Staraptor or Talonflame. Staraptor is just a beast, there's a reason everybody uses this in Sinnoh, Intimidate, Close Combat, great stats, learns Wing Attack really early, very common as well.
Talonflame was pretty bro tier as well. Fletchling and Fletchinder really struggled as their level up movepools are terrible (lel Peck and Ember until you've evolved into Talonflame for STAB, at least Aerial Ace TM exists), but after it got Acrobatics and Flare Blitz it was such a nuke. And it's nice to finally have a bird Pokemon that has a different type than Normal, hope it's a trend that continues.
So much fun to use. Designs are pretty great as well, love the whole "little cute bird becomes a thing of terror" as opposed to Pidgey who just gets bigger.