dr. cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>17019676 What are they missing besides Sp.A?
Also, would you accept a different 'mon for it?
I have no scatterbugs in PC and I'm currently breeding Mudkips.
MaddHappy [Y] 3969 4996 8492 (Swadloon, Tangela, Quilladin)
MaddHappy [Y] 3969 4996 8492 (Swadloon, Tangela, Quilladin) Tue 31 Dec 2013 04:57:31 No. 17019921 Report Quoted By:
>>17019676 added, name MaddHappy.
dr. cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>17019676 ruse? where is OP ;-;
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17019822 I guess I can take anything; Scatterbugs just come up as a pretty empty search on my end. Since I'm running out of friend slots I want to stick to the GTS, but I could take Bidoof or Bunnelby or something if you've got one.
They vary and I haven't really sorted them, but I remember only two are missing HP. Any preference?
ign: justin
donep-please trade soon anon-kun ;_;
Robert 4356-0971-8642 Water (Krabby, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Robert 4356-0971-8642 Water (Krabby, Quagsire, Frogadier) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:00:32 No. 17020017 Report This is stupid that I need to have seen a Chimchar to get a Chimchar.
>>17020017 Not exactly. YOu just need to go in the list and click "What pokemon" and type in chimchar.
>>17020017 >scroll down >pick what pokemon? >type in chimchar >profit Robert 4356-0971-8642 Water (Krabby, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Robert 4356-0971-8642 Water (Krabby, Quagsire, Frogadier) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:02:58 No. 17020080 Report Quoted By:
>>17020057 >>17020062 Holy shit I did not know this, many thanks.
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17019923 OP's a terribly slow typer. GTS says I wasn't fast enough; I'll try to get you again.
>>17019966 Sent~
I did a giveaway of Iron Fist Chimchar with just that moveset. I wonder if these are its descendants?
Kevin 4983-5106-6746 (Snubbull, Spritzee, Floette)
Kevin 4983-5106-6746 (Snubbull, Spritzee, Floette) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:04:29 No. 17020130 Report Quoted By:
Got one up. Please deliver OP ;_;
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17020124 Or relatives at least?
I got mine from Afro.
Also, just traded to a Kevin. Looking for more Scatterbugs now.
Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:06:22 No. 17020181 Report Quoted By:
>>17019676 im on my way to catch one, can you wait for me man plz xD
Von [Luxio, Electrode, Helioptile] 4184-1963-0267
Von [Luxio, Electrode, Helioptile] 4184-1963-0267 Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:06:44 No. 17020191 Report Quoted By:
Got one up OP
>>17020157 aww!! this thread its rlly nice bro, thanks
Giles 0104-0351-6943
Put up a Spritzee, didnt have a Scatterbug. Thanks OP!
ign: justin
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:08:55 No. 17020253 Report Quoted By:
>>17019676 ok just went up a french scatterbug message pokeaus thanks in advance OP
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
Quoted By:
Sent one to a Brett and someone I forgot to read the name of but mentioned Kaiko~
>>17020218 I'll go hunt Spritzee trades for a sec then.
>>17019938 No preference really, I was just curious.
I put a Mr.Mime, name is Lilith
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17020198 I feel like it's terrible at the same time with only 18 available. But. Thank you~
Hopefully others can pass them along, too.
Quoted By:
>>17020345 If you have a female one, I can help produce some more as soon as I get my Mudkip finished
Leon 5241-2253-5145
Quoted By:
>>17020345 What about a Vivillon? I know youre asking for scatterbug and I can go breed one, but Im just curious if youd take the one Im offering.
Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:13:18 No. 17020409 Report just posted a scaterbug, IGN joao, message is /VP/, ty in advance
put up a level 2 scatterbug comment says /vp/ trainer's name is dylan
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:14:18 No. 17020443 Report >>17019676 dammit got a japo chimchar D:
MaddHappy [Y] 3969 4996 8492 (Swadloon, Tangela, Quilladin)
MaddHappy [Y] 3969 4996 8492 (Swadloon, Tangela, Quilladin) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:15:27 No. 17020465 Report Quoted By:
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon)
Collin 3411-0494-2382 (teddiursa-smeargle-kecleon) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:15:32 No. 17020469 Report Quoted By:
>>17019676 i put up one i got off of wondertrade so i couldnt nickname it
message is "Thanks OP"
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:15:33 No. 17020470 Report Quoted By:
>>17019676 just uploaded a new one not french tho :/
Robert 4356-0971-8642 Water (Krabby, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Robert 4356-0971-8642 Water (Krabby, Quagsire, Frogadier) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:15:39 No. 17020475 Report Quoted By:
>>17020443 Same here, now I have to go get another Scatterbug, great.
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17020297 Sent~
Guys, I'm missing a lot. Like
>>17020443 and
>>17020409 right in a row.
Any suggestions on a hated mon that might have more success?
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:18:39 No. 17020572 Report Quoted By:
>>17019676 it happened again oh god this is not funny D:
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17020421 Got you in time~
Leon 5241-2253-5145
Quoted By:
>>17020544 how about one that's easy to get like Ralts?
MaddHappy [Y] 3969 4996 8492 (Swadloon, Tangela, Quilladin)
MaddHappy [Y] 3969 4996 8492 (Swadloon, Tangela, Quilladin) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:20:57 No. 17020671 Report Received it. Thanks a lot Kaiko!!!
