Giving Lansat berries for free to anyone who wants some. I've got 20 of them, I don't want anything particular in exchange, but generous offers are always appreciated. Post your friend code so I can add your for the trade.
Anonymous 3480-2662-6152
Quoted By:
>>17106525 i have a 5-6 IV sturdy bold carbink if you want.
Quoted By:
>>17106525 Id like one. I can offer you a jolly 5IV elekid.
Cereal Guy 3840-6545-5608
Coley 3480-2662-6152
Quoted By:
>>17106663 ok. if you could trade with me first. I have to leave shortly.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:25:35 No. 17106688 Report Quoted By:
>>17106525 Can I have one I can't offer anything good at the moment but I will love you forever.
Red 3883-6086-6628
Quoted By:
ill take one plaese
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
I'm interested in the berry. Got some spare Skarmory with Stealth Rocks I can give you.
Berry trading general? I've got every berry (including starf) except those in pic
Quoted By:
I can a 5 IV tyrunt but one of its IVs is in sp. atk
JC 3024-6308-9672
Quoted By:
>>17106525 I can give you a 4iv bronzor
Red 3883-6086-6628
>>17106730 i can give you a charti or kebia
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:33:53 No. 17106834 Report >>17106800 That would be great, you need anything in return?I have all the mutation and mansion berries
Cereal Guy 3840-6545-5608
Quoted By:
OP here, adding everyone, 18 berries left
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:35:47 No. 17106871 Report Quoted By:
>5IV Chespin (either ability) Synthesis/Belly Drum/Spikes >4IV Klefki >3IV Yamask Toxic Spikes/Nasty Plot >4IV Iron Punch Chimchar I'll also throw in Marnaga/Kee berries for free.
Red 3883-6086-6628
>>17106834 a lansat or starf would be great
Cyclone 4871-3909-1579 [Emolga Electabuzz Manectric]
Cyclone 4871-3909-1579 [Emolga Electabuzz Manectric] Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:37:08 No. 17106893 Report Quoted By:
>>17106525 Can you add me please?
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:37:54 No. 17106902 Report >>17106883 I can give you one of each for one of each of the berries I need, added you
Cyclone 4871-3909-1579 [Emolga Electabuzz Manectric]
Cyclone 4871-3909-1579 [Emolga Electabuzz Manectric] Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:40:18 No. 17106946 Report >>17106730 I have Babiri, and could really use a Starf.
>>17106730 I've got shuca, I'd like a starf
Matt 4167-5782-9159
I'd love one. How about a 5IV Jolly Speed Boost Torchic?
Cereal Guy 3840-6545-5608
Added everyone above
>>17106858 included. I'll trade the berries then add some more people.
Red 3883-6086-6628
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:43:23 No. 17107024 Report Quoted By:
>>17106946 Adding you now
>>17106970 I've already got a shuca, but I'll give you a starf if you post your FC
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:46:32 No. 17107093 Report >>17106730 I have all of them. Have any extra Starf/Lansat?
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:48:02 No. 17107117 Report >>17107093 I've got loads, will add you in a minute. You want several of each?
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17107117 Don't mind if I can have a Starf berry? I would give you some of the other berries, but you seem to be covered.
JC 3024-6308-9672
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:53:37 No. 17107215 Report >>17107117 I'd like to, but I'm strapped for time. Just pick two and trade them.
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:53:42 No. 17107216 Report Quoted By:
Pic updated
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 18:55:42 No. 17107254 Report >>17107181 Added,
>>17107215 Any two from the pic please
Cereal Guy 3840-6545-5608
Well, I think I finished adding everyone who requested a Lansat, but some of you didn't add my code. Waiting for you guys.
(Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17106980 Forgot to thank you for the Lansat berry. Thanks mate and enjoy the Skarmory.
>>17107254 Added, I can give you a Haban berry if you still need it.
Matt 4167-5782-9159
Quoted By:
>>17107279 I'm still interested (
>>17106977 ).
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:01:02 No. 17107359 Report >>17107292 Trade me when you're ready, I'll take that berry
Quoted By:
>>17107279 I'll take one
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:01:42 No. 17107372 Report Quoted By:
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
Quoted By:
>>17107279 I think you skipped me since a random guy asked for a trade and I accepted thinking it was you.
