I had a completely Fucking legit all 151 Red version save which, back in the day, was super Fucking hard when you didn't have a sibling with the opposite version. >I keep this save until three years ago
>while at work, roommate hangs with another friend of ours. I know the guy so it's cool
>I get home
>see my red version, of all the pokemon games I have, (almost all, rbygscredpbb2) he chooses my Fucking red
>guy says he's already beaten 2nd gym
>Fuck off casual, did you save!?
>"well, y-yeah, we went to track bell earlier and I set it down for a few minutes. only once though"
>jimmies rustle like never before
>kick him out of our apartment
>think about all the time I spent as a kid on that save
>literally puke
>don't understand why I'm so angry, I'm not really that big a nerd
>need a cigarette
>go outside to smoke and call gf about what happened
>she laughs
>consider leaving her right there hardcore
>instead go out and drink that night
>other guy comes along
>long story short, that guy and my gf end up with a dui, open container and underage consumption that night because they can't hold their booze
>me and rommie pass breathalyzer and get off Scott free