I have a little over 30 French Frillish to give away. They are all Bold and know the egg move Recover, with all having at least 4 guaranteed IVs, some having 5 ( and none has Atk IVs). Also, some have Water Absorb and other have Cursed Body. During the last GTS giveway, really fucking fast people and jews took some of the things you guys put ut, so to prevent that, today's works as follow : Put up a Caterpie if you want a female and a Weedle if you want a male. Tell me your ingame name and which one you put in your post, and the Frillish will be coming your way. Two more things : make sure to spell Frillish correctly if your game is in English ; IF IT IS NOT, write the name of your species in your language, got it ? And if you happen to get a Frillish that is over level 1 and doesn't have recover in its moveset, that's because of the Daycare : simply make them remember it via the Move Relearner.
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Quoted By:
Shameless bumping.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 [rock] nosepass/pupitar/shuckle
neluz 3024-5346-7834 [rock] nosepass/pupitar/shuckle Fri 03 Jan 2014 10:19:57 No. 17101443 Report i'd love one op, dont care about gender. ill put up a worm for ya
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Kumo 0061-0902-7291
Is it too specific if i would want a 5IV male one? I could give you a 5 IV mon but if you really dont mind i will put up a weedle in a sec
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
dante 1821 8905 6527
Quoted By:
>>17101413 I want a male one
neluz 3024-5346-7834 [rock] nosepass/pupitar/shuckle
neluz 3024-5346-7834 [rock] nosepass/pupitar/shuckle Fri 03 Jan 2014 10:24:25 No. 17101478 Report Quoted By:
>>17101443 make that a metapod im putting up, derp. put your name in the description, ign=Nies
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17101467 The thing is, they're not marked to I don't know which one are 5IV.
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede]
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede] Fri 03 Jan 2014 10:28:05 No. 17101509 Report Quoted By:
Putting up a caterpie
Kumo 0061-0902-7291
Quoted By:
>>17101480 Oh
Alright then, weedle is up and i will hope i guess
neluz 3024-5346-7834 [rock] nosepass/pupitar/shuckle
neluz 3024-5346-7834 [rock] nosepass/pupitar/shuckle Fri 03 Jan 2014 10:31:42 No. 17101535 Report Quoted By:
>>17101492 awesome, thanks op
Kumo 0061-0902-7291
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Quoted By:
>>17101508 Zak, I don't see your Caterpie. Is it up ?
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede]
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede] Fri 03 Jan 2014 10:34:58 No. 17101560 Report Quoted By:
dante 1821 8905 6527
I'm putting up a Weedle, also Recover isn't an egg move, just saying, Frillish learns it naturally.
IGN: Roddy, put up a caterpie
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17101574 Just checked, you're right. Got my first one through Wonder Trade, it knew it at level 1 so I assumed it was an egg move. My bad.
Quoted By:
>>17101574 My IGN is actually Shunt*
>>17101580 IGN: Rene, put up a Caterpie
Thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>17101607 oops, didn't mean to reply
Quoted By:
>>17101600 That was fast, many thanks!
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Quoted By:
I believe everyone got one, except Zak who hasn't replied to me yet.
I put a weedle ign: Nikos X thanks a lot
Quoted By:
I would love a female if possible, putting up a caterpie, ign: cocozelle
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Quoted By:
Is it too late? OP I got a Weedle up, IGN is Marco! Thank you!
Tim 1478-4207-2056 (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Xatu) SV: 1788 Anonymous Fri 03 Jan 2014 10:48:20 No. 17101684 Report Quoted By:
This is awesome! I will be putting up a caterpie for a female, with preferably cursed body! IGN: Tim
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
I still have a lot in stock~
Prince 0061 - 0237 - 4811 [Bug: Forgot; Volbeat; Pinsir]
Prince 0061 - 0237 - 4811 [Bug: Forgot; Volbeat; Pinsir] Fri 03 Jan 2014 10:49:12 No. 17101692 Report Quoted By:
Putting a Weddle, ign in name field.
Quoted By:
Put in a caterpie. IGN: Carcharias Thanks!
Snail 4527-8592-7979
Quoted By:
>>17101413 Put up a weedle. IGN is Snail, thanks.
Eli 4167-4626-4643 (Nincada, Trapinch, Diggersby)
Eli 4167-4626-4643 (Nincada, Trapinch, Diggersby) Fri 03 Jan 2014 10:51:46 No. 17101716 Report Quoted By:
>>17101691 Just put up a Caterpie. Thanks
Prince 0061 - 0237 - 4811 [Bug: Forgot; Volbeat; Pinsir]
Prince 0061 - 0237 - 4811 [Bug: Forgot; Volbeat; Pinsir] Fri 03 Jan 2014 10:53:24 No. 17101726 Report Quoted By:
Ign Archimand 0404-6893-4293
would like female one putting caterpie in a minute
Mathew 1263-6666-4151
Quoted By:
>>17101413 Weedle. Thank you!
Ign Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17101737 mfw when i cant find caterpie
I'm putting a weedle up op thanks in advance
Ign Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
caterpie is up ign archimand
>>17101691 Finding a caterpie to put up right now, IGN Jared.
Quoted By:
Just put a weedle up Ign is Brandon
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17101792 Did you get yours ? Sent it to someone named Brandon, so I thought, Dio Brando, y'know.
