Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
Quoted By:
For all breeding probability questions, see: D - 4270-1894-6823 (Snover, Sneasel, Cloyster)
D - 4270-1894-6823 (Snover, Sneasel, Cloyster) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:09:11 No. 16978795 Report Still looking for a Ditto Safari. Help a nigga out
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
too much text/10nice pic tho
ThereAreTooManyRyansHere (0705-3302-1164)
ThereAreTooManyRyansHere (0705-3302-1164) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:10:51 No. 16978823 Report >>16978640 Extremely bad luck I presume. I've been breeding Vulpixes and I'd guess that like 1/10 babys have less than 5IVs. Keep trying.
Sidenote, if anyone wants 5IV vulpixes I'm just throwing them away at this point, I've even get a 6IV female I can part with.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
Quoted By:
>>16978795 Find the friend safari thread. This isn't the place to ask.
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:10:57 No. 16978832 Report 4th for Autism
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:11:12 No. 16978834 Report Just to repeat
>>16978721 HA Chimmy's with Fire and Thunder Punch and Fake Out.
Looking for any decent bankmons (IVs don't matter) or any random mon with Pokerus
Still looking for a Victini. I have a Kyurem. ;_;
Quoted By:
>>16978805 >too much text/10 you could have stopped it
>>16978832 >4th for Autism You're in the wrong thread buddo
>>16978835 >event legend for in game legend I like this trade.
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>16978831 I can possibly get you a Rufflet.
Lemme make sure I still have one that's half-decent.
Caleb 2423-3104-9313 [Mightyena, Crawdaunt, Sableye] Anonymous Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:12:28 No. 16978866 Report Trading Shinies for an Adamant, guts Timbur with mach punch. I've been looking for so long...
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>16978866 Something wrong with breeding one?
>>16978866 >I've been looking for so long... And yet they are incredibly easy to breed, it took me maybe 20 minutes to pass 4 egg moves onto a Timburr.
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle)
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:14:10 No. 16978911 Report >>16978866 Jesus fuck you're still looking for that? If I finish my bubasaur today, I'll breed some extra ones for you, if no one else does.
John 4527-8700-4039
Quoted By:
>>16978823 What's ironic is I got my penta in the 76th egg. I guess whining really does pay off. Still, destinyknot said I was 99.9978>% likely to already have gotten one at that point so I almost wanted to see how long I could go on without getting one.
I have a problem with pokegen ;_; I need help.
ThereAreTooManyRyansHere (0705-3302-1164)
ThereAreTooManyRyansHere (0705-3302-1164) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:16:23 No. 16978955 Report >>16978831 I can get you a 5IV Vulpix for dat field group male you're looking for. Trade me a male 5IV abomasnow?
>>16978834 I think I have a piece o shit ledyba with pokerus, unless I released it
Quoted By:
>>16978943 Make a new thread, we usually deal with legitimate pokemon here.
Maile 1633-4166-6070
>>16978834 I got an Sunkern with Pokerus, can I have an HA chimchar for it?
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:17:36 No. 16978975 Report >>16978955 I'd take a 0/0/0/0/0/0 level 2 Pidgey with Pokerus. Literally anything will do
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:17:46 No. 16978981 Report Quoted By:
Anyone up for a battle? 6v6 singles
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
[W] 5-6IVs female Slowpoke w/Regenerator for MM [Can Breed] 5IVs Smeargle 5IVs Drillbur 5IVs Phantump
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle)
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:18:13 No. 16978986 Report >>16978943 What's the problem? I might be able to help you.
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:18:30 No. 16978993 Report It's my birthday, let's celebrate with battles. Anybody?
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:18:37 No. 16978994 Report Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
Quoted By:
>>16978975 I would trade something decent for that.
>>16978986 well now I know never to trade with voice.
Caleb 2423-3104-9313 [Mightyena, Crawdaunt, Sableye] Anonymous Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:20:09 No. 16979024 Report Quoted By:
>>16978895 >>16978902 Ya i know...I've been looking for a ditto safari, but as of now i'm trying to unload some extra shinies while i work on ev training on BP gathering
>>16978911 I would greatly appreciate that, i'll keep posting throughought the day, so don't feel rushed
Maile 1633-4166-6070
>>16978994 thank you, adding you now
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>16978993 Happy birthday.
>>16978831 I do, in fact, have some decent Rufflet.
Imperfect though, (missing HP), still quite usable in breeding.
HA, even.
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
>>16978857 All right then, I shall be waiting.
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle)
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:21:22 No. 16979061 Report >>16979011 I mean, I only gen things for competitive. But that's fine, I probably won't be trading anymore once bank comes in 2016.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:21:36 No. 16979064 Report >>16978993 I'll battle you I guess.
I'm prepared to lose again Anonymous
>>16978986 I have a shiny Ralts From Johto, but it's stats aren't the best, I only want to change that, there's a way to modify the stats and make it look legal?
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Quoted By:
>>16979059 see
>>16979033 I'll need to add you, and delete someone else first.
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle)
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:22:47 No. 16979084 Report >>16979069 Change the IVs to what you want, nature too, and then generate a new PID to make it "legal"
Sirk 1048-9529-3188 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Sirk 1048-9529-3188 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:23:00 No. 16979090 Report Quoted By:
>>16978834 You still looking for pokerus? I think I've got you covered.
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:25:04 No. 16979128 Report Quoted By:
>>16979031 Thanks a lot for the pokerus, enjoy your Chimchar
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle)
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:25:11 No. 16979131 Report Quoted By:
>>16979084 Oh, and check your work with pokecheck. Although it's not really foolproof, it will tell you if you went wrong anywhere.
