Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Sun 29 Dec 2013 11:01:45 No. 16973436 Report >>16973354 Toasting this new bread.
Quoted By:
>>16973436 I am honored, sir.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
If anyone wants to do some warm-ups or battle or whatnot, I'll be online shortly
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
Quoted By:
>>16973579 I'm down like Donkey Kong
>>16973579 Mind if I challenge your Gym? I've yet to face very many Water types.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
I'll battle Sasha first, then you Aniny
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
Huh... apparently after one DD, Gyarados can outrun Scarfed Rotom-W. That was actually surprising. Also, wow at only being frozen for one turn, are you shitting me? RNG fucked me royally in the second match.
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
Quoted By:
>>16973621 >mfw freeze >mfw thawed out 0791-2302-0949 Sasha
>>16973701 But yeah that's actually why I Run DD megados, it's shocking how much it outspends after one DD
GG, dude!
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>16973715 You must be running a Jolly, max speed set. I'm more used to bulkier sets for DDGyara, so you caught me completely off guard.
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
>>16973729 That's it to the letter
What about scarfed togekiss :p
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
>>16973767 That surprised the hell out of me too. Starmie isn't supposed to get outrun like that.
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
>>16973615 Aniny
Mind if I try myself vs you?
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
Quoted By:
>>16973781 A few of my mons are kind of built to catch people off guard, glad it works lol
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
I hate Megamom so much and I seriously hope that whoever thought of the idea gets shot in the fucking face. It's bad enough having to deal with it in random wifi, but having to deal with it in 3v3 with a type that has absolutely no available pokemon that can handle it reliably is a nightmare. I wish I had my Jellicent here.
>>16973782 Come at me, bro :)
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
Quoted By:
>>16973850 Can't see you online doe
>>16973832 maybe so, but my kanga didn't do anything too impressive in fight 1: killed greninja (greninja has awful defenses so anything can that's faster or bulky enough), did about 30% to Azumarill. Fight 1 I beat you with Heliolisk.
Fight 2: kanga does big ol' damage to Azumarill, but it didn't even KO it. I beat you by letting you give me your scarf and then using scarf Braviary.
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
>>16973888 Holy shit Gyarados LIVED?!
Also GG
Tyrone 2423-3475-9025
Quoted By:
I'd love to join in, but I'm new to pokemon battles and I also don't know how to participate here.
Joan 4828 5158 1743
Hey, could somebody help me evolve a Seadra into a Kingdra?
>>16974067 GG Sasha, you're the first person to beat me! You totally outpredicted me with the second Dragon Dance on MegaGyarados, and I once again underestimated MegaGyarados' supreme bulk. I'm proud to lose to such a fantastic trainer, and I hope you go on to grab 1st place.
Now, your battles illustrate a point for me, too: while MegaKangaskhan is indeed fearsome, it really isn't as bad as people claim. Granted, I'm not running Power Up Punch, but if I were, I'd be full stopped by certain Normal resists or priority. In 6vs6, maybe PuP is workable, but in 3vs3 I doubt it. ANYWAY, your Gliscor. Took me 2 Pokemon to take down in each battle. Gliscor might not be able to stall out MegaKanga when both are at 100% due to Parental Bond, but Gliscor can cripple MegaKanga to the point of irrelevancy at worst. Gliscor, to me, is equally as powerful as MegaKanga because of the extreme lengths you must go to to beat it. Obviously it has its checks, and it can't do anything to Gengar, but MegaKanga is turned pudding by burn and has nothing to do against Sableye.
Just explaining my opinions a bit. I don't always agree with everything Smogon does... but I think the limitations of monotype make it a million times more fun than Standard OU, and far less samey.
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
Quoted By:
>>16974176 Very true, That Gliscor has been the biggest bro ever in all my competeive games in Gen 6. The reason I chose flying as my mono type was to be able to bring him along with me! Great battles though. I can completely see why you are undefeated so far in the tournament
Quoted By:
>>16974176 Here's the vids for the curious. The first battle was definitely out of the ordinary, and a critical finish was a little sour, but I would have lost to MegaGyarados anyway, barring massive flinch hax.
The second battle really shows off Sasha's excellent skill, and it's probably a lot more fun to watch, due to both of us using our big guns for the first time.
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Sun 29 Dec 2013 13:04:57 No. 16974252 Report >>16974174 I'll help ya Joan! I really need to evolve my kadabra
Joan 4828 5158 1743
Quoted By:
>>16974252 Okay, I'll add you.
Joan 4828 5158 1743
>>16974252 Sorry, I got into a fight with a hiker that I must have avoided.... Sturdy is being a bitch.
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops)
mato 5000-3178-0088 [ign:Tuna] (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Dusclops) Sun 29 Dec 2013 13:11:26 No. 16974302 Report >>16974291 an irl hiker? jk nah it's cool, just send me a request when you're good
Joan 4828 5158 1743
Quoted By:
>>16974302 Irl? No. Just somebody in the ice cavern.
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
>>16974291 Those darn hikers
Also thanks a bunch Aniny!!!
Joan 4828 5158 1743
Quoted By:
>>16974353 Yeah... Three damn pokemon, all of them with sturdy....
Quoted By:
>>16974353 It brings me great joy to shower you with my finest gifts.
If I ever have to face you on the battlefield, I'm not certain I could ever pull off 2 wins.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
So ready for my round 4 matchup. Kerbs if you see this, I responded to your email and I am ready to battle whenever.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Sun 29 Dec 2013 13:31:07 No. 16974486 Report Quoted By:
Oh wow I'm against a fairy gym.>mfw I've realized that I'm fucked
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Sun 29 Dec 2013 13:34:07 No. 16974514 Report >>16974457 Yeah I read it, but since I'm going to go out in a matter of minutes I'd prefer to battle this evening, so I'm more relaxed. When I challenged the electric gym I made some mistakes since I was quite tired.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16974514 No worries, I just got done working a 12 hour shift, so I am pretty tired myself. I'll see you in about 6-7 hours.
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
>>16973832 Doesn't get much closer than that GG!
Joan 4828 5158 1743
Quoted By:
>>16974514 You have no idea how much I want that hoodie.
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
Quoted By:
>>16974544 252+ Atk Life Orb Talonflame Brave Bird vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Starmie: 234-277 (89.6 - 106.1%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
Assuming that is your set (which I think it was considering the accuracy of that damage) I was banking on that 37.5% man. Doesn't get much closer than that, indeed.
Nexi (flying) 2938-7164-3311
Quoted By:
i thought i was out, guess im still in sorta. mailed my opponent back, no reply just yet(nor has he added me) why do people dont add each other...?
