[33 / 1 / ?]
God damn, do I love french girls!>go to GTS >look up trades for Karrablast >one asks for Shelmet >trade a 4IV Shelmet >get Karrablast, it evolves >I look at the moveset >Counter >Knock Off >Megahorn >DRILL RUN >ability: OVERCOAT Thank you random french girl! I just started breeding the Escavalier and I have two Karrablasts with Drill Run and their HA. Can anybody help me with breeding and giving them out?
Carver 0345-0630-9728
>>16929861 I would gladly take one with the egg moves and hidden ability!
I'll trade you an Iron Fist Chimchar with Elemental Punches
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
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>>16929985 I'll add you. I don't care what you give me, I just want help with breeding them.
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>16929985 The code isn't valid.
IGN: Chocobo 5043-2401-2358
>>16929861 I'll take one, OP.
Carver 0345-0630-9278
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>>16930044 I mixed up the 2 and 7
IGN: Inon 1564 2718 3364
Holy shit yes I can give you HA Treecko, Chimchar and Turtwig in return
Nury 4382 2190 7197
after you guys breed some could i have one, please?
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>16930056 Sure, just give me a second.
Christian 4210-4058-0397
I will gladly take one off your hands Based OP. Really, thank you!
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>>16930127 You next. Doesn't matter what you give.
>>16930134 You'll get my last one.
>>16930164 It'll be a while before I breed more.
Bubbles (IGN: Bubbles) 3737-9678-5097 [Growlithe, Pyroar, Ninetails]
Bubbles (IGN: Bubbles) 3737-9678-5097 [Growlithe, Pyroar, Ninetails] Fri 27 Dec 2013 21:17:08 No. 16930236 Report >>16930143 Mind if I get one after you breed a spare?
Christian 4210-4058-0397
>>16930215 Aww man, well, I guess I can wait... thanks for the time being though...
IGN: Inon 1564 2718 3364
>>16930164 Thank you so much
Haruhi 2165-6161-1679
Added you OP, can trade you 4IV piplups with egg moves for drill run HA karrablasts
IGN: Inon 1564 2718 3364
>>16930295 That post was meant for OP, sorry
Christian 4210-4058-0397
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>>16930334 I figured, no harm done
Toriano 0705 3487 1808 [Oddish Swadloon Quilladin]
Toriano 0705 3487 1808 [Oddish Swadloon Quilladin] Fri 27 Dec 2013 21:21:59 No. 16930356 Report >>16929861 I'd like an HA Karrablast w/ Drill Run.
Take your time breeding them.
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill !XoC3gtu1ac
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill !XoC3gtu1ac Fri 27 Dec 2013 21:23:35 No. 16930395 Report Hey man, I got around a box of 4~5 IVs Karrablasts, but any of them have Overcoat. Could you please trade me one of these with egg moves?
Nury 4382 2190 7197
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill !XoC3gtu1ac
Nelo (0774-4272-8190) - Water: Krabby, Quagsire, Azumarill !XoC3gtu1ac Fri 27 Dec 2013 21:27:35 No. 16930512 Report Quoted By:
>>16930395 Oh, and did I mention they're all in Timer Balls?
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Thought I had hatched a few more.
>>16930236 >>16930260 >>16930312 >>16930356 >>16930395 You will be the last ones to get them. Send me hatching power though.
Somebody else, breed some and help, please
Keenan 2836-0193-2008
OP, i would love to help. ill trade one of my 4 IV HA woopers :D
Christian 4210-4058-0397
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>>16930580 Shit, I don't have hatching power
But I can give you a 4IV Yanma with SB
Keenan 2836-0193-2008
>>16930589 oh. damn :/ lol. Well, anyone who breeds more, i will trade you the wooper and help breed.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
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>>16930580 OP Drill Run karrablast has been the one pokemon I've been wanting since bank came out. Please send me one my way!
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
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>>16930589 >>16930679 I'll give you one, but start giving them away. I have to go. Sorry to everyone else I promised.
Max 4811-7195-6246 IGN: Senpai
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>>16930679 if you're giving them out I have every non-legendary pokebank mon (including phione), as well as HA turtwig and chimchar. I'd love a DR karrablast!
Toriano 0705 3487 1808 [Oddish Swadloon Quilladin]
Toriano 0705 3487 1808 [Oddish Swadloon Quilladin] Fri 27 Dec 2013 22:01:45 No. 16931504 Report Quoted By:
>>16930580 Oh shit, sorry I was late to the party.
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please i need one for breeding
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>>16929928 >considering girls so valuable that you'd doubt it is it 2004 again?