It's time for my HA Piplup giveaway! I am giving them away to anyone who asks, but its first come first serve, and I would prefer cool stuff in return, but its not required. (Other HA mons I dont have get preference). RULES>Post your IGN and DS name in blue (subject) ONCE (after that just use your green name) >I will go in order unless someone gives me another HA starter I dont have (for future giveaways) >Not really a rule, but the IV's aren't really good and I won't be checking them. The HA Starters I already have are: -Piplup -Turtwig -Chimchar -Treeko
hag 3540-0327-7414
i have treckoha. can i get both pinlup and turtwig?
Rocket 3754 6751 7231 (Hawlucha and shit)
Rocket 3754 6751 7231 (Hawlucha and shit) Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:32:37 No. 17003185 Report Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17003128 They are all ADMANT (except for the very first ones) and know:
>Pound >Agility >Yawn >Aqua Ring hag 3540-0327-7414
Quoted By:
>>17003128 ops.. didnt see u have treecko already. so i have some 5ivs. i will give u a couple for pinlup and turtwig
Maile 1633-4166-6070
Can I have one? got some Tyrunts with fang moves
>>17003128 hey OP, would there be any way you could breed me an HA female Chimchar? No one here will trade me one
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17003171 I can give you a Piplup, but I have no more Turtwigs currently to give away. Need to breed more, I just put it there so nobody offers me a Turtwig and wonders why I don't jump on it.
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki)
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495 (ferrothorn, fortress, klefki) Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:34:05 No. 17003219 Report >>17003128 can i get in line for one?
Could I get a piplup. Please?
Kevin 0130-1845-4803
Kevin 0130-1845-4803 Kevin 0130-1845-4803 Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:34:53 No. 17003234 Report Plreassee.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17003205 I will in the next few days
Miles 3995 7355 8866
I've got 5IV Totodiles and Cyndaquils. I'd really like a Piplup.
I could give you a cyndaquill for the piplup? c:
Quoted By:
>>17003236 ok tyvm. may I add you, amd you could just off the trade when you're ready? also, what do you want in return?
Quoted By:
>>17003128 I'd like one, OP.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17003330 Don't inv me, I'll inv you. I go in order sorry
>>17003364 For some reason it's not saying you added me, you might have to go back to your friends list so we can trade.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17003384 who are you though?
Miles 3995 7355 8866
>>17003330 Can you hit me up first because I'm actually offering something in return?
I've got to leave soon.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17003401 If you have to leave then sure. Everyone will get one anyways.
Miles 3995 7355 8866
>>17003415 Thanks. IGN is Miles.
JC 3024-6308-9672
>>17003128 i would like a penguin for a 4iv lunatone
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17003422 are you online? Dont see you
Miles 3995 7355 8866
Quoted By:
>>17003462 I added you but it says you didn't add me. I am online. I think you need to go back to the FC screen to confirm your adds. Happens sometimes.
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
Maile 1633-4166-6070
Quoted By:
>>17003415 Thank you for the Piplup
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
Want a HA + Egg Moves Karrablast, OP?
Gnas 3368-2276-1347
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
4227-2380-9631 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb
4227-2380-9631 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Spiritomb Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:53:54 No. 17003590 Report I'd like a Treecko and I can give you a Mudkip. It knows Avalanche and probably doesn't have any maxed IVs but it's something.
Rob 1075 0731 8560
I'll take a piplup, I have some 4iv treeckos I can give
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17003330 I dont see Dan online
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
>>17003128 Do you have any female? :(
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17003628 Males can pass on HA this gen
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
Quoted By:
>>17003639 In that case can I have one please?
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
>>17003581 U Dont happen to have a spare turtwig still do u?
Devin 1736 1640 2530 [Cascoon, Garbodor, Drapion]
Devin 1736 1640 2530 [Cascoon, Garbodor, Drapion] Mon 30 Dec 2013 17:58:38 No. 17003675 Report if it's not too late can i get a piplup?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17003670 I dont of the ha, plenty of overgrow
Rob 1075 0731 8560
>>17003599 forgot to mention they were HA treeckos
Red Ryu 0963-0284-1161
Quoted By:
>>17003687 Damn i really want a ha one.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
Quoted By:
>>17003581 Alright buddy. Just going to do a restaurant battle and then I'll be with you.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17003581 ALL of you need to be online, I dont see any of the ones I havent got yet online
Gnas 3368-2276-1347
JC 3024-6308-9672
Red Ryu (りゅう) 0963-0284-1161
Quoted By:
>>17003726 Forgot to mention my nameis in jap
Kevin 0130-1845-4803
>>17003726 I already added you, so I don't know.
