Demetre 0104-0130-4148
Quoted By:
>>17098321 forgot to mention I'd probably be using a shiny floette as collateral
Miller 0962-9810-4432
I've got a couple I can do trade backs on. I'll even trade you a suicune for the floette if you want.
Demetre 0104-0130-4148
>>17098618 I would love you forever.
But I'm not really looking to trade the floette, just as collateral or something
And I only need event legendaries, nothing of the trios, if you don't mind
i love you Miller 0962-9810-4432
>>17098665 Haha no problem about the floette, just figured I'd offer. And shit I didn't realize your post said only event legendaries, I'm still missing those too. Sorry man, any non events you still need dex entries for?
>>17098693 I need every single legendary. I'll give you a shiny Nuzleaf or a shiny Heatmor just for the dex entries.
Demetre 0104-0130-4148
>>17098693 ASDFGHJKL; we're in the same boat
If that cloning trick would work I'd trade shiny braixens for all these damn events
Miller 0962-9810-4432
>>17098713 I've got terrakion, virizion, cobalion, suicune, and landorus. I'll take the nuzleaf if you are really feeling generous, but honestly I'll do it for free.
Miller 0962-9810-4432
Quoted By:
>>17098731 Yeah dude if you cloned that I'm sure you'd be able to get them easy. People are gaga about 6th gen shinies.
>>17098756 You can have the Nuzleaf if you're willing to help me with 4 trade evos I need to finish the Pokedex.
Miller 0962-9810-4432
>>17098830 Sounds cool to me. So I trade my first legend for your first trade evo, and then you trade me the nuzleaf at the end?
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Fri 03 Jan 2014 06:53:27 No. 17098886 Report >>17098864 That's fine by me. I'll have to back out of the trade and give my Porygon2 the Upgrade or Disc whatever that ok?
>>17098731 I can clone for you if you let me keep one of the clones afterwards.
Want to skype/gmail about it?
Miller 0962-9810-4432
>>17098886 Sure I don't mind. Do you have a dubious disc, or do you need one?
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Fri 03 Jan 2014 06:56:13 No. 17098930 Report >>17098916 I've got all the items thanks. Give me one sec to go catch a magmar then I'll send you a request.
Quoted By:
>>17098889 b-but that's against the official pokemon rules!!!!
Miller 0962-9810-4432
>>17098930 Alright. Added you.
Demetre 0104-0130-4148
>>17098889 I have two 3DS' and know what to do, it just never worked...
Probably not meant to be easy. Gonna try it out all day tomorrow
but thanks!
Alec 5472-7038-5224
>>17098731 I'd give you a level 100 shiny mew for a braixen clone. Depending on spread, nature, and ability
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Fri 03 Jan 2014 07:05:38 No. 17099097 Report >>17098962 Ok connecting now, sorry that took so long. Would you happen to have a poke from the Sewaddle line that you could toss me? That's all I'm missing from my dex excluding legends.
Miller 0962-9810-4432
>>17099097 Sure. I got you.
Demetre 0104-0130-4148
>>17099042 If I ever clone it I'll be sure to make a thread and look for your name!
what about trading me that mew just for the pokedex entry? Alec 5472-7038-5224
>>17099122 I thought you got somebody in this thread to clone it for you? I'll trade it to you for dex entry if you can guarantee me a clone lol
Demetre 0104-0130-4148
>>17099145 IF I ever clone it
That shit is harder than it sounds...
Alec 5472-7038-5224
>>17099159 Yeah man I understand. I'll add you and trade it in hopes of a shiny braixen.
Demetre 0104-0130-4148
>>17099186 deal!
adding you now
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Fri 03 Jan 2014 07:14:23 No. 17099233 Report >>17099112 After this I'll back out and add the items I forgot to add, then we'll finish with Terrakion, Virizion, and Landorus?
Alec 5472-7038-5224
>>17099194 If you manage to clone braixen tomorrow request a trade with me or start a thread
Miller 0962-9810-4432
Demetre 0104-0130-4148
>>17099308 got your name down and everything
thanks man!
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Fri 03 Jan 2014 07:19:13 No. 17099338 Report >>17099309 >>17099309 fuck I forgot you still have my porygon2
I'll have to back out again unless you have a Dubious Disc. Obviously I'll send one over on a shit mon to replace yours.
Miller 0962-9810-4432
>>17099338 Alright sounds cool. Just put it on the nuzleaf then.
Alec 5472-7038-5224
Quoted By:
>>17099326 yeah no problem
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Fri 03 Jan 2014 07:21:11 No. 17099370 Report >>17099357 Alright done. Ready when you are.
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Fri 03 Jan 2014 07:31:33 No. 17099550 Report Quoted By:
>>17099357 Thank you so much for your help!
Miller 0962-9810-4432
>>17099370 Pleasure doing business with you sir. I'd recommend gts-ing the porygon Z if you aren't planning on using it, thats how I got all of my legendaries.
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Fri 03 Jan 2014 07:33:27 No. 17099582 Report Quoted By:
>>17099555 Alright sweet I'll have to try that.
Snail 4527-8592-7979
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Anyone able to help me with filling up my Pokedex? I need a few trade evolutions and most bank legendaries (don't care about the event ones). Just want that shiny charm, will trade back everything of course.