Shadowman - 1564-3268-9773 - Flying [spearow, swanna, fletchinder]
Shadowman - 1564-3268-9773 - Flying [spearow, swanna, fletchinder] Sun 29 Dec 2013 15:07:33 No. 16975353 Report Maester, I can't contact Wes! Wat do!?
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Sun 29 Dec 2013 15:12:32 No. 16975396 Report Quoted By:
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Still a tad confused OP says the deadline is at noon but the doc says midnight Which one is it?
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Sun 29 Dec 2013 16:36:31 No. 16976277 Report >>16976223 Probably a mistake on OP's part, id go by what the doc says.
Quoted By:
>>16976223 I just copied the last thread... didn't even notice the discrepancy.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
>>16976277 The deadline is at midnight..
Hey, anyone willing to help me evolve my Porygon all the way into Porygon-Z? I have lots of breeding leftovers for your trouble!
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>16979168 Sure, I'll help you.
>>16979186 FC is in the email field.
My nick is too long already.
Quoted By:
>>16979200 awesome, thank you!
Kyle (1977-1205-0529)
huge shot in the dark, but does anyone have any extra petaya berries they'd be willing to trade for a breeding leftover?
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:44:15 No. 16979460 Report >>16979324 Sure thing. What do you have? How many do you need?
Kyle (1977-1205-0529)
>>16979460 just the one, and i have 5 iv honedges and 5iv brave bird zubats. i also have chimchars, piplups, porygon, mudkip, totodile and cyndaquil
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:47:51 No. 16979532 Report >>16979505 Totodile then. Adding
Kyle (1977-1205-0529)
Quoted By:
>>16979532 ok, gimme a sec to breed you one.
Kyle (1977-1205-0529)
thanks! my sub-petaya empoleon is all ready
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:52:44 No. 16979628 Report >>16979591 Brofist for superior penguin overlord! It's one of my favorite water-type pokémon, along with walrein.
Kyle (1977-1205-0529)
Quoted By:
>>16979628 aw, hell yeah. it's a huge addition to a mono steel team. been such a bro
Txn 4339 - 2627 - 8716
Quoted By:
How's the tournament doing?
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:25:35 No. 16980236 Report Quoted By:
Waiting for an hour, where's Blink? I have to go now.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Any normal-type leaders wanna help me with some quick practice matches? I want to check how my team fares against Megamom
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:44:09 No. 16980628 Report Waited until now, wrote a mail to Maester to explain my situation, have to go. Where are thou blink??
Quoted By:
>>16973832 >being this childishly butthurt tantrum i don't particularly favor being matched up against OP pokes, but I sure as fuck don't whine about it like a little girl on the tourney thread.
>>16973888 >I beat you by letting you give me your scarf and then using scarf Braviary 20/10
video pls?
Shadowman - 1564-3268-9773 - Flying [spearow, swanna, fletchinder]
Shadowman - 1564-3268-9773 - Flying [spearow, swanna, fletchinder] Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:35:58 No. 16981728 Report Quoted By:
Wes, plz respond if you're here. Anyone want to fight?
>>16980510 I'll help you practice, Nanaca. Add me. I was doing Battle Maison, getting the points for Up-Grade + Dubious Disc.
Which, btw, I had a brain fart and Q couldn't help me evolve Porygon. Think you could help me?
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Sun 29 Dec 2013 22:06:16 No. 16982428 Report Anyone seen Parham anywhere?
>>16980712 I didn't post any video because I didn't want it to seem like I was gloating. Also, Ganon was pissed off, obviously.
Take a look.
>>16982428 Not lately. Said he got the flu and he hasn't been online...
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>16982206 I'm actually busy now, sorry!
Thanks for offering though.
Quoted By:
>>16982742 welp, maybe next time then.
Anyone online willing to (finally) evolve my Porygon? Like I said before, I have leftovers of many Pokemon I can share.
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
Quoted By:
Is Kate here? I emailed earlier, and I have not got a response from her.
Quoted By:
>>16982816 I'll do it. Just a second, let me turn on my DS
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
>>16980628 Sorry man, I fell asleep a little too long I guess. I'm available whenever
>>16982898 I think your partner might be away. They sent me an email to that effect.
They may be back in an unknown amount of hours.
Should keep your appointments. :/
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16982948 I try, but I'm working night shifts and I put in overtime this week. Sleep is just a bit more important than Pokemon. I feel bad but whatever happens, happens.
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
>>16982948 Have you seen Kate around in the threads?
>>16983026 Days ago, I believe.
Kieran 4468 0964 1713
>>16983043 I just emailed her today. Never received anything from her. I have been very busy. Welp, hopefully she comes back tonight.
Thank you!
I haven't bothered with -any- bankmons.
Quoted By:
>>16983070 I gave you a 4IV that's ready to use, or you can breed it to get the one 31 you're missing. Genderless/male only species are a pain...
Enjoy! And lemme know when you wanna evolve it ;)
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586
Alex (Garbador, Kakuna, Toxicroak) 0044-2819-3586 Sun 29 Dec 2013 22:43:51 No. 16983173 Report Quoted By:
>>16983053 Check Wi-Fi general, that's how I was able to find her.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16983070 Well Q, I emailed Kerbs and let them know I can battle whenever. I told them I can do it at any point in the next 14-16 hours. Sorry again, I completely slept through my alarm.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Sun 29 Dec 2013 22:53:23 No. 16983379 Report >>16982728 Ugh you're kidding. Why do my opponents keep vanishing?
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16983379 They know fairies will eat their dreams and rape their families...
Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
Just posting here to let my opponent, Nexi, know that I'm ready to go! Just say the word, and I'll be ready in 20 minutes.
408 eggs later, I finally got my shiny honedge. Feels so good
>>16983379 can i add you?
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
>>16985438 I gave up MMing for my shiny Wumsiecott after hearing that the Kalos pentagon was hackable
Kina takes the point out of having the only "legit shiny Kalosian Whimsicott" if people can just, you know... hack it in.
I might start again sometime but for now... not withoutany good motivation.
Grats on your shiny sword though
>>16985340 heyy its like 2 am here so i cant really play atm(im in bed lurking/hoping to see some pokebank updates and stuff) i live in gmt +1 btw. im available tomorrow so yeah if that isnt a problem!
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:13:13 No. 16986616 Report I HAZ TEH INTERNETZ YNNA!!!!please give me your fc again
Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
>>16986616 Awesome! FC is right up here.
>>16985672 I have work early in the morning, but I can wake up earlier if that's okay with our Battle Maester.
