>https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/CCCJZHB Part 2
>https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/CCCF62M WATER STARTER SURVEY
Part 1
>https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/S7PXQ8Z Part 2
>https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/S7BP9TX Part 3
>https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/S73SVV3 Part 4
>https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/S7MS2Q6 Part 5
>https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/S7SGYTD Official Forum (Discussion happens both here and there! Polls are also here!): ?
Official Game Name: N/A yet.
Official Region Name: Nullos
"Is Lamoby a starter?": No. We voted, it's a route-mon if anything.
"Is Hokus a Pokemon?": No. We voted. It's to be scrapped.
"Foxhound / Rabbit rivalry?": Maybe. We voted, it was split.
"Is anything completely confirmed?" Not really. We're still in the early stages of the project. HOWEVER, starter polls are up (water starter survey is still wip) Archives: Collected Art (An archive of images people have posted - we're working on cleaning up the ones that don't belong to us!) Music:
> > Possible Pokedex outline?-extreme WIP: Unofficial dex with designs liked by most people: Music Poll:
> >
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
Some notes regarding results diagram interpretation courtesy of Foxy:>The image containing all the suggestions is the big green box >The poll results are listed below it >The designs with the blue boxes around them got the most votes in their respective question >The red box above each category of base concepts displays how many votes it got on the last question "which base concept should we design the grass starter around?" >The land bird design there is crossed out as I'm pretty sure Raptor/Toba was going to use them for something so if the land bird wins the run off, we'll have to design something from scratch.
>>16999637 So... sugar glider?
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>17000031 Runoff poll, more like.
>>16999637 Jesus christ give the sugar glider another secondary color that isnt fucking pink
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/MB9MQ9S Anonymous
Why in the literal fuck is there even a poll when Sugar Glidar got over a third of the votes in the actual poll?
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>>17000195 It didn't even get a 1/3 of the votes.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>17000195 It's possible to lose the primary vote, then win after preferences are distributed. It's like you didn't even pay attention to the election this year.
>they put my intentionally shitty baracrab in the survey I can't tell if this is a joke or not.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>17000360 Don't tell anyone but it sort of was shh... Anonymous
Why is part one of the fire survey closed but not part 2?
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>17000360 ...but it also sort of wasn't as it was the only crab based starter design available (so it was kind of like a placeholder), someone said to include crustaceans in the polll so eh... SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>17000425 Because the surveys have a 100-voter cap. And 100 people have voted on Part 1, but some of those people failed to vote on Part 2. So now other people have to vote on Part 2. Which is kind of strange.
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>>17000434 That's really dumb.
>>17000360 I kinda like it Anonymous
>>17000446 confirmed for shit taste
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>>17000459 I second that notion Anonymous
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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So... Nothing has happened for 4 hours. What an excellent time to post the comments on the grass starter poll!
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16999637 Q1. This is option A of the submitted designs. A Mouse based grass starter. If you had to choose, which is going in the best direction in terms of design and concept?
All comments made on Q1 (The numbers in brackets are the option they voted for):
>2 looks too much like Chespin. (1) >The second image is like a even uglier version of Oshawott. The concept of 1 seems more original. (1) >No contest, 1 is freakin' adorable, looks like a grass type and 2.... looks like neither (1) >A little bit busy for a starter, but it's cute. (1) >N (1) >my mom shit out 2 (1) >more grassy (1) >They're equally non-mouselike, but given the choice, 2 is cuter and has more potential. (2) >2 is too bland of a oshawott clone (1) >Leaf umbrellas are awesome (1) >First one is too over-designed, 2nd one looks a bit too generic but it's closer to the mark. (2) >Number 1 is good design but not for a starer (2) >looks unique and the design works well for a fairy or flying secondary typing. 2 looks too bland, although it has a lot of potential. (1) >idk if mice could really be made into starters? the only big rodents we really have are rakali and they're water rodents (1) >2 is too basic (1) >2 has no design and no concept (1) >Number 2 seems more "bro" like. (2) >I don't like both (1) >Kawaii as fuck. (1) >Hard to imagine a final stage thats based on a mouse (2) >1 is adorable but doesn't look like a starter. 2, however, is too Oshawott-like and I don't see the theme. (2) >1 looks cute and simple. I like it's bush behind with the leaf tail. 2 has bland colors and looks nothing like a starter, let alone a grass one. (1) Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16999637 This is option B of the submitted designs. A Platypus based grass starter. If you had to choose, which is going in the best direction in terms of design and concept?
All comments made on Q2(The numbers in brackets are the option they voted for):
>1 looks more like a kappa than a platypus (2) >The image 1 looks really weird. It could be okay with evolutions in the direction of a golem, but I still think 2 looks better. (2) >not fond of either but 2 just doesn't do much beyond slapping a leaf on a real platypus (1) >No. 2's Final is pretty solid(but kind of reminds me of a Grass Swampert). The pre-evo for no. 2 could use some work, though. (2) >1 doesnt even make sense (2) >wynaught (2) >Was there ever a choice? (2) >Even though 2 looks like psyduck 1 is just horrible (2) >1 doesnt look like a platypus (2) >The color (2) >What the shit is the first one? Robo-platypus made of grass? I dig the first stage of option 2. With a bit of work it could be excellent. The other stage displayed needs a lot of work. (2) >Number 1 doesn't look like a pokemon: too robotic for a grass type. (2) >1 much to humanoid for a starter (2) >1 looks like a bear and in no way looks like a platypus. I like both of 2's, the starter and the evo, looks like a swift poison/grass high speed mon (2) >Itd be nice to have such an iconic animal as a starter but would need a LOT of work. And would need ot be water type because seriously? grass type platypus? (2) >1 looks like a robot, its eyes don't make sense, its mouth doesn't make sense, whats that on the chest? why so many things? 2nd is adorable (2) >1 is fugly (2) >1 is better but i'm all for water starter platypus, not grass (1) >both are bad though (2) >I'm pretty sure 1 is Banksia based. (2) >pls no (2) >Grass is weird for a Platypus (2) >While I don't really like either, 2 (which heavily reminds me of the psyduck line) seems pretty bland and lacks secondary elements typical in Pokemon (1) Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16999637 This is option C of the submitted designs. A Sugar glider based grass starter. If you had to choose, which is going in the best direction in terms of design and concept?
All comments made on Q3(The numbers in brackets are the option they voted for):
>Leaves as the sail is the most interesting concept. May turn out a bit too much like Emolga otherwise. (1) >1 is the best, of course, but 3 and 4 are okay if you change the 3rd evolution: none of that two is decent enough. (1) >they all look like neopets, please redraw (4) >far and away the best looking one, if a little rough (1) >I really like No. 1, and would like to see some more from this artist for evo concepts. 4 and 5 just look really boring, with both final evo''s looking really weird. (5) >it doesnt even have evos and its better than these shitty furbait half abortions (1) >If it's going to be a glider, I say it should LOOK like a glider. I dislike things like 1 because I liked it back when Pokemon looked like animals, not inanimate objects... fuckin' leaf. Only suggestion is to make 4 look a smidge tougher. It looks like a secondary evo. Its secondary looks like a primary, too. (I'd prefer that; at least it has "wings") (4) >It's the only realistlic one who doesnt look like a neopet (1) >they all look pretty bad (2) >Option 1 is all that's even close to what a starter should be. Options 3 and 4 look like fur-fag shit. (1) >Best final evo concept. Number 1 also is good concept (3) >1 for a first stage, I really like the design, although the final stage of 3 looks good. (1) >I think Number 4 is good, but the middle evo is wrong. I think you should have first stage from pic -> third stage from pic -> new final evo (4) >Probably one of the better ideas, but they definitely need a lot of tweaking. But hey, there's no rush. (3) >But the prevo with the pink ear tufts is the cutest (4) Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>17005764 (cont.)