Quoted By:
>>16979069 To make it look more legit, use Pokecheck to transfer it up - put it in using the Gen IV -> Gen V option, it won't have any of the ribbons or anything.
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:26:05 No. 16979146 Report >>16979064 You lost last time?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:28:03 No. 16979174 Report Quoted By:
>>16979146 I remember losing to someone last time I battled. I think it was you.
Quoted By:
>>16979061 >when bank comes >2016 Subtle.
Now with Woobat, Bellsprout and Koffing. I have a bunch of 4IV leftovers (mostly good ones... with no double attack stats, and most with perfect speed/HP +2 other relevant stats) that I would like to get rid of... That means they're free if you ask nicely. As of yet, I still have them from all my perfect breeding projects. Please don't bother offering any commonly available Pokemon (please do offer your unconventional bred Pokemon, though). Just link me to your list and I'll have a look. Also, don't bother offering shitty 5IVs with unneeded double attack stats for my perfect spread 5IV ones. I also suffer from ball autism (the matched type) as you can probaly deduce from the variety of balls my projects come in. Speaking of that... anybody got a female Koffing that's not in a Pokeball? IVs irrelevant...
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>16979059 Forgot my FC...
3609-1323-7078 Stahlregen 5257-9605-0508
>>16979185 huh, I should probably post my IGN/FC, too...
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
>>16979197 What do you want in return for the Rufflet?
>>16979084 >generate a new PID There's a software for that? sorry if the question is too supid.
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16979209 Hmm... Are you looking for HP Pokemon?
I'm interested in the Foongus, have stuff like HP Ground Larvesta, HP Ice Eevee, Litleo.
Interested in any?
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:33:35 No. 16979275 Report >>16979209 I'd love a Koffing. All I have though are 4IV Mawiles. Unless you'd want a 5IV Trevenant for a breeding parent.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>16979261 Ay you, I got you a present and stuff~
Quoted By:
I have a uxie, trading it for just about any other bank legend. (not latios) I have shiny banette holding banettite, trading for bank legends
Quoted By:
Do we know what the strange souvenier does?
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16979292 Ooh, a surprise?
I like surprises.
Help me WFG Im breeding a Mantine with Tailwind. The problem is, for some retarded reason Tailwind is only breedable on Mantyke, not Mantine, which means I have to either not use Everstone or not use Destiny Knot. Which one should I give up on?
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
>>16979222 Something 5IV, what it may be is up to you.
Doesn't need to be perfect, either.
Evan (3411-1129-4798)
Quoted By:
Looking for Drill Run Karrablast.
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:37:14 No. 16979342 Report Repost for new thread: I'm going to be MMing yanmas all day, and already have a box of pentaperfects spare. If you want a yanma tell me gender and ability and it's yours.
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:37:48 No. 16979350 Report >>16979185 D-did somebody say 5IV German Prankster Purrloin?
:'D Could I grab a female? I've got a pentaperfect male 5IV Supersize Impish Pumpkaboo left. My other 5IVs aren't pentaperfect, unfortunately, but I've got 4IV Snivy with Glare, too, and I could toss in a sellable item if you like?
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle)
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:37:57 No. 16979353 Report >>16979250 Yes. Can you figure it out from here? I feel kind of silly giving a pokegen tutorial in autism general.
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
>>16979332 One more thing: Your IGN is Barthas?
>>16979328 Everstone, then keep breeding until you get lucky with nature.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>16979311 Would you like a nickname for your
tepig, sorry if I may have ruined the surprise. Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:39:20 No. 16979377 Report >>16979328 you'll have to give up on the everstone.
you need those good iv's man.
a 1/25 chance of getting the right nature is better than a 1/32^5 chance of getting a 5iv
Stahlregen 5257-9605-0508
>>16979261 I'm not really interested to be honest. Got a list or anything?
>>16979275 Did you say it's your birthday? I have a bunch, so I can afford to make you a little present...
Do you want a male or a female?
Added you.
About to capture Lugia on HG eh, want to spam the fuck out of Aerblast Timid? or is Bold also right with that?
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:40:54 No. 16979401 Report >>16979209 If you're not already busy, a 4iv scatterbug or venipede would really make my day. in spite of their weaknesses i still really love their design but I'm so burnt out on breeding
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:41:30 No. 16979408 Report If anyone still wants an Iron Fist Jolly Chimchar, could you hook me up with a Ditto?
3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
>>16979360 >>16979377 Thanks. Everstone it is.
Gotta brace myself for some breeding hell.
>where did those 4th gen feels suddenly come from ;_; Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:43:40 No. 16979444 Report >>16979342 Nice, Shiny Yanma/Yanmega is cool as fuck
Pic is my Shiny Yanmega
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
Anyone with a 5-6IVs female HA Slowpoke? I don't mind if it's hacked from BW or anything.
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16979361 I'm guessing it's a male.... In that caseee, let's see.
Jor Kadeen is what I want.
>>16979380 Hmm naw, never bothered making a list. I don't have much else so it doesn't matter.
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
>>16979366 Thanks! You've really helped me out.
Stahlregen 5257-9605-0508
>>16979350 I'd love the Pumpkaboo, but I only have a male 5IV Purrloin left..
>>16979401 added
Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Quoted By:
>>16979461 Thanks for the Chimchar. Enjoy the Rufflet!
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:45:05 No. 16979481 Report >>16979424 sweet, I'm online now so just send me the invite
3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
>>16979408 >>16979424 shit, my ditto is Adamant, not Jolly. Sorry man.
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:45:33 No. 16979489 Report Quoted By:
>>16979467 I could deal with that. I've got a lady he could breed with anyway, she's just not pentaperfect. But one of their kids will probably make a good enough mother for more babies anyway. Gonna add you now.