I'm Charlotte.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17003762 ign?
>>17003772 Sorry but how was I supposed to guess that from kevin. Ill get you soon
Oshtoby (Dylan: 5198-2462-7507)Grass: Sawsbuck, Sunkern, Quilladin
Oshtoby (Dylan: 5198-2462-7507)Grass: Sawsbuck, Sunkern, Quilladin Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:04:56 No. 17003816 Report hey, op, do you still have some piplup left? I would love to have one if possible.
>>17003698 I know its rude to hijack someone else's thread, but can I get one of your hidden ability treecko? I don't care about iv spread or ability.
Luna 4098-3112-1798
OP I can give you a mudkip its not HA through
JC 3024-6308-9672
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
Quoted By:
Shitting fucking protect Pokemon.
Xavier - 2208-4869-0540 (Fighting: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue)
IGN: Xavier, DSN: Guillaume Xavier - 2208-4869-0540 (Fighting: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:06:56 No. 17003864 Report >>17003128 I'd like one, thanks
Kevin 0130-1845-4803
>>17003814 Nah, no problem, I started a new game with a different character.
But did the internet connection fuck up just now?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
It takes a little bit, but I'll get to everyone. It helps if you are all paying attention so I dont have to chase after people
johnny 3711-7824-3920
>>17003128 Could I get one, OP?
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
Quoted By:
>>17003900 I'm almost done with this restaurant battle.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17003886 it did, I'll send another in a sec
Kevin 0130-1845-4803
Quoted By:
>>17003926 Welp, nevermind then.
Thanks for the continuous effort though.
Rob 1075 0731 8560
>>17003816 Sure, give me a sec I'm breeding some more.
Just noticed your friend safari, that's payment enough Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17003886 reset your ds. If we cant get it to work we'll do some kinda gts thing
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
Hey can I receive a HA piplup
Gnas 3368-2276-1347
Quoted By:
>>17004015 Awesome. Thanks a lot.
Rob 1075 0731 8560
johnny 3711-7824-3920
Quoted By:
>>17004015 Thanks!
I have a ha Froakie in return if you'd like
Hay can I reiceve a HA piplup please and thank you
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
Quoted By:
Thank you OP. Enjoy the Karrablast!
Kouji 4596 - 9600 - 1796
Quoted By:
>>17004015 Thanks, added now :)
Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
IGN joao Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:17:46 No. 17004085 Report can i have one? i dont have any preference and i dont have anything good, but i can breed and help giving some of the HA to other nons
Asuka [5215-0815-5508]
>>17003128 Still have them, OP?
>>17003971 not only did you give me one, but you gave me a 4 iv one. I love you, man.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17004121 huh? You must be really lucky. All the ones I've checked are shit. Enjoy
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17004133 Oh nvm you were talking about his treekos. Sorry
F.C. 4468-0973-0797 (Metang, Ferrothorn, Excadrill) IGN Ashley Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:21:42 No. 17004167 Report >>17003128 I have a 5IV hidden ability egg moves chimchar if you want (not sure if you have one with egg moves)
IGN-fabian 1118-0374-2363 [magmar-larvesta-braixen(?)] Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:23:11 No. 17004199 Report i take if you still have enpugh to give
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
F.C. 4468-0973-0797 (Metang, Ferrothorn, Excadrill) IGN: Ashley Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:25:50 No. 17004261 Report >>17003971 Could i get a treecko by any chane? I have 5 IV HA egg move chimchars and 5IV HA fletchlings
Rob 1075 0731 8560
>>17004258 I think trading bugged up, sorry about that
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17004312 I am inviting you. restart?
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
>>17003128 Would you happen to have any left? If you don't have HA left even just a Torrent one is fine, if you could.
