I've got 50 adamant DDance, aqua jet and ice punch Totodiles to giveaway. IVs range from 2-4 and are all marked. Looking for: -HA starters except Chimchar -Any other bankmons -Cottonee in a Luxury ball or whatever Pokemon you want to offer, natures and IV don't really matter.
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Mon 30 Dec 2013 00:40:02 No. 16985710 Report >>16985666 Any chance I can get a 4IV female for a 5IV eevee?
>wanting good Pokemon for your shitty leftovers
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>16985710 I'll try and find you one
>>16985734 FC?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>16985734 I did also say that I would take anything
Snappy 4570-7604-3527
>>16985666 I got some Bunnearys ready if ya wanna trade
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Mon 30 Dec 2013 00:48:27 No. 16985987 Report I can throw a stantler boffalant or yamask or meowth
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>16985666 Can i have one?
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Mon 30 Dec 2013 00:53:16 No. 16986111 Report >>16986081 Any preference?
pat 2079 7210 5326
>>16985666 I'll give you a 4 IV Adamant Heracross (female with Moxie or male with Guts) with Rock Blast for a 4 IV one. Thoughts?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Zac 5112-3934-6637 Sandile, Nuzleaf, Sableye
Zac 5112-3934-6637 Sandile, Nuzleaf, Sableye Mon 30 Dec 2013 00:56:46 No. 16986200 Report Quoted By:
can trade a 4 IV modest hidden ability Whismur with extrasensory (because boomburst Exploud is a thing) for a 4 IV Totodile?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>16986111 anything is fine
>>16986099 sure
>>16986143 sure thing
Schulties 2852-8627-2532
Schulties 2852-8627-2532
>>16985666 I got a protean brokie for a totodile
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Mon 30 Dec 2013 00:58:56 No. 16986255 Report Quoted By:
>>16986201 Send me a trade when youre ready
Sam 5086 1984 4013 (Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard)
Sam 5086 1984 4013 (Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard) Mon 30 Dec 2013 00:59:04 No. 16986259 Report >>16985666 I'll take one please!
J 0104-0611-4599 [Poison: Kakuna, Swalot, Whirlipede]
J 0104-0611-4599 [Poison: Kakuna, Swalot, Whirlipede] Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:00:53 No. 16986303 Report >>16985666 I'll take one!
Currently breeding drought vulpix if you need.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>16985666 Today is the glorious day of giveaways. I honestly don't have much to offer, except my desire to own my favorite starter of all time, and second biggest Pokebro. That is all.
Perry (NORMAL: Ditto, Loudred, Aipom) 4441-9596-0262
Perry (NORMAL: Ditto, Loudred, Aipom) 4441-9596-0262 Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:01:23 No. 16986314 Report Got a 4iv Modest Oblivious Feebas if you're interested?
Giovanni 1907-8714-8945
Will you accept a 5IV DD, Elemental Fang Tyrunt with Jolly?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
pat 2079 7210 6326
Quoted By:
>>16986436 Whoops 6326 not 5326
Zac 5112-3934-6637 Sandile, Nuzleaf, Sableye
Zac 5112-3934-6637 Sandile, Nuzleaf, Sableye Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:08:40 No. 16986491 Report >>16986436 I'd love one, OP
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>16986436 OP, would you accept the generous offering of a Moxie, Adamant, Quick Attack, Close Combat Pinsir?
Hiram 4656-6940-7652 Fire (Magmar, Braixen, ?)
Hiram 4656-6940-7652 Fire (Magmar, Braixen, ?) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:10:47 No. 16986557 Report >>16985666 I can trade you an adamant 4 iv adaptability corphish with knock off, aqua jet, and dragon dance for one
Sam 5086 1984 4013 (Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard)
Sam 5086 1984 4013 (Inkay, Sneasel, Pawniard) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:11:29 No. 16986581 Report Quoted By:
>>16986436 Thank you based OP
J 0104-0611-4599 [Poison: Kakuna, Swalot, Whirlipede]
J 0104-0611-4599 [Poison: Kakuna, Swalot, Whirlipede] Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:13:28 No. 16986625 Report Quoted By:
2552-1921-8235 (Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb)
2552-1921-8235 (Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:14:02 No. 16986640 Report May I have one, OP?
>>16985666 4iv totodile for 5iv brave bird adamant luxury ball zubat or a 5iv brave honedge?
Brett 1263-7120-5046
If you have one left I would like it. In terms of Bankmons I have Porygon, Koffing and Tynamo.
