need to catch a luvdisc wait pls. Ign is Stefano. Thanks man
Quoted By:
Just put up a Luvdisc named /vp/ for a Totodile. Any Totdile is fine with me. IGN is Josh. Thanks bros.
Quoted By:
IGN is Tundra and I'm looking for a Baltoy putting up luvdisc in a moment
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>Finally gets started on Piplup breeding. >Put in HA Piplup and Ditto at daycare. >First 2 hatchlings have Torrent. ;_;
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Fri 27 Dec 2013 13:56:35 No. 16922346 Report >>16922324 Both Kricketot are already claimed and gone, sorry man.
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Fri 27 Dec 2013 13:57:07 No. 16922353 Report >>16922338 would you be so kind to trade me a HA Piplup?
here's what I have
>>16922249 IGN: Elpes
>>16922346 Will put one for Glameow, then.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16922353 I'll take a Gligar if you're alright with that. I can't insure the IVs though but the Piplup I got has a decent spread so it might work toward your favor.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16922338 >First hatch is a Damp female >Second is Damp male I'll try to send some luck your way, dude
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:00:33 No. 16922391 Report >>16922368 yeah, sure.
Am i asking too much if I say Id' like a female?
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:00:55 No. 16922394 Report IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16922391 No prob but the nature is randomized though. I haven't gone for an Everstone since this is pretty much a giveaway project.
Haendy (IGN : Rinslet) - 1118-0368-3899
Quoted By:
>>16922178 thx for dratini
Quoted By:
>>16922394 Thanks man it's up.
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:06:08 No. 16922444 Report >>16922412 sure, I just need it to be female and with its HA
>>16922178 wait you have an extrem speed dratini?!
pls can I have one?
>>16922444 >pls can I have one? Also reporting my interest.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16922444 Sure. I've only got two left, though. A Marvel Scale female and a Shed Skin Male. Which would you like?
>>16922461 You can have the other one if you give me an IGN.
>>16922378 I would like a Male Damp Mudkip. Could I Disc you one or do you want something more interesting in return?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16922479 Disc is fine for the male. IGN?
>>16922469 I think my IGN is
Viking 1134-8709-3064
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:11:45 No. 16922504 Report >>16922469 Marvel Scale goes Multiscale, right?
Then a female one (also, in which pokeball is her?)
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16922497 >>16922501 Alright, get your discs up and I'll get them in a moment.
>>16922504 Correct. Unfortunately, she's in a Pokeball.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>16922504 It'll probably take a while before I roll that female but I'm getting to it haha. I'll add you up when it's ready
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:14:34 No. 16922523 Report I've had a disc up for a while, but no results, so I'll post again. Have it up for a HA Piplup, can anyone provide?
DN;a 1762 - 2691 - 4242 (IGN: Nicholas) [Dragon: Dragonair, Gabite, Drudd]
DN;a 1762 - 2691 - 4242 (IGN: Nicholas) [Dragon: Dragonair, Gabite, Drudd] Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:14:36 No. 16922524 Report anyone have cofagrigus or yamask? or duskull/clops? I need me some ghosts.
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:14:59 No. 16922529 Report >>16922524 I've got Yamask, throw up a Luvdisc.
Quoted By:
>>16922511 Deposited a Disc called Luvdisc wearing a Heart Scale and with the message 'Shura'.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16922523 Getting to this. Just be patient. :)
Haven't lucked out that much with Defiant unfortunately. I'll be breeding a box full to giveaway so sit tight!
DN;a 1762 - 2691 - 4242 (IGN: Nicholas) [Dragon: Dragonair, Gabite, Drudd]
DN;a 1762 - 2691 - 4242 (IGN: Nicholas) [Dragon: Dragonair, Gabite, Drudd] Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:15:37 No. 16922537 Report Quoted By:
>>16922529 K, gimme a sec, I might need to catch one.
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:15:39 No. 16922538 Report >>16922511 Fine.
I added you, tell me what you'd like to get.
IGN: Shane 3926-5563-3713
>>16922232 could i trouble you for a iron fist chimchar, i've got the disc up. Many Thanks!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16922538 A disc is fine, if you want to set it up.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16922547 Sure thing. I'll get to it as soon as I finish hatching this batch!
