Normal 6IV Japanese Imposter Ditto here, Got few clones of it currently. Now I'm not going to jew your precious shinies off you for this one, all I'm asking is to trade these following Pokemons to me so I can complete my Dex. If you want I can trade them back to you. I am looking for these following Pokemons- Rattata Meowth Koffing Johto Starters Misdreavus Porygon 2 / Porygon Z Stantler Blissey Raikou, Suicune, Entei Treeko Slokoth Baltoy Regis Latias Kyogre Groudon Rayquaza Turtwig, Piplup Kricktune Cheurbi Buneary Mismagius Glameow Finneon Sinnoh Trios Palkia Dialga Heatran Regigigas Giratina Cresselia PHione Unova Starters Cottonee Daramuka Any Eelektross Evos Elgygem Bouffalant Unova Trios Tornadus Thundurus Landorus Reshiram I will prioritize the Dittos to the person who has the most Pokemons out of this list. I'm not interested in any offers, I just want to fill my Dex. Please state if you want those Pokemons back or not. If you have a huge list of those above Pokemons, I'll add you on Skype.
>>17008738 I can breed some of those pokemon for a Ditto
Nury 4382 2190 7197
i'll give you a misdreavus
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga Mon 30 Dec 2013 21:58:47 No. 17008781 Report Quoted By:
>>17008738 I'll give you Misdreavus for one.
Brandon 3926 - 4966 - 2888
Quoted By:
Tepig for one? It has Sucker Punch
Chico FC:4210-4187-4105
Quoted By:
>>17008738 i have treeko and koffing
Nicolas 4012-4048-0485 [Snover | Beartic | Piloswine]
Nicolas 4012-4048-0485 [Snover | Beartic | Piloswine] Mon 30 Dec 2013 21:59:06 No. 17008790 Report Quoted By:
>>17008738 I have Cyndaquil already bred, and can breed the two other starters;
Fuzzywobbles 0361-7602-3412 (Poison: Drapion, Venomoth, Seviper)
Fuzzywobbles 0361-7602-3412 (Poison: Drapion, Venomoth, Seviper) Mon 30 Dec 2013 21:59:18 No. 17008794 Report Quoted By:
>>17008738 I'll give you a darumaka
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Dragon Safari)
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Dragon Safari) Mon 30 Dec 2013 21:59:22 No. 17008795 Report Quoted By:
>>17008738 rattata here OP
and other starters too just pick one
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17008765 I'll wait 10 minutes to see who has the most Pokemons on the list first and then I'll offer that person the 1st Ditto, since I don't want things to get hectic
>>17008765 Here's my list:
Meowth, Koffing, Porygon, Misdreavus, Chansey, all the starters, Slakoth and Phione
Austin 0748-3172-6432 (Drifblim, Phantump, Lampent)
Austin 0748-3172-6432 (Drifblim, Phantump, Lampent) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:00:07 No. 17008815 Report I can give you a buneary
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:00:47 No. 17008832 Report >>17008770 Aw shit niggah. I'll give you Misdreavus/Elgygem/Bouffalant/Phione/Glameow/Buneary/Turtwig/Piplup. Ah fuck it I'll just keep on trading with them until you get them all in your dex (those are the ones I have from your list).
Aaron 2165-6357-3780
Quoted By:
>>17008738 I've got a Cottonee for you.
PK 0705-2645-1589
Quoted By:
>>17008738 6IV Cyndaquil for one?
Kynoxis (3153-4717-5881)
Quoted By:
>>17008738 I can give you a Reshiram or a Kyurem for it
Weems (IGN: Aspiaan) 4398-9290-0043
Quoted By:
>>17008738 I can offer you a chikorita if thats okay.
I've got Koffing, Misdreavus, Treecko, Baltoy, Turtwig, Piplup, Darumaka, Unova Starters, Tynamo, and Johto starters
David [5300-8613-5367]
Quoted By:
I have a cottonee with encore/memento/switcharoo you can keep
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:02:07 No. 17008863 Report Quoted By:
>>17008832 Add Cyndaquil, Totodile and Rattata to that list.
Quoted By:
I have a few of those one the list, mostly the starters. add meh?
Piscine 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle
Piscine 4081-5548-1099 Dwebble Magcargo Shuckle Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:02:23 No. 17008868 Report Quoted By:
I have Treeko, Piplup, Cottonee, Buneary, Snivy, and Oshawott.
Mordecai 2707-2062-0415 [Poison - Seviper, Garbodor, Muk]
Mordecai 2707-2062-0415 [Poison - Seviper, Garbodor, Muk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:02:23 No. 17008869 Report Quoted By:
I can give you a Totodile
>>17008738 I have a Meowth for you, OP.
Jos (0662-3449-6695)(Deddene, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Jos (0662-3449-6695)(Deddene, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:02:51 No. 17008883 Report Quoted By:
Onyx 0963-0746-8973 [Bibarel, Floatzel, Azumarill]
Onyx 0963-0746-8973 [Bibarel, Floatzel, Azumarill] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:02:53 No. 17008884 Report Quoted By:
I have every starter and a misdreavus/mismagius. Willing to trade in bulk for one of these dittos.
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:02:54 No. 17008885 Report Quoted By:
>>17008738 I have Misdreavus, and gulpin/scrafty shiny.
PK 0705-2645-1589
Quoted By:
>>17008738 I have a Rattata, Misdreavus, Meowth, Kyogre, Treeko also ready here
Ahegao 4313-1509-9677
Quoted By:
>>17008738 All I've got is a Phione for ya
Mute 4141-2536-0321
Quoted By:
>>17008859 here's my FC by the way
Josh 0302 0829 5671 [Shuppet | Phantump | Spiritomb]
Josh 0302 0829 5671 [Shuppet | Phantump | Spiritomb] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:03:13 No. 17008894 Report >>17008738 Got a Phione for you
Austin 0748-3172-6432 (Drifblim, Phantump, Lampent)
Austin 0748-3172-6432 (Drifblim, Phantump, Lampent) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:03:51 No. 17008908 Report >>17008815 The Buneary also has Klutz and IV's in attack, Sp attack and speed
Rafa - 4613-7619-5355
Blissey fag here I can also give you Trecko, Baltoy, Turtwig, etc
Alex 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Quoted By:
>>17008878 I have a 5IV Meowth for you, OP
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Dragon Safari)
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Dragon Safari) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:05:25 No. 17008967 Report >>17008738 rattata, slakoth, johto starters, treecko, misdreavus, unova starters minus snivy, Darumaka here
but they are not for keeps just for dex
>>17008967 >you get to keep his Ditto >but he doesn't get to keep your stuff Josh 0302 0829 5671 [Shuppet | Phantump | Spiritomb]
Josh 0302 0829 5671 [Shuppet | Phantump | Spiritomb] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:06:21 No. 17008993 Report Quoted By:
>>17008894 >Rattata >Meowth >Koffing >Johto Starters >Misdreavus >Treeko >Turtwig >Piplup >Phione >Unova Starters Sorry, didn't see the other post, this is what I have
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
Reminder- I don't care about its stats I just want my Dex filled, And tell me if you want me to trade it back to you, I'll pick someone after cloning 1 more Ditto
Robert 4570 8406 2085
Quoted By:
>>17008738 I've got the johto starters
Sam Kerrigan Fc : 2981-6624-5194
Quoted By:
>>17008738 i have meowth, rattata kofing etc
i need ditto :)
Mordecai 2707-2062-0415 [Poison - Seviper, Garbodor, Muk]
Mordecai 2707-2062-0415 [Poison - Seviper, Garbodor, Muk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:07:21 No. 17009019 Report Quoted By:
>>17008996 I only have a Totodile with some good moves and would really love a Ditto, so I'm willing to give it up.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17008990 I don't mind to be honest, it'll take longer for me to get to others since I have to trade things back.