Rob 1075 0731 8560
>>17004261 I don't have enough supply to give one to you. Still have to give one to OP and
a RL friend Rob 1075 0731 8560
Quoted By:
>>17004358 Well it got resolved, thanks!
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17004015 I am pretty sure not all of you gave me your ign
>>17004386 Yeah, because it's so hard to breed one, oh wait, that takes 3 minutes
Gnas 3368-2276-1347 IGN: Angel
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17004434 Don't be a dick. This isnt even a Treeko thread
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863 Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:35:28 No. 17004460 Report Hey Scud! can I get one of those? maybe trading will connect now. I never found you on gts.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17003816 I fucked up, one sec
SoloDolo 0447+6236+5614 ING Marcus
Quoted By:
Just updated with my ING For a HA piplup
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17004460 Yeah, Ill get to you in a little bit. Cant belives I actually got two random Phiones.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17004444 Sorry dude, overlooked the Angel part
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863 Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:39:29 No. 17004534 Report yeah, I guess people really want piplup. What do you want in return?
johnny 3711-7824-3920
Quoted By:
>>17004427 my ign is johnny
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17004534 Idk whatever is fine. Something cool I guess. Gimi some examples (its not like i'll say no)
Devin 1736 1640 2530 [Cascoon, Garbodor, Drapion]
Devin 1736 1640 2530 [Cascoon, Garbodor, Drapion] Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:41:14 No. 17004585 Report Quoted By:
Gnas 3368-2276-1347 IGN: Angel
>>17004529 Thank you. I got nothing better than Glaceon to show my gratitude.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
WHO DID I MISS? Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:44:58 No. 17004724 Report >>17004015 Anyone I did not get? Gnas send me an inv I dont see you
Gnas 3368-2276-1347 IGN: Angel
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863 Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:46:15 No. 17004763 Report Quoted By:
Froakie, fennekin, Chespin, eevee, Duosion, gibble, Japanese Rhyhorn, Charmander...
johnny 3711-7824-3920
>>17004724 Didn't get to me yet
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17004747 Oh duh. Im retarded. Also Glaceon is a boss. we cool
Jos (0662-3449-6695)(Deddene, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Jos (0662-3449-6695)(Deddene, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:47:26 No. 17004794 Report >>17003128 I can have one HA turtwig please?
Asuka [5215-0815-5508]
Quoted By:
>>17004724 Me, please and thank you
SoloDolo 0447+6236+5614 ING Marcus
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17004776 I dont see a Johnny. Do you see me?
Alonzo/Zoe 0662-4233-5689
You have anymore? I could use one.
Quoted By:
May I have one? I can give you an iron fist chimchar with 4 egg moves
Xavier - 2208-4869-0540 (Fighting: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue)
Xavier - 2208-4869-0540 (Fighting: Meditite, Pancham, Tyrogue) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:49:31 No. 17004840 Report Quoted By:
johnny 3711-7824-3920
Quoted By:
>>17004806 your friend car shows up, but I don't see you on my friend list
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681 Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:52:30 No. 17004923 Report I'd like one if I'm not too late for this
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17004799 Invalid friend code. Ive re-done it and checked it multiple times
SoloDolo 0447+6326+5614 ING Marcus
Quoted By:
Just fixed it, sorry Mybad
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17004988 Couple of you not added me yet. Get on it folks
Jos (0662-3449-6695)(Deddene, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Jos (0662-3449-6695)(Deddene, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Mon 30 Dec 2013 18:59:16 No. 17005105 Report >>17004794 Oh the corrector change piplup for turtwig, op I want piplup too
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17005105 okay, I stopped responding to requests like that. But yeah I got the plups
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
Whoever Marcus is, this egg is what?
Asuka [5215-0815-5508]
Quoted By:
>>17005063 Re-checking my add. Sorry.
Asuka [5215-0815-5508]
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17005232 ign helps. Unless it is asuka in which case I dont see you
in related news...
SHIIIIIIIIT NIGGA!!!!!! Shiny Spewpa, who sent that gold my way?
Asuka [5215-0815-5508]
>>17005293 That was me, friend!
