Back with a full box of 6IV Jap Dittos. Offer me stuff. Just looking to fill the dex and get something decent out of this. I would like a decent Latios, Darkrai, or Jirachi if that's possible. No starters* If I add you, send me the trade request, it makes things easier. Post away.
>>17109904 If not a ruse I got a 5iv HA turtwig with two egg moves
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
Quoted By:
Rita 2380 2988 3423 added
>>17109904 I have porygon, cotonee, and others
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
>>17109904 I can offer a Shiny Gligar
Want a perfect IV Ralts or Goomy? Or Shiny goomy for one of them?
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17109968 Others being? Already have the first two.
>>17109975 What's the nature on it?
Knox 0189 - 9293 - 8250
Quoted By:
>>17109904 I can offer a shiny greninja, not great nature, but max speed IV.
Quoted By:
>>17109981 Welp, friendcode 3969-4675-0502
Sasha 1993-8232-3694
Quoted By:
Can I please have one? I don't really have anything special except a Misdreavus, a Feebas, and several 6IV Larvitars.
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
Quoted By:
>>17109993 I can throw a 5 IV calm Shellos with egg moves.
Quoted By:
>>17109904 I can offer a shiny Tentacruel
Quoted By:
>>17109993 yamask, gothita
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
>>17109993 Lonely.
If that's not something that interests you, I can offer Mold Breaker Drillbur, Thick Fat Swinub, Prankster Sableye, among other HAs.
Christoph 2423 2167 3728 (Spearow, Swanna, Rufflet)
Christoph 2423 2167 3728 (Spearow, Swanna, Rufflet) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:12:50 No. 17110052 Report Shit the only worthwhile non-starter mons I have are. Cottonee Bold 5 IV Egg Move: Encore Teddiursa Jolly 5 IV Egg Move: Close Combat, Crunch but if you want egg move starters totodile 5 IV jolly egg move: DD, Aqua Jet, Ice Punch Piplup 5 IV Modest egg move: Agility. OP I fugging beg you. I'd appreciate it so much if I could have a spare. pls.
Jam FC: 3883-5157-2940 (Oddish, Petilil, Quiladin) !q/nk9phXW6
Jam FC: 3883-5157-2940 (Oddish, Petilil, Quiladin) !q/nk9phXW6 Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:13:48 No. 17110078 Report Quoted By:
>>17109904 How about a Meowth OP?
I offer a shiny 4 IV Adamant Dragonite With Inner Focus.
Woody - 0061-0303-4576 (Sigilyph, Abra, ???)
Woody - 0061-0303-4576 (Sigilyph, Abra, ???) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:14:37 No. 17110100 Report Dex completion eh? You wouldn't happen to need a Glameow, would you?
Quoted By:
If you're interested in non-bank mons, I got: x/31/31/31/31/31 JPN Timit Noibat w/ Infiltrator & Switcheroo, Leech Life, Gust, Bite
Would you like a 5IV Bouffalant with reckless and Iron head for one of those
Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby)
Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:15:37 No. 17110121 Report Quoted By:
>>17109904 I can offer a misdreavus or a perfect 5iv gengar
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
Quoted By:
>>17110049 Oh, and I've also got some Adamant Larvitar with DD and SR, Adamant BellyJet Marill, and a male 6 IV Eevee I use for breeding stock with Pokerus to offer.
Taylor Fc: 0301 9897 9997
Quoted By:
>>17109904 How about a shiny Espurr with 4ivs?
John 0232-8761-5678 Ditto
Quoted By:
Adament Dratini HA with pokerus worth anything perhaps?
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17110100 I'll take it! I'll add you right now.
>>17110116 Adding.
Nathan - 0688-5723-8264
Quoted By:
>>17110079 Here's my FC, feel free to add me if you're interested.
Perry (NORMAL: Ditto, Loudred, Aipom) 4441-9596-0262
Perry (NORMAL: Ditto, Loudred, Aipom) 4441-9596-0262 Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:16:45 No. 17110145 Report Quoted By:
Have a 5 IV Feebas if you're interested, that's all I really have..
Lalo 1134-8309-5219 (sneasel, snorunt, dewgong)
Lalo 1134-8309-5219 (sneasel, snorunt, dewgong) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:17:08 No. 17110150 Report Quoted By:
please tell me this isn't a ruse. adding you now
Oscar 1306 5817 0165
Quoted By:
I can offer a 4 IV Timid shiny Ralts.
Tim 1607-2515-0878
Quoted By:
>>17109904 Can offer shiny graveler, Floette, or staryu holding a rare berry for one.
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
Quoted By:
Porygon or cottonnee? Prankster sableye with recover?
Nathan - 0688-5723-8264
Quoted By:
>>17110143 Nice. Adding you.
Álex 1461-6315-2941
I suppose you have Koffing, Stantler and Meowth, don't you?
>Box of hacked pokemon >Expects good stuff for it Really?
Quoted By:
>>17110143 do you not need yamask or gothita?
>cloning a ditto who was a gift from another anon >asking for legendaries and beign an attention whore What a jew.
Quoted By:
I have a modest shiny abra. Interested?
Quoted By:
I can offer a 5 IV Modest Togepi with serene grace.
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17110167 I actually got those from the thread yesterday.
