As pokebank is delayed for God knows how long, would one of you chaps be willing to hook me up with pokerus? I have several Feebas if anyone needs one. Also, Add me as a friend, I still don't know my friend safari.
>>16924499 You've been playng this LNG without pokerus? Holy shit.
Coochy 1907-8711-8139 Ice [Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine]
Coochy 1907-8711-8139 Ice [Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine] Fri 27 Dec 2013 16:36:47 No. 16924593 Report Any particular pokemon you're looking for with Pokerus? I traded out my Bunnleby that had it but I still have a Khangaskan with it. Also do you have something other than Feebas worth while?
Joe 2251 5107 1061
I could really use a feeabs. Milotic is my bro. I have plenty of pokerus mons.
Disco [4871 4070 6987]
>>16924587 Yup, super training is garbage.
>>16924593 No, anything is fine.
And nothing new except Feebas. I was breeding belly jet Marills earlier.
>>16924649 Excellent, I'll add you. I'll just take whatever you have lying around if that works for you?
Joe 2251 5107 1061
>>16924744 Sure. Adding you now
Coochy 1907-8711-8139 Ice [Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine]
Coochy 1907-8711-8139 Ice [Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine] Fri 27 Dec 2013 16:46:21 No. 16924802 Report >>16924744 Well, I still added you for the mystery safari if thats cool with you?
Disco [4871 4070 6987]
>>16924802 Absolutely, I appreciate it.
Levi [1736-1638-9586] (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus]
Levi [1736-1638-9586] (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus] Fri 27 Dec 2013 16:50:16 No. 16924877 Report Joe 2251 5107 1061
Coochy 1907-8711-8139 Ice [Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine]
Coochy 1907-8711-8139 Ice [Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine] Fri 27 Dec 2013 16:52:26 No. 16924928 Report >>16924851 >Flying Swanna, Farfetch'd, ???
>>16924877 >Maractus Can I get me some of that?
Disco [4871 4070 6987]
Quoted By:
>>16924877 Sure. I have an almost empty friend list. I'll add you back.
I also added Coochy.
>>16924799 Thanks very much!
Levi [1736-1638-9586] (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus]
Levi [1736-1638-9586] (Tangela, Sawsbuck, Maractus] Fri 27 Dec 2013 16:53:08 No. 16924941 Report Quoted By:
If pokebank is delayed then how are people getting pokemon outside of x/y?
Coochy 1907-8711-8139 Ice [Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine]
Coochy 1907-8711-8139 Ice [Spheal, Sneasel, Piloswine] Fri 27 Dec 2013 16:56:48 No. 16925012 Report >>16924928 Lastly, Rufflet.
>>16924986 The PokeBank WAS open for a couple days. Then it was taken down because people could easily get hacked 'mons through it. So previous gen mons are already in x/y circulation.
Joe 2251 5107 1061
Quoted By:
>>16924986 It was released temporarily, but then taken back off the market.
Quoted By:
>>16924986 Some japs got it
Disco [4871-4070-6987] [Swanna, Farfetch'd, Rufflet]
Disco [4871-4070-6987] [Swanna, Farfetch'd, Rufflet] Fri 27 Dec 2013 16:59:31 No. 16925059 Report Quoted By:
>>16925012 Thanks a ton for that!
I added Levi and will add anyone else who cares for some fliers.
Quoted By:
Those who know of or had any pokebank pokemon, were there any pokemon with some notable buffs?>tfw Fairy/Psychic Cresselia
i also dont know my friend safari, just bought y a few days a go can someone add me please?
Quoted By:
>>16927020 sure I'll help you out. I need more friend safaris anyways
>>16924499 I'd like one of those feebas if you don't mind.
Disco [4871-4070-6987] [Swanna, Farfetch'd, Rufflet]
Disco [4871-4070-6987] [Swanna, Farfetch'd, Rufflet] Fri 27 Dec 2013 19:12:18 No. 16927555 Report Quoted By:
>>16927391 Sure, I'll add you now.
Zano 4038-6577-4356 [Krabby, Gyarados, Frogadier]
Zano 4038-6577-4356 [Krabby, Gyarados, Frogadier] Fri 27 Dec 2013 19:29:53 No. 16927966 Report Looking for Friend Codes, will add all who reply.
Lanaya (2208-4778-0990) [Ditto, Loudred, Lilipup]
Lanaya (2208-4778-0990) [Ditto, Loudred, Lilipup] Fri 27 Dec 2013 19:30:17 No. 16927977 Report i would be eternally grateful if I could get one of those Feebas :) May i add you?
Disco [4871-4070-6987] [Swanna, Farfetch'd, Rufflet]
Disco [4871-4070-6987] [Swanna, Farfetch'd, Rufflet] Fri 27 Dec 2013 19:38:42 No. 16928150 Report >>16927977 Yeah, I'll add you back.
>>16927966 Adding you as well.
Lanaya (2208-4778-0990) [Ditto, Loudred, Lilipup]
Lanaya (2208-4778-0990) [Ditto, Loudred, Lilipup] Fri 27 Dec 2013 19:47:08 No. 16928317 Report Quoted By:
>>16928150 Yay! Thank you Thank you Thank you!
cirelin: 4725-8717-2881 [Woobat, Farfetch'd, Fletchinder]
cirelin: 4725-8717-2881 [Woobat, Farfetch'd, Fletchinder] Fri 27 Dec 2013 21:36:21 No. 16930768 Report Quoted By:
>>16927977 Can I add ya for ditto?
Zan 4038-6577-4356
Quoted By:
>>16927977 I'll add you too if you don't mind