Onyx 0963-0746-8973 [Bibarel, Floatzel, Azumarill]
Onyx 0963-0746-8973 [Bibarel, Floatzel, Azumarill] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:07:54 No. 17009041 Report Quoted By:
>>17008996 I'm offering breedables on my end, couldn't care less about trading back.
Austin 0748-3172-6432 (Drifblim, Phantump, Lampent)
Austin 0748-3172-6432 (Drifblim, Phantump, Lampent) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:08:02 No. 17009045 Report Quoted By:
>>17008908 Don't want it back you can keep it if you decide to trade me
>>17008996 Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Dragon Safari)
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Dragon Safari) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:08:41 No. 17009066 Report Quoted By:
>>17008990 OP's words
>Now I'm not going to jew your precious shinies off you for this one, all I'm asking is to trade these following Pokemons to me so I can complete my Dex. If you want I can trade them back to you. besides I have no extras of these they are (mostly) all 4-5IV pokemon I got to either breed or train so yeah they hold value to me
also not offering 10 pokes for just one
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
I have Rattata, Meowth, Koffing, Johto Starters, Stantler, Baltoy, Slakoth, Boufallant, Finneon, Glameow, Elgyem you can keep of course after I breed it for you
Quoted By:
>>17008990 >I don't know what getting complete National Dex is >I retard hurr hurr David [5300-8613-5367]
>>17008996 I also have a shiny gligar and the cottonee still with those 3 egg moves
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Can breed:>Cyndaquil >Chimchar >Tepig >Phione >Misdreavus >Totodile >Mudkip >Piplup >Feebas >Cottonee >Chikorita >Treecko >Turtwig >Snivy >Yamask >Koffing >Rattata >Meowth >Porygon >Slakoth Also have:>Unown
Mirabellis 0576-4850-9677
Quoted By:
>>17008738 i have rattata, koffing, johoto starters, misdreavus, bliessey, baltoy, cherubi, buneary, and phione data for you
Waifu 1177 7543 2719
Quoted By:
>>17008738 Got your rattata right here dude. Let me make an egg real quick
Rafa - 4613-7619-5355
Quoted By:
>>17008943 Actually I have (ready for trade)
>Meowth >Finneon >Chimchar >Cherubi >Baltoy >Porygon (will evolve to Porygon2 when traded) >Treecko Call me up if you want them, I'd love one of those dittos.
David [5300-8613-5367]
Quoted By:
>>17009090 You can keep it [sorry forgot to post that]
Quoted By:
I have a cyndaquil please! jed 1392-5169-4471
Quoted By:
>>17008738 Should have probably made an actual list of what i have
Not the biggest group but i would kill for one of em. Got a few 6iv mons I'd also be down to trade away as part of the deal.
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
>>17009101 Also, forgot Oshawott
Quoted By:
>entire thread ends up going hectic; people posting their endless lists of every bankmon they have >no one actually gets a Ditto because it's all too complicated to organize
Mute 4141-2536-0321
Quoted By:
Fucked up my list Koffing Misdreavus Treecko Baltoy Turtwig Piplup Oshawott Tepig Snivy Darumaka Tynamo Porygon2
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:12:50 No. 17009147 Report >>17008738 do you still have dittos op? i can offer
Johto Starters
Turtwig, Piplup
Sinnoh Trios
Unova Starters
Greg 2466-1532-6959
>>17008738 i have piplup, treeko, and turtwig
Quoted By:
I can breed all the johto starters
Quoted By:
i can give you raikou suicune latias phione finneon blissey i have all starters i have all pokemons that are not aviable in x and y but i don't have that much legendaries pls :)
Wil 1822-0416-5237 (Spritzee, Dedenne, Floette)
Wil 1822-0416-5237 (Spritzee, Dedenne, Floette) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:13:59 No. 17009180 Report Quoted By:
HA Chimchar's with thunder punch, fire punch and quick guard I can also breed any other starters, Ditto would be very nice.
Claire 0688-5802-2193 (Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon)
Claire 0688-5802-2193 (Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:15:07 No. 17009207 Report Quoted By:
I have a tynamo if you still need it.
Quoted By:
>>17009023 Piplup for ditto?
Woolly 1461-6402-4967
Quoted By:
>>17008738 I can give you a Koffing, Darkrai or Arceus
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:16:24 No. 17009226 Report Quoted By:
OP, I was third to post with my big list of Pokemon I have on me right now and am willing to trade them all at once. p-pls rspnd
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17009147 Okay I counted and you have the most.
Do you want me to trade them back to you? Are you going to offer all of them?
Also, when I'm close to finishing the Dex, I will send the Ditto on the GTS for a Foongus, so get your mushroom ready
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk]
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:17:15 No. 17009242 Report I have an Entei that i used as an hm slave . Added.
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:17:17 No. 17009245 Report >>17009151 can you gimme da treecko for a mudkeep?
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:17:50 No. 17009256 Report >>17009232 trade back is fine
(3136 6864 9578) krabby, quagsire, frogadier
(3136 6864 9578) krabby, quagsire, frogadier Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:18:07 No. 17009263 Report Quoted By:
>>17008738 I have phione and turtwig if you still need them?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17009256 Alright will add you in a second.
Greg 2466-1532-6959
>>17009245 sure, i have boatloads
>>17009272 What do you still need?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17008738 I have a Tepig w/ 4IVs I can trade for one.