>>17110174 cry more babby
>>17110175 yep.
nondi 1134-7624-9862 (Zebstrika, Helioptile, Emolga)
nondi 1134-7624-9862 (Zebstrika, Helioptile, Emolga) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:19:42 No. 17110212 Report Quoted By:
>>17109904 I've got a 6 iv gothita.
>>17109904 >tfw just started the game a couple days ago >tfw don't have anything worth perfect IV dittos >tfw won't be able to breed because all the the dittos will be gone by the time I get somewhere Anonymous
>>17110143 Take a buneary for one? I also got the following pokes with perfect IVs (some 5 IV with 0 in the unused stat)
FC 3969-4675-0502
Quoted By:
>>17110174 wah hacked pokemon :'''''''''''''''''''''[
Quoted By:
I have some 31/xx/31/31/31/0 Yamasks if you'd like one. Also have nasty plot.
Quoted By:
>pretending to be a jew >scapegoating intensifies
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
Álex 1461-6315-2941
Quoted By:
I can breed any bankmon, do you need any?
Tim 1607-2515-0878
Quoted By:
>>17110202 I can also offer a porygon or yamask holding a berry as well as my shinies
Quoted By:
>>17110190 :'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''[
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
Quoted By:
>>17110231 I also have a shiny fetchling
Quoted By:
>>17110202 I will sweeten the pot by attaching a starf and lansat berry to the mons.
Quoted By:
>>17110143 Bouffalant guy here adding you now
Izix 3797-7218-3175
Quoted By:
I've got an unown I would trade if you're interested.
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle]
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle] Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:23:34 No. 17110295 Report Quoted By:
>>17110143 Hmm, how about a Slowking?
Quoted By:
>>17109904 i have a 6iv jolly sand veil gible if you want that
Petri 4914 - 3940 - 0569 (Corsola, Shuckle, Dwebble)
Petri 4914 - 3940 - 0569 (Corsola, Shuckle, Dwebble) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:24:03 No. 17110302 Report Quoted By:
Could offer you 5IV Swinub with Icicle Crash & Thick Fat 6IV Inkay with Contrary
Quoted By:
I've got some 5iv eevee, torkoal, rosella, tirtouga, vulpix, horsea, gasly, pichu, clauncher, mawile, or lapras if you want a trade
Wickedsick 3668-7810-2412 [STEEL] Skarmory, Keys, Ferroseed
Wickedsick 3668-7810-2412 [STEEL] Skarmory, Keys, Ferroseed Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:24:10 No. 17110308 Report Quoted By:
Ive got... 6iv Dratini Adamant marvel scale and extreme speed 5iv modest rotom 5iv swift swim feebas
Nathan - 0688-5723-8264
Quoted By:
>>17110143 Any time now, OP.
Max 5343-8988-0959
Quoted By:
Dont think I have anything you need OP but I could really use one of those dittos :3 Shieldon, kabuto, klang, misdreavous, drifbloom, feebas, chansey, pawniard I think those are the one things I have that might be interesting...
Quoted By:
I have a lv 100 shiny Lugia I can trade
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17110220 I need a Buneary.
I also need Slakoth line, Baltoy line, Castform, Kricketot line, and Cherubi line. So if anyone has these, I'll add you asap.
Woody - 0061-0303-4576 (Sigilyph, Abra, ???)
Woody - 0061-0303-4576 (Sigilyph, Abra, ???) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:25:06 No. 17110327 Report Quoted By:
>>17110143 I honestly had my doubts but holy shit thank you. Based OP.
>>17110322 I've got slakoth.
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>17110322 I can trade you the baltoy line.
Quoted By:
>>17110322 Alright, buneary guy here, adding you!
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17110341 >>17110348 Adding both in a few.
Tefra/Sara 5172-0944-8064
Quoted By:
>>17110322 i got baltoy for you~
suzie 4725-7948-6526
Quoted By:
Offering shiny shedninja for your 6 iv ditto?
Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby)
Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:26:55 No. 17110373 Report Quoted By:
>>17109904 Shiny clauncher with 2 perfect ivs
1478 3534 4833
Quoted By:
I have timid/modest Gastly with disable, Kangaskhan with double edge, adamant magikarp, all 5 IV and some other good stuff that I could look through if you want. Also I have a shiny abra.
PK 0705-2645-1589
Quoted By:
>>17109904 Can I have one?
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
Quoted By:
>>17110357 I can give you a Elgyem for a Ditto.
Kumo 0061-0902-7291
>>17110322 I got a Cherubi for you
Thom 4914-3743-1972
Quoted By:
I can breed you anything out of this list, barring legendaries and Unown Anonymous
Quoted By:
Hi I don't have too much to offer, but i have Stanler and some 4IVs
Álex 1461-6315-2941
>>17110322 I have a Castform for you, then.
Player-01 1907-8965-2693
Quoted By:
>>17109904 Shiny 31/31/31/xx/xx/31 adamant male Mawile
Oscar 1306 5817 0165
Quoted By:
>>17110322 I've got a Kricketot.
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
>>17110322 I've got Kricketot
Thom 4914-3743-1972
Quoted By:
>>17110395 Hey, I can breed you a Castform or Kricketot
0232-8522-8662 - Wesley - Bug - Venomoth, Butterfree, Volbeat
0232-8522-8662 - Wesley - Bug - Venomoth, Butterfree, Volbeat Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:29:16 No. 17110426 Report Quoted By:
>>17110322 I can trade a Slakoth, among most of the other Pokebank mons.