Kabutech 4382 2967 5106
I've got 4iv marvel scale dratinis and phantom force/disable/gunk shot shuppets if you're interested
Rodrigo 2406-5204-4433 [Pancham, Riolu, Meditite]
Rodrigo 2406-5204-4433 [Pancham, Riolu, Meditite] Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:14:43 No. 16986663 Report >>16985666 OP could you hold one for me, I'm breeding a Porygon as we speak.
scott 3480 3068 3325
>>16985666 don't have much to offer but I would love a totodile.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Nemo: 3454-0097-7396
Would totally love one OP.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>16986734 I don't have the Pinsr right now. It should be in this batch of eggs, unless you don't really care.
Taylor (Strixes) 2251-5641-6857
>>16985666 Still have any?
>>16985666 Jacob 0361-7621-7632 if your still giving away toto's
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>16986491 >>16986557 >>16986640 added
>>16986642 zubat please
Sorry for being so slow ><
Quoted By:
>>16987109 Send when ready!
Giovanni 1907-8714-8945
Quoted By:
>>16987109 >Being slow Based' work takes patience.
Mina 1950-8273-8131
If you're still there, I can offer you an Adamant Unburden Swirlix (only 4 IVs tho)
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Do you have any left OP? I'd like to get in on this
Quoted By:
>>16987109 Thank you based OP
scott 3480 3068 3325
Quoted By:
>>16987109 no rush! I've been planning to throw a totodile into my team when I get bored with carracosta, and I can wait as long as you'd need.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
2552-1921-8235 (Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb)
2552-1921-8235 (Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb) Mon 30 Dec 2013 01:42:59 No. 16987382 Report Quoted By:
>>16987109 Thank you! You've made my day a lot better!
Yutaka (5370-0502-5796)
I'd love one! I've got 2-3 IV Mudkips and Cyndaquils I'm trying to trade off, would like to barter
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
scott 3480 3068 3325
Quoted By:
>>16987763 ready whenever you are, Kat.
Nemo: 3454-0097-7396
Quoted By:
Thanks a bunch OP, that drilbur should have a couple of ivs
Taylor (Strixes) 2251-5641-6857
Quoted By:
>>16987763 Thank you glorious based OP
scott 3480 3068 3325
Quoted By:
thanks a ton Kat, that mudkip has 3IVs. Nature could be better but it's a start?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Rodrigo 2406-5204-4433 [Pancham, Riolu, Meditite]
Rodrigo 2406-5204-4433 [Pancham, Riolu, Meditite] Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:13:18 No. 16988121 Report Quoted By:
Thanks tons, OP!
Mina 1950-8273-8131
Quoted By:
>>16988005 Added. Ready when you are!
Tyrone: Fighting(Machoke/Throh/I forget) 3609-1043-1556
Tyrone: Fighting(Machoke/Throh/I forget) 3609-1043-1556 Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:15:21 No. 16988163 Report >>16985666 I've got a chlorophyll Bulbasaur I was going to use for IV breeding if you want it
Brayden 1950-8703-6309
>>16988005 I have a bunch of starter pokemon if you want any give me a shout and a totodile (friend safari protean frogaider)
Jarod 0232-8776-8718
>>16985666 I'd love one if you still have any left.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>16988163 I don't mind but I can hold onto one for you if you want to breed first
>>16988230 Do you have a Chikorita?
drkztan 4210-4122-9822 {686} [fighting safari: mankey - pancham - riolu]
drkztan 4210-4122-9822 {686} [fighting safari: mankey - pancham - riolu] Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:21:05 No. 16988289 Report OP you still got some? I've got some leftover phantumps with 2-3 ivs
Evan 1263-6861-9424 (Lillipup, Loudred, Ditto) {599}
Evan 1263-6861-9424 (Lillipup, Loudred, Ditto) {599} Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:21:23 No. 16988294 Report OP, i've got a cottonee for you but in a premier ball ;_; added
Brayden 1950-8703-6309
>>16988273 Currently breeding only have eggs at the moment want me to wait until they hatch?
Quil 4425-1483-1659 (Dugtrio/Whooper/Palpitoad)
Quil 4425-1483-1659 (Dugtrio/Whooper/Palpitoad) Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:24:21 No. 16988352 Report OP, c-can I have one...?