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk]
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:20:35 No. 17009320 Report Quoted By:
>>17009242 I also have Cherubi.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:20:38 No. 17009321 Report >>17009272 why cant you just trade the ditto in the process? i can offer a shiny charizard in return
Maile 1633-4166-6070
Quoted By:
>>17009272 have a Tynamo and Standler if you still need them.
want to trade it for a 6iv Ditto?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17009321 Alright so how is this going to work? My plan was to give you the Ditto and hope that you won't bail out and then you trade me those list of Pokemons, and I will trade them all back?
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby)
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:24:24 No. 17009410 Report Quoted By:
OP, do you still need any starter? Or what else are you missing
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17009308 If all goes well I think all I need is the in-game legendaries. I'll trade them back.
Diggy 5198-3258-7704
Quoted By:
Got koffing, need ditto
Nat - 1993 8093 1825 (Poison: Ariados/Kakuna/Muk)
Nat - 1993 8093 1825 (Poison: Ariados/Kakuna/Muk) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:25:03 No. 17009426 Report Quoted By:
>>17009364 Ok I checked the thread, I don't anything out of the list but I'd still love a Ditto... Do you have any left?
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:25:42 No. 17009436 Report >>17009364 i wont bait out been on many threads, im online now,
Anthony 1950-7832-1535 [corsola, barbaracle, ???]
Anthony 1950-7832-1535 [corsola, barbaracle, ???] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:26:11 No. 17009445 Report Quoted By:
>>17008738 i can trade you my porygonz but i need it back
i also have tons of extra porygons
Gold: 2251 5224 2966
Quoted By:
>>17009413 Got a zapdos and moltres.
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:28:08 No. 17009505 Report >>17009283 unburden too, maybe?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17009436 Alright, hold on a second moving the Ditto to my 2nd DS, you trade me all your Pokemon, trade me the Phione last so I know when to trade it back to you.
Greg 2466-1532-6959
Leon 5241-2253-5145
Quoted By:
>>17008738 still giving some away OP? I would definitely love one.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:33:25 No. 17009619 Report >>17009532 ok sounds good you can keep all non evolved pokemon and my charizard
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098
i have all gen 2 evos and would like a ditto. add me, ive added you
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:36:19 No. 17009694 Report >>17009547 YES
ok, adding you mate
mudkips have avalanche
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17009619 Aw sweet thank you, I misclicked btw I need Turtwig
Matt 2595-1184-1722
Quoted By:
Is there still dittos being passed around? I've got a few porygons, treeckos, mudkips, yamasks, and chimchars for one
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
Quoted By:
>>17008738 My god OP, I have most of these. Would you take a 5IV technician Meowth?
MK - 1075-0768-1553
Quoted By:
>>17009733 I can breed you a Turtwig and give you an Unown (and anything from my list that you don't have) for another Ditto
>>17009101 Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby)
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:39:45 No. 17009782 Report Quoted By:
>>17009733 I have one ready to trade. Deal?
Quoted By:
>>17008738 Op I can give you any starter you want, I can give you multiples too
Quoted By:
>>17009733 I've got turtrig
Greg 2466-1532-6959
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098
Quoted By:
>>17009625 i also have porygons and zoruas
Anthony 1950-7832-1535 [corsola, barbaracle, ???]
Anthony 1950-7832-1535 [corsola, barbaracle, ???] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:41:13 No. 17009816 Report Quoted By:
>>17009733 do you still need porygon z?
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:42:00 No. 17009836 Report Quoted By:
>>17009547 thank you mr spooky-scary
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:42:42 No. 17009848 Report >>17009733 no problem, if you already have the pokemon just decline the trade, getting mixed up with which ones ive sent
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:51:53 No. 17010100 Report >>17009733 What pokebank mons do you still need?
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:54:23 No. 17010160 Report Quoted By:
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17009848 Hey don't you want your Mismagius back? And thank you so much for your time.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:56:37 No. 17010242 Report Quoted By:
>>17010163 no thank you. made breeding so much easier. thank you once again
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17010100 Chikorita Totodile
Porygon 2 / Porygon Z
Raikou, Suicune, Entei
Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit
Unova Trios- Three Musketeers
octopie/Octopusbread: 3325-2810-9220
Quoted By:
>>17010251 I've got an unburdened treecko
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk]
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:58:14 No. 17010286 Report >>17010251 I have Entei, I said.
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:58:19 No. 17010287 Report Quoted By:
>>17010251 ive got a treeko and totodile
Quoted By:
>>17010251 i can get you chikorita, totodile, and treeko
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby)
Lucas 4184 1266 0854 (Camerupt, Phanpy, Diggersby) Mon 30 Dec 2013 22:58:44 No. 17010306 Report Quoted By:
>>17010251 I have a Totodile ready to go and I already added you.
>>17010251 Could i trade you treeko or totodile for a 6iv ditto pls?
Felix 5370-0402-3972
>>17010251 I have Chikorita, Totodile, Stantler, Boufallant, Elgyem, Glameow if you need them for a ditto
>>17010251 Eri, I've been scammed on the other thread and my ditto is gone. I really need one to a friend and I have Glameow to you. Please, just please give me one.
Stef27: 1075-2049-9629
Quoted By:
Have Treeko, Totodile or Porygon good to go for a 6iv ditto
>>17010312 This was me too btw
Quoted By:
>>17010251 I offer Treeko, Chikorita, Totodile and Stantler. (:
luciano - [2165-5652-8734]
I have rattata, totodile, chansey (no blissey sorry) and i'd love one if you're willing
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:09:29 No. 17010581 Report >>17010251 I can offer you Regirock and Regice, but I'd need them back since I'm doing a live dex.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17010355 Will add you now since you're offering the most
>>17010286 I might get back to you after this trade since no one else has Entei. Am I allowed to keep it or do I trade it back to you?
luciano - [2165-5652-8734]
Quoted By:
>>17010571 >>17008738 Oh and i added you c:
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk]
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:10:30 No. 17010615 Report >>17010590 You can keep it. I don't need an HM slave anymore.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17010581 Hold on tight, since no one else has legendaries I am most likely to trade you next.
Hydex 2922-0330-7046 ivysaur tangula Maractus
Hydex 2922-0330-7046 ivysaur tangula Maractus Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:11:11 No. 17010628 Report Quoted By:
>>17008738 I got egg moves totodile if you wanna trade
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17010615 Are you able to trade pokemons with HM? I can't remember
Quoted By:
can i get a 6iv ditto and or a mew, i can offer 4iv korean porygon, shiny altaria, 3iv shiny panpour, 3iv zapdos, 4iv feraligatr. also i've got piplup, treecko, mudkip, cyndaquil, turtwig, chimchar and tepig, fc is 3497-0812-3094
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk]
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:12:17 No. 17010664 Report >>17010651 Yeah. You just can't delete the moves, I think.