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:18:43 No. 16922559 Report >>16922536 Awesome, thanks a bunch!
Quoted By:
>>16922511 Added a luvdicsc with the message "My brother of af[rican descent]"
Did they release HA starters? Or did I miss the memo?
IGN: Elpes
I have 2 Finneons and 2 Koffings. Who needs them?
>>16922550 Thanks for the Mudkip!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:21:21 No. 16922587 Report >>16922550 Alll right.
Still waiting for you to add me.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
>>16922569 Finneon please! Disc up in a minute
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16922568 HA starters are only available for Gens 1, 3, 4, and 6 afaik. We're just breeding them in masses so everyone gets a chance to own one.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16922587 FC list is full, so just put a disc up on the GTS and I'll send the Dratini over.
IGN: Shane 3926-5563-3713
DN;a 1762 - 2691 - 4242 (IGN: Nicholas) [Dragon: Dragonair, Gabite, Drudd]
DN;a 1762 - 2691 - 4242 (IGN: Nicholas) [Dragon: Dragonair, Gabite, Drudd] Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:23:41 No. 16922607 Report >>16922529 sorry it took so long, nothing was biting, but luvdisc is up now. message is VP is hondew.
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:24:42 No. 16922618 Report Quoted By:
>>16922592 Are you still breeding those HA Piplups? I would like a Male one.
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:25:57 No. 16922632 Report Quoted By:
>>16922607 >Hondew Berry attachment Aw, you didn't have to do that. Thanks for the berry, enjoy Yamask.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16922621 Yup. Just put up a disc and leave your IGN and I'll get to you on the GTS.
Quoted By:
>>16922579 Many thanks man.
IGN: Elpes
>>16922634 I'd like a HA Piplup too, putting up a disc.
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
Quoted By:
>>16922569 >>16922591 Thank you! It was the last one I needed
Now breeding kricketot, but anyone, feel free to ask for anything, I owe y'all a lot
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:29:03 No. 16922665 Report >>16922605 I put it on the GTS, now what...?
Ramon 3926-5004-2681
Quoted By:
>>16922634 IGN is Ramon. Deposited a Disc named VP, with message Howell.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16922665 Now I send you the Dratini, which I did. Enjoy.
Did HA starters from gen 3 and 4 get released through DW?
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16922606 Sent you your Chimchar. Enjoy!
>>16922559 >>16922621 >>16922654 Delivered! Will be breeding for next batch. I haven't been rolling Defiant ones all that much unfortunately so it's going to be on the slow side.
Ramon 3926-5004-2681
Quoted By:
>>16922701 Thank you!
>>16922691 No, I believe they were Japan-only events. The Starters from gen II and V don't have their HAs released.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
I've got a few more Damp Mudkip, if anyone wants one. They all also have Avalanche.
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:33:31 No. 16922712 Report >>16922685 thank you soooo much!
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:34:01 No. 16922721 Report Quoted By:
>>16922701 Thanks so much!!
IGN: Elpes
>>16922711 Woul love one. Sending up a disc.
Quoted By:
Looking for a Baltoy IGN is Tundra Disc is already up
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
>>16922711 Thank you, got a Disc ready
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:35:56 No. 16922746 Report Putting a disc up for a Slakoth!
If i put up a Luvdisc for a Rayquaza, will anyone fall for it and send me one?
Era 4554-0782-0200 (Bug: Volbeat, Ledybad, Pinsir)
Era 4554-0782-0200 (Bug: Volbeat, Ledybad, Pinsir) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:36:53 No. 16922755 Report disc up for a mudkip! please and thank you
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:37:13 No. 16922760 Report I have a Luvdisc up for an HA Piplup.
In the meantime, I'll breed Bouffalant.
>>16922746 Sent.
Quoted By:
Anyone breeding gen II or V starters?
Gamber1 1693-2045-5597 IGN: Marco
Quoted By:
>>16922746 >>16922760 Oops, got outsped here
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16922712 You're welcome.
>>16922728 >>16922741 Sent.