Quoted By:
>>16986616 >>16986673 just battle right now
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:20:42 No. 16986811 Report pls ynna i have to battle like... right now
Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:24:10 No. 16986889 Report pls internet dont fail me now ;_; im counting on you
Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
Quoted By:
>>16986889 Next game in the match?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:32:52 No. 16987132 Report pls ynna save the video this time, my videos are full now
Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
Quoted By:
Morning everyone, how much until end of the round
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:39:49 No. 16987304 Report Quoted By:
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:46:52 No. 16987506 Report I AM TRUE SUPER SAND LESBIAN
Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
>>16987506 Whew! That was intense! Thanks for a great round!
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:48:26 No. 16987561 Report >>16987521 OH YES THAT WAS INTENSE, IF ROSERADE WOULD OUTRSPEED VILEPLUME IT WOULD BE OIGRE FOR ME
plese post the videops, my videos were full an i just saved the first one blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
Kerbs are you here yet? I'm still ready to battle whenever
Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
Looks like that's the end of the line for me ;_;
>>16987561 Oh man, if Roserade was faster...Choice Scarf would have been godly on her. Didn't have enough BP, though...
Videos are here!
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:56:53 No. 16987784 Report >>16987666 done, also reported the win battle meister
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:00:26 No. 16987857 Report Quoted By:
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16983053 I think Kate is online now, if you're available to battle
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>16987784 >YNNA PLS PUT CHAMPION MUSIC Gratz, Daniel. Looks like you're GRASS REP.
Start looking for pictures of grass pokemon to spam already, damnit.
Ynna, you still need to play Nexi, if they bother to show up. PLS TRY TO KNOCK OUT. TAKE NO PRISONERS IN YOUR DEATH THROES.
Nexi (flying) 2938-7164-3311
>>16988405 im alive though! i cant battle untill tomorrow(monday) i hope that isnt a problem
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>16988481 If Ynna can't play you, we'll do a doublepairing arrangement for fairness since 3 free rides is KINDA a lot and some people might object to being knocked out by someone who only has a single fight under their belt.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16988596 Q, Kerbs and I may not get our battle done before the deadline. But we will do it as soon as possible. I'm hoping that Kerbs will be back at some point throughout the night. I'll be checking here regularly. But it probably won't happen before midnight, it seems.
Nexi (flying) 2938-7164-3311
Quoted By:
>>16988596 thats totally fine with me.
i want this to be fair as posible. because winning with no effort... whats fun about that?
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
3 HOURS, 15 MINUTES REMAINING. IF YOUR OPPONENT DID NOT SHOW UP, YOU HAD BETTER USE THE FORM. If you for some reason, need your match postponed to round 5, let me know. You have my email and you have my form. I am trying to be as accommodating as possible, but I am only human, and if someone needs to be thrown under the bus so that others can participate smoothly, it is my responsibility to chuck you beneath that bus.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16988921 Just submitted a form requesting for my match with Kerbs to be postponed to round 5 in case we don't battle in time. Hopefully it will happen tonight though even if it is after the deadline
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:56:37 No. 16989122 Report >>16982948 >>16988596 >all these arrangements being done >mfw I was disqualified because I wasn't online for 2 days due to something beyond my control >mfw I have no face daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 03:01:45 No. 16989247 Report when does round 5 begin?
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>16989122 It's only even viable now that everything is coming to a tiebreaker.
Due to the deterministic nature of the matchups, and the necessity of ensuring that we don't end up with EVERYONE being eliminated and me having to chase down people, means that I need to do this.
>>16987666 >>16987666 Okay, lemme just say that watching these battles was a very cool experience. Mono-grass is something that hasn't been seen much thus far, due to certain things... Anyway, I found the avant-garde strategies here to be fascinating!
Daniel, that Gorgheist is pretty freakin' cool, and your Chestnaught and Vileplume really caught me off guard, too.
Ynna, you really started getting the hang of Daniel's style by the end. I think if you had some more battle points for items you could have done better.
Thank you both for giving us a peek at a sort of battle I've been itching to see! And congratulations, Daniel, on being the official Grass leader!
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Mon 30 Dec 2013 03:12:34 No. 16989503 Report Quoted By:
>>16989435 I'm just miffed that I got disqualified for what I did when there was a period of time me and Heather were both online and I tried to battle her, but she claimed her internet was spotty, but the fact was for hours afterwards, I saw her online ingame using the chat function.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>16989489 Hey there aniny, my opponent hasn't come on yet so if you got a bit of time could I borrow you again to practice against normal?
I am literally shaking because of all the anxiety right now
Marcos 0060-9619-1358 (Excadrill, Mawile, Klang)
Marcos 0060-9619-1358 (Excadrill, Mawile, Klang) Mon 30 Dec 2013 03:19:20 No. 16989641 Report Quoted By:
>>16989247 Daniel why are you not in chat? Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>16989612 >>16989489 Oh shit son
Nevermind, he's here now
Time to die ;_;
>>16989696 S-sorry! I would have battled you for sure... I was just hanging up some clothes before bed... hit refresh, and you already ran off...
Hope it goes well for both of you. An even match is always the best.
In the future, I'll be available, if you're willing.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>16989981 Holy shit, I absolutely cannot believe what just happened
I'm still kind of in shock over the battles
Matt, you are the single scariest motherfucker I have battled in the tourney, if not ever
I salute you, and those were some seriously amazing battles
Speechless and still shaking... wow
Battle 1: 5D7G-WWWW-WWW4-3ELY
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE Mon 30 Dec 2013 03:49:48 No. 16990336 Report So I just won 2-1 against Kieran, but he disconnected before the last battle video saved. What exactly can I do? I'd really prefer not to have to fight again, it was really close as is.
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
Quoted By:
>>16990185 Holy fuck I just shart myself
Shadowman - 1564-3268-9773 - Flying [spearow, swanna, fletchinder]
Shadowman - 1564-3268-9773 - Flying [spearow, swanna, fletchinder] Mon 30 Dec 2013 04:03:37 No. 16990625 Report Quoted By:
Is Wes here? For a no-show this far into the tournament, what happens? Another free ride oram I also gone?
>>16990185 Those battles were a thing of beauty. I am truly impressed. Congratulations, Nanaca! Turns out you didn't need the practice, after all. Man, that PURSUIT was just incredible, and I am astounded at the physical bulk on Crustle... Your bulky SD set was perfect for ruining Ditto, too.
Wow, that Cinccino is a pretty terrifying prospect, with all that speed and a King's Rock and 5 hits per attack to flinch. I gotta say though, Matthew, I feel like Fake Out might have been your downfall. Even so, you fought very well and truely are a force to be reckoned with.