Need a good physical wall to go with Vaporeon. Any suggestions?
Sirk 1048-9529-3188 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Sirk 1048-9529-3188 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:46:39 No. 16979513 Report Quoted By:
>>16979481 You need a jolly Ditto? I think I might have one.
3995 7355 8866
>>16979481 it's adamant not jolly. sorry dude.
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:46:48 No. 16979516 Report >>16979444 There's a reason I'm going for it.
Is (s)he instachecked? Nathan 2079-7423-0278 Shelgon, Gabite and Druggidon
Nathan 2079-7423-0278 Shelgon, Gabite and Druggidon Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:47:08 No. 16979521 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a Turtwig with his HA available for trade? I have a Froakie with Protean as an option
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:47:36 No. 16979530 Report >tfw I wondertrade away a 4IV Purrloin and get a fucking Bunnelby nicknamed "Haha!!!" tfw I have no reaction images that match my current emotions
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:48:14 No. 16979543 Report >>16979380 A female would be great, thanks.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>16979454 Jor Kadeen it is, he has 4 egg moves. I'm still envious of your jolteon.
Btw do you have a male chandelure like the one you made me? We may have another project on our hands. Sirk 1048-9529-3188 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Sirk 1048-9529-3188 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:48:38 No. 16979551 Report >>16979481 Okay my bad, it's not jolly. It has impostor though.
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:48:49 No. 16979557 Report Quoted By:
>>16979467 thanks a ton, pal
coinboy 3797 - 7127 - 5441 [Fairy type: Snubbul - Swirlix - Blue Floette]
coinboy 3797 - 7127 - 5441 [Fairy type: Snubbul - Swirlix - Blue Floette] Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:49:11 No. 16979564 Report Quoted By:
Ziggy 0576-5269-2959
I have a speed boost Torchic for whoever has a Ditto, any Ditto. Hook a nigga up, /vp/.
Quoted By:
>>16979353 Thanks for your help, pokecheck still says the spreads are wrong according to the PID but don't worry I'll find a solution.
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:50:40 No. 16979589 Report >>16979530 >tfw accidentally WT'd away a 5iv zorua and got a flabébé named "Ur Upset :)" Anonymous
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:51:21 No. 16979602 Report >>16979551 Already have an Impostor Ditto, I'm good.
>>16979515 Ah, no worries
Nathan 2079-7423-0278 Shelgon, Gabite and Druggidon
Nathan 2079-7423-0278 Shelgon, Gabite and Druggidon Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:51:42 No. 16979609 Report >>16979581 I'll trade you a Ditto
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:51:54 No. 16979613 Report Hey WFG, I am looking for HA female chimchars ( preferably with 4-5IVs) so Ican breed some for a friend who absolutely loves it, anything on my list will do for trade if you have one, if you could help that would be great
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16979550 I have like 30 Chandelures, lemme look in my box.
Fight me so I can check.
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:52:42 No. 16979626 Report Quoted By:
>>16979467 Turned out the last pentaperfect was a girl. At least she'll pass down the size. Have fun with your new Gourgeist
~ >>16979589 That is an astonishingly accurate representation of my feelings, yes. Let us mourn together.
Evan (3411-1129-4798)
>>16979551 Tey, I have a Jolly Ditto if you want it.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:53:04 No. 16979636 Report >>16979516 I only breed. I like the reward of breeding for shinies. Not getting them almost instantly.
Anyone up for a smogon rule's single battle?
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>16979615 Send BR whenever, ill help out as much as I can.
Coolbear (IGN:Sugar) 1220-7286-2937
>>16979543 Happy birthday nigguh.
Quoted By:
Anyone have the german version of the game?
Ziggy 0576-5269-2959
Quoted By:
>>16979609 Thanks man, added you.
Quoted By:
>scald has a 30% chance of burning >always burns >stone edge has an 80% chance of hitting >always misses Why
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:54:36 No. 16979686 Report Quoted By:
>>16979627 Great, adding now
Sirk 1048-9529-3188 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Sirk 1048-9529-3188 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:54:43 No. 16979690 Report >>16979602 Okay, I found an extra modest ditto that I've got.
Stahlregen 5257-9605-0508
>>16979589 YOU! Weren't you looking for a Weedle?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:55:14 No. 16979695 Report Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom)
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 (Meinfoo, Sawk, Breloom) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:56:19 No. 16979714 Report Quoted By:
>>16979665 Much love, my nigga.
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:56:25 No. 16979715 Report Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16979664 Just checked, none of these have 30 in 4 stats, only 3.
>>16979695 I'm adding you. See you online!
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:56:41 No. 16979719 Report >>16979690 Also adding.
Evan and Sirk, I'm online so just send me the invites and you'll have your Chimps
Quoted By:
Is anybody that has enough experience with XZard around? How much attack would you run on it?
Quoted By:
>>16979613 Hey man, can I get a Vullaby? I can offer a Darumaka
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:58:06 No. 16979755 Report >>16979718 We are already friends though...
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>16979716 We can keep trying.
Keep in mind we will have 0 speed and if it works 0 attack too. Nathan 2079-7423-0278 Shelgon, Gabite and Druggidon
Nathan 2079-7423-0278 Shelgon, Gabite and Druggidon Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:58:09 No. 16979758 Report Is it even possible to get a HA Turtwig in X and Y?
Quoted By:
I kind of want to do a starter team, since we have six generations' worth of them now. Has anyone done this? Maybe a monotype team?
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
Quoted By:
>>16979664 I have 2 male Litwicks that have x/x/30/30/30/30, would those be any good?