>It's cute, and kind of unique as a starter, goes mouse -> sugar glider -> flying fox from the looks which is genius. Mid evo could be redrawn to not look so similar to the 1st evo (4) >sugar glider is good idea but damn, all of them looks shit as hell (1) >3 and 4 are both pretty good, though I think 3's final evo is a bit out there. (4) >holy fuck they are all disgusting (1) >Sage has a Grass/Flying starter, we shouldn't (4) >I really like 1 and 4. Overall I prefer 4. I'd love to have a little grass/fairy sugar glider. The pink and light green work well together and the graceful ribbon like tails on the last stage are a nice touch. (4) Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16999637 This is option D of the submitted designs. A (Tree) Kangaroo based grass starter. If you had to choose, which is going in the best direction in terms of design and concept?
All comments made on Q4(The numbers in brackets are the option they voted for):
>2 and 3 look like weird bears (4) >In my honest opinion, 5 looks really well. 1 is okay, but 5 is awesome. (5) >none (4) >I really like 5 a lot, but it looks better suited to be a route mon rather than a starter. (5) >A mix between 2 and 3 would be best. (3) >5 looks the best, and feels like it'd be the easiest to get a good final evo out of it. I can't say that with any of the others, with 4 looking to much like a real kangaroo at the end, and 3 & 4 looking...gross. Sorry, but all stages for 3 & 4 just look unappealing. (5) >WHY DOES THIS ARTIST KEEP DESIGNING GRASS TYPE STARTRERS THEYRE ALL SO BAD THE THIRD EVO LOOKS NOTHING LIKE THE FIRST TWO EVER (5) >would hug (4) >What the hell, 4 is the only one that looks like a kangaroo. (4) >It is colourful how a rain forest animal should be, 5 is shaymin clone (3) >Don't like any of them at all, but picked option 4 as it's the only one that even looks slightly like a Kangaroo. The rest are absolute trash, please don't waste time using them. (4) >Can honestly say I don't like any of these sorry (5) the colours on 2 and 3 look ugly, there is no standout features on them. 5 would work well for a starter. 4 looks too much like a real kangaroo, not a tree kangaroo and doesn't look strong at all, would work for a second stage. (5)
>This was hard. I don't like the yellow lucky charms vomit on 2 or 3. I like the yellow if it's not gooey shit, and just colouring only. I only like the third stage evo - the first two are not nice. Picture 1 has a good example of a nice first stage for this line. I think 5 is a nice concept for a non-starter (2) >I DID NOT SEE 4 BEFORE THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE FUCK EVERYTHING ELSE (4) Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>17006080 (cont.)
>Not much to say here, just like it the best. 5 is cute but not a starter (4) >only "5" is good, the rest looks like ... shit (5) >3 is the closest to being starter material. 5 looks like a route-mon, like Sunkern. (3) >but not as starter (5) >4 is the best one I've seen yet (4) >3 all the way. I'd love the idea of a pollen storing grass Kangaroo. The tribal mage theme is really good. Love everything about it. (3) Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16999637 This is option E of the submitted designs. A Lizard based grass starter. If you had to choose, which is going in the best direction in terms of design and concept?
All comments made on Q5(The numbers in brackets are the option they voted for):
>5 is good too (3) >fairly good, i'd be happy even though it's been done (3) >these designs are better as normal pokes and not starters (5) >although 5 looks close to wonderful (4) >What the hell is 5? (3) >3, please, and NOW. It''s simply awesome. It has the originality and the style. I LOVE it. (3) >first 2 forms are great, wtf @ 3rd form tho, why are there insect wings? (5) >5, 5, 5 - definitely 5 if that's the best looking starter period - I don't care if there are two lizard starters that looks freakin' boss as fuck (5) >I fucking love No. 3! Just give it more of a Grass Pokemon feel to it, and I'd suport it 100% (3) >cute (4) >looks fun, i don't know. 3 is good too. (1) >They look like pokemon,plain and simple. (5) >Fuck yeah! Dinosaurs! (4) >Love the derpy look, hope it doesnt turn out to be itjustgetsbigger.jpg like others here (2) >Avoid 1, too similar to Snivy (3) >simply because we(Australia) dont have chameleons as a native animal. (1) >I really like the concept of a chameleon grass starter in general, and option 5 looks pretty cool. But for the love of god, at the very least the first stage needs to have half-shut eyes and it will look like an absolute bad-ass bro 10/10 would train. (5) >Number 1 looks too much like Snivy. Don't like the bug concept number 5 has going on (3) >The goanna with a megalania final would work well. The triceratops/chameleon would work well also. 5 has too much going on, I can't see the inspirations or what it is based off (1) >My favourite of the bunch, but worried it might be too similar to thorny devil fire starter. (3) >I don't really think lizards could work as the starter but it should definetly be a route mon. (5) Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>17006860 (cont.)
>5 makes a good grass/bug pokemon. 2 is cute, but derpy is more suited for a late two-stager. (5) >Its the only one I could see being a Pokemon (1) >5 is a beetle though (5) >I like the prehistoric angle of 4, though the middle stage looks a bit too chameleon esque for my tastes. (4) >change final evo (5) >Too close to Thorndle (4) >1 looks like a mischievous little runt but too much like an actual lizard. 5 is my pick. Love the direction it's going in BUT I feel it's too overdesigned with the multiple legs. (5) Anonymous
>>17006860 ITT: Foxy trying too hard to revive a dead project
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>17006931 I'm just posting the comments people made on the poll
I said I'd post them last thread so, eh Anonymous
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>>17006860 >>17006900 >only 3 mentions of having two lizard starters Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>16999637 This is option F of the submitted designs. A Frog based grass starter. If you had to choose, which is going in the best direction in terms of design and concept?
All comments made on Q6 (The numbers in brackets are the option they voted for):
>not fond of either (1) >1 has a better direction as a starter, but 2 can easily be a water coral poke (1) >I don't think we need another frog starter, much less another frog pokemon. (2) >None of them are good enough, but 1 seems a bit better. I don't like the direction of 2. (1) >1's pretty adorable and 2.... just gets bigger and is ill-proportioned to boot (1) >I'd go for No.1, evenif it does look a little too much like Bulbasaur. Hey, maybe some evo concepts could fix it. I just don't really know what's up with No. 2 (1) >this is probably one of the best grass type starters (2) >That face (1) >2; mostly because its evo cycle is the most complete/detailed. (2) >Both are bad; 1 is unfinished and 2 is with good potential but itjustgetsbigger (2) >2 doesnt make me think 'frog' (1) >Pretty bad designs, especially option 2. Way too complicated. Option 1 could be developed into something cool as long as you're careful to make sure it's a first stage starter and not a baby-mon. It's all in the eyes. (1) >Number 2 looks to much like a water type (1) >2 looks ugly and looks like it just gets bigger, 1 could have potential but looks a lot like bulbasaur. (1) >1 is literally Bulbasaur. 2 is the best of the two, but would prefer it as a non-starter. (2) >neither fuck off (1) >I'm biased towards liking it since I drew the damn thing but it's definetly not starter material. Too cluttered, one of the typings needs to go. Might work as a water/swamp based route mon but not as a starter. (2) >I wouldn't pick either (2) >Its just a smaller Bulbasaur, I dont really like it. But that other thing is a monstrosity (1) >both are terrible (2) >2 looks abhorrently overdesigned. (1) Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>17007207 (cont.)
