>>16932951But why does pokemon need to implement a feature one generation per title? Features that should have been implemented at least by gen 2-3 already to begin with, nonetheless.
If you look back and think about it for a second, the whole waiting for 50 eggs to hatch by manually walking steps in-game is a shit mechanic. Why not have a feature on the poke-whatever-tool-it-is-called that lets you manage some sort of fucking poke incubator in real time, at any point in time? What's fun about riding a bicycle waiting for the 850th egg to hatch?
Why are IV so fucking hidden and obscure? My take is that gamefreaks didn't want to have a case scenario in which the game was 100% figured out and someone would know exactly if X survived Y, or if Z outsped F at any given situation, so there would be some element of surprise, given by those different values. That's really the only fucking reason there can be. But that's failed, maxing out IVs has become a core mechanic and it's still completely obscure.
Why is there no interface display of entry hazards currently on the field? Is it player-skill to remember what type out of the 4 hazards have been thrown out? Or can we finally get a fucking boxed information so that new people even get to KNOW that some stuff can be stacked for higher effect?
Why are move priority values completely hidden? This would be enough if there was just "priority" and "no priority". But there are several levels of priorities. Why aren't those values included in the move description? Why isn't there a priority counter that states what priority the current pokemon is executing his current move at? Again, those are simple facts that you get through reading a spreadsheet and memorization, it's not player-skill. It doesn't need to be hidden.