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260
Quoted By:
Anyone got a decent Corphish with egg moves?
>>16979758 Yes, only gen 2 and 4 starters were unreleased.
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16979756 Oh, if that's so I have a male Litwick with 31/x/30/30/30/x
Nathan 2079-7423-0278 Shelgon, Gabite and Druggidon
Nathan 2079-7423-0278 Shelgon, Gabite and Druggidon Sun 29 Dec 2013 19:59:43 No. 16979788 Report Quoted By:
>>16979776 thanks for the response, now I just need to find one
>>16979755 Thought I recognized your name lol.
Evan (3411-1129-4798)
>>16979715 Could I trade you a pentaperfect Adamant Binacle for that Zorua?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:00:36 No. 16979804 Report Quoted By:
>>16979793 I'm prepared to lose.
5-1 Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>16979785 Well that's perfect, do you know if we could have 0 in attack or would we have to get 1 in that iv?
Sporbo 5386-8039-3719 {1557} {2129}
Quoted By:
>>16979185 boy howdy, i'd like one of those 0 speed foongus!
i can offer 5IV Claunchers Mawiles, or..... nidoran......
also looking for Scraggy! lower the speed the better.
Stahlregen 5257-9605-0508
>>16979715 Do you have a female Spinarak? I'd have a pentaperfect Weedle (Run Away, Dusk Ball) for you.
I just ran out of 5IV Purrloins, unfortunately.. -_-
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:02:37 No. 16979841 Report >>16979636 > kate is still working on a shiny yanma kate, how's that going anyway
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16979818 Don't think attack matters in the HP Fighting spread, I could be wrong.
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:03:39 No. 16979857 Report Quoted By:
>>16979841 >still Haven't you only seen me breeding since last thread? I know shinies hatch faster now, but I don't think it's a one hour endeavor.
It's boring as fuck. At least I have WoT to kill time. Anonymous
Quoted By:
would anyone be willing to trade me a charizardite Y for my charizardite X? I've got a 4iv charmander to put it on if you'd like. I'm John 4012-4122-6671
Sirk 1048-9529-3188 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Sirk 1048-9529-3188 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:04:52 No. 16979887 Report Nappa !!gw4/lKtnI20
Quoted By:
Anyone know what Deoxys can learn in gen 6? Still need to SR my one in gen 5, and want to plan a set.
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:06:25 No. 16979913 Report >>16979797 I'll have to check if i have anymore zorua, i probably do.
>>16979827 I forgot to cross out the purrloin on my list.
a weedle would be great
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260
>>16979613 Assuming you're still in the thread, do you have a 4IV Corphish and 4IV Swinub still?
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>16979843 Ill test it on a calc, but thanks bro. This is step one for the
fighting coffin. Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Tey 4854-6575-0139 (Electric: Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:06:40 No. 16979918 Report Quoted By:
>>16979887 No problem. You're the one helping me out, much appreciated
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16979916 Oh, cool shit man. I have to ask for a favour though, can you help me evolve my Porygon into Z?
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle)
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:08:36 No. 16979956 Report Quoted By:
"This pokemon has outstanding potential!">Get happy >Only counted 4 IVs >Again It'll be worth it in the end. Probably.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
[W] 5-6IVs female Slowpoke w/Regenerator for MM [Can Breed] 5IVs Smeargle 5IVs Drillbur 5IVs Phantump Feebas Piplup Cyndaquil Totodile Mudkip
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:10:12 No. 16979982 Report >>16979914 Yes I most certainly do
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu)
Gina - 3050 - 7578 - 5885 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Xatu) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:11:57 No. 16980007 Report I-I'm thinking about MMing for Shroomish now... I was checking a box of stuff I got from Wonder Trade and apparently I got a Japanese female hexaperfect Shroomish. Checked her again at the IV Judge to make sure and she's actually got six perfect IVs. Why would someone WT that away?
Stahlregen 5257-9605-0508
>>16979913 Added you. Want a male or a female?
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260
>>16979982 Waddaya want for one of each? I've got some 4IV Snorlaxes, Klefkis, Hippopotasi and Porygons. Also have a few BP items if you want those instead.
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:14:03 No. 16980040 Report Quoted By:
so I'm thinging wfg needs a tom nook for BP items and I'm thinnking I'm the guy to do it since I suck at breeding and you guys could use items. is that cool? could that be my contribution to this lovely establishment?
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:14:15 No. 16980044 Report >>16979185 PLEASE....check my list....Im interested in...
Pentaperfect or 6IV Male Modest HA Bulbasaur with Giga Drain
Pentaperfect Male Bold Koffing with Egg Moves
Pentaperfect Male HA Jolly Zubat with Egg Moves
Pentaperfect Male HA Jolly Weedle
Pentaperfect Female Dry Skin Adamant Croagunk with Egg Moves
>>16979715 Please check picture
Im Interested in
Pentaperfect Female Timid Zorua with Egg Moves
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:14:21 No. 16980048 Report Quoted By:
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>16979951 Figured I'd give you some shiny dex entries.
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:14:58 No. 16980061 Report >>16980028 Porygons sound interesting, do you have anything other leftovers?
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:15:17 No. 16980066 Report Quoted By:
>>16980044 Forgot to mention...I have more Dratinis now....all 5IVs and now include Extreme Speed egg moves
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:16:40 No. 16980081 Report Quoted By:
>>16980007 Probably an accident, or just a really nice guy. Congrats!
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:16:53 No. 16980086 Report >>16980044 Hello, could I take a female chimchar with HA for anything on my list?
>>16979613 Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16980056 Oh, thanks. For the entries and the evolving.
Time to put this guy in my team permanently.