>I like the first one however, could these be merged and see how that works out? (2) >ew (1) >Too close to Venusaur, always have been done badly, and don't make sense as a grass starter (1) >1 is a squished Bulbasaur with a pattern belt on the bulb. 2's camouflage gimmick is a nice concept but could be executed better. It currently suffers from JGB. (2) Anonymous
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>>17000096 is your manliness feeling challenged is it? :^)
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16999637 This is option G of the submitted designs. A Tasmanian devil based grass starter. If you had to choose, which is going in the best direction in terms of design and concept?
All comments made on Q7 (The numbers in brackets are the option they voted for):
>no thanks to both (1) >yuck to the second one, but I like the first one as electric devil (2) >1 looks too much cartoon-like. 2 looks a lot better, but with a less expressive face it would be great. (2) >looks nice, but looks more like a route mon (1) >2 is too super saiyan for me (1) >No.1 is too adorable. I like it even more than Tastorm, or whatever the fuck it became. (1) >cute (1) >bark bark bark (1) >I prefer 1 overall, but the grass hair/claws of 2 looks pretty cool to. (1) >What the fuck is 2? (1) >1 because it isn't shitart. (1) >neither really (1) >Seen Option 1 floating around for a while, please don't do it, it looks silly. The chameleon starter would be much better. The design looks too much like a fat puppy dog with attitude problems. (1) >tasleaf looks better than the other one, there is not enough green in 2 to indicate its grass typing. (1) >Really like 2 and would like to see evolution concepts for it. (2) >Its cute but tasleaf has no other ideas for evos so its kind of dead in the water (1) >Again, I wouldn't pick either, but only because tastorm is a thing. (1) >hands down, although I do prefer Tastorm in the grand scheme (1) >Tasleaf works best as Tasstorm. The one on the right kinda reminds me of a chia pet. (2) >But I don't like either of them. (1) >Tasmanian Devil does work better for an Electric type (2) >2 is a normal Tasmanian devil with spiky grass hair. 1 is much better but it seems really plain and doesn't fit with canon GF grass starters. (2) >Lesser of two evils, neither is great. (2) Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>16999637 Finally, Seeing how the other bases for the grass starter, have only 1 different design for it, this begs the question, which base is the best choice to design the grass starter around out of the submitted suggestions?
All the comments made in the "none of the above section" in Q8:
>Whatever you do, dont pick the first platypus >Sugar glider design 1 is my favorite But id like to see the chameleons in there to >- >Sugar glider or lizard, with a few changes. But Sage does have a grass/flying starter already, I'm sure we can find something different. Oh, and thorndle is a lizard as well, so there's that. >I'd say K, but I thought Raptor was planning on using those? K's the best at any rate. Second vote goes to the honey badger thing in 3. --
Now that's out the way, I'll leave this here
>https://www.surveymonkey .com/s/MB9MQ9S Anonymous
>>16999637 Holy fuck Wukong's designs are the cancer of this project. They're all so bad but they're everywhere, why can't he so posting this shit?
>>17007905 Wukong designed the pink furbait sugar gliders, right?
>>17007993 He sure did. Both of them.
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>>17008031 Well then, he's
fine by me Anonymous
So, in a scale of one to kill how dead is this project? And what can we do to get it back on track?
>>17008730 Thing is, it shouldn't be kill. We're finally getting some sort of organisation with the polls and the results. We're just in the dead hours right now. To get back more on track, people should be conjuring up some grass type sugar glider starters. Or, how about the legendary venom trio?
>>17008792 I could draw something up for both those things. I don't know how, but I never seem to be here during the not dead hours.
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>>17008896 probably just your bad luck
or unfortunate time zone . But yeah, I guess you could draw up those things.
>>17008792 Actually, we should probably wait for the runoff poll results (for all we know, the sugar gliders could lose the runoff, and the sugar glider designs would go to waste). Furthermore, while we're waiting for that, we should work on developing routemon concepts - like that bug-styled cave rockmon in the previous thread by Card, or that sonic spider thing done up by the anon.
>>17009088 Hey... What about the regional butterfly? That hasn't been brought up in a while.
>>17009506 Seems people really liked the birdwing.
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I'm just reposting this as an alternate to the grass starters. I did the other mouse starter that looks similar but I wasn't too sure with how people edited it with the sugar glider. Instead I'm trying to find a nice in-between with the mouse and kangaroo. Still trying to pick a tail, though I've had a couple people say the bottom right it the best so far.
I'm thinking with the final stage it'll be more tree kangaroo-like in stature so it'll look more stocky and maybe continue the leaf around the near theme to make a robe.
>>17009689 I'm hoping we keep that. Took a lot of time and effort to draw that. I was quite happy when people took enough interest to step in and help out on the final stage.
>>17009088 Right then, no sugar glider for now. I did retry the venom trio though. Really tried to tone down the number of colors this time
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>>17011945 Looking much better than before. I really like this version of the venom trio. Well done, I guess.
Just reiterating my point from last night; Lamoby must be in this game. What is the "trivia" behind the name anyways? Hopefully the original artist sees this, I wanted to give you props for making by far my favorite looking pokemon, fakemon or not.
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:09:45 No. 17012314 Report Im going to try and make some sprites on paint of a pokemon on your dex. Image: something i did for a contest on pokemmo's forums
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>>17012314 Can't wait to see what it will look like! Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>17012247 Pretty certain lamoby is going in the great barrier reef.
The guy who drew it hasn't been around since late November.
>>17012314 We don't really have many official mons yet, and the ones we do have are nowhere near their final design.
Still, you could try your hand at spriting Arachnoise, the sound spider from the previous thread.
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:34:42 No. 17012913 Report Quoted By:
>>17012867 too late, i already started.
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:42:56 No. 17013173 Report >>17012867 what's arachnoise btw? can you provide an image for me to guide?
>>17012822 Damn. Why did he leave?
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
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>>17013296 No idea, just stopped showing up one day.
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>>17013296 December, probably. Might be back if we're lucky.
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>>17014337 fucking hell man I'm going to have nightmares now.
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:35:04 No. 17014543 Report i've done it, made a sprite for that koala guy
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:36:07 No. 17014579 Report Quoted By:
>>17014543 Actual sprite size
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:38:08 No. 17014647 Report Anonymous
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>>17014647 Looks pretty cool
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:47:04 No. 17014870 Report >>17013241 the way that spider is poorly drawn makes it difficult to sprite actually
>>17014870 Yeah I know. All I use is paint and an outdated wacom tablet. It makes the art kinda rough around the edges, but I am able to spew out basic designs pretty quickly and efficiently.
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:54:24 No. 17015053 Report >>17014999 so, how many people work on this project?
>>17015053 Not entirely sure. I know there's Card, Paprika, Foxy, SEQguy, Russet, RJ, and SunWukong in terms of actual names. There's probably more, but I don't
remember.In terms of anons, I have no idea.
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:02:45 No. 17015256 Report Quoted By:
>>17015161 i'll try and contribute with what i can, im extremly bored anyways.
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>>17015236 please, go further
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>>17015236 damn that's fucking good.
>>17015236 ...why do the prevos have 3 legs?
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>>17015501 I think they're supposed to have four, like a crab. Don't know why the final doesn't though.
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>>17015501 They all have 3 legs though anon.