Quoted By:
>>17010357 Please OP, I'm feeling really bad thanks to that scammer. I need a ditto. This is true >
>>17007322 Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:13:38 No. 17010693 Report Quoted By:
>>17010622 Hang on my wifi is having issues, give me a bit to fix it.
Felix 5370-0402-3972
>>17010590 Alright, added you there. Trade them all then on the last one you send Ditto?
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:15:32 No. 17010751 Report >>17010651 How much longer ya gonna be on here?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17010710 Nah I trust you so I'll send you the Ditto first
Can you trade Glameow last so that I know when to stop trade? And am I allowed to keep them or not?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17010651 I can offer a 4IV Totodile with
Aqua Jet
Ice Punch
Dragon Dance
Sadly that's all I have that you need.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17010751 Don't worry I'm going to be on for another 5 hours
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>17010755 Alright, cool. Sure I'll send Glameow last and yes they're for keeps don't worry
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:17:43 No. 17010807 Report Quoted By:
>>17010791 guess ill farm up for that porygon 2 and z unless someone else swoops in
Quoted By:
>>17010791 Eri what you want? I have glameow, please add me.
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:19:30 No. 17010861 Report Cobalion for one?
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>17010755 Accidentally hit A on the PC there, sorry
Zetta - 2793-0719-6944
Quoted By:
Did you get a Cyndaquill? I have one if you want it, I have Frillish, Snivy, Chimchar, and Feebas. Hopefully I can snag a 6IV Ditto.
can i get a 6iv ditto and or a mew, i can offer 4iv korean porygon, shiny altaria, 3 iv shiny panpour, 3iv zapdos, 4iv feraligatr. also i've got piplup, treecko, mudkip, cyndaquil, turtwig, chimchar, feebas and tepig, fc is 3497-0812-3094, please reply :)
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???)
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:23:03 No. 17010956 Report Quoted By:
>>17010251 have tododile
add me
>>17010791 Any interest in a 5IV Dusclops, a 5IV Bunnelby with Hidden Power, and 3IV Rotoms?
I'd really like one of those Ditto's
>>17010959 Oh, I also have totodiles.
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika)
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:25:23 No. 17011026 Report Quoted By:
>>17010994 And here's my Friend Code and such.
Quoted By:
>>17010943 i aslo have a 4iv totodile
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika)
CK - 2466-2637-2051 - Electric (Electabuzz, Electrode , Zebstrika) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:26:45 No. 17011069 Report Quoted By:
>>17010251 I got Cottonee as well, IV bred.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17010664 Alright, will trade you after I clone another Ditto, get ready
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | !P61YFsEmnw
>>17010251 I can give you Giratina.
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk]
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:30:51 No. 17011179 Report Quoted By:
>>17011131 i'll just sit here staring at my friends list until you accept
;_; renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong)
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:30:59 No. 17011184 Report >>17008738 I happen to have a perfect regigigas I got off of WT, would you be able to clone it and give it back to me?
CTM 0344-9440-7002
Quoted By:
>>17008738 I have all the bank mons in final evolution, but only shiny thunderous in therian form
I need them back, but I'll give you a thunder punch chimchar to finish it off for ditto
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17010861 You're next after the Regi guy, am I allowed to keep it?
>>17011147 You're possibly next after Cobalion guy, am I allowed to keep it?
Porygon 2 / Porygon Z
Raikou, Suicune, Entei
Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit
Unova Trios- Three Musketeers
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | !P61YFsEmnw
>>17011193 Sure you can. Adding you.
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:32:37 No. 17011225 Report >>17011193 Sure, I don't need the Cobalion anymore since I got my shiny charm.
Could i trade you for Kyogre and Groudon? FC: 4656-6931-6809
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17011236 You're gonna be after the Giratina guy, is this for keeps?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17011215 >>17011225 Please hang on, cloning and trading people at the moment!
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:35:05 No. 17011303 Report Quoted By:
>>17011193 You can skip me for now, trying to fix my router. If it's dead then I won't be able to get on and trade you.
Quoted By:
>>17011263 Ok, for two ok?
Quoted By:
>>17011193 I have Porygon-Z for keeps if interested
CTM 0344-9440-7002
Quoted By:
>>17011193 I have thunderous, not for keeps though
wolf -4167-4504-6684 (ICE) Dewgong, Bergmite, Snorunt
wolf -4167-4504-6684 (ICE) Dewgong, Bergmite, Snorunt Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:35:39 No. 17011322 Report Quoted By:
>>17008738 Just hatched a shiny 3IV (Speed, HP, and Sp.Def) Unburden Treeko with "Outstanding Potential). I can trade it to you along with a 5IV Magnet Pull Magnemite for the Ditto.
Quan - 4983 6346 7773
Quoted By:
>>17011193 Got a porygon holding an upgrade if you're interested in getting Porygon2.
Quoted By:
>>17011296 I can trade you Heatran, but you trade it back right?
>>17011263 Yep, Groundon and Kyogre for 2 Dittos 6 iv, right?
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:37:36 No. 17011381 Report Quoted By:
well I guess im too late
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17011352 Do you want 2? You might have to wait a while for me to clone them, and I have several people waiting for me to trade them atm
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | !P61YFsEmnw
>>17011296 No problemo, bro. I'm not in a rush
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:38:30 No. 17011413 Report Quoted By:
>>17011384 Can I have one too?
Woolly 1461-6402-4967
>>17011193 I have a Porygon2 and an Arceus you could have for a ditto, I know Arceus isn't on your list but it would make good trade fodder for getting what u need
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk]
Ellis (5000-2486-9717) [Phantump, Lampent, Golurk] Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:39:57 No. 17011457 Report Quoted By:
>>17011407 Thanks for the ditto!
Quoted By:
>>17011384 np, i can wait.
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:40:27 No. 17011473 Report Quoted By:
>>17008738 Can I get a ditto mate? I got a latias, but I would like it back
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
Quoted By:
>>17011225 Alright, going to clone a Ditto for you then I'll trade you, get ready
lol this guy. have 3 shiny jap dittos 6ivs and a shiny flygon. looking for: bank legends shinies 6iv skill link pokes
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866)
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:41:26 No. 17011501 Report Quoted By:
can I get one? been offering to clone and help spread them in other threads, but no ditto yet.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
Quoted By:
>>17011426 Sure thing, I'll message you ASAP
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong)
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:42:00 No. 17011517 Report Quoted By:
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17008738 I can give you a mesprit if you're still interested in one.