0473-8901-0700 michael
Quoted By:
How about a 5iv Fennekin?
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17110408 Adding lil guy.
>>17110421 adding.
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
I've got a 5 IV Jolly Chimchar with Iron Fist Also have a 6 IV technician adamant Scyther
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:29:49 No. 17110436 Report Quoted By:
Suyash 1719-3642-0792 - SV: 3785 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Braixen) !VzUktWYlOs
Suyash 1719-3642-0792 - SV: 3785 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Braixen) !VzUktWYlOs Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:29:52 No. 17110438 Report Quoted By:
I can offer a 4IV Yamask, if you don't have one yet. I also have some shinies, if you want.
Sand 4081-5617-4183 (Girafarig, Wobbuffet, Abra)
Sand 4081-5617-4183 (Girafarig, Wobbuffet, Abra) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:30:05 No. 17110445 Report Quoted By:
Do you need a Mesprit, a Virizion or a shiny Groudon?
Vorgeas 4871-4738-7854 (Spearow-Hoothoot-Hawlucha)
Vorgeas 4871-4738-7854 (Spearow-Hoothoot-Hawlucha) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:30:29 No. 17110453 Report Quoted By:
I have 5iv: Riolu, Honedge, Deino, Seviper, Roggenrola and Shellder
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Noah 2664-2215-1965 (Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:30:44 No. 17110459 Report Quoted By:
Hmm.. A Xerneas or Shiny Metang?
Phoenix vX 0533-4147-3458 magneton/forretress/bronzong
Phoenix vX 0533-4147-3458 magneton/forretress/bronzong Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:30:51 No. 17110463 Report Quoted By:
>>17109904 Dex completion?
I've got Excadrill, Phione, Quagsire, Snubbul, Dusclops, Miltank, Tropius, Ferroseed, Cacturne, Aerodactyl, ekans.
I also have 4-5 IV Roselias and Chimchars
Keffin - 2105 8635 5615
Quoted By:
I have a Feebas with Prism Scale.
Zach | 2921-9098-5421
Quoted By:
I have a Totodile and a Chimchar op, add me! Zach | 2921-9098-5421
Bread 0748-2754-7056
Quoted By:
>>17109904 The only pokes I have that you might need for dex are Meowth, Feebas, Chimecho. Do you need any of these OP?
Quoted By:
>>17109939 No starters*
Read, faggot.
Kumo 0061-0902-7291
Quoted By:
kabuto nuzleaf Masquerain shiny male adamant ralts with Snadow sneak(not greatest ivs) fc 0345-0724-5195 ingame shikasan
suzie 4725-7948-6526
Quoted By:
>>17109904 Offer shiny shedninja with speed boost or sudowoodo with rock head ability for a 6 iv ditto?
Quoted By:
>>17109904 what about a golett?
Thom 4914-3743-1972
>>17110322 I have all of these.
Are you still missing anything?
Nnr 0318-6601-5811 SV: 3648
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
Quoted By:
>>17110322 I can get you a Kricketot or a Cherubi.
Tefra/Sara 5172-0944-8064
Quoted By:
i got these, interested? darumaka finneon phione tynamo yamask
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17110503 Adding!
>>17110518 Nope. As long as everyone I just added comes through, I've got them all. Thanks though.
Victoria 0662 - 3977 - 7376
I have a 5IV Modest Snorunt, if that's anything? I just got into IV breeding, so it's my first 5IV Pokemon, and it took ages. I could really use a Ditto to speed things up a bit.
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:35:13 No. 17110556 Report Quoted By:
for pokedex completion i have rattata, darumaka,yamask and misdreavus (dont know the ivs though) are you interested?
Zach | 2921-9098-5421
Quoted By:
What about a cottonee?
Cory 5455-9508-7974
Quoted By:
I have a Feebas and Milotic. I also have Beheeyem, Misdreavus, Persian, Frillish, Eelektrik.
Thom 4914-3743-1972
Quoted By:
>>17110549 Ah balls.
Let me know if anyone doesn't come though and I'll breed you whatever you missed.
michael 0473-8901-0700
Quoted By:
>>17110549 Wes/OP, I got a 5IV Fennekin or 5IV Larvitar for a Ditto.
Victoria 0662 - 3977 - 7376
Quoted By:
>>17110553 Also got Fineon, Cherubi and Feebas.
Zach | 2921-9098-5421
Quoted By:
5IV'd Perfect Joltik with Compoundeyes
Sand 4081-5617-4183 (Girafarig, Wobbuffet, Abra)
Sand 4081-5617-4183 (Girafarig, Wobbuffet, Abra) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:37:55 No. 17110619 Report Quoted By:
>>17110549 Yamask, Phione, Cottonee..?
Alice 4957-3532-4564
Quoted By:
>>17109904 I have a shiny Relicanth
Álex 1461-6315-2941
Taelos 3411-1902-0208 Ghost (Golurk, Shuppet, Phantump)
Taelos 3411-1902-0208 Ghost (Golurk, Shuppet, Phantump) Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:39:12 No. 17110649 Report Quoted By:
Gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>17110549 Anything else you want specifically op?
Izix 3797-7218-3175
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle]
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle] Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:42:58 No. 17110722 Report Quoted By:
>>17109904 Would OP like a shiny shinx?