>>16922755 I need to hatch more, but you're first on the list.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>16922749 No one's stopping you from trying lol
>>16922760 I'll get to that as soon as I hatch another batch
Quoted By:
>>16922749 >touch fluffytail IGN: Mytherin
Breeding these, if anyone wants any rejects put up a luvdisc. They'll be modest and will have 4-5 IVs, no perfect 5IV though as I'm keeping those myself. Feel free to request any gender.
DN;a 1762 - 2691 - 4242 (IGN: Nicholas) [Dragon: Dragonair, Gabite, Drudd]
DN;a 1762 - 2691 - 4242 (IGN: Nicholas) [Dragon: Dragonair, Gabite, Drudd] Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:40:36 No. 16922803 Report anyone have misdreavus, or frillish? genders don't matter, would just like more ghosts
Quoted By:
>>16922791 IGN is Ramon. Would like a Male one. Put a Disc named VP, wearing a Heart Scale and comment Mytherin.
I just hatched an Adamant Seed Bomb Cherubi if that's a good set please let me know and I'll breed more to trade off
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>16922817 I think just about anyone missing a Cherrubi would appreciate one anon.
You can breed those to add the variety of mons we can giveaway! :)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:43:34 No. 16922827 Report Bouffalant are starting to hatch, anyone want one?
>>16922803 I can get you a Misdreavus, put up another Luvdisc.
Era 4554-0782-0200
>>16922778 thanks! you rock
DN;a 1762 - 2691 - 4242 (IGN: Nicholas) [Dragon: Dragonair, Gabite, Drudd]
DN;a 1762 - 2691 - 4242 (IGN: Nicholas) [Dragon: Dragonair, Gabite, Drudd] Fri 27 Dec 2013 14:44:48 No. 16922839 Report Quoted By:
>>16922827 ok, luvdisc is up
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>16922831 Just sent one your way. Enjoy.
Quoted By:
>>16922831 So i herd u liek mudkipz
IGN: Ramon 3926-5004-2681
Quoted By:
>>16922817 I would like one.
Anyone have Mudkip with cool eggmoves? ign: Markus
Just put up a luvdisc looking for a piplup. Message reading "Touch Fluffytail". Most grateful to whomever will deliver unto me this battlepenguin.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Two more Damp Mudkip with Avalanche ready.
Listing what I have: 3 Boffulant 2 Cyndaquil 4 Feebas (they have Haze and Hypnosis) Things I can breed: All starters, glameow, meowth, stantler, yamask, misdreavus, porygon, koffing, tynamo, cottonee, elgyem, cherubi, darumaka, frillish, rattata, e-speed drantini, slakoth, phione. If you want anything, just request away/put a disc up~ Also, if anyone has Baloty, Kricketot, or Finneon, that'd be great.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16922945 I'll get to the Piplups. I've been hatching a few batches right now. I only roll 2/5 Defiant ones sadly...
Quoted By:
>>16922983 Much appreciated.
IGN: Ramon 3926-5004-2681
>>16922977 Do you have a Male Cyndaquil? I'll put up a Luvdisc wearing a Heart Scale and comment Cyndaquil.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16922973 Hell if I know. I'm just passing them out because it's a Hidden Ability and it was a bitch to find.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16923004 I like this comment haha! Awesome to have people like you helping out with these threads Shura. It's much appreciated!
Same goes for the Piplup I'm handing out. It has egg moves and HA but I don't know if they're gonna be good lol.
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:00:08 No. 16923024 Report Looking for a cofigragus klutz lopunny Cyndaquil Whimsicott and Mudkip just started getting into competitive battling (just beat the game) so these would help me along plus i just like them all, their cool as fuck.
>>16923001 I do! Just put up a disc and I'll send it your way.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16923024 You'll probably have better luck asking for their base evolutions though. People here have been breeding like mad to try and distribute bank mons to as many people as possible
IGN: Ramon 3926-5004-2681
>>16923029 I already did and thanks in savance!
Stef27: 1075-2049-9629
Anyone got any hidden ability starters i could have?
Alex (Onix,Boldour,Shuckle)
Quoted By:
Just put up my luvdisc,Looking for porygon
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16923038 I'll be handing out HA Piplup that I hatched in a bit. You can put up a disc for one if you want.
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:02:56 No. 16923050 Report >>16923024 Ah ok, thank you!