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16980056 "It has learned an HM Move, it cannot leave your party." gimme a minute.
Quoted By:
>>16980096 I haven't seen him in a few days.
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260
>>16980061 I could do Porygon for Corphish, I've got some odds and ends of 4IV pokemon that I might not use (Mudkip, Meowth, Cubchoo).
I've also got the majority of BP items, and if I don't have what ya want I could do a quick run and get enough for it.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:19:08 No. 16980123 Report Putting phiones up for x exclusives and other pokemon I need for the dex. Gotten pretty lucky so far.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Quoted By:
>>16980089 >>16980110 Sorry about that. I had him on my team since platinum. Tribeam and hyper beam ftw.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:20:32 No. 16980152 Report >>16980086 My only other 4IV HA Female (I only have 2) is a Level 35 one that needs the egg moves relearned...
Other than that....I have a Level 1 3IV Female HA with egg moves...
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
>>16980123 Any bankmon tends to do pretty well, assuming you're asking for something that's breedable.
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:21:42 No. 16980171 Report >>16980122 I could take that mudkip for a swinub too if thats okay
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260
>>16980171 Sounds good man, added ya.
My IGN is Evan, btw IGN:Saki 3540-0229-0572 (Onix, Nosepass, Shuckle)
IGN:Saki 3540-0229-0572 (Onix, Nosepass, Shuckle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:23:07 No. 16980196 Report Anyone have anything (not magneton) with Electric Terrain? I'm trying to breed it onto Luxray.
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:23:50 No. 16980209 Report >>16980152 I dont need the egg moves, I have a male one with what he need I think, if you can spare one for something on my list would be good
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:24:50 No. 16980227 Report >>16979793 GG. Why did you send out Azumarill and Fortress instead of OHKOing my Weezing with your Scarfed hydreigon?
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
>>16980196 Doesn't Luxray actually learn it normally?
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:26:17 No. 16980249 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a ditto safari?
IGN:Saki 3540-0229-0572 (Onix, Nosepass, Shuckle)
IGN:Saki 3540-0229-0572 (Onix, Nosepass, Shuckle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:27:13 No. 16980264 Report >>16980241 Yes, at level 70 or something. I'm actually trying to chain breed it onto something else, hence why I don't want to level up a Luxray.
Quoted By:
Anyone have Vullaby with Knock Off and Foul Play? Can offer Calm Feebas with Hypnosis, Jolly Darumaka, Quiet/Relaxed Yamask with Nasty Plot and Jolly Chimchar with Iron Fist and Fire and Thunderpunch
>>16980227 I was really scared that you would still have sludge bomb pp and that I would get paralyzed.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>16980157 H-hey Maarten, by any chance do you have a female leftover. Like the male you gave me earlier.
I'll give you something nice if you'd like. Evan (3411-1129-4798)
>>16979913 Do you have more Zorura?
Stahlregen 5257-9605-0508
>>16980044 the 6IV Bulbasaur is non-HA (Overgrow)... I'd be interested in the 6IV Piplup if you want it.
My last perfect Croagunk is male.
let's see...I'd be interested in a female Grimer, and the bank starters if they're perfect (Chimchar, Piplup, Cyndaquil in order of preference)
Quoted By:
Any one looking for a smogon rule's single battle?
>>16980259 I saw a safari thread started by someone that had one.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:30:17 No. 16980330 Report >>16980209 I would love a Pentaperfect Female Serene Grace Togepi....if possible...
nicknamed Zerachiel coinboy 3797 - 7127 - 5441 [Fairy type: Snubbul - Swirlix - Blue Floette]
coinboy 3797 - 7127 - 5441 [Fairy type: Snubbul - Swirlix - Blue Floette] Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:30:49 No. 16980342 Report Quoted By:
>everyone is battling with smogon rules >i have mega gengar in my team
Quoted By:
>>16980325 I'm too lazy to try and find it, do you have his FC?
IGN:Saki 3540-0229-0572 (Onix, Nosepass, Shuckle)
IGN:Saki 3540-0229-0572 (Onix, Nosepass, Shuckle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:31:40 No. 16980353 Report >>16980297 That was my plan, but the only person I can find with the move is Clemont. He appears in the Battle Château but since he isn't there all the time it is a little difficult.
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
>>16980298 I think I gave you a Yamask, right?
I have two female leftovers left, one missing its 0 Speed IV and one missing a perfect defense IV.
They're leftovers, so I'd feel bad if I asked for anything.
And I hatched a 31/0/31/31/31/0 Yamask earlier so I'm in a great mood to boot. Unless it's not Yamask you're after, in which case my memory sucks and you'll have to remind me.
>>16980353 Luxray learns it on level up or by relearn.
Stahlregen 5257-9605-0508
>>16980353 Luxray gets it via the Move Relearner as well. No need to breed it.
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:34:24 No. 16980419 Report >>16980303 i have one more pentaperfect one, but its level 18.
Are you okay with that
you'll have to heart scale the egg moves back on Anonymous
>>16980264 so move relearner is out the question too?
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:35:06 No. 16980437 Report >>16980307 Oh....I didnt notice that on the 6IV Bulbasaur, sorry...
and I need a female Croagunk, I already have a male 5IV one...
Would you do....
>MY 5IV Female Grimer, 5IV Male Piplup, 5IV Male Chimchar, and 4IV Cyndaquil
>For Your 5IV Male Koffing, 5IV Male HA Zubat, 5IV Female Weedle, 5IV Female HA Bulbasaur
From what you have....Im mostly interested in the Zubat, Koffing, Bulbsaur and Weedle, In the Order....
I'd like the Zubat and Koffing most of all.