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17110655 Nah, unfortunately. There's not too much I can't get at this point, besides the event legendaries. I'm going to give this Cherubi person another minute to add me then I'll find someone else.
>>17110674 np, enjoy.
Quoted By:
>>17110190 Really, because he gave me one for a deerling yesterday.
Victoria 0662 - 3977 - 7376
Quoted By:
>>17110724 I have a Cherubi if you'd like OP.
Kumo 0061-0902-7291
>>17110724 I added you already
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
>>17110724 Wait, did someone already give you Kricketot?
Gally - 1392 4435 7772
Quoted By:
>>17110724 I can give you a Cherubi now.
Max 5343-8988-0959
Quoted By:
OP anything here you would like? Shieldon, kabuto, klang, misdreavous, drifbloom, feebas, chansey, pawniard Don't have much because every single fuck on gts asks for a legendary for any bankmon :( And I needed that ditto to start breeding like a maniac
Nathan - 0688-5723-8264
Quoted By:
>>17110724 Shiny Dragonite here, you ready for the trade or what?
Pascal 4828-4342-6987
Quoted By:
Are you interested in a shiny Jolly Zangoose with Toxic Boost or a shiny Timid Eevee with Anticipation, OP? Both 4IV.
Ant 3609-1397-3658 !8d.iJVCru6
Nomad 242330941378
Quoted By:
>>17109904 i have a couple of 3-4 iv adamant mariils with the egg moves belly drum and aqua jet
Bread 0748-2754-7056
Quoted By:
Welp reading the posts here I got nothing to offer unless I suddenly discover a box of shiny Genesects. :(
Quoted By:
4IV Jolly Chimchar with Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Fake Out, and Quick Guard.
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17110753 Shit, might've been someone else. I'll add you.
>>17110763 Nope. I was waiting for you to add me lol.
>>17110190 sorry bud. didn't get it from here xD XD kys
Quoted By:
>>17109904 interested in 5iv naive bagon?
Bob 2294-4361-3939
Quoted By:
added, have some shinies and perfect IV's
Dima 4313-1009-7656
Quoted By:
have a stantler, bouffalant, slaking, sawsbuck and every other nonlegend bankmon just say what you want and you will get it
Quoted By:
>>17110831 0345-0724-5195 FC ingame shikasan
Cyndaquil ?
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
>>17110831 Sorry, haha. I just wanted to get a few good IVs on it for you. Just need to hatch the egg now; won't be long.
I have Baltoy, Cherubi, Meowth and Porygon. I also have 5 IV Vullaby with Egg Moves that I bred a couple weeks ago. Let me know if you want any of those, I could really use the Ditto.
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17110911 Don't worry about it. Just send me whatever one you have.
>>17110941 I'll take the Vullaby. What's your FC and IGN?
Victoria 0662 - 3977 - 7376
Version exclusives, perhaps OP? I have these form X: Stayu Pinsir Houndour Aaron Lileep Swirlix And i play Y myself.
Kumo 0061-0902-7291
Quoted By:
Thanks a ton OP
Nathan - 0688-5723-8264
Uhhh, I added you already. Did you add me?
Rafa - 4613-7619-5355
>>17110968 Sorry, forgot the namefield.
Added you.
The Vullaby is Impish and 31/31/31/x/31/31 with Foul Play/Knock Off/Roost/Leer in a Quick Ball btw.
michael 0473-8901-0700
Quoted By:
>>17110977 I got a 5iv Fennekin and 5iv larvitar with 4 egg moves, anything you like?
Dima 4313-1009-7656
Quoted By:
i can give you a perfect 6 iv larvitar with egg moves or a 6 iv ghastly
Maxim 2793 1128 1451
>>17110968 I don't have much to offer besides a tynamo, totadile, shiny khangaskan and other random Mons but a ditto would really help
suzie 4725-7948-6526
Quoted By:
Op if you still need i have castform for ditto.
michael 0473-8901-0700
Quoted By:
>>17110968 I got 5IV Fennekin and 5IV larvitar with egg moves. Would you like one, kind sir?
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17111010 What are you talking about? If you;re talking about the Dragonite, I don't want it, and I never responded to you kys
>>17111016 Sounds great.
Nomad 242330941378
Quoted By:
>>17111051 what do you want for the totodile?
Cory 5455-9508-7974
Quoted By:
I have uhhh Lv 100 Shiny Lugia Ho-oh Rayquaza, Groudon, Kyogre Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Landorus, Thunderous Kyruem
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle]
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle] Fri 03 Jan 2014 21:57:26 No. 17111115 Report Quoted By:
>>17110968 I'v got 5IV Arcanine, magikarp, delibird
4IV Noibat, Goomy,
31/31/31/31/31/30 Honedge
James 3652-0643-0302
Quoted By:
>>17109904 6IV Timid Electrike?
Nathan - 0688-5723-8264
>>17111087 Oops, sorry. For the longest time I thought you responded to me.
Quoted By:
>>17109904 i have a 5IV rotom (bold)
suzie 4725-7948-6526
Quoted By:
5iv litwick buneary or a castform for dito?
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17111143 nah. thought you were trying to jew me out of one lol. i'll give one to you anyways. :^)
Rafa - 4613-7619-5355
Quoted By:
>>17111087 And done.
