Top Favorites: Pangoro, Eelektross, Meowstic, Parasect, Druddigon, Armaldo, Jigglypuff.
I like both Aromatisse and Slurpuff, actually, and it's kinda convenient I found both of them in one picture. I hope you enjoy all the shitty art as much as I regret searching for it.
>>17033622>Garbodor, Stoutland, CarbinkI like it. Stoutland is definitely one that just missed the cut, and Garbodor gets more hate than he deserves. And Carbink's cute.
Nah but really I'm diggin' Walrein and Empoleon. And not a lotta people like Beautifly, good on you.
>>17034568>Karrablast>Typhlosion>Noibat>Trevanant>JellybabyI like you! We share a few favorites, too.
>>17035389>Chesnaught, Glaceon, SudowoodoBest starter reporting in alright. Props bro. You got the best eeveelution, too, and Sudowoodo.
>>17041098>Mightyena, Poliwrath, Spheal, Wigglytuff, GolemFantastic! And I gotta give you points for the 'Tuff.
>>17040562Geodude caught me off-guard, an oddball choice but I ain't hatin'. Machamp's a boss too, but the rest isn't really to my tastes, although I've lately grown more fond of Cloyster.
>>17040109Damn man that's some sick artwork, I love it. Great taste, too! Hydregion's probably my next favorite dragon after Druds. And one of the biggest travesties of GF's "no more Megas" statement is no badass Bug/Dark tarantula form for Ariados.