Tyrone: Fighting(Machoke/Throh/I forget) 3609-1043-1556
Tyrone: Fighting(Machoke/Throh/I forget) 3609-1043-1556 Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:24:35 No. 16988355 Report >>16988273 Breeding up spares as we type, give me like 5 minutes if you don't mind, also at best it might only have 2 IVs, that cool or do you want me to try for more?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Jiggaboo 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot]
Jiggaboo 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot] Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:25:33 No. 16988379 Report Quoted By:
>>16988322 I'll wait I can get you a feebas or porygon
Jiggaboo 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot]
Jiggaboo 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot] Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:28:34 No. 16988447 Report >>16988374 Mind if I have one I can get you any other starter or feebas, porygon
Tyrone: Fighting(Machoke/Throh/I forget) 3609-1043-1556
Tyrone: Fighting(Machoke/Throh/I forget) 3609-1043-1556 Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:29:31 No. 16988475 Report Quoted By:
>>16988374 Adding you as we speak, I've got a Bulbasaur waitng for ya
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>16988355 I'm cool with 2
Knox 0189 - 9293 - 8250
>>16985666 Think I could get one? I can give you some breeding leftovers as well
Keifer 0087 3347 7638
>>16985666 I'd love one don't care what
Brayden 1950-8703-6309
>>16988374 Thank you Katherine anything else?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>16988527 Nope, it's fine
drkztan 4210-4122-9822 {686} [fighting safari: mankey - pancham - riolu]
drkztan 4210-4122-9822 {686} [fighting safari: mankey - pancham - riolu] Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:39:40 No. 16988742 Report Quoted By:
Quil 4425-1483-1659 (Dugtrio/Whooper/Palpitoad)
Quil 4425-1483-1659 (Dugtrio/Whooper/Palpitoad) Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:41:34 No. 16988789 Report Quoted By:
I keep getting communication errors. ;_;
Link 0559 7256 5291
Is there any left? Would love one. Ign: Shirohebi
Tyrone: Fighting(Machoke/Throh/I forget) 3609-1043-1556
Tyrone: Fighting(Machoke/Throh/I forget) 3609-1043-1556 Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:45:00 No. 16988852 Report Quoted By:
Much obliged OP! Double check that it has 2 IVs though, I mixed them up by mistake. If its shit I'll retrade
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Anthony 5086 - 2098 -5704
Hey bruh you want an HA turtwig for one?
Jiggaboo 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot]
Jiggaboo 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot] Mon 30 Dec 2013 02:50:17 No. 16988987 Report >>16988930 Gimme a moment just hatching eggs sorry
Knox 0189 - 9293 - 8250
Quoted By:
Thanks OP appreciate it
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>16988987 ready when you are
>>16988947 adding
B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon)
B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon) Mon 30 Dec 2013 03:00:56 No. 16989229 Report >>16985666 hey op hook a man up
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 30 Dec 2013 03:03:42 No. 16989297 Report >>16985666 Would like one of your Totodile. Best thing I can trade is 3 IV Treecko
Jack 0748-2813-7966 (Phanpy Nincada Palpitoad)
Jack 0748-2813-7966 (Phanpy Nincada Palpitoad) Mon 30 Dec 2013 03:04:50 No. 16989325 Report OP I've got a few 4IV leftovers to trade if you're interested Adamant Technician female Scyther in nest ball 5 IV (Attk IVS) Timid male Riolu Bred with Vacuum Wave and Bullet Punch Adamant female Mawile in love ball Bred with Fairy wind, Asonish, Sucker Punch and Fire Fang
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Ziggy 0576-5269-2959
>>16985666 I'll give you a speed boost Torchic for one, OP.
Jiggaboo 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot]
Jiggaboo 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot] Mon 30 Dec 2013 03:09:47 No. 16989444 Report Quoted By:
>>16989289 My IGN is Shaquanda
B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon)
B rad 1478-3064-8962(boldore,onix,Rhydon) Mon 30 Dec 2013 03:10:07 No. 16989452 Report >>16989289 gave u my shiny leadybug kat
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
Would u be interested in a 4 iv calm wish/curse eevee
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 30 Dec 2013 03:12:10 No. 16989496 Report Quoted By:
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
Quoted By:
>>16989621 Sweet adding you
Gem 3539-9574-1083
>>16985666 Got a 4/5IV Shroomish if you're still here and interested.
Jack 0748-2813-7966 (Phanpy Nincada Palpitoad)
Jack 0748-2813-7966 (Phanpy Nincada Palpitoad) Mon 30 Dec 2013 03:27:26 No. 16989823 Report Quoted By:
>>16989494 Thank you kindly
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Gem 3539-9574-1083
Quoted By:
>>16989830 Alright, I'll add if that's alright?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Chris 1392-4275-3204
Laharl 0860-3434-6887
>>16985666 can i have one op please?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
mrs flexi 0344 9392 8646
>>16990111 Can I have one too, preferably male? I have 5iv litleo, smeargle and pokemon with pokerus if you want them.
