I just came here to say that Diamond and Pearl were the absolute low point of the series. Now that Pokebank got delayed, I thought of restarting my save in Pearl. There was just one problem: how my supposed to build a proper team when everything I can find in the game is shit? Naturally, I want to use Gen IV Pokemon in a Gen IV game. However, here's pretty much what I have to choose from:
Floatzel and Gastrodon are decent but I was planning on choosing Empoleon and I don't want any other Water-types so I'm pretty much left with shitmons. Yeah, Staraptor is good too but I really want to use something else since I've had Staraptor in all of my Gen IV teams so it's getting kinda boring. By far the biggest problem with Gen IV is that almost the whole dex is taken by new evos for old Mons and useless legendaries, leaving you with nothing but shit. And don't start talking about Vespiquen, it's a pain in the ass to find a female Combee from the honey trees. Not that Vespiquen is that good in the first place. When it comes to old-gen Mons, here are pretty much what I have to choose from:
>Evolves too late
>No physical STAB before lvl 48
>Dead weight
>No special STAB before lvl 37
>Dead weight
>Evolves too late
>Dead weight
>Don't have anyone to trade with so NFE
>Requires too much team support early in the game to became useful
>Not that good even after evolving
>Shitmon, dead weight
>Relies too heavily on TMs to get a good moveset
Aaand that's about it. I came to the conclusion that I'm not going to replay Gen IV again. It's basically the Generations of shitmons and should be avoided at all cost.