How often does this board do 6 iv ditto giveaways? I've been lurking this site and JewFAQs for 5 hours and the only Ditto giveaway thread I saw was by some troll named Charles... I'm losing hope. I'd like to know how many people on this board have actually been GIVEN a perfect IV Ditto instead of having to trade a perfect IV Shiny legendary that isn't even obtainable without Pokebank for one.
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I'd clone you one if I had one.
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird)
Marcus (IGN) 0490-5952-5641 Ice (Lapras, Sneasel, Delibird) Thu 02 Jan 2014 10:05:23 No. 17075422 Report >>17075380 Me, also
Lurk around here awhile
>>17075248 Anonymous
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Only trolls/jews atm. Just wait for the Pokebank.
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Revan and Wes are the only legit guys here who did a bunch of 6IV ditto give aways. The others are shit, jew and plebs.
>>17075422 You cant get shit there. They are ignoring almost all of the people there. People in that thread are only jews
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula)
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula) Thu 02 Jan 2014 10:10:20 No. 17075481 Report Quoted By:
>>17075459 Yeah... I was lurking a thread similar to that one for the first few hours, eventually just gave up on it. It's times like these that make me wish I could clone.
dan 5327-1587-4109
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>>17075380 ha some girl offered one to me for a starf berry.
honestly, its not terribly hard to find a couple of good iv males from the egg group u need.
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If anyone would clone me one that would be pretty rad. Maybe i could quit being such a pleb breeder :C
>Meanwhile in Gen 5 game waiting to be released upon /vp/.
>>17075517 Is that offer serious?
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula)
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula) Thu 02 Jan 2014 10:22:40 No. 17075581 Report >>17075567 Well it's not like he needs to keep them all for himself. I don't see why it wouldn't be. Too bad Nintendo is fucking up with NA PokeBank.
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula)
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula) Thu 02 Jan 2014 10:26:35 No. 17075621 Report Quoted By:
>>17075581 >with every non-Japanese Pokebank* FTFY
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>>17075517 I have one for every single nature except the neutral ones waiting for me.
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula)
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula) Thu 02 Jan 2014 10:27:48 No. 17075631 Report Quoted By:
>>17075624 My bad, thought I heard some news about Europe's being released recently. Guess I was misinformed.
>>17075567 Gonna send 3 boxes of those when I can.
>>17075611 Jew while you can.
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>>17075611 What phone's that
visvim (1736-0405-5625)
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>>17075517 i'm all about this right now.
Kelseir (1435-4222-9032)
Hey guys, I'm looking for any pokebank legends or 6IV jap ditto. I can't offer legendaries since I cannot clone. All i can offer are 6IV frillfish, 6IV porygon, any of pokebank starters or shiny ditto (all of them are legit)
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>>17075611 >imposter mines limber :(
>>17075645 >all of them are legit but the ditto isnt. trade hacks for hacks thats how you get what you want
>>17075632 Because I have a japanese 3ds with the bank, I can move some of those Dittos into Gen VI now.
Not three boxes, but six of them is no problem.
>>17075702 I'm not in hurry.
Phillip 0447-6304-7363 (Kecleon, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Phillip 0447-6304-7363 (Kecleon, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Thu 02 Jan 2014 10:39:05 No. 17075721 Report >>17075702 Do you think I could get in on this too please?
Kelseir (1435-4222-9032)
>>17075679 Hes from 6th gen caught in pokemon village
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula)
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula) Thu 02 Jan 2014 10:43:14 No. 17075740 Report >>17075736 He didn't say it had 6 IV's, just that it was shiny.
Kelseir (1435-4222-9032)
>>17075740 Exactly, It's bold with 1max IV, It's legit
Psych0sis 3239-4088-0521 (Shuppet Phantump Driflblim)
Psych0sis 3239-4088-0521 (Shuppet Phantump Driflblim) Thu 02 Jan 2014 10:49:21 No. 17075774 Report >>17075702 Pass one my way? I can clone and help spread em
>>17075755 i'm talking about the 6IV jap ditto thats going around...
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>>17075711 >>17075721 >>17075774 Didn't want to move the dittos now.
(Chrisu) 5000-3016-5150
I got a Ditto for trade! What can /vp/ offer me?
Kelseir (1435-4222-9032)
>>17075679 >>17075784 >all of them are legit but the ditto isnt. trade hacks for hacks thats how you get what you want
No, you just said thet my ditto isn't legit.
Quoted By:
>>17075814 >looking for a 6IV ditto i'm saying dont waste your legit stuff on something that isnt.
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula)
Momo 2664-2434-1894 (Electrode Electabuzz Galvantula) Thu 02 Jan 2014 10:57:17 No. 17075836 Report Quoted By:
>>17075805 What kind of ditto are you talking about?
(Chrisu) 5000-3016-5150
Well the one in that picture is mine, I posted it earlier from my phone.
Kelseir (1435-4222-9032)
>>17075847 All I can offer is Zygrade Adamant, 6IV Frillish, 6IV Porygon, legit shiny ditto or any starters
(Chrisu) 5000-3016-5150
Quoted By:
>>17075865 Sorry but I think I'll have to pass, I'm looking for a shiny Female Fennekin if possible.
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The amount of frustration regarding Pokebank's delay increases for me a bit every day. What bothers me most is that there's no way to channel this frustration. What am I going to do, boycott the next Pokemon game? They could pretty much *never* release PokeBank and all any of us could do is sit here and bitch. Or wait for more talented indie programmers to make a fake GTS. I would be ecstatic if fake Gen 6 GTS overtook the actual PokeBank.