Wow indeed.
Maester, I gotta request these be the featured battles for round 4 - between Nanaca and MATTHEW. I don't see how these can be topped. Jus' sayin'.
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Mon 30 Dec 2013 04:28:07 No. 16991207 Report Quoted By:
>>16985553 Whoops. Uh yes you can! Doubt you'll see this though.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>16990916 Gimme a bit to look at 'em and put them up!
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa
Thunder/Balsty(Fairy Leader) [Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon] 2852-8112-5667 !!AbHdZAcHCLa Mon 30 Dec 2013 04:29:50 No. 16991242 Report >>16989435 So I'm looming on 3 free wins now...
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Mon 30 Dec 2013 04:39:39 No. 16991441 Report Quoted By:
>>16991238 I'm sorry for being cranky, Herr Maester.
My PS3's files are apparently corrupt and it won't let me format the system and gets stuck at 99% when I try updating it. And I just got two brand new games for it. ;-; Shadowman - 1564-3268-9773 - Flying [spearow, swanna, fletchinder]
Shadowman - 1564-3268-9773 - Flying [spearow, swanna, fletchinder] Mon 30 Dec 2013 05:00:20 No. 16991945 Report Quoted By:
>>16991242 I know what you mean, its kind of hard to brag about making it to the semi-finals of a tournament when all I've had to face was a leader weak to my type, 2 no-shows and only beaten once by Mike.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
ONE HOUR(annd then some, I may step out for a moment)
Quoted By:
>>16989489 Thanks for watching!
Jumpluff is one of my favorite 'Mons, and I loved that it could hit everything for a OHKO in Game 2.
>>16988481 I can play right now! I'll be online in just a sec.
Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
Quoted By:
>>16992679 Oops, forgot to mention that I'm Ynna. Silly me.
Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
>>16992091 So, since I was eliminated, am I still doing the doublepairing against Nexi in the next round? Or can I still battle Nexi this round?
maester mobile
>>16993099 just do it now. Thanks
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
Hooo. I think I've probably calmed down enough now.
>>16990638 Thanks man. Going into the battle I seriously didn't expect to win, so this was a real pleasant surprise. I think most people usually expect shell smash on Crustle so I might have simply taken him by surprise. If it wasn't for that I really don't know if I could've taken down Kanga in battle 2.
And from here on out only the best of the best remain, and things are just gonna get harder and harder for me
;_; Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
Quoted By:
>>16993346 Okay, will attempt to contact. If Nexi doesn't show, do we just postpone?
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Nexi, are you still here? If so, I'm extending this by like 10-15 minutes to avoid any additional bullshit with next round's pairings which are going to get complicated. Otherwise, I'm moving on if you haven't responded in 10.
Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
Quoted By:
>>16993594 It looks like Nexi is a no show. 26 minutes past midnight.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>16993594 Generating new pairings now.
More than one person is doublepaired in this time period due to a few situations where someone progressed entirely undefeated.
Nexi is getting a pass this time, because they were present...OFTEN, and also sent in a report. Nexi will be paired against someone else in place of Ynna, for round 5. Your schedules don't seem to line up that well.
Ynna [2836-0164-3246]
Quoted By:
>>16994120 Fine with me! If you need me to fill in for something in the future, please let me know!
Ooooh, when will the pairings be up?
Drew FC: 1650-1371-9769 {2099}
>>16994187 Kyle, down to you and me, man. My match was a no-show.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Mon 30 Dec 2013 06:35:23 No. 16994261 Report >>16994120 Again, Q, you realize Nexi's situation is the exact same as mine, except I was unable to send a report because I was offline and had a friend post for me. The only difference between us is one round.
>>16994234 Hooooooooh shit. I'll be free anytime after 2pm PST tomorrow
unless you want to go right meow This gonna be real good
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>16994187 Gimme a few more minutes.
This one's pretty easy to generate. It's mostly showdowns. A few people may have to be doublepaired if they racked up 3 free rides or if there's a situation where one person has no defeats and the other one has a defeat.
>>16994261 Rena, your friend notified us five minutes before the round was up and you hadn't notified us at all prior to that. Heather had been very communicative and used the form to great effect. You did not. Nexi has been communicative like, every single day repeatedly and was nearly going to be awarded with a no-show win. So has Heather, for that matter. If you can't see the difference, I can't make you see it. The ruling is final. I'm not going to break down and tell you I'm sorry. I'm not going to put you back into the tourney at this point. Sometimes life happens and rulings have to be made. A ruling has been made.
Drew FC: 1650-1371-9769 {2099}
>>16994352 So, it's 10:41 for you currently, yes? I can definitely do tomorrow after 2 PST. Indeed they're going to be good!
>>16994513 Yeah, that's the right time.
Really stoker for tmrw
I'm looking forward to it!
Drew FC: 1650-1371-9769 {2099}
Quoted By:
>>16994513 That took a long time to post. Probably like, 10:48 now, or so.
Quoted By:
>>16994541 I hate being on a mobile so much sometimes Drew FC: 1650-1371-9769 {2099}
>>16994541 Me too, man! Dual type matchups are always the best, in my opinion.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Mon 30 Dec 2013 06:49:53 No. 16994587 Report >>16994479 I COULDN'T notify you prior to that because I had no idea I wouldn't be getting the internet. In other words, I couldn't use the freaking form or anything. Before that 2 days, I WAS on every day and if you deny that, you are clearly blind. And I repeat about Heather: there was a period when we were both online; I tried sending her battling requests but she blamed spotty internet when I could clearly see her in game chat, but thought nothing of it then. I'm pissed because all these people are getting off the hook when I have been just as active; I was only missing for two days!
>>16994570 It sucks that bank sorta came out, as I could now add my newly hatched sub-petaya empoleon to my roster.
and my shiny aegislash I just hatched after 408 failures Drew FC: 1650-1371-9769 {2099}
>>16994650 Yeah, I would've liked to have had my Empo on my team as well, but I'm sticking to the obtainable in gen 6 rule.
>>16994710 Yeah, no matter the outcome, I'll keep you added for rematches from time to time
Drew FC: 1650-1371-9769 {2099}
>>16994759 Oh definitely. I won't consider my steel team 'finished' until I get my penta-IV shiny Riolu that i've bred (sigh) 725 eggs for so far..
Quoted By:
>>16994795 I know that feel
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
Hard to believe that right now we're still just in what is essentially the preliminary stage of the tournament. The real fun begins once all of our type representatives are gathered. Excite
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
>>16994825 Can't view the link for some reason. Says I need access
>>16994825 Need permission to access document
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>16994850 >>16994876 Refresh, and lament, Fairy and Flying trainers!