Laharl 0860-3434-6887
>>16990506 i know its not a great pokemon but thanks for accepting it
>>16990506 can I have a female one 1032 2377 7035
Jason 3926-5612-9453
>>16985666 Adamant scrappy Kangiroos, whatever the fuck you call it with 4 ivs and for your Totodile, please I don't care about ivs, I just want one
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
John 2122-6773-2428[Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
John 2122-6773-2428[Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Mon 30 Dec 2013 04:07:56 No. 16990710 Report Have a 4 iv Onix for one of your Totodiles
Sky 4871 - 4606 – 0128
I have 5 iv cyndaquils if you want
>>16985666 hey OP
best I have (which is not that much) are a bunch of Imposter dittos.. want one?
Zubieta 4399-0150-5277 [Pansear, Charmeleon, Braixen]
Zubieta 4399-0150-5277 [Pansear, Charmeleon, Braixen] Mon 30 Dec 2013 04:15:37 No. 16990876 Report >>16990855 damn forgot name.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
John 2122-6773-2428[Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
John 2122-6773-2428[Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Mon 30 Dec 2013 04:24:40 No. 16991136 Report Quoted By:
>>16991009 Went offline before I was able to pull it out of the daycare
Sky 4871 - 4606 – 0128
Quoted By:
>>16991009 shit forgot about this adding now
Zubieta 4399-0150-5277 [Pansear, Charmeleon, Braixen]
Zubieta 4399-0150-5277 [Pansear, Charmeleon, Braixen] Mon 30 Dec 2013 04:29:16 No. 16991231 Report Quoted By:
>>16991009 done, thanks OP
sigh I've been wonder trading for hours and haven't got a single bank mon. a friend did on the day of release and got a shit ton of stuff
Celo [4511 - 0587 - 8782] (Togepi, Swirlix, Floette) Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 04:38:05 No. 16991405 Report Please, OP! It would make my day!
>>16985666 Do the totodiles have sheer force?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
Alright guys, I'm done for today. To all those who've requested but haven't picked up their Totodiles (their are about 5 of you) send me a trade request later but I've only got 2 left + the Croconaw that was used for breeding which you'll have to reteach the moves to. It's been fun trading with you guys =]
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>16991445 no sorry
>>16991405 adding
>>16991373 I've got 2 left if you want a Totodile
Luna 4098-3112-1798
I can give you a mudkip for one If your still here
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
>>16991789 I've got Cyndaquils i need a totodile if you have any left
Luna 4098-3112-1798
>>16991838 Give me like 10 minutes to get this guy leveled up and bred and ill trade you a baby
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>16991838 Only have a Croconaw left, he'll have to learn moves
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
>>16991878 Thanks so much. I can get you a 4IV naughty Cyndaquil, I'm still breeding for a timid or modest one.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>16991878 Sorry, didn't see your message. Do you want him back?
Luna 4098-3112-1798
>>16991909 oh I thought you were covering it
>>16991890 if you still want me to do it I can
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
>>16991939 If it has the egg moves I'd prefer it.
Luna 4098-3112-1798
>>16991953 egg moves carry over from a ditto partner right?
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
>>16991979 Yes.
I just got my 6IV jap ditto from some guy today. Been working fine.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
>>16991994 Does your remaining totodile have the egg moves?
I don't mean to sound picky, but I'd hate to start from scratch.
I can still give you a 4IV cydaquil if you'd like.
Luna 4098-3112-1798
>>16991994 >>16991992 So wait, whos doing what here?
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
>>16991994 >>16992030 If you both want a 4IV Cyndaquil I'll hook you up. I'd just rather have the Totodile with egg moves lol.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>16992030 Um, I thought I was giving him the Croconaw? Or do you want to breed him a Totodile?
>>16992027 He does, but you have to go to move relearner to relearn the moves because he learnt new ones while he was in the daycare
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
>>16992073 But his moves will pass over correct? Even if he forgot them?
Do you both want a Cyndaquil? I don't mind trading both of you.
Luna 4098-3112-1798
Ryan 4313-0765-9975
>>16985666 If there are any left I would take one. Don't know what I have that I can offer.
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
>>16992099 Okay add me.
