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[101 / 24 / ?]

!a6/9fF6Eqg No.17092738 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello peasants. I'm the WonderTrading King. Everyday I go on a WTing spree with newly hatched Pokemon, whether they be bankmons or shitmons. I'm in the mood for a little good karma so I'm gonna start my spree now.

Here's how it works. I'm gonna WT some mons, and if you want, you can post which Pokemon you want me to WT and I'll pick whichever post by random. If someone rolls dubs and wants to be N, I'll release that mon. If trips and you want a late night gift, I'll give you its baby, but only to a post with a trip. And if quads, I release the whole box, but only if that post wants me too.

I'll post results, let's have some fun.