Quoted By:
>>16922977 would love an Elgyem
depositing disc
>>16922960 Can I have one? IGN : Luis
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:04:12 No. 16923063 Report >>16923035 >>16923050 mis-clicked, but yes thank you again.
>>16922960 Can I have? I have luvdisc up
>>16922925 Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16923018 Glad to be here. I really enjoy these threads.
>>16923057 >>16923066 Sure. I'll get them to you momentarily.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16923063 I could get to the ones you've asked for like a Buneary but everything else I don't have ready at the moment and I'm currently trying to increase the number of HA Piplup we can distribute.
>>16923048 I'll put a dosc up for one. Would love an HA Piplup.
>>16923037 Yep, enjoy your Cyndaquil!
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>16923072 Wait... scratch that. The ones I currently have Run Away instead of Klutz. It'll take a while to roll for one. Maybe someone else has one ready atm
Demian 2079-6715-9293
Quoted By:
G-guys, we reached the bump limit. Can someone make a new thread?
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16922712 You still here? I finally hatched a female Defiant Piplup like you wanted. I'll just add you up as soon as I send the male ones over at the GTS
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:08:16 No. 16923104 Report >>16923072 Oh no, no need to, i jump the gun a bit it'd be a waste of time since im lacking in the luvdisc needed. Sorry for the trouble!
Anyone having a spare Larvitar?
Stef27: 1075-2049-9629
Quoted By:
>>16923048 Oh yes please man. I'll put one up in a minute, ign is Stefano. Pls don't forget me man haha
Kain 0061-0180-338
Put up a Luvdisc for a Treecko
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16923099 Dammit... I hate when my ratio is right...
I'm getting 2 Defiant Piplup out of 5 in each batch I make. Everyone just sit tight if they want a Defiant Piplup. I'll make sure to giveaway as many as I can before I'm done for the night
Alex (Onix,Boldour,Shuckle)
>>16923105 i do..
And thank you whoever gaveme a porygon
Quoted By:
>>16923121 Doing the Lords work.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16923104 Luvdisc don't take more than 5 minutes to catch you. Just use your old rod at route 8 and catch it. You'll be pretty much set as long as people know what you're looking for exactly
Kain 0061-0180-3348
Quoted By:
>>16923118 missed my FC, went full retard
Ramon 3926-5004-2681
Anyone breeding Chikoritas? Put up a Disc for one.
Elena 4811-7594-1320
Hey, I'm still looking for Finneons and other HA starters apart from Turtwig, Chimchar and Treecko. I can breed anything else. Just shoot a request.
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:13:09 No. 16923164 Report >>16923135 Oh alright, sorry for the ignorance towards this on my part.
>>16923123 Cool man, its up.
A thousand voices to hail you in gratitude.
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365 Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:14:06 No. 16923176 Report >>16923072 Sorry for the late reply but thank you for the Misdreavus, I went out to town.
Also, putting a disc up for a HA Tepig if anyone has it.
>>16923070 Thank you very much
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
>>16923164 Don't sweat it. It's fine asking for questions here and there and I'm sure there're quite a few people who would help out! ^^
IGN: Elpes
Anyone has HA Turtwig? I'm breeding Finneons, by the way.
Ramon 3926-5004-2681
>>16923176 HA Tepig isn't legal.
>>16923150 I meant I put up a Disc for a Chikorita, not that I am breeding them.
Alex (Onix,Boldour,Shuckle)
Elena 4811-7594-1320
>>16923190 I'll get one for you for a Finneon.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16923158 I just started another batch of Damp Mudkip. I can get you one as soon as one hatches.
>>16923177 You're welcome dude.
Rekkou(IGN: Serena) 1864-9703-2286 [Pumpkaboo, Shuppet, Dusclops]
Rekkou(IGN: Serena) 1864-9703-2286 [Pumpkaboo, Shuppet, Dusclops] Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:17:24 No. 16923232 Report Anyone with Oshawott, Yamask or Tynamo?
IGN: Elpes
>>16923205 I have a Finneon ready, put up a disc for it, I'll put one for Turtwig when you have it ready.
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365
OEXI (Audino, Aipom, Ditto) 1118-0808-0365 Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:17:34 No. 16923234 Report Quoted By:
>>16923192 Damn, forgot about that.
Thank you for clearing that up.
