nexi (flying)
Ric 3926-5998-6718
nexi (flying) 2938-7164-3311
Joel (5043-2895-0789) [Woobat, Spearow, Unknown]
Joel (5043-2895-0789) [Woobat, Spearow, Unknown] Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:22:59 No. 17054616 Report I'll take a Totodile.
Charlie 2492-4510-3770 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Ditto) SV {2634}
Charlie 2492-4510-3770 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Ditto) SV {2634} Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:23:43 No. 17054627 Report I'll take a Mudkip or Totodile
James 4184-2637-8430 Ghost Spiritomb shuppet pumkaboo
James 4184-2637-8430 Ghost Spiritomb shuppet pumkaboo Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:24:54 No. 17054644 Report mudkip for me! offerring chimchar/oshawot/cyndaquil
>>17054616 Freebas please.
5472 7084 4573 I have porygon and oshawott eggs
nexi (flying) 2938-7164-3311
Bill (4768-7580-3510)
>>17054565 Any of those starters will be fine. I'll trade a shiny spinda (not bred, but still a shiny) for one. Please add
nexi (flying) 2938-7164-3311
>>17054651 can i have a porygon aswell?
Ric 3926-5998-6718
Quoted By:
>>17054616 You next, I'll do it the order you show up.
2938-6566-0855 Simon
Ill take a totodile. If you ran out, I'll take a trekko.
>>17054684 Sure what do you have to trade?
Prince 0061 - 0237 - 4811 [Bug: Forgot; Volbeat; Pinsir]
Prince 0061 - 0237 - 4811 [Bug: Forgot; Volbeat; Pinsir] Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:29:33 No. 17054715 Report Can I get a Munna OP? If you don't have Yamask yet I can breed one for you.
nexi (flying) 2938-7164-3311
>>17054713 can give u a feebas if u want.
Dan 0877-0204-4806 [Ice] Snover, Weavile, ???
Dan 0877-0204-4806 [Ice] Snover, Weavile, ??? Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:30:22 No. 17054727 Report Could I have a Piplup?
>>17054651 Is there anything you would like for a Porygon egg? Don't have much to offer though. Would kill for a Porygon...
Quoted By:
>>17054565 >Munna >a Pokebank mon pick one.
Quoted By:
Lemme get a piplup please,
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle)
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle) Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:31:44 No. 17054759 Report Quoted By:
>>17054565 can i have treecko? i can trade you a chimchar
Pokey 2036-7485-9582 (sandshrew nincada diggersby)
Pokey 2036-7485-9582 (sandshrew nincada diggersby) Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:32:13 No. 17054768 Report Quoted By:
>>17054565 Can I get a piplup? Got a spare phione.
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17054627 You next, get ready, also add me
Joel (5043-2895-0789) [Woobat, Spearow, Unknown]
Joel (5043-2895-0789) [Woobat, Spearow, Unknown] Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:32:32 No. 17054772 Report Quoted By:
Thanks, OP.
Digit 0877-1291-1486
Quoted By:
>>17054565 Please I need a treecko. I'll trade you a shiny Skiddo for it.
Bill (4768-7580-3510) electic
Quoted By:
>>17054673 Me again, I have more shinies for trade.
Quoted By:
>>17054651 Do you want a Misdreavus for an Oshawott?
Charlie 2492-4510-3770 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Ditto) SV {2634}
Charlie 2492-4510-3770 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Ditto) SV {2634} Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:34:37 No. 17054799 Report Quoted By:
>>17054769 Muh bad. Getting on now
>>17054718 Send a trade request
Charlie 2492-4510-3770 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Ditto) SV {2634}
Charlie 2492-4510-3770 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Ditto) SV {2634} Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:36:26 No. 17054841 Report Quoted By:
>>17054769 Check that. Have to download the damn patch, haven't played Pokemon for nearly a month. Just try not to forget me ok?
Quoted By:
>>17054769 You Forget about me op.
>>17054651 How many porygons do you have? I'd like one of those along with the Oshawott. I have some bank mons to trade(Basically all starters)
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17054673 Ok , adding you now
>>17054715 Breed thaat plz
>>17054858 Three oshawott two porygon and two random eggs.
nexi (flying) 2938-7164-3311
Quoted By:
>>17054806 cant find you? did u added me?
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17054644 Adding you now, et ready plz
Quoted By:
so what's the deal with the pokebank? has there been any news for it yet?
James 4184-2637-8430 Ghost Spiritomb shuppet pumkaboo
James 4184-2637-8430 Ghost Spiritomb shuppet pumkaboo Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:41:42 No. 17054928 Report Quoted By:
>>17054908 can I take treeko actually?