The last one is keeping it just for you~~~ Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:16:00 No. 17015578 Report I'll have to leave for now, ill try and post the finished sprite of arachnoise the next time i find another thread of PokeAus, or ill join your forums good night
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>>17015578 Night. Thanks for the Koala sprite
>>17011945 Sure is dead in here. Posting glorious secondary color shinies
>>17016802 can they learn swift and make use of that bishie sparkle
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>>17016931 Naw, that's just the sparkles shinies always have around them for some reason
>>17015161 >someone mentioning me by trip for the first time Gee whiz, I always thought I was the most forgettable one.
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>>17018566 Nah, that title would go unfortunately to Sion. Him and Marcato are always overlooked.
yo. this project still need a concept artist? I've been in a drawing mood lately and would like to actually contribute to something interesting
>>17020324 Sure. We can always use more artists.
Someone last thread suggested the idea of a Rock type which followed the theme of a rocky, armour-plated animal (like Rhyhorn ==> Rhydon), but with a Cane Beetle or similar bug as the base concept. A concept sketch was already made by one guy, but I'd like to see your take on it too.
Another idea which has been posted a couple times, but for which concept art has never turned out well before, is the idea of a poltergeist-possessed piece of farm equipment, like a tractor or plough. Want to try your hand at that?
I think one of the other things we need is more idea-people. A lot of people left over the Christmas holidays, and haven't come back yet, resulting in very slow threads with few fresh ideas being thrown around Anonymous
>>17020605 sure. I'll try up a quick sketch of several ghostly lookin farm pieces and then a try at the beetle real quick. it'll be some rough sketches but I can always lin-art it up if it comes out nicely.
>>17020324 Thanks.
Another idea posted a few threads back was for a Pokemon based off of a Marsupial Mole. Since the mole has no eyes, but has a big, calloused shield-like plate on its face which helps it bore through the earth, one idea was to integrate the mole with a knight-theme, with a knight's shield for a face, and possibly some other secondary thematic elements integrated into it.
This pic shows two other peoples' take on it. So yeah, if you want to give an alternative interpretation with your own concept art after doing those other two, that'd be awesome. Anonymous
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>>17020884 Whoops. Meant to quote
>>17020698 .
water/rock crab. beefy then a mutha fucka. fire/poison lizard/komodo dragon. Speedy and mixed attacker. final stage is raptor esque like the one concept i saw. grass/flying sugar glider. cutest design shown just my ideas. all need new-ish concepts/designs though. nothing shown in the surveys seems passable yet.
>>17021198 >is raptor esque like the one concept i saw That is not at all helpful. Do you have the picture?
>>17021472 Didn't save the pic but it was in the survey
>>17021954 Here's the pic of all the final stages of fire starters from the survey. Which one was it?
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>>17000138 You wrote Kangaroo rather than Tree Kangaroo. Since that's a huge difference, it's going to make fewer people vote for it.
I doubt it would'v won regardless, but you need to be careful with these things.
>>17020605 just did a quick concept and coloration idea of the ghost tractor after a few tweaks and what not. this is what I'm thinking
Russet 3110-4679-4745 !92mk8AnWmg
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>>17022573 I like the concept of a haunted tractor, but this doesn't really look like a Pokemon to me... it just looks like a tractor.
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>>17022573 That is, literally a tractor. Well done. Try uh, I dunno, fusing it with a the essence of old farmer or something.
>>17022573 whoah wait it's been many weeks since I last cared about these threads but is ghost tractor really gonna be a thing?
>>17023005 It might be, but that depends on someone coming up with a design that's both not-a-tractor as well as not too overdesigned. If such a design does not emerge, it probably won't make it in.
>>17023070 that is the main issue here is it's not like rotom which has a ghost form and takes stuff over - which makes it acceptable to look so much like what the object is.
from a design perspective it's odd because if you don't make it look enough like a tractor it looses the pokemon look, while if you make it too pokemon-ish it looses the concept all together. That's why i tried looking at several references and tried to combine it with a rough shiledon-ish head. but then from everything behind that is like... wtf.
I could try doing the non hooded style, and do a cofagrigus / rotom ghost hands deal or something for some effects to give it a more ghostly look. but the concept alone is kinda goofy lol.
>>17023351 oh yeah and on the
>>17020884 knight mole thing. I looked at the actual mole and noticed that most of them have two plates on the head, and so I tried to shape it into a the most known knight helmet shape, and then went for the little tassle thing that some of them have with the pony tail.
>>17023400 That actually looks really cool
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>>17023441 thanks. also, taking a new approach on the tractor thing. gonna flip it and try to make ghostly limbs (cofagrigus style) coming out of the wheels while the larger backside of the tracter makes the torso of him. so far it's looking too transformer-y / like a regi pokemon.
still feels like it needs some large change to make it look more like a pokemon, and more unique as its OWN pokemon. but this is the direction im thinking for the crazy tractor ghost idea lol.
>>17024596 Top-left looks like it has some interesting potential, though I wonder what other people think
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>>17024619 yeah that's the one that I came up with last, sai flipped out on me and flipped the base tractor drawing and I was like "hmm I could try that too" and then I went with a golbat, giant open mouth thing on all of them, just ended up looking the most unique on that one imo sense the other just feels like something else.
>>17023381 >>17024976 not gonna lie, these my original thoughts for the ghost tractor/plough/farm whatever, but my issue with it was that I assumed theses posessed farm pieces would be the modern ones still in use by the population, so I ended up not doing it, for some reason a cotton gen was the first one that came to mind lol.
anyway, I could still try one of those for a style, it does fit the decrepid, ghostly feel better, and might be easier to work with. taking a break right now though.
>>17024596 actually. another thought on this. what if it's just a combination of smaller farm tools held together by the ghostly aura thing? perhaps not even that if there's a good way to fit everything together.
>>17025035 >cotton gen Gen Cot10 confirmed
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>>17025106 rofl. woops. *gin
>>17025095 I think the original idea behind the mon was that it would be a route-blocking thing, like Snorlax or Sudowoodo. It's easy to imagine a derelict tractor blocking a road, but not a pile of handheld sickles and spades.
Still, we could abandon the route-blocking aspect and think of it more as an ordinary inanimate-object-based Pokemon, like Voltorb or Cofagrigus.
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>>17025160 ahhhhhh. see that adds a whole new dimension actually. that's interesting. So the idea is that it should be a larger farm object then for sure. Unless of course people would like to change the original concept.
Well I could continue to iterate on the tractor thing I have going on. Another idea is to draw the poltergeist-pokemon itself somehow as an individual, but I'd hate to make a Rotom clone lol. Thing with rotom tho is it's specifically attuned to electric objects, maybe this can be the same but it fixates on gas/oil or some crap? just a random thought
>>17012822 I got your ask, what's up
>>17013296 Thanks for the compliment, I left because I'm shit and so is everyone else
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>17025424 I think he wants you to draw more.
>>17025678 I mean, that'd be great, but this project doesn't seem very fun anymore
mostly shitposting and misguided direction
I think there's definitely something there but you'd need to like, start from scratch with the pokedex/characters/plot to wipe this dirty slate clean
>>17025873 Fortunately, none of that shit is set in stone right now. The plot doesn't even exist, all characters posted so far are only very rough concepts, and the dex is effectively blank. Lots of mon ideas have been posted, but those need to be filtered through and refined, and even with all those mons, there'd still be niches that are empty that need to be filled.
>>17025873 Isn't that kinda what's happening? With the surveys things are finally getting a direction.