LF any Tepig then
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Queuing up the ones at the back first if you guys don't mind. I can't distribute that many HA Piplup due to the RNG being a prick but if anyone's planning on breeding their own batch I will gladly pass them out.
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:18:12 No. 16923241 Report Quoted By:
>>16922791 Putting up a disc for one of those if you have any left!
Alex (Onix,Boldour,Shuckle)
>>16923219 forgot mine... Its 1306-6233-8777
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:19:07 No. 16923257 Report Thank you so much for the Defiant Piplup.
>>16923232 I have Yamask, throw up a Luvdisc.
I've also just completed a batch of Baltoy, please reply if you would like one.
Quoted By:
>>16923121 Mind if I get one of those males? Been waiting for a Defiant for a while, I've had this disc up for awhile on GTS. You're awesome for breeding those!
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:19:32 No. 16923262 Report >>16923209 I'd like to put a disc up for one when they're finished.
Stef27: 1075-2049-9629
Quoted By:
>>16923240 Hey man, i'll breed some too. Ign is Stefano, i'll put up a luvdisc.
Elena 4811-7594-1320
>>16923233 In a moment.
Just a question, if the mother is a Grotle instead of a Turtwig with its hidden ability the ability will still be inheritable, right?
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:20:32 No. 16923275 Report Quoted By:
>>16923186 Awesome, i take part in this now, i very much appreciate it!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>16923262 Yeah, I'll let you know when they hatch.
>>16923273 Yes.
>>16923245 How do i find you?
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:22:04 No. 16923303 Report >>16923072 i'll add you now and if you could get to it whenever it suits you id be greatful
Demian 2079-6715-9293
Guys, bum limit reached... again. Should I make the new thread?
Alex (Onix,Boldour,Shuckle)
>>16923291 Just add me, Ill give to you throught trade
Rekkou(IGN: Serena) 1864-9703-2286 [Pumpkaboo, Shuppet, Dusclops]
Rekkou(IGN: Serena) 1864-9703-2286 [Pumpkaboo, Shuppet, Dusclops] Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:23:11 No. 16923313 Report Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:23:45 No. 16923321 Report Quoted By:
Elena 4811-7594-1320
Disc for Finneon is up
>>16923307 I think you might as well, yeah.
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>16923307 You guys can go ahead with that. I'll take a breather after this last batch hopefully whoever got a share of HA Piplup will help spread them in the board
IGN: Elpes
>>16923327 Sent. Tell when the Turtwig is ready.
Demian 2079-6715-9293
Quoted By:
>>16923311 Im trying to trade but it just goes away after the "game chat" option.
Alex (Onix,Boldour,Shuckle)
>>16923291 Its telling me you arent availiable..
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16923303 Got another Damp one, so set up a disc when you get the chance.
Quoted By:
>>16923346 >unown can't be bred >everyone asking for legends >pokebank delayed >no shiny charm for months I'm not able to for a bit, but I've got all of them but baltoy, and I've gotten a few from these threads. Any requests for later when I'm able to breed?
Quoted By:
>>16923388 I'll go outside and try again
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:31:43 No. 16923427 Report Hasan 2165 - 6586 - 3995
Quoted By:
Ive put up a disk for totodile if anyone would be kind enough it would help messege is vee pee
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>16923427 Did you put the disc up? I don't see it.
Alex (Onix,Boldour,Shuckle)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:42:10 No. 16923631 Report >>16923398 nvm it looks like, for some reason friends and such wont appear for me on pokemon so i cant do any trades
IGN: Howell 5257-9242-8966
Quoted By:
>>16923365 >>16923365 New thread guys! I'm done for tonight. Hopefully I sent enough HA Piplup to get people to share more between these threads.
Thanks to everyone that helped and participated! I would never have completed the breedable bank mons without the help of these threads!
Stay awesome guys!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>16923631 Just put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for one and I'll send it to you.
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???)
Kyo 2895-8025-1558 (Oddish, Ivysaur, ???) Fri 27 Dec 2013 15:46:10 No. 16923677 Report >>16923646 ok done! sorry for my lack of knowledge!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>16923677 No problem. Sent.
Jack 2638-0934-7685
Quoted By:
tepig please i need to defeat them