Matthew 3093-8095-6260 Flying Gym
Quoted By:
>>16994887 My body isn't ready for flying matchups.
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice Gym] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice Gym] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Mon 30 Dec 2013 07:07:59 No. 16994925 Report >>16994825 Looks like it's the type-offs.
I don't know how well my team does against another of the same type.
This'll be good to watch.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
>>16994887 So by "total record" deciding who moves on, you mean each individual battle record right? As in I am 6-1 through 3 rounds right? or is it counted as 3-0 through 3 rounds?
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
>>16994925 Just remember: Nobody thought Ice would come this far.
You can shove it in their fucking faces, no matter what at this point.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
>>16994977 Yeah, total individual battle record.
Twinkle 3110-4777-5340
Quoted By:
Go Dragons Go!
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Either of the other Fairy trainers (Thunder, Flemming) wanna battle now?
Flemming Guy (Fairy Leader)
>>16995309 I'm here but not ready to battle right now. Wanna figure something out for later? Central European Time here.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Just wanted to mention that the special note lists MATTHEW (Normal) as having a double pairing, but it's actually Matthew (Flying). Not much of an issue I guess, but I thought I'd bring it up just in case someone gets confused.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
>>16995415 When would you be ready? I'll be on for a while but would prefer to battle sooner rather than later
Quoted By:
>>16973354 >9. NO SIMULATORS! Let's do this all through the 3DS and then post up the battle videos for everyone to watch! Fags. Simulators are better in every possible way
and I can't afford a 3Ds Callum (Rock Leader) 4098-2678-4492
I know that my match up (Parham) is meant to battle twice, but we are listed both listed against each other twice in the document. Is this just an error, or is there something really obvious that i'm missing?
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
>>16995432 Also upon rechecking I see that Aninymouse is actually missing entirely from the round 5 pairings.
Flemming Guy (Fairy Leader)
>>16995479 I actually wanted to head to bed, but now I thinking it'd be best to get this over with.
Sucks that I need to battle fairy types now. I won't stand a chance since I run no M-Mawile.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Ganon [Water] 1891-1255-5773
Quoted By:
>>16982436 I'd like to apologize if I came off as particularly angry. I didn't mean to insult you personally, I just honestly was not in the best mood before we even started. If you're ever up for a rematch, I would like to try my luck.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16995611 Shoot me a battle request when you're ready. I'm good to go.
Flemming Guy (Fairy Leader)
>>16995740 alright I'm ready. adding you back...
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
>>16995895 Awaiting videos with bated breath
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
>>16995895 This is.....just wow
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice Gym] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice Gym] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Mon 30 Dec 2013 08:17:48 No. 16996306 Report Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16996306 Let's just say we just finished the first battle lel
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
AUUUGH ERRORS Give me a second to rectify some minor errors and fix the normal type pairings.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
There. Those normal type errors and the doubly posted match error should be fixed now. Sorry about that!
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16995895 Good battles! Awesome teams with good movesets. You deserve the win.
Flemming Guy (Fairy Leader)
wow that were quiet some battles. First of sorry the stalling, the first match was easily the longest in the entire tournament. You made some pretty good choices, but RNG kinda fucked you up. A crit from mawile would have easily killed clefaible.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
>>16996466 Yeah, I messed up the second round switching clefable out though. All in all I really can say it was due to you out-strategizing me, so props to you. I'm not sure what happens if I beat Thunder since I was 3-0 before this, but we may or may not have a rematch if so. If not then good luck and keep representing the fairies well.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
>>16996510 >>16996466 Make sure to use the report form
Flemming Guy (Fairy Leader)
>>16995948 Here are the videos:
Round 1: N3BW-WWWW-WWW4-3NYZ
Round 2: L5GG-WWWW-WWW4-3NYK
I encourage you not to watch the first one though, it's 49 rounds long and consists mainly of clefaible and klefki AP stalling each other.
Flemming Guy (Fairy Leader)
Quoted By:
>>16996510 yup a rematch would be interesting. I'm so glad I used this moveset for Azumarill. It's always a surprise and helped me out quiet a bit.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>16996589 Geez, and people said walls weren't viable in 3v3.
I've seen some really interesting fights with walls, which admittedly, were not 6v6 EVERYTHING IS COVERED tier, but were still highly effective in what people were convinced was all hyper offense only 3v3.
Flemming Guy (Fairy Leader)
Quoted By:
>>16996713 I haven't played to much 3v3 but I don't see why walling wouldn't work there.
Clefaible is quite a pain to face. Magic Guard and Unaware are two of the best abilities you can have for stalling and after 2 cosmic powers, there isn't too much that'd can kill it without a crit. Plus fairy typing wich means only steel and poison are a problem, but you don't see those moves very often.
Quoted By:
>>16982436 >I beat you by letting you give me your scarf and then using scarf Braviary I thought this meant he gave your Braviary a scarf...
These videos were much less exciting than I was expecting.
Also, WHAT THE FUCK about that babby bitching about M-Kanga.
Kanga did A LOT LESS than either of your other two Pokes in either battle. Fucking BABBY just wants to whine for the sake of whining. Kanga isn't even CLOSE to the reason you lost.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
Quoted By:
>>16996713 I dunno who it was who said otherwise, but walls and stall teams are definitely viable in 3v3.
After bank came out and gave me Whimsicott to complete my 100% full-on stall team, I messed around with it on battle spot, and even with only 3 members I won a good number of matches.
It's definitely riskier than 6v6 though, I'll give you that. A single misplay or unfortunate encounter can really bite you hard. I once swaggered a Dragonite with a Lum berry who went on to completely sweep my pranksters to hell and back.
Quoted By:
>>16987666 Very cool battles.
That Gourgeist is awesome. Mind sharing its Nature/EV spread and whatnot?
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
Us flyers are going at it, Matthew and Frisbee are doing theirs as I wait
Matthew 3093-8095-6260 Flying Gym
>>16997564 I lost to frisbee, lost nearly all the speed ties and flinched everytime he won it
Matthew 3093-8095-6260 Flying Gym
>>16997605 6H4W-WWWW-WWW4-3P5L
And since I had 2 passes from first two rounds, I'm out of the tournament. Grats to which ever of you two wins, and good luck with getting champion.
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
Mfw that draco meteor crit
0791-2302-0949 Sasha
Mfw when I misclick roost and lose because of it... Fucking great
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 30 Dec 2013 10:09:24 No. 16998005 Report Quoted By:
Any of you guys got a poke high enough in level to use pick up for leftovers?