Thanks man, enjoy the little vulture and thanks a lot for the Ditto!
>>17111183 If you still have anymore left, OP< I would be eternally grateful.
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17111253 I'll add you. Just surprise me with something.
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:04:08 No. 17111295 Report Quoted By:
>>17111183 i've got darumaka, rattata, yamask, misdreavus and shinx, for your pokedex, are you interested?
Victoria 0662 - 3977 - 7376
Quoted By:
A mega stone from Y, maybe?
Maxim 2793 1128 1451
>>17111183 Forgot to mention the totadile has perfect attack, speed, and HP IVs with dragon dance, ice punch, and aqua jet
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:05:14 No. 17111315 Report >>17111294 add me too man, i really need this ditto =( i can give you some 5ivs mons
0473-8901-0700 michael
>>17111294 OP, do you got a Ditto left after this? I'd really like one, you're a saint.
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle]
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle] Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:05:47 No. 17111329 Report >>17111294 I'd love one OP. I'm dying over here
Quoted By:
>>17111294 Thank you! adding now.
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17111315 >>17111318 >>17111329 Since there's nothing else I need, I'll add you guys. Something decent would be cool, but don't really care.
Bread 0748-2754-7056
Just gonna go right out there and politely ask for one seeing as I can't compete with these 5 IV rare pokes.
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:07:21 No. 17111371 Report Quoted By:
>>17111352 ty man, i love you :3
Rural :1907-9692-6321 (shuckle nosepass corsola)
Rural :1907-9692-6321 (shuckle nosepass corsola) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:07:23 No. 17111372 Report >>17111352 Can i get in on this?
Shoe 0602-6282-2562
>>17111294 do you think i could have one? i would really appreciate it :-)
James 3652-0643-0302
>>17111352 O O OP
Please add me too! Can give you a shone.
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle]
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle] Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:07:57 No. 17111388 Report Quoted By:
>>17111352 I love you.....
Alex 1392-5257-2231 (Electabuzz/Luxio/Pachirisu)
Alex 1392-5257-2231 (Electabuzz/Luxio/Pachirisu) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:08:27 No. 17111400 Report c-can I get one OP? I have 5ivs: gastly w/ disable, absol w/ play rough, furfrou, scatterbug, ralts w/ destiny bond, confuse ray, disable and encore, roselia w/sleep powder, leaf storm, giga drain, shellder w/ icicle spear, rock blast, rapid spin and mud shot, mienfoo w/ knock off, dedenne and cottonee w/ encore and switcheroo
Cory 5455-9508-7974
Please tell me you'd be interested in a Shiny Talonflame Adamant Gale Wings 31/31/31/X/31/31 It's the best I got =(
Victoria 0662 - 3977 - 7376
Quoted By:
>>17111294 OP, seriously.. I need this.
Quoted By:
>>17111352 0345-0724-5195 FC
awesome reward if you do.
Tefra/Sara 5172-0944-8064
>>17111352 i 'd love you forever for one. i got some 5iv mons
Quoted By:
>>17111352 OP is not a faggot, OP is best OP
Many thanks!
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17111356 >>17111372 >>17111376 >>17111384 >>17111404 >>17111400 yep. give me a minute to add everyone. send me the trade requests!
Can i have one Ditto? i Can give to you a 5IV Typlosion EV trained with 6 Ribbons and some bankmons.
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:09:43 No. 17111438 Report Quoted By:
>>17111424 added, whats your IGN?
0473-8901-0700 michael
Quoted By:
>>17111424 Is your IGN wes?
Quoted By:
>>17109904 May I please have one OP?
Maxim 2793 1128 1451
Quoted By:
>>17111352 Did you see my offer op?
Evan 2019-9721-4480
Quoted By:
>>17109904 Would I be able to get one OP? I can give you a shiny adamant tyranitar in exchange.
Nox:1478-4411-6879 [Electric] Luxio, Stunfisk, Emolga.
Nox:1478-4411-6879 [Electric] Luxio, Stunfisk, Emolga. Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:10:42 No. 17111462 Report Quoted By:
Some BP item or 5IV mons? Got some 5IV Rhyhorn/Gastly/gibble/deino. Or egg move stuff like painsplit duskull/elemental punches elekid?
Nomad 242330941378
>>17111372 >>17111311 can i add you for friend safari?
>>17111311 ill trade you something for that totodile
i have a few 4-5 iv adamant marrils with egg moves if intrested
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
Quoted By:
>>17111424 Your Kricketot's ready and I've added you!
Rural :1907-9692-6321 (shuckle nosepass corsola)
Rural :1907-9692-6321 (shuckle nosepass corsola) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:12:19 No. 17111502 Report Quoted By:
Petri 4914 - 3940 - 0569 (Corsola, Shuckle, Dwebble)
Petri 4914 - 3940 - 0569 (Corsola, Shuckle, Dwebble) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:12:44 No. 17111510 Report Quoted By:
Would appreciate one too, please. Been looking for a while and this seems like my best shot at it. I have nothing special to offer apart from the 6IV Adamant Inkay /w Contrary and 5IV Adamant Swinub /w Icicle Crash + Thick Fat that I mentioned above. thanks for the generosity anyway!
suzie 4725-7948-6526
Quoted By:
If you can give blme a ditto I would appreciate it very much since i dont have access to a ditto safari. Offering shiny shedninja sudowoodo castform luxi, thanks.