>>17025902 >>17025961 I don't know, one of the drawing points originally was how we swore off of polls, since it was generally agreed (looking at gen /vp/) that the majority's decision wasn't necessarily the best one. We never figured out an alternative, and the amount of new and old people jumping in and out inevitably led to misinformation about both the popularity of ideas and whether or not they had been addressed or dropped. Some people took advantage of it and revived unpopular ideas, some of which gained traction since the platform grew smaller. Either way, these polls give us a clear idea in a pool of stagnating water. The poll questions still held bias, and your only options were what you were given. Also, bankly isn't a platypus wow
Anyway, a common mantra being thrown around even now I guess is the 'it's not set in stone', and that's a bullshit way of snowballing ideas so that you can disregard conflicting opinion. At the beginning, it's 'not set in stone', and when it's around long enough it's 'this is what the majority wanted/it's been popular for a while'.
In terms of direction, it's one thing to push south, and it's another to have 30 people pushing vaguely south while working harder to push in the direction they want it to be in.
I'm sorry I don't have much alternatives to offer, but the current process is very obviously not working out. It's easy to blame it on december, but the real question is what to do once the new year arrives. I wish you guys the best, and I guess I'll keep tabs posted in case you still want to talk.
>>17026122 >I don't know, one of the drawing points originally was how we swore off of polls, since it was generally agreed (looking at gen /vp/) that the majority's decision wasn't necessarily the best one. And then we decided that that was stupid. We remembered Sir Winston Churchill's famous quote:
"Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."
Polls might not be perfect, but they provide direction and finality much more efficiently than any other process.
>>17026122 >Guess what, buttercup. If you don't get a strong initial following, chances are you aren't going to make it. You need to start surveys as soon as possible. >Yeah, because of course I've seen an actual direction to go in. Wait, no I haven't. Artists are just throwing their designs at you and letting them splatter on the ground. I hope you know that surveys and their results are what generate the majority of discussions in thread and redesigns normally. They also attract artists.
>I know I won't be participating until you guys start up surveys because of the reasons I listed. I would not be surprised to hear that that applies to other people as well. You guys are how many months in? Three? And you have nothing to show for it at all.
>You have no surveys running. You have no eliminated designs, you have no design that is narrowed down. You don't have anything approaching a general dex concept. Artists don't know where to go. They have nothing as a reward for their efforts, like maybe knowing what /vp/ likes more in general so they can go in that direction and improve the concept. >You don't have anything to keep people coming back. Seriously, what is different from when you first started? Nothing except for a couple more designs in your dropbox, that you don't have a consensus on, that you don't know if they are liked or not. You don't know what direction to take. Your only dex image is a biased piece of shit, and very few people are going to sort through the dropbox to find a design that they may or may not want to redesign. Except what's the point? It'll just sit there for all of eternity. It's a waste of time. >tl;dr You have no focus at all and are too unstructured to survive for much longer. 95% of contributions are by resident tripfags and not anons. You have no consensus on any design to guide and entice new artists to come. They draw a design, and leave. There is no followup for them to care about. That is why we need surveys.
>>17026257 >You guys are how many months in? Three? Actually, it's more like 6 weeks, 2 days.
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>>17026276 The point still stands.
>>17026122 Ok please fuck off then.
"The majority's opinion isn't the best"? Then whose is? The person who shouts the loudest or samefags the most.
Also, you have really conflicting opinions of what you want and clearly will never be happy, if you dont want to join in just for the fun of it then you definitely don't belong here.
Surveys are the difference between a community project and a project with heavy community influence. Do you want a community project, or do you want a group of dedicated folks smashing out a game and taking heavy influence from a bunch of anons?
>>17026328 also.
Get on the forums you fucking plebs, you talk about needing organisation but most the discussion is done on a god damn imageboard.
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>>17026316 Shit dude, calm down. "Have fun or fuck yourself" is harsh for someone wanting to contribute.
>>17026202 'We' didn't decide anything in particular, it simply became a matter of realizing that without any results to show for it, polls were the cheapest way to get things done. I'm not saying they're bad, but the execution is terrible. There's no need to reword every question, give others the option to suggest while some are simply 'this is a shit design, do you think it has a chance'?
>>17026257 Were you meant to be quoting me? I don't disagree with this person, and I'm not entirely against the surveys. I said that we originally hadn't planned on it, but even I know that 'we' doesn't mean anything in particular.
>>17026316 Did you read the post? Fun was the only reason I stuck around. Either way, I don't understand why I've been dragged here only to be told to leave. Or rather, I do, so sure.
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>17026381 If anyone here is like me, they haven't been on the forums because every time they've checked the place has been empty.
I go there, no one else is around, so I leave. Then while I'm gone, someone shows up but they're alone, so they disappear. It's a cycle.
>>17026399 Are you talking about SEQ's poll? Yeah, that thing was far from perfect. But the polls Foxy's running are very much uniform in format.
>>17026419 I haven't taken a look at Foxy's polls, the only one I participated in was the really long 'what's your opinion on every design but not really every design'. If Foxy's polls are any good, then I'm sure you guys can figure out something.
>>17026413 That's the thing with forums champ
You can make a post and have someone reply a week later, nothing is stopping you from making the relevant threads.
>>17026419 SEQ's polls (imo) were beyond biased. Every question was worded differently. Some questions had two answers and some had 4. Taking from an anon in a previous thread:
>Is Dyngheist/Dyngeist good? *
I love it, it's great the way it is
This thing is stupid, and you are stupid for pushing it. And now I'm stupid.
It's alright, but it could be improved by.... "
Some of the questions included "great as is". others didn't. He was trying not to show his bias, but it was there.
>>17026475 Foxy's are better but they still need some work. I know he's been recently taking advice from one of the survey runners from gen/vp/ so that's a thing.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>17026475 oh hi. I heard someone mention my name.
I was responsible for that poll.
See, when I made that poll, it was only an incomplete draft. A lot of the questions were poorly or inconsistently phrased because I was getting bored and tired, and I just wanted to put together -something- to see whether people thought the poll had sufficient coverage. But then people started misinterpreting the poll as a finshed product. I always intended to use people's input from the original draft version to improve the poll, include more options, make the questions better, etc. But because of limitations of the polling site I was working with (it disallowed polls of a certain size of questions or respondents), as well as a loss of energy and motivation, coupled with some people telling me to forget about working on polls and go back to working on maps, resulted in that thing never getting worked on again.
By the time I was starting to think about going back to that poll and fixing it up, Foxy had picked up the slack on polling. And he's doing it ten times better than I ever could.
>>17026503 The poll was flawed, yes. And because I was rushing to put it together (since I was starting to lose energy and just wanted some basic feedback on content and such, as I explain above), a hell of a lot of my bias leaked into the polls. My bad.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
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>>17026526 Though, on the plus side - since those people told me to fuck off with the whole polling thing and suggested I do map work instead, I started working on routes. And now, I've done up drafts for most of the overworld, including a near-complete prototype of the entire western half of the continent. Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>17026503 I wouldn't say it was as much bias as it was trying to add written flair so every question wouldn't be monotonous. It wasn't great in action, though.
>>17026485 No one wants to post. It would work if people got back into it like early on, but now the only posts are those of new people who want to help out.
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>>17026569 I blame Christmas for making me too busy for life, at least.
I, for one will be doing my best to breathe some life into those forums.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>17026569 That was actually what I was kind of aiming for. Hence why some of the questions were meme references.
>>17026616 >memes >ever SEQ why.
>>17026616 >le epik maymays SEQ, please don't.
SEQguy !!q/bO+XgZdBC
>>17026627 >>17026628 I'm sorry, really. I was really bored and sleep-deprived.
I promise I will never make a stupid reference in a survey question ever again.