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???)
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:42:26 No. 17011534 Report >>17011493 shiny pickachu
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:42:49 No. 17011545 Report Quoted By:
>>17011493 ive got a shiny trevenant and shiny ditto
Quoted By:
>>17008738 I have almost all of the pokebank starters/pokemon
but i suppose i'm too late now
>tfw you will never be fast enough to get one of these dittos Anonymous
>>17011493 No thanks, I don't want to get Jewed by you again.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17011493 give a shiny altaria, oanpor, poliwhirl, magikarp for a ditto?
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:43:53 No. 17011589 Report Quoted By:
>>17011493 for that ditto ofc
Quoted By:
>>17011493 add me for 2 so
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???)
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:45:14 No. 17011623 Report Quoted By:
>>17011493 i added you btw
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery)
Lorenzo: 4828-5163-2173 (Azumarill, Quagsire, and Octillery) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:45:34 No. 17011636 Report Quoted By:
>>17011493 wadda bout shiny scrafty?
Quoted By:
>>17011580 ok, go have fun you
Quoted By:
>>17011493 fc is 3497-0812-3094 if you're interested
Quoted By:
>>17011582 He's the biggest Jew ever, don't you dare trade him.
>>17011530 >>17011534 >>17011584 yes I am still interested!
mesprit, pikachu, and altaria please and thank you
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???)
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:47:35 No. 17011704 Report Quoted By:
>>17011534 i want the on of the dittos
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17011225 Alright adding you now.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17011530 Alright you're next on the list.
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???)
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:49:33 No. 17011764 Report Quoted By:
>>17011700 Added a while back,, FC is 3067-6047-9098
Chaos 5412-9976-5324
Could I get a Ditto for a 3 IV shiny Ferroseed?
Davos 5000-2780-4958
Offering a 5IV shiny gastly to whoever has a 6IV ditto to spare. Even has an ability capsule attached
CTM 0344-9440-7002
Quoted By:
>>17011761 Shiny thunderous, nit for keeps though, as I stated earlier I'll give you a thunder punch chimchar for the ditto after we trade back.
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:53:10 No. 17011864 Report >>17011723 Thanks a ton for the ditto!
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???)
mkim5751 3067-6047-9098 (Mawhile-Kirlia-???) Mon 30 Dec 2013 23:53:12 No. 17011865 Report Quoted By:
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
Leon 5241-2253-5145
Quoted By:
>>17011761 Just wondering, but how many dittos do you have left? will you plan on giving more out after you got all the pokemon you need?
Quoted By:
>>17011493 fc is 3497-0812-3094
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | !P61YFsEmnw
Quoted By:
Giratina guy here. Still waiting for the add.
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
>>17011761 Alright IGN is Miguel so I'll send you a trade request when you're ready.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17011950 Cloning one right now, won't be too long.
Alex 5386-7680-8221
>>17008738 Can i get one for a Thundurus-t lvl 5 or Suicune lvl 30?
>>17011994 if youre still looking for one, I have one
Quoted By:
>>17012119 Don't trade him, he's a big jew around here.
Woolly 1461-6402-4967
Porygon2 and Arceus on standby.
Ahegao 4313-1509-9677
Does anybody want to trade a 6iv ditto for a phione? ; A;
Tino 1160-9889-3016
Quoted By:
>>17011971 Hey, do you still need Johto starters? I have either Cyndaquil or Totodile.
Alex 5386-7680-8221
>>17012119 adding you,want the thundurus or the suicune?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17012169 Yep you're next don't worry.
Quoted By:
>>17012119 thanks for the ditto
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:05:42 No. 17012201 Report Quoted By:
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:05:58 No. 17012208 Report Quoted By:
I have a koffing, or one of the johto starters
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866)
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:06:19 No. 17012226 Report Quoted By:
>>17011971 interested in a shiny 5iv fletchling?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17011950 Hey I don't see you online
>>17011832 i don't have a ditto but can I get that gastly for a starter like totodile
>>17012241 I don't think you know what value is
Quoted By:
Cant keep track of whats been traded but I have every single starter. Fc just in case: 3437 4234 4081
Tino 1160-9889-3016
Quoted By:
>>17008738 Hey, do you still need Johto starters? I have either Cyndaquil or Totodile.
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:10:56 No. 17012344 Report Quoted By:
I have: Koffing Cyndaquil Buneary Totodile Mudkip Piplup Chimchar Could also give you Ylveltl
Quoted By:
>>17012180 t-thundurus would be cool, Ive never had one
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | !P61YFsEmnw
>>17012229 I think I've been skipped. Do you still need the Giratina?
Quoted By:
My friends brag to me about getting max IV pokemon Its not special when you use methods involving tools that were not officially released to mess with your games frames to figure out when you get the shiny Sure its still like a 1/34 chance or something but that is not a number worth bragging about you can easily get max IV using these broken unfair methods if you just put in a little time '
Quoted By:
>>17012299 hey OP are you still here? do you by any chance have a trick room ditto? (31 in all stats with a 0 in speed)
ive got a whimsicott that could help fill your dex
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17012370 Oh I'm so sorry, you're next!
Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
Quoted By:
>>17012196 Sorry about that I was a little preoccupied. Thanks for the ditto!
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
Quoted By:
>>17012196 Already have the Unova starters? I could breed one that you're missing.
So is nobody in this thread cloning after they get it? Seriously?
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:14:52 No. 17012436 Report Quoted By:
>>17012389 Interested in a latias by any chance? Id prefer to get it back though
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17012427 Yeah to be honest I expected them to. Oh well.
>>17012370 I added you
Davos 5000-2780-4958
Quoted By:
>>17012389 I have a shiny Japanese Kyurem I just found on GTS if you're interested, I kinda want a clone back though, if that's possible?
Woolly 1461-6402-4967
Quoted By:
>>17012427 Me and my girlfriend will be cloning them tomorrow and depending on how well we do, we'll be giving some away
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:17:31 No. 17012494 Report Quoted By:
>>17012427 I can clone some (for at least tonight), but I would need a ditto first.
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong)
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:17:37 No. 17012495 Report >>17012389 I think I also have been skipped. me and my regigigas. still would like it back though
Tom 5086-1532-4951
>>17012452 Im not sure what you need, but I have a cottonee with worry seed, encore, taunt and momento. I also have a totodile and porygon if you haven't got them yet
Quoted By:
I have blissey if you are interested
Tom 5086-1532-4951
Quoted By:
>>17012500 cottonee doesn't have taunt but instead switcheroo. my bad
>>17012452 You still up for a Porygon holding an up-grade?
I don't know if you got the Porygon2 yet.