Frisbee [Flying] !xGitLuxURY
Quoted By:
>>16997605 >>16997685 >>16997823 Absolutely the RNG was on my side against both of you, there's no denying that. That Draco Meteor crit was really my only hope that battle, so I had to keep spamming it rather than die switching. I can't believe it happened.
>>16997933 Ouch, that really sucks that you misclicked.
You two have amazing teams and are both very clever trainers. Thank you for the crazy intense battles!
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771}
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771} Mon 30 Dec 2013 11:28:14 No. 16998734 Report Quoted By:
>>16994587 Rena, if you're still here, do you want to battle anyway, even if it won't count for anything?
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Mon 30 Dec 2013 12:00:58 No. 16999005 Report Hi there!
Battle Maester, can't get online with the 3DS here, I hope I'll get online asap.
Abut the matches there's something I don't understand now: I have to battle against the other Ice Leader, right? Still, I have to face Blink, since he didn't manage to show up yesterday because he had thing to do. Now, I saw that Blink lost a match against a fairy trainer in round 5, but if he wins against me doesn't that change something? Also, if I lose against blink won't that make nightingale the ice representative, or he still has to face me? Or the fact that he has 2 free rides influences the pairing? Yup, I'm confused. I hit myself in confusion. A CRITICAL HIT.
>>16994925 We reached Round 5 using Ice, we are the badasses of /vp/.
>>16982898 I emailed you before. Now I noticed that our match is posponed in round 5! As I said, now I'm not able to get online with 3ds, but we will have our match.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16999005 I was wondering about this as well, if I still had to face you. If we play, and I win, that changes a lot in determining the fairy winner since that will be determined by total overall record.
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim)
Deshawn (OT: RYAN) 0189-8977-5869 (Ghost: shuppet, pumpkaboo, drifblim) Mon 30 Dec 2013 12:23:07 No. 16999163 Report Quoted By:
There's no fighting types in round 5.
blink 3067-5194-3235 {Fairy Leader}
Quoted By:
>>16999005 I believe we should still face each other, or at least play even number of rounds if we are going to decide by total number of wins. Currently, flemming has played one more active round than I have.
uhh.. I just checked the pairings....W-what about the fighting guys?? we dont appear in this doc.. .__.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:14:36 No. 17000780 Report Me and nexi are just getting at it now... ghost vs ghost may be a fast one
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Mon 30 Dec 2013 15:32:18 No. 17001038 Report >>17000780 And, its over... Good game Nexi, I'll be sure to do our type proud to the very end. Ghost type best type.
Game 1: 27JG-WWWW-WWW4-4XPU
Game 2: 44GW-WWWW-WWW4-4XQ8
maester mobile
>>17000066 Aaaaaaaaaaqqqqq
fighting is just you two. Whomever wins between you two is rep.
Quoted By:
>>17001038 Can't wait to get home and check these out. Congratulations, Mike! 2spooky4most
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:17:06 No. 17002907 Report >>17002822 Maester, could you explain me how you will handle my matches?
I asked it before
>>16999005 Also, I have to fight them in order, right?
seab 4983-6116-6255
Quoted By:
>>17002822 uhm alright. Once my 3ds is fully charged i'll proceed to add my rival.
Deshawn if you read this, I can battle today and maybe tomorrow, I'm ready when, as previously mentioned, my 3ds is fully charged
Quoted By:
>>17002907 ...To me, of course you have to do them in order. Only round 1 and 2 were combined.
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>17002907 If you lose to blink, you can't be rep(since that would have knocked you out last round, and you wouldn't have even got this far).
Otherwise, you are still in the running. Total match wins- total match losses will determine the rep, with any free rides lowering your priority in the case of a tie.
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:31:21 No. 17003167 Report Quoted By:
>>17003053 Ok then, I'll battle him before the end of this year! Actually I'm busy with preparations, but I'll find some time for this battle!
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
Quoted By:
Nexi lost their round versus Mike, and thus Mike is Ghost Rep. Meanwhile, Frisbee's dominating wins in the Flying matchups bring him to the top of Flying rankings, giving him the position of Flying Rep! Nexi, you still need to battle Shadowman, since he is also depending on that doublepairing match. If you cannot face him in a reasonable timeframe, let me know so that I can get one of our reps to sub in.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:13:20 No. 17003997 Report w-whats up with the people with bye, we dont battle meister,
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771}
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771} Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:20:19 No. 17004137 Report >>17003997 I dunno what it stands for but it means we're the last of that type so we're through to the finals and don't have to fight in that round
>>17003997 >>17004137 You don't need to battle this round.
We are going to tear each other to fucking ribbons.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:26:40 No. 17004282 Report >>17004137 yay
so the official gym leaders so far of /vp/ are:
Heather (Dark)
Tuna (Dragon)
Ganon (Water)
Q (Poison)
Onyx (Psychic)
Daniel (Grass)
yay Dangle (Ground)
Kate (Electric)
To contribute the autism for us the representatives (official gym leaders so far) how would be your gym, what tematic, name of the badge and TM given.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771}
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771} Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:26:45 No. 17004284 Report >>17004194 I'm curious how it's going to work though. Do we all just battle each other and whoever has the most victories wins? Or what?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:30:43 No. 17004365 Report >>17004284 i think the ranks goes to
Gym leader (every representative so far)
Elite 4 (the four people with most wins on the finals)
Champion (explains itself)
>>17004365 Yeah, but only top 13 spots -champ, e4 and 8 gym leaders
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:43:53 No. 17004687 Report >>17004586 then the 5 remaining are.....gym leaders from other regions?
Drew FC: 1650-1371-9769 {2099}
Quoted By:
>>17004687 I don't think we've had a confirmed way as to how the representatives will battle, have we?
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>17004284 I've been trying to figure that one out.
Round Robin is probably the cleanest method, with any ties decided by a tiebreaker rematch, but it is also the longest, since it involves every single finalist having 17 battles.
Double elimination is much faster, but the RNG in pairing makes it somewhat less fair.
Single elimination is superfast, but yeah. RNG.
What would people prefer?
Q, AKA Battle Maester !!bBxcJK1lmAR
>>17004761 Anyways, I'm going out to do stuff. When I get back this evening, I'll look at your responses.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771}
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771} Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:48:39 No. 17004818 Report >>17004761 my main concern is people getting paired with bad matchups on their first match and then eliminated. I agree that 17 battles is a lot but since all of the gym leaders are pretty active I can't really think of another way that would be fair.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:50:25 No. 17004867 Report Quoted By:
>>17004818 agreed
>>17004792 Three best of three fights, with appropriate tiebreakers.