Jay 2809-8512-1806
Quoted By:
OP, I would pretty much suck your dick for one of your dittos. I have a few 5 IVers you can pick from if you'd like one. Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan 31/31/31/x/31/31 Timid Larvesta 31/x/31/31/31/31 Jolly SB Torchic 31/31/31/x/31/31
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
I have a bunch of 5 IV relaxed Ferrothorns with Stealth Rock, Spikes and Leach Seed
Caleb 2809-8865-1962 {2259}
Quoted By:
5iv mareep, no attack because confusion
3067 5397 5309
Quoted By:
Op would you take a 5 IV gooey goomy, close combat/auivk attack pinsir, modest protean froakiw?? Op please respond :;_;
Alex 1392-5257-2231 (Electabuzz/Luxio/Pachirisu)
Alex 1392-5257-2231 (Electabuzz/Luxio/Pachirisu) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:16:29 No. 17111602 Report >>17111424 thanks anyway, OP, I have to leave for an appointment. can I try again later? :(
Leon 5241-2253-5145
Quoted By:
OP, thanks for sharing your dittos with /vp/. I dont need one but I just want to say that what you're doing is a cool thing to do.
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:17:00 No. 17111615 Report Quoted By:
>>17111352 plz dont forget me OP
Wes 5086-1922-4817
I'll add everyone above this post. I still have to trade 6 or so more people, then add you guys. It's gonna be a few, but I'll get to you guys. Again, something decent would be cool, but it's not required.
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:18:45 No. 17111651 Report Quoted By:
>>17111623 im trying to trade with you but seems that some people are faster then me xD
Christoph 2423 2167 3728 (Spearow, Swanna, Rufflet)
Christoph 2423 2167 3728 (Spearow, Swanna, Rufflet) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:19:11 No. 17111664 Report Quoted By:
>>17111623 FUCK. Am I too late? Can I get one too?
Quoted By:
>>17111434 >>17111623 IGN- Vinicius FC- 5129-1799-2239
Quoted By:
I have a Adamant Latios lvl100, japanese. Are you interested or can I get one for free? :3 Thanks
suzie 4725-7948-6526
Quoted By:
>>17111623 Ok adding Thank you. I'll give you my shiny speed boost shedninja unless you want something else.
Christoph 2423 2167 3728 (Spearow, Swanna, Rufflet)
Christoph 2423 2167 3728 (Spearow, Swanna, Rufflet) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:21:05 No. 17111702 Report >>17111623 I'm way near the top? You add me?
Post for proof:
>>17110052 Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17111602 yep. Just send me a trade request if yuou see me online.
I have about 15 left, so I'm going to be running out soon. I'll add everyone above this post too. I THINK I'll have enough.
River 1762-4103-7368
Quoted By:
I'll give you a 5 iv mon if i can get one op
Shoe 0602-6282-2562
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin)
IGN - Joao FC - 0705-3630-5797 (pansage, petilil, quilladin) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:21:45 No. 17111716 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Hi! I can give you 5 ivs Beldum, 4ivs Darumaka and Mudkip :D Hope you want one!
Richard 3325-2450-7306
Quoted By:
>>17111623 Oh man is it too late?
I see someone already offered you a shellder but maybe you didn't choose it
I can give you one with 5iv jolly rock blast and skill link
Suyash 1719-3642-0792 - SV: 3785 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Braixen) !VzUktWYlOs
Suyash 1719-3642-0792 - SV: 3785 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Braixen) !VzUktWYlOs Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:22:43 No. 17111749 Report Quoted By:
>>17111704 Damn, that sucks. I was too late, as usual. *insert may-may here)
Tefra/Sara 5172-0944-8064
>>17111623 >>17111623 >>17111416 OP is love, OP is life. do you have need for HA treecko or want something else?
NeeNome - 2294-4165-7387
>>17111704 It would help me so much with my breeding, I can only offer a Jolly 6 IV Totodile with DD and crunch or 5 IV Modest Riolu with Vacuum wave.
Maxim 2793 1128 1451
Quoted By:
>>17111486 Add me nomad
>>17111704 Hopefully you can get to me op so I can some Mons to destroy my friends
Bread 0748-2754-7056
Quoted By:
>>17111424 Thanks Wes! legend!
Quoted By:
Here's what i can offer OP 5 IV Gastly 5 IV Riolu Shiny Vanillite
NeeNome - 2294-4165-7387
Quoted By:
>>17111764 I also have an omanyte as well as a feebas to trade.
Ricky 0920 0942 8643
Quoted By:
>>17111704 Add me if you have one to spare OP, i would love one
Quoted By:
>>17111704 If you happen to have any left, would you take an HA shiny gligar for one? I would REALLY appreciate it, as it would help with my breeding so much.
steve 2208-5682-1883
>>17111704 Hey man I got a 5 iv chimchar with iron fist, thunder/fire punch. If you gave me one of these dittos id be eternally grateful and I'll give a homeless person 5 bucks so do it for the homeless atleast
suzie 4725-7948-6526
Quoted By:
>>17111704 I added you already, Wes my ign is Suzanne. I hope you'll still have one left. Thank you.