Quoted By:
offering jap shiny event mew for 6 iv ditto
Chaos 5412-9976-5324
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534] Floatzel Octillery Frogadier
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534] Floatzel Octillery Frogadier Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:20:20 No. 17012545 Report Quoted By:
Op, you still need a Treecko? I have a with 31/31/31/xx/xx/31
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17012495 If you want me to clone the Regigigas you might have to wait a bit since I have to clone Dittos for others.
If you want me to trade it back I will do so after 1 more trade.
Quoted By:
>>17012523 forgot FC 4983 6346 7773
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
Quoted By:
>>17008738 op do you still have any if so ll trade you
CTM 0344-9440-7002
Shiny thunderous-t on wait
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong)
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:22:30 No. 17012602 Report >>17012546 I thought you wanted to keep these legends at first, and were just cloning them. it was my mistake. but either way I want it back.
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | !P61YFsEmnw
Quoted By:
>>17012546 Thanks for the Ditto.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17012169 Alright adding you now!
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
>>17012597 >tfw i have a shiny thundurus-t too muh nigga
>>17012602 hate to repost but do you have a trickroom ditto OP? ive been looking for one since bank went down but i guess nobodies got any spare
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
>>17012649 >trickroom ditto >trickroom anon you high bro?
>>17012546 Me and my kyogre/groudon still waiting, k?
CTM 0344-9440-7002
>>17012644 Ayy, that's where it's at
Davos 5000-2780-4958
So nobody wants a shiny kyurem? :( okay
>>17012666 he means a ditto with all 31 IVs except speed which is 0
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17012669 You might have to wait longer since you want two, I'm almost done with most trades
>>17012682 I'm interested! Sorry I've been trading for a long time and it's hard to keep track of the posts.
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
Quoted By:
>>17012678 ev training it now cant wait to bring this thing onto 3v3 to wreak all the little kids mewtwos
>>17012697 oh okay wasnt clear srry anon
Quoted By:
>>17012666 as in a ditto with 5 perfect IVs and a 0 in speed for breeding purposes?
doesn't seem that crazy to me
Woolly 1461-6402-4967
Quoted By:
>>17012637 Thanks a bunch OP! Love the Pumpkaboo too
Davos 5000-2780-4958
>>17012722 I added you, are you wanting to clone it and return or keep?
Chaos 5412-9976-5324
>>17012536 Ok Last try.
A Shiny Ferroseed or a Shiny Sceptile for a 6 IV Foriegn Ditto?
Please don't ignore ;_; Tom 5086-1532-4951
Quoted By:
>>17012722 you interested in a cottonee with egg moves?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17012788 It's your choice, I'm just looking to fill my Dex
Ale 4055-4171-8473
Quoted By:
I can give you a shiny galvantula for one OP. Gen 6 leggit
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:31:17 No. 17012826 Report Quoted By:
>>17012789 They said they're having trouble keeping track of posts and are busy... stop repeating yourself every 3 minutes
Davos 5000-2780-4958
Quoted By:
>>17012803 Oh okay well I guess you can just trade it back if you just want the dex entry.
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
Quoted By:
>>17012803 Eri could you tell us what else you need for your dex
Billy 4038-7113-1419
>>17011193 >Kyogre >Groudon >Rayquayquay >Palkia >Dialga >Giratina I've got all of these if you still need them.
>>17008738 Hey OP got one for me? I could breed a Daramuka, cottonee, phione, or treeko (HA or overgrowth).
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17012895 I need all of them cept Giratina, is it for keeps or do you want me to trade it back?
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom}
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom} Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:35:38 No. 17012940 Report Quoted By:
>>17012912 I forgot my name :/
>>17008738 >Hey OP got one for me? I could breed a Daramuka, cottonee, phione, or treeko (HA or overgrowth). Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:35:41 No. 17012942 Report Quoted By:
>>17012803 I have a perfect Daramuka I could also trade you. Whenever you get around to it.
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
Quoted By:
>>17012929 you need any yamasks?
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:37:53 No. 17013000 Report >>17012929 I have a shiny Rayquaza. You can keep it if you want.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17013000 I got 2 Dittos ATM, I'll trade you while I wait for that guy.
Zelphyr/ Blacky 3497-0597-0924 muk, ariados, cascoon
Zelphyr/ Blacky 3497-0597-0924 muk, ariados, cascoon Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:39:54 No. 17013052 Report Quoted By:
i have 1 of each of the starters (no HA unfortunetly) for one
Billy 4038-7113-1419
>>17012929 I wouldn't mind getting them back. Also, just realised I don't have rayquaza, sorry about that.
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
Quoted By:
>>17013043 oooppppp pls do you have any yamask i just finish breeding some
Danny 3754 7925 5088
Quoted By:
You've probably gotten these already, but I can trade you a cyndaquil, totadile, or treeko. Would be amazing if I could get even a 4iv ditto OP
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17013067 No worries, getting a Rayquaza soon.
Can you trade me the Dialga last so I know when to give it back?
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:42:44 No. 17013164 Report Quoted By:
>>17013113 I got porygon z if ya still need it
Quoted By:
Rattata Meowth Koffing Johto Starters Misdreavus Blissey Treecko Turtwig, Piplup PHione Unova Starters Cottonee
Billy 4038-7113-1419
>>17013113 Sure. Do you still need entei? I just checked and I have that.
Quoted By:
>>17013113 Got a shiny chansey with perfect ivs in sp.def and def.
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom}
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom} Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:43:49 No. 17013202 Report Quoted By:
>>17013113 I have a extreme speed dratini and happy hour smeargle.
Davos 5000-2780-4958
Quoted By:
We need more organization, just a little bit confusing.
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:44:09 No. 17013211 Report >>17013113 I know you're prioritizing shinies/legendaries, but if you need a daramuka, I can trade you a 5IV(perf stats) for a ditto.
Sorry for being persistent
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
Quoted By:
>>17013190 No need for Entei!
CTM 0344-9440-7002
Quoted By:
>>17013113 Thunderous-t still herr
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17013211 Oh I'm not prioritzing Shinies/Legendaries, I just need things for Dex entry, unfortuantely I already have Daramuka, but I am interested in a 5IV one, I will get back to you after I cloned more
Tom 5086-1532-4951
Quoted By:
>>17013248 any interest in a cottonee with egg moves?
Davos 5000-2780-4958
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
I actually really need one since my friend loves Whimiscott, but I'm more interested in a 5IV one, would you happen to have any?
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:47:51 No. 17013315 Report >>17013248 I am ready to trade you. I am De rwin w/ the Clemont icon.