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17101837 Oh, well I guess that answers my question. Anyway, got you this time Dio.
>>17101827 >>17101837 Alright, just put it up.
TacoK8 | 2895-7769-0170 | Dark: Nuzleaf, Leopard, Cacturn
TacoK8 | 2895-7769-0170 | Dark: Nuzleaf, Leopard, Cacturn Fri 03 Jan 2014 11:10:22 No. 17101876 Report I just put up a Magicarp named Pokey can you please give me one of your delicious jelly fish
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17101876 Coming right up.
TacoK8 | 2895-7769-0170 | Dark: Nuzleaf, Leopard, Cacturn
TacoK8 | 2895-7769-0170 | Dark: Nuzleaf, Leopard, Cacturn Fri 03 Jan 2014 11:12:09 No. 17101896 Report Quoted By:
>>17101884 cool sorry, i was just about to redo it cause i fucked up and didn't read OP like a dumb ass.
Thanks gracious OP !
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17101882 You get the last female, Contra.
Quoted By:
>>17101842 Thank you a lot I appreciate it and I'm someone different btw
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208 [Electrode, Helioptile, Manectric]
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208 [Electrode, Helioptile, Manectric] Fri 03 Jan 2014 11:13:13 No. 17101908 Report Quoted By:
A Caterpie is up. Thanks in advance!
Quoted By:
>>17101898 >>17101871 TIL I have some luck.
Thanks, based Adrien.
taylor :3 (teddiursa, audino, eevee) 1091-9024-2832
taylor :3 (teddiursa, audino, eevee) 1091-9024-2832 Fri 03 Jan 2014 11:17:57 No. 17101941 Report Quoted By:
weedle is up, i don't care male or female, I've been breeding a billion 4 iv frillish, and have been stuck forever (dont have any in the other egg group) so some higher shiny chance will be nice :p thanks op<3 trainer name is taylor
Quoted By:
MoD and thanks OP
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Quoted By:
Okay, almost wrapped up, only have a couple of males. Contra, I couldn't find your Caterpie, but the last female is still for you. Can you try again please ?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430(Whirlipede, Venomoth, Gloom)
Katherine 5300-9372-9430(Whirlipede, Venomoth, Gloom) Fri 03 Jan 2014 11:29:22 No. 17102046 Report Quoted By:
Putting a Weedle up now
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Waaaait, I messed up somewhere. Apparently Contra got her Frillish ? Thought she didn't. Huh. Well I guess I have a female left, if so.
TacoK8 | 2895-7769-0170 | Dark: Nuzleaf, Leopard, Cacturn
TacoK8 | 2895-7769-0170 | Dark: Nuzleaf, Leopard, Cacturn Fri 03 Jan 2014 11:34:06 No. 17102088 Report >>17102077 can I also get in on this, cause i think you missed me!
Katherine 5300-9372-9430(Whirlipede, Venomoth, Gloom)
Katherine 5300-9372-9430(Whirlipede, Venomoth, Gloom) Fri 03 Jan 2014 11:34:10 No. 17102089 Report >>17102077 Can I have the female? If it's not too late
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17102089 Unfortunately, already sent you a male
>>17102088 I did ? Sorry. What is up on the GTS from you ?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430(Whirlipede, Venomoth, Gloom)
Katherine 5300-9372-9430(Whirlipede, Venomoth, Gloom) Fri 03 Jan 2014 11:36:06 No. 17102103 Report Quoted By:
>>17102100 That's fine. Thanks anyway op
TacoK8 | 2895-7769-0170 | Dark: Nuzleaf, Leopard, Cacturn
TacoK8 | 2895-7769-0170 | Dark: Nuzleaf, Leopard, Cacturn Fri 03 Jan 2014 11:36:24 No. 17102109 Report >>17102100 just redid it caterpie now
ign rayray
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17102109 Got it. Sent you the last female.
TacoK8 | 2895-7769-0170 | Dark: Nuzleaf, Leopard, Cacturn
TacoK8 | 2895-7769-0170 | Dark: Nuzleaf, Leopard, Cacturn Fri 03 Jan 2014 11:38:03 No. 17102123 Report Quoted By:
>>17102117 thank you based OP
captcha Charles amigair
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Quoted By:
OKAY GUYS ONE LAST MALE FRILLISH The giveaway ends after this one.
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Quoted By:
Bumping in my skiiiiiiiiiiiin
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Would be a shame to Wonder Trade that Frillish
>>17102170 I'll take it, ign lydia
>>17102175 Fuck. I was gonna take it but my DS is flat. ;_;
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17102175 Did you put up a Weedle ?
>>17102178 Sorry dude. Better luck another time.
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
Quoted By:
Oh wait. You're the same person.
>>17102189 Can I put up something else? it might take a while, sorry, my internet is slow and intermittent
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17102214 No worries. Take your time.
>>17102217 Ok, I hope you don't mind, but I put up a Ledyba.
Adrien 4270-0423-9339
>>17102253 No problem. There you go :)
And with that, the giveaway ends. Musica 4699-6295-6399
Quoted By:
>>17102217 Put up an Italian Caterpie.
Quoted By:
>>17102270 You are a saint. I hope I can make the next one.
;_; Musica 4699-6295-6399
Quoted By:
>>17101413 Hey OP, do you still have 5 IV Males left? Preferably with Water Absorb.