Unless it's about narwhals. Then all bets are off. Anonymous
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>>17012314 Is that a yellow Gogoat?
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
I'm currently working on a general route mon survey (only mammals - no fish,birds or bugs yet) and I have to ask, should I include all the cheetah mons or leave them out? (The roadents that took elements from the cheetahs in pic related will be included either way)
>>17026933 Personally, I think the cheetahmons should be considered separately from the early route-rodent thing. Those things seem to be more of an early to mid game land creature kinda Pokemon, like Zebstrika.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>17026968 Would you say the magic/tribal bilby is an early regional rodent or early to mid game land creature?
>>17027035 Could go either way. Still, bilbies themselves are pretty uncommon... Throw it in to be safe, I think.
>>17027035 put them in there, but also include them in future polls for other roles IF they do not win. Make that abundantly clear in the polls to stave off 'lol foxy so bias'
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>17027040 Okay. Thanks. Do you by any chance know what animal [pic related] is supposed to be? I've seen some people call it a wombat...
>>17027054 Yup, all right.
Should I do the same with the grass and water starter ideas that don't win? A lot of them could be used for general early - mid route mons, water route mons and some people also suggested some for potential pseudos. Anonymous
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>>17027077 yes, make sure to state that Anonymous
>>17027077 The first stage is some kind of desert mouse, I'm pretty sure, and I think the second stage is a really weird wombat. I think the theme was that the tail was connected to the mon's airways, and it could use it to launch things like an airgun or something.
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Pomf is this region's champion, right?
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>17027087 I see... Any idea what [pic related] is then?
>>17027108 Some kind of wallaby, I think. Not sure which kind, exactly.
SunWukong !KGDlKt1uNQ
>>17026933 As the person who edited and combined the two designs, I agree that they should be mid-late level rodents. Definitely the top design is best.
Some background for those not in the know, my thoughts were that the first stage is inspired by roadkill. So the evolution is part fire, with cheetah and tire inspirations as it adapts to run from the cars.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>17027119 Right [/spoiler:lit] I'm sorry, I just really don't want to get the animal the mons are based off wrong after I called Bankly a Platypus[/spoiler:lit]. Finally, what is [pic realated]'s base animal? I thought it was a Thylacine due to the large jaw and strips but I'm not exactly sure.
>>17027162 I'm almost certain that's a thylacine.
>>17027162 >>17027169 However, the first stage appears to be based on something else. Not sure what, though. Sorry.
>>17027197 >>17027169 >>17027162 First stage might be a Numbat? They have similar stripes and all, it'd make sense.
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>17027108 Way early in the project people were throwing out ideas, one guy wanted a hoplite and fire-based roo, and I drew him that.
>>17027077 Mouse, and then wombat, I guess. I drew it more like a hamster, though.
>>17026933 And as long as we're posting old things I've done, there's also this version of the numbat.
>>17027162 That's a fossilmon, or potentially a doglike line. Definitely not a rodent in any way
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>17027213 >>17027223 Ah. I see. Before I forget, what is [pic related]?.
I'm guessing it's a Pangolian? >>17027268 Oh, okay. I guess I'll save it for a later survey then.
The Mightyena line kinda came to mind, it could still fall under the niche though Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>17027162 That I remember was a tasmanian tiger whose tail acted as some sort of tower for sound waves that would be amplified when its jaw is opened. First stage, I don't know. Might be a numbat. Not a fossil, I'm pretty sure.
>>17027293 Pangolin, looks like grass and grass/steel. Weird, I don't remember it, but it looks kind of like Sage's Pangolash.
>>17027322 that's because it is pangloash, retard
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
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>>17027374 Ehehe... I see. It won't be included then. I was thinking it looked suspiciously close to Pangolash but I just wanted to be sure. Card !TEXkrYZRw2
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>>17027374 That would explain it.
>>17027374 Is it bad that I like that Pangolash more than the current one. The one on the wiki looks Sonic OC tier.
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
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>>17027431 Nah, that one has a much better face.
But the wiki one is an old version as well.
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>>17027431 the smooth one was voted out anyway, the one posted above needs colors before being put on the wiki
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>>17026933 >>17027158 Hearing the concept behind it makes me love this design. Its great.
>>17027971 The Dropbox is controlled by Ian, not by any of us. Bug him when he comes back online.
>>17028004 I dont lurk these threads, so I don't know who that is. I just scan the dropbox everyday for sage designs or out of place things
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>>17028014 Ah, alright then. Well, Ian filters through the threads to put things in the Dropbox anyway, so he'll probably pick up your cautionary pics when he comes across them. Thanks.
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man this is so shit project I don't even have to shit on it anymore it is dying by itself
>>17027293 That would be Sage's mon.
Don't include that.
>>17032404 We already know it is
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>>17032414 Yeah sorry. I replied before I scrolled down.
I was actually going to delete it.
Sorry about that.
>>17012314 Oh Jesus Christ what is that
We should cull the bug waifu
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>>17034808 You can't do that, the bug waifu's the only thing we all agree on. Taking it out will tear us apart.
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 20:57:19 No. 17035654 Report >>17034566 one of my first attempts at spriting, for a starter i dont think it looks that bad
also: this thread is still alive wut
>>17035654 PokeAus threads have been known to last for several days at a time.
Anyways, how goes the Arachnoise sprite?
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 21:04:03 No. 17035769 Report Quoted By:
>>17035693 started it but blebleble new year
We should cull the bug waifu
>>17036303 Just let us have our project
>>17035693 you guys spriting unofficial designs?
>>17036388 Just the one dude. It happened before, people get bored and do things like that.
>>17036388 >you guys spriting unofficial designs? More or less just for fun right now. Maybe also to get an idea of what they would look like. Nobody's really argued against the designs so far.
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>>17036303 Wibewibewibewibewibe
You guys and all your mons suck. I am Nuttypea and I am from gen /vp/
President of THEEEE united states
>>17036600 Well guess what makes me then.
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>>17036600 >>17036303 Wow sure convinced me with those names and your typing style that REALLY resembles that wibe and nuttyshit uses. What perfect mimicry
Nuttypea official representant of gen /vp/
Nuttypea official representant of gen /vp/ Tue 31 Dec 2013 21:56:22 No. 17036706 Report >>17036639 The President of the U.S. I believe. Why are you in this thread?
President of THEEEE united states
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>>17036706 Change we can believe in.
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>>17036670 All I can hear is Carol Channing
I see there is an imposter in this thread
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 22:14:49 No. 17037040 Report >>17036435 >>17036427 >>17035693 I'm not really connected with these PokeAus dudes
i just wanted to get into spriting and i think this is a good way to practice, while somewhat contributing to something
Anyways, i did actually sat here and sprited arachnoise, i honestly didn't like the black nail looking feet so i didn't drew them, also i turned the lightning on it's capsule into a glowing orb.
It's not done yet, im still colouring, any diffrent ideas for the feet?
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 22:16:05 No. 17037066 Report >>17037040 lel forgot screenshot
>>17037040 These were other designs for it
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>>17037066 Oooh. I like it!
>>17037134 and the very first design
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>>17036910 nobody gives a shit. hang youirslf
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 22:41:11 No. 17037589 Report dun it. Didn't do the black feet tho.
>>17037589 Looks alright. The green orb thing on the thoraxe seems a little random though and doesn't really have anything to do with sound.
>>17022037 L shouldn't be included on there. I posted it as a body example which people then used for the other designs.
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 23:14:49 No. 17038266 Report >>17037659 how bout dis nigguh
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>>17038266 >>17037589 Can its in-game cry be dubstep?