I was also thinking top five gets champ and e4, the next five get frontier brains (complete with custom rules per brain) and last 8 get gym leader
It might make some unhappy, and maybe my vote doesn't even count yet, but I'd want the round robin. To me, that's really the only way I will know how strong I really am.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:53:13 No. 17004935 Report Quoted By:
>>17004913 agreed with this too
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:54:51 No. 17004975 Report >>17004921 since i think all of us are already gym leaders/e4/champion/frontier brain like
>>17004913 said i think that would be a pretty good idea
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:55:59 No. 17005008 Report Quoted By:
>>17004975 that way we can arrage ourselves from first town gym leader to last town gym leader/ first e4-last e4
Drew (Steel) FC: 1650-1371-9769
>>17004818 I'm not sure which of us will be the Steel Rep yet, but just putting in my 2 cents, I think Double Elimination would be the best, BUT! Instead of just doing RNG, generate the pairups, then look through them and change around any that are bad pairings, but leave ones that can be overcome. For example, Bad: Fire vs Water. Good: Something like Water vs Ice, where water Resists ice, but at least it's not super-effective. Just my thoughts.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:57:04 No. 17005038 Report >>17004282 >tfw nobody responds this >tfw no image reaction folder cuz im not in my house >tfw i have failed the damn captcha 3 times Shadowman - 1564-3268-9773 - Flying [spearow, swanna, fletchinder]
Shadowman - 1564-3268-9773 - Flying [spearow, swanna, fletchinder] Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:57:06 No. 17005040 Report Quoted By:
Nexi I greatly advise today or tomorrow I'm free whenever just let me know when you can
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:58:24 No. 17005071 Report Quoted By:
>>17005016 so much agreement on this
i dont want a yanmega raping my entire team again ;_; Drew (Steel) FC: 1650-1371-9769
Quoted By:
Since I apparently didn't quote both the things I wanted to..
>>17004761 see
>>17005016 Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17004761 Just gonna jump in and say that I think that Round Robin is definitely my preferred option of the three.
When it gets to the finals, I think it's best to get rid of as many elements of luck as possible and make the battles all about skill. Round Robin ensures that an otherwise great participant isn't eliminates due to sheer bad luck in pairings.
As for efficiency I will admit that it's not the most efficient, in terms of both time and video saving since each person can only upload 10 videos at a time. However, as someone else did mention already most of the type representatives are pretty active, and I think it'll be quite possible to do multiple battles in a single day, thus cutting down on the time requirement.
Just my two cents, anyways.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross)
Mike 2122-6778-7179 (paras, masquerain, heracross) Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:39:04 No. 17006021 Report Quoted By:
>>17004761 My vote goes for the round robin idea, because i got in this for the battles, and by golly i want as many as i can. And as others have mentioned, most type reps have been pretty good about being available so i don't see it as a huge problem timewise.
Nanaca 1418-7364-5522
>>17005971 Also as an addendum I'd just like to mention that a RR format puts every single finalist on each other's friend lists, making future communication and planning a load more convenient.
Certainly not a point of focus, but definitely a nice little bonus.
Quoted By:
>>17006093 tbh, i've been deleting opponents after my battles, and will continue to do so in the finals. being an active breeder/trader keeps my friend list constantly bouncing between 80-100 Friends, so I can't keep "unnecessary" people.
Quoted By:
>>17004761 Just to put the giantness of Round Robin into perspective:
Rounds 1 & 2 had 52 matchups
Round 3 had 29 matchups
Round 4 had 19 matchups
Round 5 has 17 matchups
Round Robin with the 18 leaders would be 306 matchups.
People please take this into consideration when deciding which format you'd prefer.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771}
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771} Mon 30 Dec 2013 20:29:57 No. 17007135 Report Does anyone have a starf/lansat berry they could trade for something here: ?
>>17007135 Yeah, but I don't trade with Instacheckers.
maester mobile
>>17007295 :\
same effort as masudamethod, and better for the community. ur mean.
>>17007630 >same effort as MM LOL WHAT
>better for community LOL WHAT
didn't realize you were retarded.
maester mobile
>>17007724 Implying that making friends and trading Mon is worse than repetitive grinding. Implying that most instacheckers saw more than 1 or 2 shinies per week of effort
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771}
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771} Mon 30 Dec 2013 21:01:12 No. 17007769 Report Anonymous
>>17007724 >be making eggs for instacheck >Find legit shiny egg in batch which matches my SV Feels good niggah
>>17007752 >hatching 20 eggs = hatching 1365 u wot m8
>making friends and trading mon >cheating FTFY
>>17007769 ?
Quoted By:
>>17007830 cool story. you should blog that more often.
can i subscribe to your youtube? you seem really really cool. also whats your facebook?
>>17007839 >Implying every MM requires 1365 eggs >Implying you can find someone to hatch your egg in 20 >Implying you know anything about instacheck and aren't just a biggoted faggot Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771}
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771} Mon 30 Dec 2013 21:11:10 No. 17007939 Report >>17007839 >getting this mad over recolors Besides the arons and most of the shinies, everything else on that list was not instachecked and came from other trades
Quoted By:
>>17007904 >Implying you can find someone to hatch your egg in 20 >your egg >ONE EGG wow dude, so now 1 egg = 1365 eggs?
>implying every MM requires 1365 You're right, a lot of times it can get over 3000.
Also, even if it was a measly 80, that's still a lot more than 1 egg for instacheck shinies.
>>17007939 >getting this mad over recolors >being this butthurt Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771}
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {771} Mon 30 Dec 2013 21:15:36 No. 17008035 Report >>17007977 >can't come up with a decent retort >I know! I'll call him butthurt! I'm just looking to trade for a start or lansat berry. You're the one who came in here all upset over instacheck.
Quoted By:
>>17008035 >can't come up with a decent retort >I know! I'll call him butthurt! strange, that you're attacking your own strategy via a post that was satirizing your OWN failure to come up with a decent retort followed by spouting umad.
actually, it's not strange at all. i should have seen it coming.
stay mad tho
They're literally pallet swaps. I can't understand the butt frustration. At least it's not all pokegenned shits that are on random battles.
>>17008303 Of course then you have the players who throw out a bunch of shiny legendaries only to get steamrolled by a non-shiny run of the mill Azumarill.
I wish i could see their faces.
*Roar of Time*
*belly drum*
*Aura Sphere*
*Play Rough*
"And your Dialge didn't use any Steel type moves...why?"
