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Pokemon XY letdown

No.17117824 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just finished X, and holy shit that story was disappointing. You battle Team Flare two times in warehouses, for reasons that either aren't explained or are just fucking stupid (saving electricity money). And then all of the sudden, Lysandre just goes into genocide mode out of no where. When you defeat him, he just says "beat all the people in the warehouse lol", and then you just let him slowly walk into a fucking elevator and fly off. When you finally get into their base, they somehow not only trapped this 3000 year old king in a prison, but also already caught the legendary. There could have been a whole section of the plot around these two, but instead it's just "we already caught them off-camera lel". Speaking of the legendary, that was just stupid. Almost no backstory is given to the legendary, and you only see it for thirty seconds before throwing a quickball or masterball at it. It seems like it might as well have not have been there, it was so pointless.

The way that Team Flare is destroyed was so stupid, that I was almost completely sure that the team would pop up again during the Elite 4. Especially when I saw that there was a member of the villain team on the Elite fucking 4. When I saw that, I thought "oh yeah, shit is about to go down". But, you guessed it, it was fucking nothing. I couldn't believe that they did nothing with that. Then, in a last bit of hopelessness, I thought that something big would happen at the Yavin ceremony. But all that happened was that AZ appeared, battles you with three Pokemon that could be one-hit KO'd, and then his Pokemon just came magically out of the sky and it was over. This is a King that, after killing everyone, walked the Earth for 3000 years, and he is only on the screen for less than ten minutes.

I guess I shouldn't say that the story was shitty, but rather that there was so much build up, and everything just ended up being nothing. It felt like a Stephen King story, but with the good middle parts.