IGN:Saki 3540-0229-0572 (Onix, Nosepass, Shuckle)
IGN:Saki 3540-0229-0572 (Onix, Nosepass, Shuckle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:36:15 No. 16980462 Report Quoted By:
>>16980410 >>16980414 >>16980422 Thank you all! Saved me quite a bit of time.
Evan (3411-1129-4798)
>>16980419 Is it male or female?
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:36:51 No. 16980471 Report >>16980330 I have a 4IV one, ill evolve him into a togetic for you though in exchange
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:37:06 No. 16980478 Report >>16980463 female of course
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>16980385 Yup it was yamask and thanks again. I was going to breed when bank came out for me but that seems like it will never happen fast enough. I'm really after that 0 in speed so the wonky defense one works best.
Anybody willing to trade me a 4iv togepi (HP, DEF, SPD, SPE) with nasty plot? Also looking for Tyrunts with Rock Head and the elemental fangs. I can trade 4 iv larvestas and 4iv ferroseeds with stealth rock.
Era 4554-0782-0200 (Bug: Volbeat, Ledybad, Pinsir)
Era 4554-0782-0200 (Bug: Volbeat, Ledybad, Pinsir) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:37:26 No. 16980490 Report m-maybe today someone has a spare Occa berry?
Evan (3411-1129-4798)
Quoted By:
>>16980478 Okay. Will add you in a sec.
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
>>16980480 Alright, I'll send her over.
I hope one without wonky defense pops out quickly.
Fuzzywobbles 0361-7602-3412
I'm back from beating the game. I checked the IV'S Checker and he doesn't say how many IV's I have. How am I supposed to know how good they are?
Danny 3754 7925 5088
Stahlregen 5257-9605-0508
>>16980437 I'd be okay with that, but I only have male Bulbasaurs left.
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:40:48 No. 16980557 Report >>16980490 I have a few spare 4IV jolly mold breaker axews if you'd like one or two.
Tony 0877-0894-4130
Quoted By:
Anyone got an Adamant Unburden Hawlucha?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:40:59 No. 16980562 Report Quoted By:
>>16980274 Oh. I should of spammed WoW instead of Sludge Bomb first. I thought about that after I ran out of PP and remembered the Azumarill in your team roster.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:41:02 No. 16980563 Report >>16980471 Muh.....Do you have a 5IV Male Adaptability Corphish with the Egg Moves instead?
If so, please can it be nicknamed "Maelstrom"
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260
>>16980490 I've got some 4IV Klefkis, Snorlaxes and Hippopotasi if you want one of em.
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari]
>>16980490 Yeah I have one, need any other berries?
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
>>16980512 Thanks again, I do really appreciate this. Time to get on yamask's wild ride~
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:43:04 No. 16980598 Report Anyone up for a battle?
Maarten 0576-4571-5589
>>16980583 No worries, I'm always happy to trade some less used mons and Cofagrigus is awesome.
Geren 1005-9416-8092
>>16980536 If multiples IVs are the same (i.e. three 31 IVs) he will say the 3 of them can't be beat or something like that.
He gives an overall first, though. iirc. Outstanding>Superior>Above Average >Decent
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:44:01 No. 16980625 Report >>16980549 Then Could I get a Shadow Tag Female Gothita instead of the Bulbasaur then
Other than that....I'll add you so we can trade
Nervarus 5069-4911-6261
Quoted By:
Have some spare 4IV HA Chimchars (need to breed), some 4IV Feebas, some 4IV Yamasks and some 5IV Woopers,4IV Darumaka, 4-5IV Misdreavus, some 3IV Cherubiis, and 4IV Petilils, if someone is interested please respond. Currently EV Training some mons.
>>16980044 Hey, sorry we never got around to anything yesterday. But are you still interested in the pentaperfect Darumaka/6iv Charmander?
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari]
>>16980598 Sure, don't expect too much out of me though.
Did you mind a little stall?
Seele 2466-1353-1083
Have (of highly variable quality) Treecko, Mudkip, Iron Fist Chimchar, Yamask, and Slakoth. Looking for Drill Run Karrablast (HA preferred) and Speed Boost Carvanha.
Era 4554-0782-0200 (Bug: Volbeat, Ledybad, Pinsir)
Era 4554-0782-0200 (Bug: Volbeat, Ledybad, Pinsir) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:45:10 No. 16980657 Report >>16980557 sounds good to me what would you like for it?
>>16980574 I'd take a klefki
>>16980575 Just the occa at the moment for my scizor in doubles. I really appreciate it been trying to get one for a few days. Anything particular you wanted in return?
Aruku 0130-1841-0924
>>16980583 Good luck man.
Remember to change the mother once you get HP Flying, HP Ground and such, since those have 2 or 3 30s in there.
Fuzzywobbles 0361-7602-3412
Quoted By:
>>16980611 Thanks, he said my Minccino is Superior so I must be doing something right.
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari]
>>16980657 Nah just send me something I can release.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:46:52 No. 16980686 Report >>16980632 refresh my memory on both of them....What is the IV, Nature, Abilities, Genders and egg moves of the Darumaka and Charmander?
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:46:54 No. 16980688 Report >>16980657 I have everything on your list except the rock/bug thing whose name I forget. I could use him for the dex entry. Do you just want one female for breeding, or more?
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Quoted By:
>>16980609 You'll be sure to get seasonal sawsbucks when I breed them.
If pokebank ever opens in 'Mercia Anonymous
Quoted By:
I'm desperately trying to fill my dex all I need is all event legendaries except for genesect if you want we could trade and trade back or just trade, I don't really care I'm just desperate
Stahlregen 5257-9605-0508
>>16980625 I'll throw in a free 5IV HA Bulbasaur as well if you want.