Katherine, do you want a Cyndaquil? Luna's got me handled with the Totodile.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>16992088 I don't need anymore Cyndaquils so it's fine lol. Egg moves should pass but just to be safe, you can get one from
>>16992030 if she doesn't mind.
Luna 4098-3112-1798
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
>>16992173 Okay thanks for your help.
Ryan 4313-0765-9975
>>16992088 Hey do you have leftover cyndaquils? I would love to trade you something
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>16992105 I've got a Croconaw which you may have to reteach egg moves to. Want it?
>>16992162 It's all good.
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
>>16992191 Sure man, I'll trade you one. Add me.
They're 4IV but not optimal nature because I JUST started breeding them.
Ryan 4313-0765-9975
>>16992216 I would gladly take anything. Moves don't matter.
>>16992226 Thats fine. Just want my bro Typhlosion since I couldnt get the bank
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
>>16992249 My IGN is Miles. Hit me up when you're set.
Luna 4098-3112-1798
>>16992226 not hatched yet, unless you want an egg?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
>>16992278 Go ahead and hatch it, sorry.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 30 Dec 2013 05:12:52 No. 16992315 Report So, are there any Totodiles left? I was kinda passed out when the giveaway was going...
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866)
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866) Mon 30 Dec 2013 05:13:39 No. 16992330 Report Quoted By:
can I get one with DD and ice punch?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>16992249 Since he's the last one, want me to name?
>>16992315 Sorry, I'm out.
Ryan 4313-0765-9975
>>16992348 If you can think of anything you like, go ahead! Thank you!
>>16992275 Ill trade with Katherine and then you. Thanks again!
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 30 Dec 2013 05:16:21 No. 16992409 Report >>16992348 Ah, damn. Are you planning on doing this giveaway some other day? I'm still missing Totodile, Chikorita, and the Unova starters.
Luna 4098-3112-1798
Quoted By:
>>16992382 Thank you Miles.
Ryan 4313-0765-9975
Quoted By:
>>16992348 Anything you want that I can possibly fill?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>16992409 Maybe when I start breeding for some other starters. This giveaway has lasted for over 4hrs, waaaaaay longer than I thought it would go on for lol.
>>16992380 No problem, hope you take good care of him =] and sorry for lame nick lol
Ryan 4313-0765-9975
>>16992524 Its perfect for me. Love Johto starters. He will be taken care of!
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
>>16992550 That's my first 5IV one. Enjoy it mate.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 30 Dec 2013 05:23:06 No. 16992617 Report >>16992524 Like I said, I was passed out. Oh well, I guess I can just hold out till Nintendo gets their shit together and I can bring over my Feraligatr.
Ryan 4313-0765-9975
>>16992275 Many thanks! He will be in good hands!
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
>>16992633 Sorry he's a little leveled, he was my 5IV breeding one.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>16992617 Why don't you put some of your current starters up on the GTS and request for one instead?
21.3% 3995 7355 8866
>>16992617 I can breed you one after this batch of Cyndaquil if you're up for waiting a bit.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 30 Dec 2013 05:27:10 No. 16992750 Report >>16992678 Because I don't have spares of them. I'vebeen too busy with job apps and interviews, haven't had time to breed anything.
>>16992705 That'd be amazing, dude. I can throw you a 5IV elefang/DD Jolly tyrunt for your troubles.
Miles 3995 7355 8866
>>16992750 Sure, just give me anything that you'd like.
I'll need about 5 minutes.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 30 Dec 2013 05:33:26 No. 16992888 Report >>16992778 That's fine. I'm just watching some anime and trying not to fall asleep again.
just send a TR whenever you're ready
Miles 3995 7355 8866
>>16992888 Alright, breeding them now. Make sure you don't pass out and add me. I'm going to hatch all of the 5 eggs I get to give you the best IV one.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 30 Dec 2013 05:42:59 No. 16993089 Report >>16993049 I'm good now, downed 2 cups of coffee. Already have you added as well.
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I'll be doing one of these when I get my shiny, only mine will be jolly.
Miles 3995 7355 8866
>>16993089 Sorry it's not optimal nature, it's 4IV tho.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Mon 30 Dec 2013 05:58:30 No. 16993462 Report >>16993418 It's great. Thanks for that. If you're ever in a WiFi General Thread, I'll be sure to give you priority pick on whatever I'm trading at the time.
Miles 3995 7355 8866
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>>16993457 You can't get HA on Totodile.
>>16993462 It's no problem man, thanks.
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>>16985666 ill give you a shiny avalugg for a totodile that has 4 ivs?
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>>16992678 you still there op?