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula]
Kerbs (Bresk) -Ice Leader- 3695-0018-6282 [Pachirisu Stunfisk Galvantula] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:01:46 No. 17008853 Report Quoted By:
Blink are you here? I don't think I'll connect tomorrow since it will be the 31 and I have to set everything up for the party, and on the 1st I'll won't be at home. We had to do this yesterday. NOW IT IS TOO LATE
>>17008828 >people using legendaries on random battle, let alone fakes and shinies Oh, Drew, I'll be on in about 5 mins to fight for dat steel crown
Drew (Steel) FC: 1650-1371-9769
Quoted By:
>>17009178 Okay, ready when you are!
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:24:23 No. 17009408 Report Quoted By:
>>17004282 >>17005038 >tfw nobody answered and i waited for hours >tfw cant delete this post >tfw no reaction images Kyle/Nips(1977-1205-0529)
Quoted By:
>>17009178 Ooooooh shit its on now
>>17004282 Wait to see who wins for steels!
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:27:19 No. 17009479 Report Man I've been so bored since I've gotten knocked out of the tourny... Tho half the time I wondered how I didn't get knowcked out in the first two rounds. Oh well. Have a Gourgeist.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:28:31 No. 17009513 Report Twinkle 3110-4777-5340
>>17009479 You and me both Remu
I killed time yesterday doing a cherubi giveaway
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:31:37 No. 17009583 Report >>17009513 Hey there Daniel.
>>17009559 I've been spending time trying to get leftovers from pick up for a thing I might be doing tomorrow.
>>17009583 >have so many pokemon that need leftovers >only have one Why isn't it an item at the maison? Pickup is useless for it.
Drew (Steel) FC: 1650-1371-9769
>>17009440 Nice try with the taunt/suckerpunch ;)
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:35:53 No. 17009683 Report Quoted By:
>>17009633 The 1% chance blows, and I need it for three pokes, one already has it an I could run another with a different item... But I need on for Mandibuzz so I can use both it and Gourgeist on my team with leftovers...
Twinkle 3110-4777-5340
>>17009583 Do you need a spare one?
I have two since my boyfriend restarted his game and doesn't do any competitive stuff really and I'll probably get the third one from him once he gets it in his new game
Drew (Steel) FC: 1650-1371-9769
>>17009440 *sigh* If only I had done better the first match.. Treat us well, Kyle. Hope to battle again some time.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:37:39 No. 17009732 Report Quoted By:
>>17009479 I was also expecting to get knocked out first round. Definitely wasn't expecting to get to the finals.
>>17009656 And it's over! What a game!
My favorite opponent to fight in this tourney! You deserved your spot for sure
Flemming Guy (Fairy Leader)
>>17009479 Man, you make me feel really bad for knocking you out, since you seem like a nice person.
You posted something about pick up and leftovers above. I can lend/trade you a lvl 100 Linoose and/or a lvl 92 or so diggersby, both with pickup if that helps you out...
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:39:17 No. 17009769 Report >>17009684 Actually I could use one! I need to get my Vullaby up to level for tomorrow. Also what Special attack would you recommend for my team?
Mega Pinsir
Super Gourgeist
Assault vest Swampert
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:39:34 No. 17009776 Report Quoted By:
>>17009755 remu is nice person Drew (Steel) FC: 1650-1371-9769
>>17009740 Definitely my favorite opponent as well! I expect great things in the final bracket ;) I'll stick around these threads for sure. And definitely look forward to rematches in the future! Best of luck!
>>17009727 No one expects or prepares for skarmory. You did awesome though
Here's the videos
Round One: B6GG-WWWW-WWW4-4E65
Round Two: ZUZW-WWWW-WWW4-4E6B
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:41:31 No. 17009820 Report >>17009755 Nah it should be fine, Twinkle said she has a spare she can give.
Besides it was a good match man, I can compete with it so not your fault.
I mostly blame nip with his focus sash Aegislash. That fucked me over my first lose. But he's still cool in my book as well. Drew (Steel) FC: 1650-1371-9769
Quoted By:
>>17009803 Yeah, I was planning to use hammer arm to make MGross slower, then force a roost so I could use EQuake on him.. But I screwed up the first game, or else I feel I would've done better. But! I know that our type is in amazing hands. Proud to say I made it this far, though :)
Quoted By:
>>17009793 Absolutely. Challenge me whenever you wanna
Twinkle 3110-4777-5340
>>17009769 Rotom-H or Gourgeist IMO but it's really up to you
I didn't know Mega Pinsir could be run as a spec attacker so that could be interesting! Send me a trade request if I can find you since I'm online now
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:45:48 No. 17009941 Report >>17009881 Well I mean what pokemon should I add to that list of pokemon as a special attacker.
That list is my team and I need a special attacker besides Rotom -H
Quoted By:
>>17009820 Appreciate it
I feel dirty still Kieran 4468 0964 1713
Quoted By:
>>16990336 Sorry about the disconnect. I would make up an excuse, but I was just angry. I misclicked the Hidden Power in the first round and didn't Mega. Meant to Volt Switch. I was mad at my play and the crits.
You played a great game, and ultimately deserved to win.
Flemming Guy (Fairy Leader)
>>17009820 that's better then. Focus sash aegislash really is weird. I can't remember OHKO-ing a aegislash ever.
Thunder, if your here, we need to find a time for our Fairy/Fairy match. It's still a bunch of time left but I have things to do in the next couple days.
Twinkle 3110-4777-5340
>>17009941 Ohhh I see I see
I'm a big fan of Goodra but since you already have an assault vest pokemon... Hydregion! Really underestimated as a scarfed pokemon.
I just like dragons ;_;
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:51:08 No. 17010081 Report Quoted By:
>>17009881 I'd need you to add me back btw.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:51:46 No. 17010096 Report new threrad when
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:53:02 No. 17010121 Report >>17010096 I'll make a new one in a sec.
>>17010070 I would if I didn't need it tomorrow... I could maybe get a breeding leftover from wi-fi general and train it up...
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - Toxicroak) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:53:10 No. 17010125 Report Quoted By:
>>17010096 >inb4 next year Twinkle 3110-4777-5340
>>17010121 I'll send you my one and you can give it back to me!
Quoted By:
>>17010053 I facebooked him. Give him a few.
Aegisashed has saved my ass way too often
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [2Spookytype] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:57:14 No. 17010260 Report Quoted By:
>>17010167 Should I breed it real quick?
>>17010199 >>17010199 >>17010199 Twinkle 3110-4777-5340
Quoted By:
>>17010121 Also um he did know surf but I had to delete it to trade it so you probably have to teach it again