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
>>17111623 tried adding but no response
Quoted By:
>>17110322 I'm pretty sure you're gone but I have a castform I'm willing to trade. I really want a 6IV ditto.
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17111754 Definitely not going to get everyone who posted. I have 11 left. I'll probably get everyone who was before my most recent post, but can't guarantee it.
Evan 2019-9721-4480
Quoted By:
>>17111623 THANK YOU BASED WES, I greatly appreciate it!
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
>>17112071 I was before you posted two posts ago, any way i can get an add back?
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17112113 If you posted your FC, I probably could've gotten ya. Might be too late, but post it anyways just in case.
steve 2208-5682-1883
Quoted By:
>>17112071 I wilk seriously give you that chimchar mentioned here
>>17111931 Also I will give a homeless child 10 bucks and dont say I can't find one because I know where to look
suzie 4725-7948-6526
Quoted By:
>>17112071 ok I'm online now ready when you are.
Quoted By:
super base op.
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
>>17112071 OP!!! ;_;
please add back. I posted 2 posts before yours
Quoted By:
>>17112132 5129-1799-2239
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17112129 >giving away perfect dittos >jewing top kek
>>17112152 still trading with people. going to add the next set in a few.
Ricky 0920 0942 8643
Quoted By:
>>17112071 If you got mine i'll be online, already added you
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
Quoted By:
Thanks a bunch OP. You're a saint.
Quoted By:
>>17112173 Ok OP alred added
Quoted By:
>>17109904 I just need one to breed a shiny eevee for my gfs birthday I looked for trades but they all ask zapdos and shit on gts I can't offer you anything of use to be honest
worstje 2809-8883-9704
Nox:1478-4411-6879 [Electric] Luxio, Stunfisk, Emolga.
Nox:1478-4411-6879 [Electric] Luxio, Stunfisk, Emolga. Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:42:59 No. 17112219 Report Quoted By:
>>17112173 We go now LIVE, to OP's thread.
steve 2208-5682-1883
Quoted By:
>>17112173 Ok I didn't want to have to resort to this but I will give a homeless crippled child 15 dollars for a ditto and the chimchar but I think the homeless aspect is far more important to you
Suyash 1719-3642-0792 - SV: 3785 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Braixen) !VzUktWYlOs
Suyash 1719-3642-0792 - SV: 3785 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Braixen) !VzUktWYlOs Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:43:07 No. 17112224 Report Quoted By:
>>17112173 Next set? There's still hope? Anyway, I added you millennia ago.
Max 5343-8988-0959
Quoted By:
If you could add me OP I would be forever grateful
Tim (5000-3016-9922)
Quoted By:
>>17109904 I have a Shiny Chansey with perfect Ivs in Def and Special Defense.
Jeff 0920-0809-0241 (Electric: ??? / ??? / Zebstrika)
Jeff 0920-0809-0241 (Electric: ??? / ??? / Zebstrika) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:45:17 No. 17112274 Report Quoted By:
I'd love one of those foreign Dittos. I'm currently breeding Hawluchas, and one of these would be PERFECT. I don't have much though. I can offer one of the other Hawluchas, but other than that, I'm not sure what you would want, OP.
barrett 2809-8899-5654 Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius
barrett 2809-8899-5654 Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:45:32 No. 17112282 Report Quoted By:
I can offer a jolly 5 IV Dratini with Extreme Speed/Aqua Jet/Iron Tail/Dragon Dance or an adamant 5IV Gible Outrage/Iron Tail/Sandstorm.
Petri 4914 - 3940 - 0569 (Corsola, Shuckle, Dwebble)
Petri 4914 - 3940 - 0569 (Corsola, Shuckle, Dwebble) Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:46:22 No. 17112297 Report Quoted By:
Huge thanks to you, OP! Made my day!
Quoted By:
>>17112173 Thanks a lot Wes, you officially made my day!
suzie 4725-7948-6526
Should i wait for you to be done trading or send a trade request? Wes?
Suyash 1719-3642-0792 - SV: 3785 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Braixen) !VzUktWYlOs
Suyash 1719-3642-0792 - SV: 3785 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Braixen) !VzUktWYlOs Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:48:27 No. 17112345 Report Quoted By:
>>17112173 OP, a shiny Ditto would absolutely make my day. I'd even give you a shiny Larvesta or Trevenant!
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17112328 Send me one. I think I have you added already.
I have three left. If I'm done trading this set, I'll go through the posts and just find two to add.
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee]
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee] Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:50:47 No. 17112397 Report Quoted By:
>>17109904 op do you have any 6iv jap dittos left? does anyone? i dont have much. i think i havea heatran, rayquaza and a shiny gyarados. not too much to offer.
Quoted By:
>>17112390 ;_; still wiating for OP add me
Max 5343-8988-0959
Quoted By:
>>17112390 Add me bro been here for a while posting pokes that you dont seem to care about :(
>>17109904 I have all starters, feebas, porygon, Phione, 5IV Absols, and some others
Jay 2809-8512-1806
Quoted By:
Hey Wes, I was in the range of posts to trade with you. Can't see you online at all. Did you add me?
Tefra/Sara 5172-0944-8064
Quoted By:
Thanks a million OP!
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee]
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee] Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:51:50 No. 17112432 Report Quoted By:
>>17112390 can i have one? i dont have muh to offer though. i have extra 5 iv axews
Quoted By:
well, if you have more, call me O.o
worstje 2809-8883-9704
Quoted By:
>>17112390 I added you , can you check if its possible to trade me one?
