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Amazing Vullaby Giveaway

No.16991330 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
That's right folks, we're doing this now. I've been breeding Vullaby and it took me a while but I got the one I wanted and then made some more for you guys as a Christmas offer.
>inb4 it's not christmas anymore

If you're not familiarized with Mandibuzz, Vullaby's evo, it's a pretty viable defensive pokémon that tanks even SE hits like a pro and can even fight back and KO some offenses, whether you're using it as physical, special or mixed wall.
The Vullaby I'm offering have the following characteristics
>5 31 IVs (not necessarily the helpful ones)
>Impish Nature
>Foul Play, Knock Off and Roost as Egg Moves
>Hatched in Quick Balls, see pic for reference
>Big Pecks or Overcoat as ability
And FYI, Vullaby can learn Defog via level in XY, which makes it able to clear all hazards and lower evasion. Isn't this just amazing?

This is a giveaway, so I'll accept anything in return. However, I'd appreciate if you had any cool breeding rejects, HA bankmons, stuff like that. Also if anyone has legendaries not obtainable in Kalos and is willing to trade with me so I get the dex entry then I return them for a shitmon I'd be pretty happy.

I have one box of Vullaby for each ability. So, anyone wanting to adopt them?