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:22:04 No. 17020717 Report >>17019676 will you accept a bidoof ?
Leon 5241-2253-5145
Quoted By:
>>17020671 Enjoy my Nice's!
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
Okay, guys, if you get stuck with loser non-HA Chimchars just stay off GTS for a sec and reply directly to this comment. I'll try to clear out some space on my friend list to trade directly for any shitmon you have handy. I'm down to about 6 or 7 Chimchars right now, but I can breed more if needed.
Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:23:10 No. 17020743 Report >>17019676 how many do you still got? can i try it again? my first one was traded by a jap =/
Leon 5241-2253-5145
>>17020731 Ok I got my scatterbug.
Ign: Leon
message will be /vp/
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17020743 I've got 6 left; I'm getting off GTS to add you and a couple others right now. I wasn't expecting so many snipers :/
Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:25:38 No. 17020824 Report >>17020797 ok im adding you, you can delete me after no prob
Robert 4356-0971-8642 Water (Krabby, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Robert 4356-0971-8642 Water (Krabby, Quagsire, Frogadier) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:26:39 No. 17020849 Report Quoted By:
>>17020797 Got one, thanks opie.
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:28:09 No. 17020902 Report Quoted By:
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17020824 >>17020789 >>17020717 Added your FCs and getting back online.
I'll try to find you to get them delivered now.
>>17020797 Why do they have Blaze Kick?
Fire Punch has higher power after Iron Fist
Kevin 4983-5106-6746 (Snubbull, Spritzee, Floette)
Kevin 4983-5106-6746 (Snubbull, Spritzee, Floette) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:30:45 No. 17020996 Report Quoted By:
Thanks a lot OP. You're alright.
Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
Joao 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:31:11 No. 17021006 Report Quoted By:
>>17020797 ty very much ^_^
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17020957 The first one came with it, so I figured it was there for a reason. I replaced it with Close Combat on my own.
Leon 5241-2253-5145
Quoted By:
>>17020934 Crap! I got a Japanese chimchar
jason 3926-5612-9453
Oh! Can we trade? I'd love one, bro, I got A 4IV Totodile with eggmoves
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle
JOE: 3239 2957 0455 Rock :dwebble magcargo shuckle Tue 31 Dec 2013 05:33:09 No. 17021081 Report Quoted By:
>>17019676 thank you OP !!
Quoted By:
>>17021025 Yeah, I was planning on doing the same.
Leon 5241-2253-5145
>>17020934 Will try again! message will be /vp/ again
Gunther: 4656-6343-6410
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17020789 Is your message thing cowabunga? Game's being weird and I see your name in passersby but not friends, so I don't want to send to the wrong person.
But Afro showed up like that the first time too so I don't even know.
You clever fucks on 4chan have it figured out. The faggots on Leddit still add each others and blow each others cocks over it. If anyone wants a mother fucking Feebas, I gotchu nigga. Add a Scatterbug with the name "/u/WonderTrade" and i'll fuck'n deliver to your faggot ass a brand new faggot fish. 3Drunk5Leddit
Leon 5241-2253-5145
Quoted By:
>>17021135 Yep! that's me!!
>>17021163 Would you also accept a non-scatterbug?
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17021100 Sorryyyy I was checking the PSS screen instead. Got you~
Leon 5241-2253-5145
Quoted By:
>>17021212 OP you glorious humble human being! I wish you have a happy life!!
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17021042 >>17021104 >>17021208 I want to get you three;
Let's avoid GTS right now though because fdhfgshdfhs those scatterbugs go fast. And involve catching scatterbugs.
I'll add the first two of you; I'll need an FC for anon though.
>>17021291 0619-4412-9122
IGN is Lilith
>>17021291 wait
i already have a chimchar
I was asking anon over there about a Feebas
>>17021350 is me jason 3926-5612-9453
Quoted By:
>>17021291 Thanks so much, based op
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
>>17021350 Another Lilith!
Okay, getting you added~
Also sincerely hoping Jaype is Jason. If not I'm really sorry ;__;
jason 3926-5612-9453
Quoted By:
>>17021444 It is, thanks so very much
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
Quoted By:
>>17021386 Derp sorry. :'D Okay! We're all good then.
Trading with Payton, and I have one Chimchar left!
also Captcha would it kill you to be in english
Gunther: 4656-6343-6410
Quoted By:
>>17021291 I love you OP, thanks!
Quoted By:
ONE OF YOU FAGGOTS JUST GOT MY CHIMCHAR (named Adolf Hitter) Perfect IV set 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Iron Fist MOTHER FUCKING 4 EGG MOVES. Y'all welcome muthafugga
Kaiko/Calem 1220-6164-5482
Okay so; 1am and 12 Scatterbugs to evolve, so I'm going to call it a night. Sorry if I missed anyone. Enjoy your monkeys~ If even one person shares their leftovers in the future as well, I'd call this a success. ;w;
Kevin 4983-5106-6746 (Snubbull, Spritzee, Floette)
Kevin 4983-5106-6746 (Snubbull, Spritzee, Floette) Tue 31 Dec 2013 06:11:00 No. 17022072 Report Quoted By:
>>17021864 I plan to pretty soon. Thanks again OP.
Ringo: 4656-5922-6231