I'm Spark ingame.
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:05:32 No. 17107460 Report Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:05:35 No. 17107461 Report Updated pic, still got loads of starfs
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:06:40 No. 17107480 Report (Rinnenth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17107359 Thanks for the berry there.
Matt 4167-5782-9159
>>17107480 I can give you a Rindo for a Starf.
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:08:58 No. 17107529 Report Quoted By:
Cereal Guy 3840-6545-5608
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:12:48 No. 17107612 Report >>17107480 What the heck, I'll give you a Coba, Wiki, and Payapa in exchage for two Lansats and a starf.
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:14:31 No. 17107648 Report Quoted By:
>>17107612 Nice, trade me when you're ready
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:19:21 No. 17107749 Report >>17107612 Thanks, only need passho now
James 2208 5065 9778
Quoted By:
>>17107602 op I also want one
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales
alfredo 3566-1739-9869 fire slugma pansear ninetales Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:24:57 No. 17107837 Report Quoted By:
Matt 4167-5782-9159
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:27:16 No. 17107875 Report Quoted By:
montmont 0962-9542-4959 pyroar magmar
>>17107749 I don't have a passho but I would love a starf berry plz.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:28:36 No. 17107906 Report Are there any starf/lansat berries left? I'd really enjoy them. Dont have any unique berries of my own, but, i do have a spare Regice from my GTS adventures
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:29:56 No. 17107930 Report >>17107877 >>17107906 I'll add you both in a minute yo give a starf
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:32:45 No. 17107972 Report >>17107930 thanks man. Want a crap mn, or are you taking my lone Regice? hell, I can throw a pentaperfect froakie for this
Elbert Gunn - 2423 2322 3016 - Grass (Quilladin, Ivysaur, Tangela)
Elbert Gunn - 2423 2322 3016 - Grass (Quilladin, Ivysaur, Tangela) Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:33:23 No. 17107983 Report Quoted By:
Hey, OP, got any left? I'm assuming you already have all bankmons but I wanna trade you some leftover ones.
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:35:05 No. 17108001 Report >>17107972 Just send anything, trade me when you're ready
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:42:11 No. 17108101 Report >>17108001 thanks man. Now I just need to get a lansat, then i can stat mass-farming the fuckers
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:44:59 No. 17108144 Report >>17108101 I can send you one of those as well, since OP has gone quiet
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:46:27 No. 17108162 Report >>17108144 seriously? Thanks man! For this, I'm giving you a surprise. Know you'll like it.
Cereal Guy 3840-6545-5608
OP still here, I have a couple of things to do before sending my last berries. You can keep asking, I'll add you later
Elbert Gunn - 2423 2322 3016 - Grass (Quilladin, Ivysaur, Tangela)
Elbert Gunn - 2423 2322 3016 - Grass (Quilladin, Ivysaur, Tangela) Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:48:19 No. 17108193 Report >>17108175 It's alright, I can wait!
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:50:49 No. 17108255 Report >>17108162 Thanks, just a reminder, but starf and lansat trees takes 5 days to produce berries and there is a chance of only producing one (max is 5)
Jared [X] [2578-4314-0773]
Quoted By:
>>17108175 I would really appreciate one as well, please hang on to one for me. I'll add you.
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin
Ren 5386-8632-9853 Grass: Petilil, Tangela, Quilladin Fri 03 Jan 2014 19:53:52 No. 17108328 Report >>17108255 I know. I've been stockpiling mulch for them. I think I'll return the favor once I get a good supply of them, do a giveaway with them.
Cereal Guy 3840-6545-5608
>>17108193 >>17108328 Added both of you, waiting for you to do the same if you're still interested.
Elbert Gunn - 2423 2322 3016 - Grass (Quilladin, Ivysaur, Tangela)
Elbert Gunn - 2423 2322 3016 - Grass (Quilladin, Ivysaur, Tangela) Fri 03 Jan 2014 20:06:33 No. 17108553 Report Quoted By:
>>17108488 Alright, it's taking me a while but I'm on it.
King Dylan 0018-1746-9998 (Ice Type)
Quoted By:
Add me everyone