Quoted By:
>>17112421 forgot friend code
[2921-9277-2633] (Shelgon/Gabite/Druddigon) Anonymous Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:52:43 No. 17112480 Report Quoted By:
>>17109904 5IV Gengar?
Any starter (any gen)?
Eternal Love and Devotion?
Quoted By:
Well this thread was a complete fucking waste of time. Fucking lying faggot
steve 2208-5682-1883
Quoted By:
>>17112390 Ok final offer 20 bucks to a sick crippled white homeless girl amd her pet dog.
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
>>17112390 please op. I posted without my name when you announced you'll add everyone above your post. god op I'll love you man. so smdesperate for this
Quoted By:
I am Japanese so my English is poor... sorry. I have Japanese 6V Ditto made in BW. I want to replace my 6V Ditto and your not jap 6V Ditto in XY. My friend code is "2406-6042-8292". Before trading, I am going to check your Ditto's status.
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee]
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee] Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:54:33 No. 17112527 Report Quoted By:
>>17112498 well with so many people rushing in to get the last few dittos, looks like my chances are gone.
just wanted to breed a good one of these
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17111702 >>17112152 Adding. You get the last two (as long as no one else still needed to trade me, so once you see me on, send the trade).
Those are my last two, guys. I might be back again, depending on if I can get cloning down more consistently. Hope you guys enjoyed.
barrett 2809-8899-5654 Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius
barrett 2809-8899-5654 Spearow/Hoothoot/Tropius Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:55:41 No. 17112558 Report Quoted By:
Max 5343-8988-0959
Oh well another ditto thread that I failed :(
suzie 4725-7948-6526
>>17112390 Omg thank you so much wes youre the best. I really appreciate this since I cant find people with ditto safari. OP is life.
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee]
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee] Fri 03 Jan 2014 22:57:09 No. 17112596 Report Quoted By:
>>17112540 well damn
anyone else able to clone and possible give me one or trade for a rayquaza/heatran/shiny gyarados?
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Quoted By:
>>17112540 GOD OP. I fucking love you man. thanks so much.
worstje 2809-8883-9704
Quoted By:
>>17112540 more luck next time I guess
Wes 5086-1922-4817
>>17112581 I'll add you if you're still here. Looks like Christopher isn't online. I'll give him another minute or so.
>>17112685 lol, christopher reads this and freaks the fuck out
threatens to murder his first born son if he doesn't get this last ditto
Max 5343-8988-0959
Quoted By:
>>17112685 I am bro, I am :D
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee]
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee] Fri 03 Jan 2014 23:03:33 No. 17112731 Report Quoted By:
>>17112685 could you add me? i added you
Wes 5086-1922-4817
Quoted By:
>>17112713 yep, lol. sorry bud, ya missed your chance.
i'm all out now.
steve 2208-5682-1883
Quoted By:
>>17112685 But but I'm going to give a homeless person money for this ditto A WHITE PERSON
Max 5343-8988-0959
>>17112685 Bro, I was loosing OP to the community for only asking for hacked legendarys and shit, but you proved me wrong, thank you very much.
Quoted By:
RIP christopher he hanged himself :( meanwhile Max met a cute girl and got a promotion at work :)
Phillip 0447-6304-7363 (Kecleon, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Phillip 0447-6304-7363 (Kecleon, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Fri 03 Jan 2014 23:06:43 No. 17112800 Report Quoted By:
>>17109904 Got a phione, shiny abra and some 4IV bred pokes like HA Shroomish, HA Larvitar, HA Chespin, and Totodile
Max 5343-8988-0959
FaZe Leeb (3110-5124-0696)
>>17109904 I have a few 5iv shinx's and a 5iv espurr with hidden ability.
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee]
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee] Fri 03 Jan 2014 23:12:33 No. 17112939 Report >>17112929 hes all out of ditto
FaZe Leeb (3110-5124-0696)
>>17112939 well that sucks, guess I'll get better luck next time.
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee]
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee] Fri 03 Jan 2014 23:14:03 No. 17112971 Report Quoted By:
Chin Chin 0147-0092-1768 (Slugma, Braixen, ???)
Chin Chin 0147-0092-1768 (Slugma, Braixen, ???) Fri 03 Jan 2014 23:35:00 No. 17113505 Report Quoted By:
>>17109904 I will give a Shiny Chesnaught or shiny Drifblim for that shiny ditto!
Zarion 4570-7997-6456
Quoted By:
For a 6 IV Ditto I can offer: Egg move Scyther Egg move Buneary, has the 3 punches Cottonee with egg moves All out of Yamask, but I can breed. Can also breed Feebas with egg moves of course
4725 8208 2402 - Raikoo
Quoted By:
>>17109904 best i have is a shiny politoed, may i have a ditto based OP?
Zarion 4570-7997-6456
Quoted By:
Also got shiny Magikarp and Shiny Inkay if you're interested.
Tyrfing Y 0619 - 4673 - 8670
Quoted By:
>>17109904 Not sure if it's too late to get one of these things, but I have some 5iv Marills with Super, Body Slam, Belly Drum, and Aqua Jet. The IV they're usually missing are either Sp. Def or Speed.