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong)
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:47:56 No. 17013318 Report >>17013248 still havent gotten an add-back
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:48:27 No. 17013333 Report Quoted By:
>>17013248 Alright cool. I'll be here, do you prefer male or female?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17013291 You're next and I actually think I have you added
>>17013318 In couple of trades atm, I will get back to you ASAP
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
Quoted By:
>>17013314 >>17013344 do you need any yamask op?
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Dragon Safari)
Charlie FC: 4441-9149-8405 (Dragon Safari) Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:50:31 No. 17013401 Report Quoted By:
>>17013248 any interest in a 5IV timid misdreavus? not pentaperfect and has been levelled a bit though
also got a 4IV adamant Totodile with DD and Aqua jet
don't have many other pokebank High IV pokes yet
Davos 5000-2780-4958
Quoted By:
>>17013344 Not showing up as added,,
Tom 5086-1532-4951
Quoted By:
>>17013314 I have a 4iv one that's in the daycare in attempts to get a 5iv.. 31/x/31/x/31/31 :/ with encore, switcheroo, worry seed and momento. I can try to breed a 5iv but it may take some time because of my pathetic dittos
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17013067 Hey the Kyogre is in my party and I can't trade him because he's learnt a HM move, I'll move him out and trade you again
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom}
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom} Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:53:08 No. 17013463 Report Quoted By:
>>17013344 Here's what I have to offer:
Can Breed:
Any starter
cottonee w/ egg moves
buneary w/ klutz + switcheroo and punches
Happy hour smeargle
Extreme speed Dratini w/ other egg moves
Shiny Pokemon:
Shiny Flygon
Let me know if you're interested.
Billy 4038-7113-1419
Quoted By:
>>17013445 Oh yeah, forgot about that. That's fine.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17013315 It says you're in battle
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 31 Dec 2013 00:58:44 No. 17013570 Report Quoted By:
>>17013544 Sorry about that. An acquaintance wanted me to battle them. I'm about to sweep them with my Megacham.
Quoted By:
>>17013315 I have a Cyndaquil and Totodile you can have jed 1392-5169-4471 Billy 4038-7113-1419
Quoted By:
Thanks for the ditto, Eri. This should make breeding much easier.
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:03:00 No. 17013652 Report Quoted By:
>>17013544 I am ready now.
>Medicham used Acupressure >Medicham's speed sharply rose >first high jump kick missed >Greninja used Dark Pulse >dealed only 15% hp to Medicham Anonymous
OP are you still here? Interested in a Cotonee with Switcheroo/Memento/Worry Seed/Encore egg moves? Other than that I can breed for you all the starters, Phione, Slakoth and Sewaddle
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
Quoted By:
>>17013544 yo op
do you want any yamask
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:06:44 No. 17013735 Report Quoted By:
>>17013544 Got it. Thank you very much.
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:10:26 No. 17013814 Report Quoted By:
>>17013544 porygon-z waiting on your order
Zelphyr/ Blacky 3497-0597-0924 muk, ariados, cascoon
Zelphyr/ Blacky 3497-0597-0924 muk, ariados, cascoon Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:11:35 No. 17013847 Report so op i can bred 1 of each of the starters for you
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:12:37 No. 17013867 Report >>17013847 I think he or she would prefer it the pokemon was already ready
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (???,???,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (???,???,Tyrogue) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:13:06 No. 17013880 Report Quoted By:
Not going to read the billions of replies: I have a 5IV Ev Trained Rotom-W (Modest, Leftovers) for a cloned 6IV ditto.
Davos 5000-2780-4958
>mfw in friends list waiting on add
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949]
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949] Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:14:28 No. 17013905 Report Quoted By:
I have all of the breedable Pokebank Pokemon if that helps. I'm not too sure what people have been able to give you, but I'd love to breed any that you're missing if that's okay! Can't guarantee good IV's though since I don't really have a great ditto :( But yeah, let me know what you're struggling to find Pokebank-wise and I'll breed one for you right away!
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17013888 Sorry had to clone a bunch, was I allowed to keep the Kyurem or not?
Davos 5000-2780-4958
>>17013925 Uhm if you can clone it, I just want one back haha. If you just want the dex entry then you can trade it back, if you don't want to take the time to clone it
akuma 0903-4163-5865 Fairy [Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette]
akuma 0903-4163-5865 Fairy [Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette] Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:17:12 No. 17013978 Report Quoted By:
>>17013925 Do you have any Dittos left? I can give you a 4IV Gen 1 starter or a 5 IV Bulbasaur
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17013969 Mind if I clone one? My friend loves Kyruems, I won't be too long.
Davos 5000-2780-4958
Zelphyr/ Blacky 3497-0597-0924 muk, ariados, cascoon
Zelphyr/ Blacky 3497-0597-0924 muk, ariados, cascoon Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:20:10 No. 17014050 Report Quoted By:
>>17013867 good thing i'm working on that right now haha
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17013969 Jesus I cloned that one instantly, I think I mastered how to clone
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
>>17014125 hey do you want yamask?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17014207 Sorry I got one earlier
4983 6346 7773
Quoted By:
Got a Porygon2 yet, OP?
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong)
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:27:38 No. 17014298 Report Quoted By:
>>17014125 thanks. enjoy the 5iv chimchar btw.
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
Quoted By:
>>17014242 kk do you want anything else?
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:27:54 No. 17014313 Report >>17014242 Let me know if you want a female or male daramuka
Quoted By:
>>17014242 Would you like a Shiny Ferroseed or Shiny Sceptile for a Ditto, if you have any.
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534] Floatzel Octillery Frogadier
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534] Floatzel Octillery Frogadier Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:28:06 No. 17014323 Report >OP didn't respond me
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:28:25 No. 17014336 Report >>17014242 you still need pory-z right?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17014323 Calm down, there's 344 posts in this thread and I can't answer every single one, I have to clone and trade people, I already have a Treeko, sorry.
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:29:21 No. 17014369 Report OP, I got a latias, so do you want it to clone? You also didnt respond to me before
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17014313 I don't mind
>>17014336 Yes I do, I need to clone more Dittos now
>>17014369 CTM 0344-9440-7002
>>17014367 Shint thunderous-t waiting still :)
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17014369 I will get back to you, I'll add your FC when I'm done cloning yours.
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:31:52 No. 17014460 Report Quoted By:
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949]
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949] Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:32:15 No. 17014477 Report Quoted By:
>>17014414 I went through the list and I have these that I could breed for you:
Johto Starters
Turtwig, Piplup
Unova Starters
Just let me know which you're missing! I'm happy to give you a bunch for just that one ditto if that helps.
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17014436 Am I allowed to keep it?