>tfw your egg move bros are stuck until Pokebank comes out I got boxes of each starter and I was planning on dumping them all on Wontertrade
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 13:50:14 No. 17077428 Report Quoted By:
I gave away a couple I cloned but since I work so much during the work week I don't really have the energy to clone so many copies. I have a bit of time this morning. If I'm lucky, I can make a couple more to give. I need to go in an hour though.
Wesly 0748-2720-7440
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I got one from vp
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>>17077317 >not dumping them all over /vp/ instead of wondertrading it Anonymous
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>>17075459 >Mfw I got two just yesterday Anonymous
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>>17077317 >Thick Fat >Sheer Force >Contrary Thats some real fucking cancer you got there
Seasnan 2981-6609-5137
well i got a 6 iv ditto last night and no matter what i put in with it the pokemon seem to like to play with other pokemon
>>17077782 your game cartridge is going to get corrupted.
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 14:21:11 No. 17077796 Report I have two 6iv Japanese dittos to give. I'd like to use the gts method since my friends list is full. First two people to comment get them. Put up something on gts for ditto level 50 to 60 and I'll give it to you. Let me know what you decide to put up. If you can attach any bp items that'd be generous, since I haven't had time for battle maison either.
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>>17077794 How does that work? Cloning doesn't affect shit in the cartridge.
Kupo: 4210-5403-4724
Seasnan 2981-6609-5137
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>>17077794 well that isnt good andi do hope that isnt true
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 14:26:09 No. 17077839 Report >>17077822 It's yours. Let me know what poke you're pouring onto gts. Your IGN kupp?
>>17077796 just deposited my venipede!
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 14:27:10 No. 17077843 Report Quoted By:
>>17077841 It's yours. Going for it c:
Kupo: 4210-5403-4724
>>17077822 >>17077796 I'll put up a Meowth, level 24
>>17077839 Yup!
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 14:28:48 No. 17077856 Report >>17077845 Got ya Jing. On my way Kupo. Enjoy guys.
Kupo: 4210-5403-4724
>>17077845 Its up on Gts now, thank you so much!
>>17077856 woah fuck it's real o.o wtff thanks man!!
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 14:33:21 No. 17077886 Report Quoted By:
>>17077868 I don't mess around. Pay it forward c: Thanks for the 5iv ven btw. I hadn't bred one yet.
>>17077857 You're very welcome. Use it and abuse it.
Any chance I could get in on a 6IV Ditto?
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Damn, I lived under a rock until now thanks to vacations. With that shitty internet key I had to see all those giveaways threads without having the possibility of getting one. This is some kind of torture.
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Cody 5300-9391-1002 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Thu 02 Jan 2014 14:44:03 No. 17077997 Report Quoted By:
>>17077944 Don't worry.
I've been lurking and posting for 3 days and still haven't gotten one.
Unless you have something to get jew'd out of you usually get ignored.
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 14:44:54 No. 17078013 Report >>17077914 >>17077944 If you can get me an ability capsule or razor claw I'll try to make one more this morning. I've got to go to work soon though. First one to reply that can would get it.
Otherwise I'll be around more this weekend and can hopefully make more then for free.
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
>>17078013 I can give you the razor claw, just add me and when you see me ask for a trade, I'll forfeit and go buy the item, then ask for a trade,
>>17078089 Thanks, but I'm literally 1 point away from purchasing the Razor Claw. Spark is welcome to have at it.
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 14:52:56 No. 17078137 Report >>17078089 My list is full so I'd rather do the gts again. Tell me what you're going to put up and I'll watch gts for it. Is your ign spark? Make the level limit 50 to 61 so we can try to prevent pokemon village dittos.
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
>>17078137 Yup, I'll put a Farfetch'd
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 14:55:02 No. 17078166 Report >>17078121 I'll keep an eye out for you this weekend kuro c:
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Darel 5129-1032-2022(Pansage Sawsbuck and Maractus)
Darel 5129-1032-2022(Pansage Sawsbuck and Maractus) Thu 02 Jan 2014 14:59:17 No. 17078214 Report Quoted By:
>>17075380 Can i add your Code man?
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 15:00:09 No. 17078225 Report Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 15:01:21 No. 17078238 Report Quoted By:
>>17078225 Thanks for the claw friend c:
Darel 5129-1032-2022(Pansage Sawsbuck and Maractus)
Darel 5129-1032-2022(Pansage Sawsbuck and Maractus) Thu 02 Jan 2014 15:01:43 No. 17078242 Report Quoted By:
>>17078212 >>17078166 I am Adding both of you wanna add me back?
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula]
Falx Fatalis 1048-8517-1813 [Electrode/Helioptile/Galvantula] Thu 02 Jan 2014 15:02:25 No. 17078252 Report >>17078212 I quote the wrong shit like a pro. Enjoy and I'm off to work.
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I sometimes do mini-giveaways in the cloning threads. This afternoon, I'll spend an hour cloning, and will either post in the clone thread or a new thread, but, I won't be cloning whole boxes of them....
tripshit (cleanup crew) !!0t+MAgSBrZN
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>>17076305 (Cross-thread) >>17076305 (Cross-thread)
>>17076305 (Cross-thread)
>>17076305 (Cross-thread)
>>17076305 (Cross-thread)
>>17076305 (Cross-thread)
>>17076305 (Cross-thread)
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>>17078252 Thanks based anon