With the release of Pokèmon Bank, I'm hoping there are some kind anons who will help me complete my national dex. I don't have much to give but if you could spare a basic pokemon in a family, I can level it up and evolve it. I have been trying to masuda method a shiny Druddigon, so I have plenty of them to pass out. Thanks in advance and I'll bump with pokètiles.
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
>>16929210 >I have been trying to masuda method a shiny Druddigon, so I have plenty of them to pass out. I happen to have a shiny Druddigon OP and I'm not too interested in it, care for a trade? Of course, if you're looking for one with good IVs and stuff then I can't help you since it's a random encounter and most likely has shit IVs and a crappy nature too if I remember correctly.
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
>>16929661 I mean, I'd be interested, but I don't have shit to trade.
>>16929750 I hate to be a jew but I'm really not going to trade my shinies for anything other than other shinies or Pokebank legendaries. Too bad then, good luck with your MM.
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
>>16929795 Yup, no problem
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}
Anthony 2122-6054-0002 Bug {Heracross}