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:35:06 No. 17014547 Report Quoted By:
>>17014441 Sweet, Ill add you in the meantime, Ill go online so send me a trade when you see me
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
Quoted By:
>>17014481 cna i please have one for a 5iv axew
CTM 0344-9440-7002
>>17014481 If you clone it, yes, if not trade it back, and I'll give you a thundrrpunch chimcar for the ditto itself
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534] Floatzel Octillery Frogadier
Ignacio [1993 7390 7534] Floatzel Octillery Frogadier Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:35:46 No. 17014568 Report Quoted By:
>>17014367 Sorry and don't worry
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
Alright going to stop cloning after mopping up few more trades, almost 2am here and drained at the moment. I hope that other people will clone and spread the love.
Quoted By:
C-can I get one please?
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17014554 I don't see you online
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:44:37 No. 17014807 Report >>17014761 I can continue after trading the daramuka. but I'll only spread the love tonight
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17014807 I'll trade you soon I promise, some people aren't responding back
CTM 0344-9440-7002
Quoted By:
>>17014783 Hmm... Gimme just a sec
4983 6346 7773
>>17014807 Can I get a ditto whenever you clone some? I've been trying to but no one seems to want to give one away. I don't have much to offer but I can clone.
Davos 5000-2780-4958
Thanks so much Eri, I just used that ditto and got a shiny cyndaquil
Eri- 1005-9533-6776
>>17014876 Haha no problem :)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:48:50 No. 17014914 Report >>17014871 Sure, but it might take me an hour to breed a whole box. I'll make my own thread I guess
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:50:01 No. 17014949 Report >>17014914 and by breed i mean clone, lol
CTM 0344-9440-7002
>>17014829 I am online now
Quoted By:
>>17014761 OP you still there, and do you still need any mons?
4983 6346 7773
>>17014914 >>17014986 I guess I probably won't get one then. Every time someone has a new thread it gets bombarded w/ requests and I end up getting skipped. Are you sure I can't get one of your first clones?
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Tue 31 Dec 2013 01:54:42 No. 17015067 Report >>17015009 patience man. I've been waiting quite a while myself
CTM 0344-9440-7002
Quoted By:
Thank you very much!
4983 6346 7773
Quoted By:
>>17015067 I've been waiting for a while. I was gonna be one of the first ones to get one but the trade kept getting disconnected.
I'm just kind of upset I missed on it because of a dropped connection.
>>16970035 Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949]
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949] Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:00:49 No. 17015211 Report >>17014949 When you inevitably make your own thread, would you be able to post it here? ;_;
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom}
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom} Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:01:07 No. 17015216 Report Quoted By:
>>17008738 Could I possibly still get a ditto from you OP?
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:01:10 No. 17015222 Report >>17015211 If this thread isn't dead
4983 6346 7773
>>17015222 Can the people here get first dibs?
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:02:54 No. 17015261 Report >>17015249 Sure, I'll keep this thread up
Michael: 3737-9713-4108.
Quoted By:
>>17008738 Heey OP, what mons do you still need/want?
I would give ANYTHING for a 6IV ditto by now.
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom}
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom} Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:03:34 No. 17015282 Report >>17015222 Could I add you now and get one of those dittos if you're breeding
cloning ?
4983 6346 7773
>>17015261 Thanks, mind if I add you?
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:04:56 No. 17015322 Report Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:05:20 No. 17015332 Report Quoted By:
>>17015222 Adding just in case
xeno 0705 -3224 - 9634
Quoted By:
>>17015261 Thanks anon, I'm
>>17013655 I'm adding you now
Quoted By:
>>17015261 Could I add you as well. I had no luck in all the other threads that happened. I'm also planning to try to clone with a close friend so we can distribute.
4983 6346 7773
Quoted By:
>>17015322 Hope I actually get a ditto this time.
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom}
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom} Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:07:34 No. 17015386 Report Quoted By:
>>17015322 You're a life saver Jeff! Is there anything you need? I don't have any legendary pokemon from the previous gens, but I'd like to trade you something in return.
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:08:16 No. 17015404 Report Well guys, I honestly have to get the ditto first, so it's not guaranteed yet xD
King spark FC[3437-3051-6050]
Quoted By:
>>17015404 if you do i could really use one
Zelphyr/ Blacky 3497-0597-0924 muk, ariados, cascoon
Zelphyr/ Blacky 3497-0597-0924 muk, ariados, cascoon Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:25:36 No. 17015848 Report >>17015404 i could use one too if that's cool
James | 1435-3821-4794 | Drowzee-Sigilyph-Xatu | Anonymous Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:26:08 No. 17015863 Report Quoted By:
>>17014904 >Eri Is there anything left that you would need? I can offer pretty much anything I have. Please let me know.
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:26:22 No. 17015867 Report >>17015848 Don't even know if Eri is still around :\ It's been almost an hour
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom}
Lukasrama 3540-0089-4403 {Pancham Machop Breloom} Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:29:17 No. 17015928 Report >>17015867 I don't think he is. How goes your cloning?
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:31:35 No. 17015988 Report Quoted By:
>>17015928 Well I'm still waiting for Eri to trade me. Can't do the cloning without a ditto, heh.
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:31:36 No. 17015989 Report Quoted By:
Damn. Really thought I was gonna get one today
James | 1435-3821-4794 | Drowzee-Sigilyph-Xatu | Anonymous Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:32:10 No. 17016009 Report Quoted By:
>>17015867 Well if you happen to have one of these dittos that was given out, I'd gladly trade you for one. 6IV smeargles can't breed with everything unfortunately, just learn everything lol.
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom)
Jef - 0404-7098-6608 (Eevee, Kecleon, Aipom) Tue 31 Dec 2013 02:52:28 No. 17016535 Report Damn, I was so close to getting one :\ Don't really blame them though. They were probably really tired
James | 1435-3821-4794 | Drowzee-Sigilyph-Xatu | Anonymous Tue 31 Dec 2013 03:00:32 No. 17016723 Report Quoted By:
>>17016535 True, it's a lot of work trying to please everyone in the pokemon community, constantly getting barraged with requests if you have something good.
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails)
Tony 4527-8583-6798 (Fire: Charmeleon, Growlithe, Ninetails) Tue 31 Dec 2013 03:01:16 No. 17016742 Report Quoted By:
>>17016535 maybe next time. maybe next time
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (???,???,Tyrogue)
Willaien [2878-9590-1228] {3641} (???,???,Tyrogue) Tue 31 Dec 2013 03:17:35 No. 17017215 Report Quoted By:
Not going to read the billions of replies: I have a 5IV Ev Trained Rotom-W (Modest, Leftovers) for a cloned 6IV ditto.