>>17054882 Like I said I have Misdreavus and other starters (Chimchar, Jolly Iron Fist with Thunder and Fire punch / Totodiles with nothing interesting / Cyndaquills the same as Totodile / Snivy and Adamant Mudkips)
Ric 3926-5998-6718
Quoted By:
>>17054651 You got the feebas already(?)
Bill (4768-7580-3510)
Quoted By:
are there any totodiles or mudkips yet?
Prince 0061 - 0237 - 4811 [Bug: Forgot; Volbeat; Pinsir]
Prince 0061 - 0237 - 4811 [Bug: Forgot; Volbeat; Pinsir] Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:43:00 No. 17054948 Report >>17054860 Alright, added you.
Prince 0061 - 0237 - 4811 [Bug: Forgot; Volbeat; Pinsir]
Prince 0061 - 0237 - 4811 [Bug: Forgot; Volbeat; Pinsir] Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:44:47 No. 17054967 Report Quoted By:
>>17054948 Forgot to say, I got your Yamask ready.
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17054933 I'll take misdrevous
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17054705 Someone didn't show up anymore, i still have both, which one would you like?
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong)
renigma 2852-6868-3731 (magneton, metang, bronzong) Wed 01 Jan 2014 17:51:33 No. 17055053 Report >>17054565 out of all the pokebank mons Ive seen here, I have never seen frillish. whats up with that?
>>17055041 Op doe you still have chikoritas
nexi (flying) 2938-7164-3311
>>17055053 i got a whole batch of frillish soon. some cursed body some water absorb. all 4 or 5 ivs. im planning a give away soon so keep an eye out!
>>17055075 What do you want for one now?
>>17055020 Add me whenever
Ric 3926-5998-6718
Quoted By:
>>17054727 You now, adding you.
Ric 3926-5998-6718
nexi (flying) 2938-7164-3311
>>17055100 i got all the pokebank mons alrady. atleast the wanted ones.
what do u have to offer?
>>17054565 does the chimchar have iron fist?
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle)
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle) Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:01:05 No. 17055195 Report >>17055179 i got some with iron fist if you want
Simon 2938-6566-0855
>>17055195 Ill give you a curse, avalanche, yawn mudkip for it. or a timid porygon if you would prefer.
>>17055176 Chansy is probably the only thing I have of value besides a few starters.
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle)
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle) Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:03:44 No. 17055237 Report Quoted By:
>>17055212 adding you, i like mudkips
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17055179 I think so, let me check
>>17055206 Sorry they ran out
>>17055064 Yes, None of them were taken yet
>>17055206 I have some totodiles.
Simon 2938-6566-0855
Quoted By:
>>17055238 k nvm then I don't need a trekko anymore.
Wolfgang [2852 7647 4451]
Quoted By:
Totodile if you have one to spare. I'd even take an egg at this point.
nexi (flying) 2938-7164-3311
Quoted By:
>>17055227 awesome. ill take one i guess. dont have one yet.
>>17055238 I'll trade for a treecko
Noriko 5472 7084 4573
Wolfgang [2852 7647 4451]
>>17055255 Meant to ask that towards you. Totodile if you can spare one.
Simon 2938-6566-0855
>>17055255 added
I've got a pretty good safari you could check out.
magmar, larvesta, and ninetales
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17055281 >>17055277 I have 2 right now ill add you guys here in a sec.
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle)
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle) Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:09:27 No. 17055329 Report Quoted By:
>>17055212 did you get it?
Quoted By:
>>17055281 Can you add my Fc for your safari this is me
>>17055272 Ric 3926-5998-6718
Current State: I was giving the pokes in the order you asked for them, now I got lost and some people left. So I'll begin from this replay again. It's hard to say which pokes I have and which i don't, since some of you are actually giving me starters(I'm not complaing).
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle)
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle) Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:12:05 No. 17055376 Report Digit 0877-1291-1486
>>17055288 C-can I have a Treecko too?
Ric 3926-5998-6718
Ric 3926-5998-6718
Simon 2938-6566-0855 [FIRE - Ninetails / Magmar / Larvesta]
Simon 2938-6566-0855 [FIRE - Ninetails / Magmar / Larvesta] Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:15:54 No. 17055447 Report Ric 3926-5998-6718
Quoted By:
>>17055377 You get the last one xD
Digit 0877-1291-1486
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle)
Yokuho 0189-9694-3239 (Teddiursa Kecleon Smeargle) Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:16:32 No. 17055458 Report >>17055386 Thanks! Love you!