>>17038266 Dat right one. All I can say is YES.
I've been away from these threads for a while, but I'd like to ask what people's opinions on the golden-backed tree rat for exp-yield is? I recall slight positive talk, but I assume it's likely been burried and forgotten again.
>>17038266 I strongly dislike artifact-pokemon, but this one is really pulled off correctly. However, your spriting style isn't exactly GF-feeling, though that may just be me being used to the sprites for Sage.
>>17038340 And if people still complain about the color limit, we could easily just make all the bars green
>>17038394 Buried and forgotten for the time being.
Currently, Foxy is trying to sort through the various niches and dex-roles with polls, starting with the starters. Once the starters are polled and we know which designs to focus on refining, he's gonna poll the early-route rodents.
Meanwhile, people are coming up with ideas for other Pokemons, since those ideas' niches might be the next to be polled.
>>17038504 That works.
Here's the sprite with the green bars, next to Charizard.
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>>17038553 Wow, it's just like the pokemon style
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>>17038553 looking good. The style of it seems more like a gen III sprite though, as opposed to the gen IV sprite of Charizard. I think it might have to do with the shading, but I don't know
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Tue 31 Dec 2013 23:37:32 No. 17038667 Report Quoted By:
>>17038553 when compared side by side, i do have to agree that i exagerated on the pixel shading, notice how on the charizard's belly shadow there are a few yellow dots mixing with the orange colour i somewhat went crazy with those on arachnoise's body, but hey, it's my third sprite.
>>17038553 If you wanna be consistent with how those bars actually work, the longest bar should be red and the shortest ones should be green. The red warns when it's getting too loud.
Foxy !QqL8nX9URE
>>17038522 For the time being, I'll be slightly more inactive as I'm doing up several polls. I'm thinking regional rodents, 3 stage birds and early - mid game 2 stager (there are a lot of those polls for the time being. Is that good for the time being or should I make more specific polls? >>17037718 Oh, ah, my apologies. I thought it was a design rather than a body example. I'll try to be more careful next time.
>>17038394 You mean [pic related]? Personally, I think it's all right. The gold/silver could be more naturally implemented (especially down the back). But that's just my shit opinion.
>>17038553 I really like it. I'm curious to see how it would look with less dithering though. Reminds me o the gen 3 style. Anonymous
>>17038686 Yeah, but if you use multiple colours on the sound bars, it overcomplicates the design and risks going over the limit for number of colours on a sprite. The all-green approach simplifies this.
Also, since a lot of people compared Arachnoise to Gen 3, here it is next to a Gen 3 Charizard. Note that Arachnoise is actually 65 pixels tall, meaning that it's taller than the standard 64x64 limit used for a lot of Gen 3 sprites.
>>17038553 The only thing I have a slight issue with is its position. It should be sitting flat on the ground, not with its back floating up into space.
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>>17038709 Those polls sound fiine.
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>>17038752 It kind of is resting on the ground - it's just that Arachnoise's abdomen is very tall and triangular. This becomes clearer when viewed from behind. Anonymous
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>>17038522 >early game mon It's not a early rodent though. But I'm glad to see some real order here. Thanks foxy.
>>17038709 Well, that's an interpretation of the idea, going the literal route (which I think works really well as long as we don't have another too mouse-like pokemon). But yeah, it's good to know the idea wasn't discarded.
>my shit opinion Just because you got pretty much mobbed for a while, you don't have to call your opinions shit. Stand by them, m8 Anonymous
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>>17038752 I personally think the pose isn't that bad. It's supposed to have speakers on the back of its abdomen (
>>17013241 ) so natually I think it would have it slightly raised in the air, whether to fire sound waves at its opponents or to propel itself forward along the ground.
I had an idea for a reef pokemon that was made up of different types of coral and other organisms found in reefs. They would all act together as one pokemon. The evolved form would have a humanoid shape. The problem is that the design and concept I'm thinking is alot like Barbaracle. DO you think this is a good idea, and what would make it different enough from Barbaracle?
>>17038972 Depends on what kinds of organisms you had in mind. I drew up a similar idea once, but the final evo looked a little too much like shuckle
>>17039011 Pic related is the general look of the old idea I had. As you can see, there was sum MAJOR subconscious inspiration from shuckle and binacle/barbaracle. What did you have in mind for the idea?
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Wed 01 Jan 2014 00:37:43 No. 17039807 Report >>17038737 I actually had no idea there was a pixel limit, Is this limit appleid to every pokemon and for every single gen games?
>>17039807 The sprite size limit changes from generation to generation, but I'm pretty sure we're rolling with Gen 4 size limits for this one. Or was it Gen 5 limits?
Either way, I remember seeing a size guide like this posted in previous threads. Note that the "third evolution" limit can also refer to second-stage evos in two-mon lines, as well as to single -stage Pokemon if they're particularly big ones. The "maximum limit" size should probably be reserved for Legendaries.
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Wed 01 Jan 2014 01:00:44 No. 17040315 Report >>17040218 Alright, got any other mon i can work on?
I had alot of fun doing archnoise
>>17040315 Maybe try spriting this bilby thing?
>>17040422 I think there was another version that looked a bit better. The tail accessories were bigger on it.
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Wed 01 Jan 2014 01:42:55 No. 17041061 Report >>17040218 It's so much harder when you limit your space so much, damn.
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>>17041061 Well, you managed to do a pretty good job on Arachnoise while sticking almost entirely to the Second Stage size limit (you'd only need to shave a single row of pixels off of it to make it fit). I'm sure you can think of something for the bilby thing, or other designs.
And feel free to take creative liberties with the spriting if it helps you fit the design in better.
so anymore ideas people have that they need art for?
>>17041840 There was a concept in an earlier thread about a swift lungfish-like Pokemon which would evolve into a slow, tanky proto-amphibian (AKA retarded-fish-frog). There was one concept sketch of it, but it'd be cool to see someone else's take on the idea.
>>17041938 >>17041840 This is the old concept sketch
Any chance we can have a marsupial lion, or some other extinct Pokemon for the fossils? If we don't have fossil pokes I can try searching up ideas, if it's okay.
>>17042194 In earlier threads, there was a very popular idea for the thylacine mon to be a ghost type with dingo elements, rather than a fossil. This mon was dubbed "Dyngeist". Fossil ideas have included giant sloths, muttaburrasauruses, stegosaurs and anklyosaurs.
>>17042274 >>17042194 This is Dyngheist.
However, since we haven't properly surveyed fossilmons yet (or locked in Dyngheist as an actual thing), you're more than welcome to try your hand at making a thylacine fossilmon. Would be cool to see what you come up with.
>>17042336 ghost/ground fossil
pretty awesome
>>17042434 Don't all Fossils have to be at least part-Rock type?
>>17042194 i remember people wanting to tone down on marsupial concepts, but why not?
>>17042434 fossils are rock-type though?
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>>17042453 >>17042464 ground, rock w/e. rather it not be weak to grass
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Wed 01 Jan 2014 02:58:40 No. 17042564 Report after alot of scaling and other trickery i finally made something i was confortable with, what do you think of this body structure and pose? (probably will look better after coloured
Sion2619 !H7ZJGz53MQ
>>17037157 >ctrl-f music >3 results >oh boy somebody is inquiring about the music! >filename >mfw Anonymous
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>>17042564 Looks alright so far, I think
>>17042044 Maybe like this?