Those Gothita are descendants of one caught in your Safari.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
[W] 5-6IVs female Slowpoke w/Regenerator for MM [Can Breed] 5IVs Smeargle 5IVs Drillbur 5IVs Phantump Feebas Piplup Cyndaquil Totodile Mudkip
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:47:39 No. 16980703 Report >>16980641 Doesn't matter to me.
You probably need to re-add me though. I deleted some people [Lop] 1693-0641-5260
>>16980657 I could do a Klefki for a Gligar
3093 7346 2223 Tavo(Pansage/Swadloon/Quilladin) Anonymous Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:48:21 No. 16980719 Report Anyone want to help me evolve my Porygon?
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:48:50 No. 16980726 Report >>16980696 Wow...really?
She will be loved Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Quoted By:
>>16980664 Indeed and noted. Lets just hope the RNG gods have mercy on me tonight.
does anyone have a autumn deerling I can give you any other season
Quoted By:
>>16979391 >Timid Good enough saving
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari]
>>16980703 >You probably need to re-add me though It would be the other way around.
Seele 2466-1353-1083
Quoted By:
>>16980646 Forgot to mention, the Slakoths have Pursuit, and I also have Pursuit Sandiles (Intimidate and Moxie).
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:50:43 No. 16980752 Report >>16980696 >Koffing's german name is Smogon i lol'd
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:51:36 No. 16980764 Report >>16980719 I'll help you out. I'd appreciate the dex entry.
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:51:51 No. 16980768 Report >>16980738 You've got other ones aside from Spring?
Does breeding them down pass the form?
Momiji !!a7knQOE9edg
Nimble is still missing? Did h-he just came for the eggs?
;_; >>16980752 Maybe that's why the smogon symbol is a Koffing. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>16980752 that's what smogon's name comes from Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
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>>16980768 I'm holding my breath waiting for this response now.
Era 4554-0782-0200 (Bug: Volbeat, Ledybad, Pinsir)
Era 4554-0782-0200 (Bug: Volbeat, Ledybad, Pinsir) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:52:55 No. 16980785 Report >>16980685 alright i appreciate the generosity!
thanks again
>>16980688 just a female works for me I have plenty of good males in the egg group
>>16980713 sounds good
Manifest (Y) 0576-4933-0293 [Vullaby, Sandile, Inkay]
Manifest (Y) 0576-4933-0293 [Vullaby, Sandile, Inkay] Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:53:22 No. 16980795 Report >>16980778 He only comes for the eggs nowadays. He was here for a while the last few days.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
>>16980688 I just saw that Yanma was 6IV. Why would you do that. Thanks. Anonymous
>>16979185 Do you have any female Tentacool and Amoongus? I can offer HA Treecko and Chimchar with egg moves, Karrablast with Drill run, Yamask with Nasty Plot, or Frillish with Recover.
3093 7346 2223 Tavo(Pansage/Swadloon/Quilladin) Anonymous Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:53:38 No. 16980801 Report >>16980764 Thanks, adding you now
What's the standard set people are running for smogon-Wash?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:54:06 No. 16980811 Report >>16980747 send me the request when you are ready
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:54:33 No. 16980822 Report >>16980796 Was it? I'll mark 6IV's, but I just throw them in with the rest of pentas. I honestly had no idea.
>>16980785 Send me a trade whenever, then.
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>16980044 Hey do you want a female treecko with Unburden right?
>>16980686 Jollly Darumaka, missing SpA IVs (obviously), has Yawn and Encore for egg moves, but Darumaka has no egg moves worth anything so they don't really matter.
6iv Timid/Solar Power Charmander with Dragon Pulse.
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari]
>>16980778 I think so, he was around twice just to take them.
Probably never going to come back again ha.
Also, caught a love ball Buneary, just need the damn bank.
>>16980811 Up to you, team 1 or 2?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:55:13 No. 16980858 Report >>16980801 Trade me whenever you're ready!
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:55:35 No. 16980868 Report >>16980825 Yes...I still need a 3-5IV HA Female Treeko
Geren 1005-9416-8092
>>16980806 There's the special wall, the trickster along scarf or specs. Just make sure you use Volt Switch. Other than that, you can refer to smogon for smogon-wash.
Kirzi | 0963 0525 7515 !7KirziY2/Q
Quoted By:
>>16980822 It was. Funny you didn't notice. Though I guess it has limited use given it was female.
[Lop] 1693-0641-5260
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>>16980785 Cool, added ya.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:58:21 No. 16980922 Report >>16980836 What Gender is the Charmander?
As for the Darumaka...I'd perfer a Female, but if all you have are pentaperfect Males, then Im still interested so long as it can be nicknamed "Quang Duc"
Momiji !!a7knQOE9edg
>>16980843 W-what do you need from me? I want that when pokebank comes.
Also I guess I have time to continue breeding ice mons since this tourney will take it's time.
>>16980795 I did see him but after a while I didn't see him anymore. I just hope he gets all the eggs and start giving them out
Manifest (Y) 0576-4933-0293 [Vullaby, Sandile, Inkay]
Manifest (Y) 0576-4933-0293 [Vullaby, Sandile, Inkay] Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:59:25 No. 16980945 Report Quoted By:
>>16980923 Me too. Can't wait.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179 (Growlithe, Braixen, Charmeleon) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:59:41 No. 16980947 Report Quoted By:
>>16980922 I have Females for both.
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle)
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 20:59:49 No. 16980954 Report Quoted By:
>Last Bulbasaur in the batch is 5IV Bars.