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17005313 My nigga
pokegen? (i dont mind but curious)
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681 Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:08:55 No. 17005347 Report >>17005332 You can't pokegen gen 6 pokes
yet Asuka [5215-0815-5508]
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17005332 Still waiting op, added
Scott X: 4811 7019 8489
Quoted By:
Thanks a bunch, OP! I think the Snivy is 4IV, check the markings
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17004988 Who is still waiting? IGN is BLIE pls so its easier. A lot of posts here
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17005419 I spell "blue" guud
ALSO WHoever just offered me that shellder I WANT IT. What for?
Sean [5429-8063-7289] Farfetch'd, Tranquill, Fletchinder
Sean [5429-8063-7289] Farfetch'd, Tranquill, Fletchinder Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:13:59 No. 17005481 Report Quoted By:
>>17003128 I would love one op. thank you.
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig]
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig] Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:14:02 No. 17005483 Report Quoted By:
>>17005419 Can I get a HA Chimchar? I'm willing to give you two of my shinys and my chikorita, cyndaquil and totodile together
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681 Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:14:19 No. 17005493 Report Jos (0662-3449-6695)(Deddene, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Jos (0662-3449-6695)(Deddene, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:14:30 No. 17005498 Report >>17005419 I still waiting piplup :(
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17005412 I added you. Ign? If you see me inv me/
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17005498 You are the first of my next group of adds but I have not yet.
>>17005493 definatly added you. online?
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681
Reborn (IGN P.J. Nips) 5300 - 9124 - 4681 Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:16:55 No. 17005553 Report Quoted By:
>>17005521 Yep, should I send you a TR? Some times the friend list glitches up when someone registers your friend while you're in game.
>>17005499 My ign is Javier
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Okay anyone I missed at ALL reply to this with your IGN in the subject (blue)
Hey OP, got any Piplups left? I can trade you a 5 IV Tepig for it!
Alonzo/Zoe 0662-4233-5689
Jezi (In game Isus) 0688-5639-2312 [Nosepass|Rhydon|Corsola]
Jezi (In game Isus) 0688-5639-2312 [Nosepass|Rhydon|Corsola] Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:24:26 No. 17005710 Report Quoted By:
>>17005675 Fucked up, code:
Jezi (In game Isus) 0688-5639-2312 [Nosepass|Rhydon|Corsola]
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17005675 gimi the digits
>>17005716 Are you skipping me?
Jezi (In game Isus) 0688-5639-2312 [Nosepass|Rhydon|Corsola]
Jezi (In game Isus) 0688-5639-2312 [Nosepass|Rhydon|Corsola] Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:27:39 No. 17005787 Report Quoted By:
>>17005716 Jezi 0688-5639-2312
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17005781 I am not, I thought I had you added. I was mistaken. Ill trade you in a sec
Quoted By:
>>17005639 still waiting. appreciate all this work you're doing btw (^:
DOOM 1048 8458 9247
>>17003698 May I have a HA Treecko?
>>17004015 Any HA Piplup still knocking?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17005871 yup. ill add you soon
DOOM 1048 8458 9247
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17005871 Also just saw you in the fake ass ditto thread. Fucking losers man.
DOOM 1048 8458 9247
>>17005931 It was fake?
Man what a pain
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig]
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig] Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:36:02 No. 17005970 Report >>17005931 OP can i have a HA chimchar? i'm willing to give you everything, the IV johto starters, two of my shinys and IV shits
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17005970 Woah... what shinys? also yes. When Im done with this I'll make you one
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
PHIONE BRO KYLE Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin) Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:39:32 No. 17006036 Report Quoted By:
I wana help you out. Lets try a trade, and see if it works. If not we'll do some obscure ass GTS thingy
Jezi (In game Isus) 0688-5639-2312 [Nosepass|Rhydon|Corsola]
Jezi (In game Isus) 0688-5639-2312 [Nosepass|Rhydon|Corsola] Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:40:05 No. 17006045 Report Thanks OP!