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>>17042813 First stage looks pretty awesome. Second stage looks pretty good too
>>17042336 Was thinking of using the Dromornis: since it's called Stirtoni's Thunderbird, I was thinking of making it part electric but that'd be silly, no? I do like how it looks though, a bit different from the usual fossil folk. And although we already had an Ice fossil type, the Leaellynasaura seems interesting! That one artist's rendition looks really Ice-Type, was thinking maybe working with that? Plus it gets extra points in interest because it used to be in what is now Antarctica before the split. Still thinking of making it seem more interesting, though. Maybe something with the tail. Card !TEXkrYZRw2
>>17042336 I don't remember Dyngheist being a fossil mon.
>>17042813 This could be a good one, though.
These were other ideas from before.
>>17042933 the Dromornis looks pretty flightless, so rock/electric could work, plus the dark grey body and yellow legs make for a nice thundercloud/lightning theme
>>17043708 I wasn't implying it was. As I said in
>>17042274 , Dyngheist was a popular Thylacine mon that was a non-fossil. And
>>17042336 was me just posting the example pic.
>>17043748 Did you do this like right now? Thanks, anon!
And I see, maybe add more of a dark rock look and bam, we got ourselves a pretty cool fossil.
>>17043896 >maybe add more of a dark rock look how so?
Card !TEXkrYZRw2
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>>17043777 Oh, I thought someone was saying it was a fossil for some reason.
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal)
Edwerd 5429-7630-2977 (Lapras Bergmite Spheal) Wed 01 Jan 2014 04:08:21 No. 17044233 Report >>17040422 I tried. I don't think it looks that good.
But limiting space makes it incredibly harder
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>>17044233 Well, the pose is neat
>>17039434 Sorry I waited so long. No one was posting for a while so I left. Anyways I've drawn up a quick sketch of the design. Sorry for the bad quality. I took the picture with my phone.
>>17044587 hmm, it is very Barbaracle-esque, but I think it has potential. I'll see what I can try with it.
Don't be afraid to post a concept even if it looks like no one's here. There's a very very good chance I would still be here in the dead hours...lurking....waiting for something to come up. Anonymous
>>17044693 That's what I was afraid of (looking like Barbaracle). I'll take suggestions to make it look different. However when I left the first time it was only 5 pm.
>>17044780 I don't know if it looks any less like Barbaracle, but I changed the rock to look more like coral and emphasized the algae to make it more of a water/grass type. Thoughts?
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>>17040599 Presuming you mean this one
We should cull the bug waifu
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>>17048389 you leave my dustox alone rapscallion!
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>>17045266 It reminds me of that one Coach from Home Movies.
>>17043957 Iunno, most fossils had SOMETHING to show that they were part rock. Something rough, no?
Russet 3110-4679-4745 !92mk8AnWmg
>>17043748 I really like this idea. Doodled this up.
Not quite sure how to incorporate the rock more, but I'll play with it.
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>>17049267 >archeops >cradily I see where you are coming from, but there have been fossil mons that give no hints as to their rockiness. Or dead obvious ones anyway.
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>>17042336 >>17042194 If anything, the giant lizard megalania should be the fossil, or at least the region's pesudo legend.
Russet 3110-4679-4745 !92mk8AnWmg
>>17049786 I'd prefer some sort of lightningbolt tail instead of electrical farts
So, I just had an idea for the Steel type Gym leader, and was wondering if anyone wanted to try their hand at drawing it. The leader's a man, about 6 feet tall or more. He's wearing a businesslike button-up shirt and trousers, but he's wearing a caution-orange fluoro vest over it, as well as a construction helmet and heavy-duty steel-cap boots. Maybe he's carrying a clipboard close to his chest, and his Pokeballs are actually velcro'd to the side of the clipboard facing him (and this is only revealed during his Pokeball-throw animation, when he reveals his side of the board)?
>>17051084 Pic related but not a giant dweeb right?
>>17051152 Kind of. Roark just looks like an underage labourer. I'm thinking more along the lines of a civil engineer.
SunWukong !KGDlKt1uNQ
Happy new years pokeaus. I was going to do some drawing and get involved but I threw up on my tablet so I think I'll just lurk some more
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>>17042813 This is a pretty cool design. One of my favourites of the bunch! What type would it be?
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>>17045266 I think it needs a little work, but I love the concept. Fun-looking.
Blue !Bluet2G3pA
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>>17027162 >>17027293 I drew both of these. First one is a thylacine (the first stage being a thylacine village type deal) and the second one is a pangolin.
>>17027223 >>17026933 I also made this guy, and he's a numbat.
>>17051084 >>17051152 >>17051200 Actually, we could start thinking about the different gym leaders while these polls are getting sorted out.
We've got the following Gym types, in accordance with the FAQ:
1) Grass
2) Ground
3) Steel (or Fairy)
4) Poison
5) Dark
6) Ghost
7) Fairy (or Steel)
8) Psychic
So, what sorts of occupations could be matched up to these types? This is what I think:
1) Grass
A botanist could work well, though another option might be a veteran soldier who fought on jungle battlefields.
2) Ground
A miner would be the obvious choice here, given the proximity to Coober Pedy and Olympic Dam. Still, there may be a better option.
3) Steel
I like the civil engineer idea posted earlier, though a fitter-and-turner or welder could also work.
4) Poison
Pest exterminator, perhaps?
5) Dark
Chopper fucking Read.
6) Ghost
A museum curator might work here.
7) Fairy
My initial temptation is to suggest a man who looks like he's been taken straight from a Mardi Gras parade, though maybe just an ordinary ballet dancer (either male or female) could work
8) Psychic
I'm thinking a scientist might be the best option here.
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>>17051649 >Pest exterminator, perhaps? Imagine he uses the bait fox in order to fight the rabbit plague. I'd love that.
>A museum curator Love it. How about making the Ghost leader the curator of a Historic Museum, and the Psychic leader the Curator of a Museum of Art? I can imagine them making references to one another about which is more essential or which is dependent on the other - the actuality or ideality.
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Love most of these ideas!>My initial temptation is to suggest a man who looks like he's been taken straight from a Mardi Gras parade, though maybe just an ordinary ballet dancer (either male or female) could work Please don't be cliché (and do the offensive fairy=gay thing). I'd love to have something unexpected - like a Hells Angel biker that wants to show you that toughness comes in all shapes and sizes.
Slow as fuck thread. Gen /vp/ has made like 10 500+ replies threads in the time this one thread has been going. Eat shit, Nuttypea out.
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>>17024596 is that god damn uterus
working on a fossil pokemon rock/grass, based on the laellynasaura, native to Australia
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>>17054363 Looks pretty cool.
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>>17054363 Hardly any fossils are actually dinosaurs, so I feel like we could perhaps research a bit more for what kind of fossilized stuff Australia is known for.
However, if dinosaurs work design-wise, then why oppose it.
>>17049786 >>17049302 Can yo make the beak more like this, just to see how'd it'd look?
Also is this one of them fossil single-stages or will it have a prevo? Hmmm.
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>>17055070 Don't know if anyone's still here, but I gave its wings more tribal markings like the mythical thunderbird and gave it a prevo
>>17051649 Can the first gym leader be bug type? I think it'd fit better, we could save all the elemental types for the elite 4 then too
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>>17057325 Flying-type is a good choice too - you could use the Bug evo and the regional bird.
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>>17051649 The third gym was changed to Fairy and 7th to Steel.
And I think there was talk of making 5 and 6 optional order.
>>17006080 >>17006118 >these people not knowing what a Tree Kangaroo is Anonymous
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somebody make a new thread
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>>17060151 it really wouldn't hurt people to quickly go onto google images.