M \n
Quoted By:
>>16980923 Nothing, it'd be free!
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>16980868 Now I don't have any female with that egg moves. But I can give you a pair of Treeckos, a female with Unburden and a male one with the egg moves. If you don't mind me, I really need that Ability Capsule. Could be?
>>16980884 I wanted to know if it runs max speed. Trying to figure out if bisharp max speed is worth it, with the possibility of putting up a sub to block WOW. I personally hate Rotom-W
>>16980768 I have a spare winter for autumn and yes breeding gives whatever one
Quoted By:
>Clafable uses Metronome >Aeroblast FUCK YEAH>Looks like shit GAMEFREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:02:52 No. 16981030 Report >>16980563 Sorry I cant name my pokemon, I could get a female 5IV corphish with egg moves though
Stahlregen 5257-9605-0508
>>16980726 Yeah. I had been searching for the Safari for a week (because muh premier ball) and begged you to add me in WFG.
>>16980799 Yeah, I have both 5IV (though the Tentacool needs to relearn the egg moves) and 4IV ones.
The ones I'm most interested in are Frillish, Yamask (which Balls?) and Treecko.
Ben3yo !nqKmxk8cd6
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:03:50 No. 16981057 Report >>16980953 Meh...I was hoping for a Male 6IV Charmander....but im interested in the 5IV Darumaka....what would you like for it?
>>16980974 I have a Venusaur for the egg moves....I just need a 3-5IV HA Timid Treecko Female....I wouldnt give up my AC for just that though
sorry Geren 1005-9416-8092
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit)
Leon 1263-6852-5403 (shit, shit and more shit) Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:04:20 No. 16981068 Report Quoted By:
>>16980989 Ooh that's great news.
I don't have autumn or I would have traded you one. I love winter form.
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle)
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle) Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:04:20 No. 16981069 Report Quoted By:
Hey Caleb, are you still here? I have your Timburr here. What shinies did you have again?
M \n
>toying with me at the end gg, want to go again with my other team?
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:05:06 No. 16981086 Report Anyone have a Mono-Dark team? I need to test how my Mono-Psychic fares against one.
Quoted By:
>>16981057 I do have Male 6iv Charmanders, and let me look at your list again.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:06:07 No. 16981116 Report Quoted By:
>>16981030 that'll work then
>>16981040 happy I could help. I just fucked myself in trading for 4 more MM'ing projects, but whatever...justs me something to do. Thank you
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>16981057 I tried Well I can give you a female treecko, can I have one of yours Bellsprout? Preferibly female.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:06:22 No. 16981122 Report >>16981085 GG, sure.
>Almost ded >Pain Split Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
plasmahand 4382 2437 7539
Quoted By:
does anyone have a dratini/dragonair/dragonite thats female with multiscale that i can have? ivs dont matter
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:07:11 No. 16981143 Report Quoted By:
>>16981117 sounds good, I'll add you now
does anyone want my breeds?
M 1907 8744 0914 [OT: Kari]
>>16981086 I do, probably not much challenge but I can fight after this battle.
>>16981122 weezing is 2 points faster, damn.
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
Quoted By:
>>16981149 Me please! You have any female?
Quoted By:
>Capturing stuff on my old versions Love Ball Bunneary Moon Ball Misdreavus Luxury Ball anything what else?
Quoted By:
>>16981040 They are all in regular balls
Amoeba !Qt8Amoebas
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
NEW THREAD NEW THREAD NEW THREAD Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:09:13 No. 16981192 Report Quoted By:
>>16981182 NEW THREAD:
>>16981182 NEW THREAD:
>>16981182 NEW THREAD:
>>16981182 NEW THREAD:
>>16981182 NEW THREAD:
>>16981182 Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE
Kate 3866 - 8114 - 8231 (Stunfisk, Pachirisu, Luxio) !TgMs.KateE Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:09:21 No. 16981195 Report Quoted By:
>>16981149 I wouldn't mind one of those, is there anything in particular you're looking for?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:09:41 No. 16981206 Report Quoted By:
>>16981155 Wowza, I didn't know that.
>accidental poison jab ;-;
>>16981057 One of those Phantumps would be sweet, assuming you do still want one of the charmanders (since i do have males) I'm eyeing that 6iv zubat.
Mr.Satan (IGN: William) 3325-2627-8140
>>16981086 I have mono bug, but I can't battle right now maybe in 30 minutes if it interests you
FC: 3282-3467-3013
Quoted By:
anyone have hp iv ditto I can have? for free? pwetty pwease?
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql
Ellis Y 1607-2348-9941 {Grass, Sunkern, Maractus, Sawsbuck} !!FpQLLNYgNql Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:11:15 No. 16981245 Report >>16981221 >mono bug I'm not a masochist.
volcanarona is a serial rapist
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:12:01 No. 16981260 Report >>16981207 I'll trade the Phantump for the Darumaka....but It completely slipped my mind...I dont need a 6IV Charmander.....
I have a 6IV JPN Druddigon which is also Monster/Dragon egg group...for some reason I thought Charmander was Field/Dragon egg group.
Quoted By:
>>16981245 Fun fact, Volcarona is not even my start the team
>>16981260 That's still cool, i'll add ya now.
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita)
Desmond 1392 5216 6630 (Sigilyph, Munna, Gothorita) Sun 29 Dec 2013 21:16:22 No. 16981342 Report Quoted By:
>>16981309 REAL QUICK
Male or Female Phantump?
trading 5 IV dratini with e-speed for a 5 IV phantump with harvest The dratini is level 6 because I started ev training in speed
Quoted By:
>>16982698 the dratini is jolly with marvel scale too
and i want the phantump to be careful nature