Digit 0877-1291-1486
Charlie 2492-4510-3770 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Ditto) SV {2634}
Charlie 2492-4510-3770 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Ditto) SV {2634} Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:19:57 No. 17055518 Report Do you still have any Mudkip or Totodile left? If not can I have something else? I'll take anything
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17055518 I still have
- 3 pipulps/Cyndaquils
- 4 chickoritas
-2 mudkips/Chimchars/munnas
1- Snivy/feebas/totodile
Quoted By:
>>17055447 Can you add my friend code?
Noriko 5472 7084 4573
Wolfgang [2852 7647 4451]
>>17055568 Is it too greedy to ask for a Piplup, Cyndaquil, Chickorita, Mudkip and Chimchar
Charlie 2492-4510-3770 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Ditto) SV {2634}
Charlie 2492-4510-3770 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Ditto) SV {2634} Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:28:31 No. 17055646 Report >>17055568 I'll take the Mudkip then please
Ric 3926-5998-6718
Quoted By:
>>17055613 If anyone doesn't show up in 10' they're all yours
Soltari 4785-5938-9152
>>17055568 Can I get the Chickoritas and/or mudkip?
Soltari 4785-5938-9152
Quoted By:
>>17055646 Also, added you for the Teddiursa, hope you don't mind?
Alex-0920-1195-9039-(Flying: Woobat: farfetch'd: fletchinder)
which pdajif Alex-0920-1195-9039-(Flying: Woobat: farfetch'd: fletchinder) Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:33:02 No. 17055704 Report can i please have mudkip love mudkips :3
Ric 3926-5998-6718
Quoted By:
>>17055646 are you haaving internet problems? Trades shuts down in the middle.
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17055676 Chickoritas it is.
>>17055704 Sorry i only had two left.
Karumu 2766-9097-7049
>>17055754 Can I have a Chikorita ?
Alex-0920-1195-9039-(Flying: Woobat: farfetch'd: fletchinder)
Alex-0920-1195-9039-(Flying: Woobat: farfetch'd: fletchinder) Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:37:04 No. 17055774 Report >>17055754 Aw. could you breed one with a ditto?
>>17055754 Weren't you going to trade me a chikorita.
>>17054565 Do you have any Treeko's left?
I'd greatly enjoy one.
Ric 3926-5998-6718
Quoted By:
>>17055771 Yes, add me, i'll add you in a sec
>>17055782 Not sure who you are. But only a poke per person, Its on the stick of this post.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152
Quoted By:
>>17055754 Thanks for the trade, mate.
If you have any left over and nobody takes them, I'll snag them gladly:P
>>17055568 Could I have a cyndaquil please.
Also If anyone wants a Piplup I've got a few.
Quoted By:
...gimme all dat munna.
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17055809 They've ran out.
>>17055771 Adding you.
>>17055774 Yes. but not now.
Soltari 4785-5938-9152
Quoted By:
>>17055809 Add me and give me a bit, I have a treecko I can breed after I do Lysandre Labs
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17055837 Yes. Add me, adding oyu
Karumu 2766-9097-7049
Quoted By:
>>17055860 Thanks so much! Enjoy my safari !
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17055837 What's your name on the game?
James 3583-0123-6776.
>>17055896 Could I have a Piplup please?
Karumu 2766-9097-7049
>>17055975 btw, if you want help with the requests, I can breed some chikoritas to help ya.
Alex-0920-1195-9039-(Flying: Woobat: farfetch'd: fletchinder)
Alex-0920-1195-9039-(Flying: Woobat: farfetch'd: fletchinder) Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:51:02 No. 17056025 Report >>17055896 Ric can you add me then for later, i would greatly appreciate it, mudkip was my starter back in emerald when i was younger, brings back good memories :3
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17055988 Send me the trade request, I'm Ricardo.
I got like 5 James registred
>>17055999 Yes, as soon as i'm finhish with the guy above
James 3583-0123-6776.
Ric 3926-5998-6718
>>17056021 No need, when I give them all away, I'm done with this for the week xD
>>17056025 Ok, I'll add you, try to send me the resquest later.
Alex-0920-1195-9039-(Flying: Woobat: farfetch'd: fletchinder)
Alex-0920-1195-9039-(Flying: Woobat: farfetch'd: fletchinder) Wed 01 Jan 2014 18:55:14 No. 17056103 Report Quoted By:
>>17056084 okay thanks allot :)
Karumu 2766-9097-7049
Quoted By:
>>17056084 I'd gladly take any leftover. I'd love to get sinnoh starters as well.
Quoted By:
>>17056034 Thanks a bunch! :3 and if there are any Cyndaquil left over could I have one? Please
Ric 3926-5998-6718
Quoted By:
Thank you very much, I might be doing this again tonight or tomorrow, after i bread some more. If you didn't get anything, try again later. All of you who recieved a poke from me will be able to do so again. This is OP saying, I'll see you later