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863 Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:40:51 No. 17006069 Report Okay
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig]
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig] Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:40:54 No. 17006071 Report >>17005992 It would be a safari Ditto or Octillery and a female Gyarados
Alonzo/Zoe 0662-4233-5689
Quoted By:
>>17005992 Ready for me yet?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17006071 The Octillery and Gyarados are shiny? I would do it for just the Octillery. I'll take two if you insist though. (Dont like to rip people off though)
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
WHO AM I MISSING? Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin) Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:46:15 No. 17006178 Report Quoted By:
>>17005959 added
Sorry but it has become disorganized with so many posts. I really will get to everyone. Still got quite a few left
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17006045 thank you btw. Must have been a bitch to make so quickly (i mean the release was just a few days ago)
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig]
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig] Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:47:30 No. 17006202 Report >>17006132 You can have all them 3, I would take the Sinnoh HA starters, if you want, but if it not, I just want that Chimchar
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17006202 Ill get you a turtwig, chimchar and obs the Piplup
DOOM 1048 8458 9247
>>17006222 Ty, do you have any other starters with their HA?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17006069 Not sure if you got my requests, but if not then lets set up a gts thingy and be done with it.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17006243 Well I am only making these ones for the shinys. I will do more giveaways in the future. But I am not gona be breeding all day, sorry. I guess I can give you the other two if I have extra.
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig]
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig] Mon 30 Dec 2013 19:51:31 No. 17006298 Report >>17006222 Thanks! Then I'll be waiting here
DOOM 1048 8458 9247
>>17006282 I only need Treecko and Turtwig but if it's too much trouble you needn't bother, ty for the Piplup.
For reference, which starters with their HA are currently available?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17006343 All I know of are the shinnoh ones and Treeko. I assume Mudkip is out but nobody cares because it is damp (still want it though). Also no idea on the Joto ones. Obs Torchic, and the Kanto ones are found in-game.
DOOM 1048 8458 9247
Quoted By:
>>17006381 Thanks. Let me know if you have a spare Treecko/Turtwig
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
If you find this thread later I still got your Piplup, Just send me a request whenever
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17006298 Might be a few more mins, but i'm working on it Carlos
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig]
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig] Mon 30 Dec 2013 20:06:46 No. 17006663 Report >>17006610 No problem, Still here
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17006663 add me yet? if you got hatching power it'll help
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig]
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig] Mon 30 Dec 2013 20:09:38 No. 17006747 Report >>17006686 Done! Here it goes
>>17006747 Got the chim. Just need the Turtwig
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig]
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig] Mon 30 Dec 2013 20:20:09 No. 17006957 Report Anonymous
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17006747 Thank you based Carlos
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig]
Carlos 0662-3792-4042 [Psychic: Munna, Espurr, Girafarig] Mon 30 Dec 2013 20:33:44 No. 17007200 Report Quoted By:
>>17007120 Thaks a lot OP! see ya!
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Shutting Down Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin) Mon 30 Dec 2013 20:37:13 No. 17007281 Report Haven't gotten a response in a long time so I'll assume everyone is happy. Thanks for the trades everyone and see you next time I do a giveaway. I'll prob lurk here until the coming 404.
DOOM 1048 8458 9247
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
We can do gts if you want. Just need a response
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863 Mon 30 Dec 2013 20:46:12 No. 17007478 Report We haven't traded yet Scud.
Anyone one here have a spare Treeko? I don't care for the IVs or HA I just need any Treeko
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17007478 I have been sending you invites. Lets try one more time i guess
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863 Mon 30 Dec 2013 20:47:29 No. 17007518 Report Okay, I still have people asking for Phiones, can we try a normal trade? they seem to be working with everyone
Maile 1633-4166-6070
>>17007509 I got an HA Treecko with Crunch if you like
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
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>>17007518 Any chance I could get a Phione though? The one I got yesterday was pretty trash (wasnt from you)
Jon 4398 9927 5879 (Kirlia, swirlix, Floette)
Jon 4398 9927 5879 (Kirlia, swirlix, Floette) Mon 30 Dec 2013 20:50:11 No. 17007572 Report >>17007541 That would be awesome anon. Anything you want in specific?
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863
Kyle (From Phione Giveaway) 0877-1491-7863 Mon 30 Dec 2013 20:50:50 No. 17007587 Report K I accidently exited.
Maile 1633-4166-6070
Quoted By:
>>17007572 Its fine anything will do, suprise me.
adding you now.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17007587 Sorry but that Pumkaboo is gona learn like 6 moves on trade evolve. What did you want or is whatever cool?